BrowserStack, filter out google analytics - browserstack

I have a requirement to test a site without making any google analytics hits. in order to do this I thought that I would use the BrowserStackLocal.exe to run my tests using the force local method.
my understanding is that when I run this binary on a certain machine and set -forcelocal attribute then the ip that is used to access the website will be that of the local machine?!
so I am running my tests from my CI enviornment using the following command, but all the ips are different and not what I am expecting.
# Download browserstack local zip
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:\projects\');(new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\projects').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\projects\').Items(),16)
# create local connection
Start-Job {C:\projects\BrowserStackLocal.exe $env:BrowserStackAccessKey -forcelocal }
start-sleep 5
# run tests
Tools\NUnit.Parallel\ConsoleUnitTestsRunner.exe "C:\projects\cbre-testautomation\src\CBRE.Search.FunctionalTests\bin\$env:configuration\CBRE.Search.FunctionalTests.dll" -p=5 /xml=.\results.xml;


How can I execute multiple bq commands for different projects using gcloud configurations

On my linux server, I have a 'load_app' user account. My plan was to write a generic shell script to load data into bigquery using bq tool. gcloud is installed and I have multiple configurations in my environment. These configurations point to different service and user accounts for different projects. I am trying to set it up such that I can run multiple executions of this script at the same time for different configurations.
I tried setting CLOUDSDK_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NAME= in my script, the config-name value is being passed to the script. This setting should switch the active configuration, however, I am getting the following error :
ERROR: (bq) There was a problem refreshing your current auth tokens: invalid_grant: Bad Request

Jenkins job on AWS server

I have a windows instance set up on AWS. I have Jmeter and Ant installed on that machine to run API test cases.So I can successfully run tests on remote server. I need to set up a job on corporate Jenkins to run those test cases on aws server. I have server's IP address and username and password to log in to aws server.
How do I set up a job on corporate Jenkins which will run my test cases on remoter aws server? (Execute windows command)
Thank you.
did you connect this AWS machine as a slave to the master ? or you can't do it ?
I think that the best is connect this machine as a slave and create a dedicated job to run on the windows machine
Setting up a new Ant task to run JMeter test in Jenkins is fairly easy, here is a simple Pipeline script which executes Ant task using build.xml file in the "extras" folder of JMeter installation and publishes resulting HTML report on the build artifacts page:
node {
ws('c:\\jmeter\\extras') {
stage 'Run JMeter Test with Apache Ant'
def antHome = tool 'ant'
bat "pushd c:\\jmeter\\extras && ${antHome}\\bin\\ant -f build.xml"
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: 'Test.html', fingerprint: true])
You will need to define ant tool so Jenkins would know what is "ant" and where it lives. See Running a JMeter Test via Jenkins Pipeline - A Tutorial article for details.
Alternative options are:
If you have Jenkins admin access or your user has "Job - Configure" role you have "Configure" button where you can see (and change) all the build steps
You can copy the whole Jenkins installation over to your corporate intranet (don't forget JENKINS_HOME folder)
Thank you both for your response. I have set it my windows AWS machine as Slave. And I was able to run the job on AWS server from corporate jenkins.

block internet access with Test Complete

Are there any way, to prevent the internet access of the tester application under the test whit Test Complete? I'd like to test the application's reaction of the lost of the internet connection, but I have to perform this whith a CI tool, which means the Test Complete have to block and unblock to connection.
You can do this using WMI directly from a script (see Working With WMI Objects in Scripts) or by executing a PowerShell script (see Running PowerShell Scripts From TestComplete).
For example, see this question to get a sample PS script:
Command/Powershell script to reset a network adapter

Powershell Remote: Microsoft.Update.Session, Access Denied: 0x80070005

I've written a script to search/download/install Windows Updates on a machine using the Microsoft.Update.Session COM Object. When run locally it works just fine, however when running through a remote session or through Invoke-Command I receive an access denied (0x80070005) error on Microsoft.Update.Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()
I receive the same error if I attempt to create a Downloader object directly, code to reproduce the issue:
$oUpdateDownloader = new-object -com "Microsoft.Update.Downloader"
I am an administrator on the remote machine, and passing credentials (for myself explicitly or any other admin account) to the machine does not seem to change anything.
I've seen this error posted a number of times but there does not seem to be any information on solving the problem...
Any ideas?
When you are in a remote PowerShell session your logon session on this remote computer is flagged as a "network" logon (Logon Type: 3).
For some obscure (security? sell SCCM?) reason, part of the Windows Update Agent COM APIs are restricted to only be usable by locally logged on Administrators.
Using PsExec and Scheduled Tasks have been suggested as workarounds.
IMO, the most seamless (and still secureable) solution is to facilitate the RunAs-style "Local Virtual Account" feature of PowerShell Session Configurations / JEA.
Usually, JEA is used to "restrict" what a user can do on a remote computer PowerShell-wise, but we are (ab-)using it here to gain full access as if we were a locally logged on Administrator.
(1.) Create a new unrestricted (and persistent!) session configuration on ComputerB (remote server):
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -RunAsVirtualAccount -Path .\VirtualAccount.pssc
# Note this will restart the WinRM service:
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'VirtualAccount' [-ShowSecurityDescriptorUI] -Path .\VirtualAccount.pssc -Force
# Check the Permission property:
Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'VirtualAccount'
# Those users will have full unrestricted access to the system!
(2.) From ComputerA (local client) connect to our unrestricted session configuration on ComputerB:
New-PSSession -ComputerName 'ComputerB' -ConfigurationName 'VirtualAccount' | Enter-PSSession
[ComputerB]: new-object -com "Microsoft.Update.Downloader" # Yay!
This is a known issue. It appears that there is a bug with the actual COM object itself, as this issue occurs when using VBScript, PowerShell, and even C#. There is a good article that discusses managing Windows Update with PowerShell that can be found here.
The workaround is to set up a scheduled task on the computer and you can invoke that task however you see fit.
Use PsExec ( to remotely execute PowerShell with a script file:
psexec -s \\remote-server-name C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe \\server\script.ps1
I used the script detailed at, and I can remotely execute it using psexec to download and install updates.
the windows update code isn't callable form a remote machine. there are a few workarounds out on the web, including using psexec and a script (powershell or vbscript).
I used WUInstall myself and BoeProx has documented a few alternatives and has started a project PoshPAIG. I moved jobs before using this so don't know if it works.
The other solution is to change Windows registry setting using PowerShell and optionally restart wuauserv for the changes to take effect.
For example in Windows Server 2008R2 AutoUpdate settings can be found at:
HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update

Use GAE remote api with local (dev) installation

Has anyone find to use the GAE remote api but instead of connecting to AppEngine to connect to localhost?
For dev purposes of course
i was able to get this working by adding the following to the app.yaml file
- remote_api: on
and then from the command line you can access the db, users, urlfetch or memcache modules -s localhost:8080
This will prompt you for the email and password but this is not important right now. the is on my path from the google app engine directory
Have you tried the development console? To access it, go to this URL: http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin.
If you really want to use the remote API, have a look at this article. I believe you can use the dev_server by passing the local host url to the interactive console script.
For Java see this document which explains both local and remote access
If there are some like me who prefer to execute from a python script rather than a shell:
from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_stub
remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApiForOAuth('localhost:8081', '/_ah/remote_api', secure=False)
os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development'
os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost:8080'
... do stuff ...
I run the dev server with the option "--api_port 8081" otherwise just look at the port used in the dev server logs ("Starting API server at ...").
The environ tweaks are to be able to use cloudstorage api against the dev server too.