Downloading Excel file via aurelia-http-client - aurelia

I am working on a task, in which I have to download a report in xlsx format. The report file is generated successfully from server, and is received on client side (aurelia-http-client) as well but I don't know how to go further with downloading.

I would do something like in this answer
... that would end up in something like a response interceptor in Aurelia like this:
response(message) {
var defaultFileName = "default.txt";
var disposition = message.headers.headers['content-disposition']?message.headers.headers['content-disposition']:message.headers.headers['Content-Disposition'];
if (disposition) {
var match = disposition.match(/.*filename=\"?([^;\"]+)\"?.*/);
if (match[1])
defaultFileName = match[1];
defaultFileName = defaultFileName.replace(/[<>:"\/\\|?*]+/g, '_');
if (navigator.msSaveBlob)
return navigator.msSaveBlob(message.response, defaultFileName);
var blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(message.response);
var anchor = document.createElement('a'); = defaultFileName;
anchor.href = blobUrl;

I used the downloadjs library. Install the library, add it to your aurelia.json and then add
import * as download from 'downloadjs'
Then write your code as follows:
.then((response: Response) => response.blob())
.then((blob: Blob) => download(blob, 'filename.extension', 'mime type of the file'));
And voila, your file will be downloaded.

Helo with .withInterceptor() was generated errors in the response, change it to fix the error in no responce and unload multiple files simultaneously.
getLogsCsv(param) {
this.http.configure(config => {
return this.http.get("/admin/api/logs" + param)
.then(response => {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var defaultFileName = "FileName.csv";
var blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(response.response);
var anchor = document.createElement('a'); = defaultFileName;
anchor.href = blobUrl;
return response.content;
} else {
console.log('response was not ok.');
.catch(error => {


Getting "spc message cannot be null" as response

Getting "spc message cannot be null" as response every time while providing implementation of Shaka player to play fairplay content on safari browser.Tried many ways to provide spc message in body and header also and we are actually sending it that i can see in network tab nut still cant find a solution. Here is the code below.
if (this.platform.getBrowserPlatform() === Constants.PLATFORMS.SAFARI_WEB) {
drm: {
servers: {
'': `${this.config.baseUrl}${Constants.DRM_FAIRPLAY_LICENSE}`,
advanced: {
'': {
serverCertificate: cert,
let that = this //,licenseUri;
this.shakaPlayer.configure('drm.initDataTransform', (initData) => {
const skdUri = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromBytesAutoDetect(initData);
var contentId = skdUri.substring(skdUri.indexOf('skd://') + 6);
// licenseUri = skdUri.replace('skd://', 'https://');
const url = new URL(contentId);
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const cert = that.shakaPlayer.drmInfo().serverCertificate;
let id = urlParams.get('contentId'); = id;
return shaka.util.FairPlayUtils.initDataTransform(initData, id, cert);
// let skdUrl = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromBytesAutoDetect(initData);
// licenseUri = skdUrl.replace('skd://', 'https://');
// const cert = that.shakaPlayer.drmInfo().serverCertificate;
// return shaka.util.FairPlayUtils.initDataTransform(initData, licenseUri, cert);
this.shakaPlayer.getNetworkingEngine().registerRequestFilter((type, request) => {
if (type != {
let token = localStorage.getItem('auth');
let testToken = JSON.parse(token);
const originalPayload = new Uint8Array(request.body);
const base64Payload = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.toBase64(originalPayload);
const params = `{ "spc": "${base64Payload}", "assetId":"${}"}`;
request.body = shaka.util.StringUtils.toUTF8(params);
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
request.headers['Authorization'] = `JWT ${testToken.access_token}`
console.log("request.body", request.body)
this.shakaPlayer.getNetworkingEngine().registerResponseFilter((type, response) => {
if (type != {
console.log("license passed")
let responseText = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromUTF8(;
responseText = responseText.trim();
if (responseText.substr(0, 5) === '<ckc>' &&
responseText.substr(-6) === '</ckc>') {
responseText = responseText.slice(5, -6);
} = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.fromBase64(responseText).buffer;
this.shakaPlayer.load(this.getProgramUrl(channel, program, restart)).then(() => {
console.log('1', this.shakaPlayer.isTextTrackVisible());
console.log('2', this.shakaPlayer.getTextTracks());
console.log('3', this.shakaPlayer.getTextLanguages());
}).catch((error) => {
Smooth play of fairplay content on safari or some advise what can i do in this case

How to assert the values in a downloaded file using Cypress

I am downloading a zip file which has a json zipped. Using cy.readfile, I am able to read the content but I am not sure what commands can be used to assert on the values inside.
(Please let me know if there is a way to unzip the file before reading)
I need to verify I have 3 objectids present in the json and also some values of the elements.
I tried the below approach, but it did not work.
The above command did not work for me :(
Could someone help me with some examples? I am new to cypress and coding,therefore struggling a little.
You can change the download folder in every test case!!
Look into your index.js in -> cypress -> plugins -> index.js and write this :
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('before:browser:launch', (browser, options) => {
const downloadDirectory = 'C:\\downloads\\'; // this is the path you want to download
options.preferences.default['download'] = { default_directory: downloadDirectory };
return options;
Do it like this
.then((data) => {
// you can write whatever assertions you want on data
You can put debugger as above and logs to check what data contains and then assert
Use this link to know about available assertions
So here is the approach I am following.It is quite lengthy, but still posting as it might be helpful for someone.Please comment if you have any suggestions for improvements here.
I am using npm-unzipper to unzip the downloaded file.
Step 1: $ npm install unzipper
Step 2:In plugins > index.js
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const osplatform = os.platform();
const unzipper = require('unzipper');
const userName = os.userInfo().username;
let downloadPath =`/${userName}/Downloads/`;
if (osplatform == 'win32'){
downloadPath = `/Users/${userName}/Downloads/`;
on('task', {
extractzip(zipname) {
const zipPath = downloadPath + zipname;
if (fs.existsSync(zipPath)) {
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(zipPath);
readStream.pipe(unzipper.Extract({path: `${downloadPath}`}));
const jsonname = 'testfile.json'
const jsonPath = downloadPath + jsonname;
return jsonPath;
console.error('file not downloaded')
return null;
Step 3:support > commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('comparefiles', { prevSubject: false }, (subject, options = {}) => {
cy.task('extractzip', '').then((jsonPath) => {
cy.fixture('export.json').then((comparefile) => {
cy.readFile(jsonPath).then((exportedfile) => {
var exported_objectinfo = exportedfile.objectInfo;
var compare_objectinfo = comparefile.objectInfo;
var exported_metaInfo = exportedfile.metaInfo;
var compare_metaInfo = comparefile.metaInfo;
Step 4: specs > exportandcompare.js

Discord.JS Purge.js command issue

Ok so my bot got rebuilt with a somewhat different code.
I'm using a somewhat more simplified fs command and events handler. My command works as intended.
But I'm wanting to add the amount pruned into the fields for the richEmbed and it keeps erroring out.
Here is my purge.js file
const Discord = require('discord.js')
module.exports = {
name: 'purge',
description: 'Purge up to 99 messages.',
execute(message, args) {
console.log("purging messages")
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setFooter("Guardian", "")
.addField("Bot Messages Purged", "missing code here", false)
.addField("User Pins Purged", "missing code here", false)
.addField("User Messages Purged", "missing code here", false)
.addField("Total Messages Purged", "missing code here", false){ embed });
const amount = parseInt(args[0]) + 1;
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return message.reply('that doesn\'t seem to be a valid number.');
} else if (amount <= 1 || amount > 100) {
return message.reply('you need to input a number between 1 and 99.');
}, true).catch(err => {
console.error(err);'there was an error trying to prune messages in this channel!');
If it helps this i my index.js
const fs = require('fs');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { token } = require('./token.json');
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(, command);
fs.readdir('./events/', (err, files) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
files.forEach(file => {
if(!file.endsWith('.js')) return;
const eventFunction = require(`./events/${file}`);
and this is my message.js
const { prefix } = require('./prefix.json');
module.exports = {
name: 'message',
description: '',
execute:function(client) {
client.on('message',message => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (!client.commands.has(command)) return;
try {
client.commands.get(command).execute(message, args);
} catch (error) {
message.reply('there was an error trying to execute that command!');
Basically I'm trying to figure out what to place into the "missing code here" sections. Also any way to lock it to people with Administrator permissions only would be useful as well. I attempted that but it failed to work with the embed.
If I understand you right you want to know how to get the amount of the purged pins, bot msgs and user msgs. For this you need to put your embed after you deleted the messages.
const Discord = require('discord.js')
module.exports = {
name: 'purge',
description: 'Purge up to 99 messages.',
execute(message, args) {
console.log("purging messages")
const amount = parseInt(args[0]) + 1;
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return message.reply('that doesn\'t seem to be a valid number.');
} else if (amount <= 1 || amount > 100) {
return message.reply('you need to input a number between 1 and 99.');
}, true).then(deletedMessages => {
// Filter the deleted messages with .filter()
var botMessages = deletedMessages.filter(m =>;
var userPins = deletedMessages.filter(m => m.pinned);
var userMessages = deletedMessages.filter(m => !;
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setFooter("Guardian", "")
.addField("Bot Messages Purged", botMessages.size, false)
.addField("User Pins Purged", userPins.size, false)
.addField("User Messages Purged", userMessages.size, false)
.addField("Total Messages Purged", deletedMessages.size, false);;
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err);'there was an error trying to prune messages in this channel!');

Ionic 4 Image upload using Angular HTTP

I use Ionic 4 and Angular 7 with PHP as Back-end.
I am trying to upload files (images/videos/PDFs/audio).
Is there a general way to send it.
I tried to send image using camera plugin it returns the URI and it works on the app using img tag.
But I can't get the file it self to send it using formData
openCamera() {
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 100,
}; => {
this.imageData = imageData;
this.image = (<any>window).Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(imageData);
// this.image works fine in img tag
}, (err) => {
// Handle error
alert('error ' + JSON.stringify(err));
sendMsg(file?) {
const data = new FormData();
data.set('group_id', this.groupId);
data.set('text', this.msg);
if (file) {
data.set('file', this.image);
data.set('text', '');
res => {
console.log('res ', res);
if (res.success === true) {
console.log('data added ', res);
I want the use the URI to get the actual file
Ionic Native plugin will return only base64. As per your question, you need to convert formdata. so, You need to convert base64 to formdata externally.
dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
// convert base64/URLEncoded data component to raw binary data held in a string
var byteString;
if (dataURI.split(',')[0].indexOf('base64') >= 0)
byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
byteString = unescape(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];
// write the bytes of the string to a typed array
var ia = new Uint8Array(byteString.length);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([ia], { type: mimeString });
profileUpdate(options) { => {
let base64Image = 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + imageData;
let data = this.dataURItoBlob(base64Image);
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('profile', data, "filename.jpg");
//here you pass the formdata to to your API

How can I save a zip file to local storage in a win8 app using JSZip?

I'm able to create the JSZip object in my code, but I'm having trouble saving that to local storage in my windows 8 app. The examples I'm able to find set the browser's location.href to trigger a download, which isn't really an option for me.
I've included my code below. The zip file I end up with is invalid and can't be opened. Any help would be appreciated.
For reference: JSZip
function _zipTest() {
var dbFile = null;
var zipData = null;
.then(function (file) {
dbFile = file;
return Windows.Storage.FileIO.readBufferAsync(file);
.then(function (buffer) {
//Read the database file into a byte array and create a new zip file
zipData = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);
var dataReader = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.fromBuffer(buffer);
var localFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;
return localFolder.createFileAsync(dbFile.displayName.concat('.zip'), Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting)
.then(function (file) {
//Write the zip data to the new zip file
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file(dbFile.displayName, zipData);
var content = zip.generate();
return Windows.Storage.FileIO.writeTextAsync(file, content);
you can do something on these lines. This code seem to generate valid .zip file in the temp folder.
var zip = new JSZip();
var storage = Windows.Storage;
storage.StorageFile.getFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Windows.Foundation.Uri('ms-appx:///images/logo.png')).then(function ongetfile(file)
var blob = MSApp.createFileFromStorageFile(file);
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob, { oneTimeOnly: true });
return WinJS.xhr({ url: url, responseType: 'arraybuffer' });
}).then(function onreadbuffer(req)
var b = req.response;
zip.file('logo.png', b);
return storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder.createFileAsync('', storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting);
}).then(function onnewfile(out)
var content = zip.generate({ type: 'uint8array' });
return storage.FileIO.writeBytesAsync(out, content);
}).then(null, function onerror(error)
// TODO: error handling