Expected Int, got IntProgression instead - kotlin

I am trying to get on Kotlin so I am following this tutorial of their own.
So they're trying to create a sequence given a string, such as this:
"a vect" -> [
a vect :
a vec : t
a ve : ct
And the way to do it is, according to the video, the following:
val seq = sequenceOf(canonicalisedInput.lastIndex + 1 downTo 0).map {
canonicalisedInput.substring(0, it) to canonicalisedInput.substring(it)
And I get what I does (well, the idea of it). The problem is that substring expects two Ints, while it (which I assume is an implicit iterator of some sorts that comes from the downTo progression) is an IntProgression. Same for the second substring call.
What am I missing?

The code you posted contains a mistake: sequenceOf(...) with single argument passed returns a sequence with that one item, that is, Sequence<IntProgression> . To get a sequence of indices (Sequence<Int>), use asSequence() function instead:
(canonicalisedInput.lastIndex + 1 downTo 0).asSequence().map { ... }
The substring(...) function called second is the overload that returns the substring starting from the index passed as the argument.
And it is the implicit name for the innermost lambda single parameter, in your case it is the parameter of map, that is, the sequence item to be mapped by the lambda.
So, the expression inside lambda is a pair (created by to infix function) of two substring, one from the beginning of the original string to the index in the sequence, the other one -- from that index to the end of the string.
So the code should definitely work with indices sequence, that's why the mistake is quite clear.

sequenceOf(canonicalisedInput.lastIndex + 1 downTo 0) —
this expression creates a sequence which consists of a single IntProgression item.
If you want to convert an IntProgression to a Sequence<Int>, use asSequence extension function:
(canonicalisedInput.length downTo 0).asSequence()


how would you write R.compose using R.o?

Seems like some use to knowing a good pattern to make an n-step composition or pipeline from a binary function. Maybe it's obvious or common knowledge.
What I was trying to do was R.either(predicate1, predicate2, predicate3, ...) but R.either is one of these binary functions. I thought R.composeWith might be part of a good solution but didn't get it to work right. Then I think R.o is at the heart of it, or perhaps R.chain somehow.
Maybe there's a totally different way to make an n-ary either that could be better than a "compose-with"(R.either)... interested if so but trying to ask a more general question than that.
One common way for converting a binary function into one that takes many arguments is by using R.reduce. This requires at least the arguments of the binary function and its return type to be the same type.
For your example with R.either, it would look like:
const eithers = R.reduce(R.either, R.F)
const fooOr42 = eithers([ R.equals("foo"), R.equals(42) ])
This accepts a list of predicate functions that will each be given as arguments to R.either.
The fooOr42 example above is equivalent to:
const fooOr42 = R.either(R.either(R.F, R.equals("foo")), R.equals(42))
You can also make use of R.unapply if you want to convert the function from accepting a list of arguments, to a variable number of arguments.
const eithers = R.unapply(R.reduce(R.either, R.F))
const fooOr42 = eithers(R.equals("foo"), R.equals(42))
The approach above can be used for any type that can be combined to produce a value of the same type, where the type has some "monoid" instance. This just means that we have a binary function that combines the two types together and some "empty" value, which satisfy some simple laws:
Associativity: combine(a, combine(b, c)) == combine(combine(a, b), c)
Left identity: combine(empty, a) == a
Right identity: combine(a, empty) == a
Some examples of common types with a monoid instance include:
arrays, where the empty list is the empty value and concat is the binary function.
numbers, where 1 is the empty value and multiply is the binary function
numbers, where 0 is the empty value and add is the binary function
In the case of your example, we have predicates (a function returning a boolean value), where the empty value is R.F (a.k.a (_) => false) and the binary function is R.either. You can also combine predicates using R.both with an empty value of R.T (a.k.a (_) => true), which will ensure the resulting predicate satisfies all of the combined predicates.
It is probably also worth mentioning that you could alternatively just use R.anyPass :)

What are the advantages of returning -1 instead of null in indexOf(...)?

When calling List.indexOf(...), what are the advantages of returning -1 rather than null if the value isn't present?
For example:
val list = listOf("a", "b", "c")
val index = list.indexOf("d")
print(index) // Prints -1
Wouldn't it be a cleaner result if index was null instead? If it had an optional return type, then it would be compatible with the elvis operator :? as well as doing things such as index?.let { ... }.
What are the advantages of returning -1 instead of null when there are no matches?
Just speculations but i could think of two reasons:
The first reason is to be compatible with Java and its List.indexOf
As the documentation states:
the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element
The second reason is to have the same datatype as kotlins binarySearch.
Return the index of the element, if it is contained in the list within the specified range; otherwise, the inverted insertion point (-insertion point - 1). The insertion point is defined as the index at which the element should be inserted, so that the list (or the specified subrange of list) still remains sorted.
Where the negative values actually hold additional information where to insert the element if absent. But since the normal indexOf method works on unsorted collections you can not infer the insertion position.
To add to the definitive answer of #Burdui, another reason of such behavior is that -1 return value can be expressed with the same primitive Int type as the other possible results of indexOf function.
If indexOf returned null, it would require making its return type nullable, Int?, and that would cause a primitive return value being boxed into an object. indexOf is often used in a tight loop, for example, when searching for all occurrences of a substring in a string, and having boxing on that hot path could make the cost of using indexOf prohibitive.
On the other hand, there definitely can be situations where performance does not so matter, and returning null from indexOf would make code more expressive. There's a request KT-8133 to introduce indexOfOrNull extension for such situations.
Meanwhile a workaround with calling .takeIf { it >= 0 } on the result of indexOf allows to achieve the same.

How to define Pascal variables in PetitParser

Here is the (simplified) EBNF section I'm trying to implement in PetitParser:
variable :: component / identifier
component :: indexed / field
indexed :: variable , $[ , blah , $]
field :: variable , $. , identifier
What I did was to add all these productions (except identifier) as ivars of my subclass of PPCompositeParser and define the corresponding methods as follows:
^component / self identifier
^indexed / field
^(#letter asParser, (#word asParser) star) flatten
^variable , $[ asParser, #digit asParser, $] asParser
^variable , $. asParser, self identifier
Finally, I created a new instance of my parser and sent to it the message parse: 'a.b[0]'.
The problem: I get a stack overflow.
The grammar has a left recursion: variable -> component -> indexed -> variable. PetitParser uses Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) that cannot handle left recursion. A PEG parser always takes the left option until it finds a match. In this case it will not find a match due to the left recursion. To make it work you need to first eliminate left recursion. Eliminating all left recursion could be more tricky as you will also get one through field after eliminating the first. For example, you can write the grammar as follows to make the left recursion more obvious:
variable = (variable , $[ , blah , $]) | (variable , $. , identifier) | identifier
If you have a left recursion like:
A -> A a | b
you can eliminate it like (e is an empty parser)
A -> b A'
A' -> a A' | e
You'll need to apply this twice to get rid of the recursion.
Alternatively you can choose to simplify the grammar if you do not want to parse all possible combinations of identifiers.
The problem is that your grammar is left recursive. PetitParser uses a top-down greedy algorithm to parse the input string. If you follow the steps, you'll see that it goes from start then variable -> component -> indexed -> variable. This is becomes a loop that gets executed infinitely without consuming any input, and is the reason of the stack overflow (that is the left-recursiveness in practice).
The trick to solve the situation is to rewrite the parser by adding intermediate steps to avoid left-recursing. The basic idea is that the rewritten version will consume at least one character in each cycle. Let's start by simplifying a bit the parser refactoring the non-recursive parts of ´indexed´ and ´field´, and moving them to the bottom.
^component, self identifier
^indexed / field
^variable, subscript
^variable, fieldName
^$[ asParser, #digit asParser, $] asParser
^$. asParser, self identifier
^(#letter asParser, (#word asParser) star) flatten
Now you can more easily see (by following the loop) that if the recursion in variable is to end, an identifier has to be found at the beginning. That's the only way to start, and then comes more input (or ends). Let's call that second part variable':
^self identifier, variable'
now the variable' actually refers to something with the identifier consumed, and we can safely move the recusion from the left of indexed and field to the right in variable':
component', variable' / nil asParser
^indexed' / field'
I've written this answer without actually testing the code, but should be okish. The parser can be further simplified, I leave that as an excercise ;).
For more information on left-recursion elimination you can have a look at left recursion elimination

DataWeave and Case Sensitivity

Can I turn off case sensitivity in DataWeave?
Two different requests are returning responses where the first contains a node called CDATA while the other contains a node called CData. In DataWeave is there a way to treat these as equal or do I need to have separate code statements such as payload.Data.CDATA and payload.Data.CData? If things were case insensitive I could have a single statement such as payload.data.cdata.
Thanks in advance,
It appears that I need two different statements.
payload.Data.*CDATA map $.#SeqId when payload.Data? and payload.Data.CDATA? and payload.Data.CDATA.#SeqId?
payload.Data.*CData map $.#SeqId when payload.Data? and payload.Data.CData? and payload.Data.CData.#SeqId?
No, but you can create a function like the following to select ignoring case.
Which filters an object by a given key (mapObject comparing keys using lower) and then gets the values from the resulting object (with pluck).
%function selectIgnoreCase(obj, keyName)
obj mapObject ((v, k) -> k match {
x when (lower x) == keyName -> {(k): v},
default -> {}
}) pluck $
And you'd use it like this:
selectIgnoreCase(payload.Data, "cdata")
Note: With Mule 4 (and DW 2) syntax for this would be a little bit better.

Range over an arbitrary type

Is there a way to make an arbitrary type range-able in Go? For example, Python offers __iter__(), which is really useful. I tried searching for the answer but I got no results.
You've searched successfully, there's no support for ranging over arbitrary types in Go.
From the specs:
RangeClause = ( ExpressionList "=" | IdentifierList ":=" ) "range" Expression .
The expression on the right in the "range" clause is called the range expression, which may be an array, pointer to an array, slice, string, map, or channel permitting receive operations.
You can use channels to simulate it. Something along the lines of
func (t *SomeType) Range() chan *Item {
// setup a channel and a go routine that sends the items from t
for item := range t.Range()