Number of results google (or other) search programmatically - google-search-api

I am making a little personal project.
Ideally I would like to be able to make programmatically a google search and have the count of results. (My goal is to compare the results count between a lot (100000+) of different phrases).
Is there a free way to make a web search and compare the popularity of different texts, by using Google Bing or whatever (the source is not really important).
I tried Google but seems that freely I can do only 10 requests per day.
Bing is more permissive (5000 free requests per month).
Is there other tools or way to have a count of number of results for a particular sentence freely ?
Thanks in advance.

There are several things you're going to need if you're seeking to create a simple search engine.
First of all you should read and understand where the field of information retrieval started with G. Salton's paper or at least read the wiki page on the vector space model. It will require you learning at least some undergraduate linear algebra. I suggest Gilbert Strang's MIT video lectures for this.
You can then move to the Brin/Page Pagerank paper which outlays the original concept behind the hyperlink matrix and quickly calculating eigenvectors for ranking or read the wiki page.
You may also be interested in looking at the code for Apache Lucene
To get into contemporary search algorithm techniques you need calculus and regression analysis to learn machine learning and deep learning as the current google search has moved away from Pagerank and utilizes these. This is partially due to how link farming enabled people to artificially engineer search results and the huge amount of meta data that modern browsers and web servers allow to be collected.
For the webcrawler only portion I'd recommend WebSPHINX. I used this in my senior research in college in conjunction with Lucene.


LSA Similarity interface

I am a PhD student in translation studies and I am currently working on my dissertation. I am using LSA Similarity interface as a method of analysis in my dissertation. My background is in linguistics and not computer science. I tried to find an easy LSA document categorisation tool but I could not find any. I tried to play with Gensim, I did not work. I think my problem is with linking my corpus (txt files) with the Gensim tool to do the analysis (I don't know how o do this step). I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me with the analysis or direct me to any tool or easy tutorials to do it using Gensim.
I want to do the following: I want to apply document-doecument queries to retrieve the most relevant 5 documents from the corpus to the query document.
I have 15 query document
I have one corpus of (150 texts)The texts are short stories
I am desperate and I was hesitant to post this question here. I am sure that applying LSA in translation studies would add to the field and this makes me more persistent to find a way to do my analysis.
The only really easy, user-friendly tool for LSA that is out there right now is . Unfortunately, it is a web-based tool only, and it does not allow you to train LSA on your own corpora. But depending on your needs, that may not matter.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you need document-document similarity scores between each of 15 query documents and each of 150 short stories (a total of 15*150=2250 similarity scores). If these query documents and short stories are in English, then you can use the version of LSA that is trained on the TASA corpus used in many studies of LSA as follows:
Go to
Select One-To-Many Comparison
Copy-paste one of the short stories in the "Main text" box, and the 15 queries separated with a blank line in the "Texts to compare" box
Repeat for each of your short stories. A huge pain? Yes. But if you are desperate...
If you program a little bit in Python or R, other tools for LSA include and , and would save you the manual labor of the above suggestion. Also, I know you already tried Gensim, but there is a nice tutorial for it at that you might try following if you haven't already.

Scaling up SURF lookups

I am currently trying to recognise DVD covers in generic photos. My initial test involved using 100 DVD covers and 10 test cases of photos that contained them, and with some tweaking of the find_obj.cpp example in OpenCV I was able to get recognition working.
However now I need to do this on a much larger database, and I am aware that the FLANN method will not scale up well to meet this requirement. How do people here recommend I scale up my SURF recognition in an SQL database?
If you really want to scale your system to several orders of magnitude, nearest neighbors search (FLANN) will not be sufficient.
In such a case what you need is to build a visual vocabulary (a.k.a bag of words) by quantizing your descriptors, and create an inverted index.
I recommend you to refer to the Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree paper that is the reference publication for such a topic.

Solr Relevancy - How to A/B Test for Search Quality?

I am looking to perform live A/B and controlled side-by-side experiments to help understand how changes affect search quality. I will be testing variables such as boost value and fuzzyqueries.
What other metrics are used to determine whether users prefer A vs B? Here are 2 metrics I found online...
In Google Analytics, “% Search Exits” is a metric you can use to
measure the quality of your site-search results
Another way to measure search quality is to measure the number of
search result pages the visitor views.
Search Quality is something not easily measurable. For measuring relevance you need to have couple of things:
A competitor to measure relevance. For your case the different instance of your search engine will be the competitors for each other. I mean one search engine instance would have the basic algorithm running, the other with fuzzy enabled, another with both fuzzy and boosting and so on.
You need to manually rate the results. You can ask your colleagues to rate query/url pairs for popular queries and then for the holes(i.e. query/url pair not rated you can have some dynamic ranking function by using "Learning to Rank" Algorithm Dont be surprised by that but thats true (please read below of an example of Google/Bing).
Google and Bing are competitors in the horizontal search market. These search engines employ manual judges around the world and invest millions on them, to rate their results for queries. So for each query/url pairs generally top 3 or top 5 results are rated. Based on these ratings they may use a metric like NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain) , which is one of finest metric and the one of most popular one.
According to wikipedia:
Discounted cumulative gain (DCG) is a measure of effectiveness of a Web search engine >algorithm or related applications, often used in information retrieval. Using a graded >relevance scale of documents in a search engine result set, DCG measures the usefulness, >or gain, of a document based on its position in the result list. The gain is accumulated >from the top of the result list to the bottom with the gain of each result discounted at >lower ranks.
Wikipedia explains NDCG in a great manner. It is a short article, please go through that.
As you have mentioned you can also have click through rate/data where in you have kind of wisdom of crowd Algorithm and you tweak the relevance based on that. It is a very good way out but it attracts spamming. So it has to be coupled with some metric such as NDCG/MAP etc. to solve your relevance problem.
I can provide more details on this if you still need to know more on how whole stuff put together would work in your case study.

Ideas for a distributed processing project?

I am looking for a project idea in distributed processing on Unix based systems. I wish to use only the C programming language. I have to finish the project in 4 months and it's a part of my course work. Can someone help me with an idea?
Cryptography problems
Distributed Ray Tracer
Chess AI (really, AI for any game)
Large Prime Number Search
Web crawler or other search mechanism
Generic Problem Solver (push out problem definition on the fly, followed by problem data).
Note on the last one:
An example would be if you have a gaming website with lots of board games that you were coming out with all the time. You don't want to have to install new clients on all your servers every time you write a new AI for a board game, so you have a program which you can send new AIs to and then after that you can just send the game data and the pushed AI will be used to solve the problem. This is best used for problems which can be broken into smaller chunks.
It is hard to answer without knowing anything about performance, the scale of the project, what you are trying to accomplish, etc. For example, is it one task or multiple tasks? Is the project just totally open?
4 months is pretty short, but maybe some kind of physics problem or math problem. Sorting or some kind of database work might be dull but beneficial.
Check out mapreduce for ideas! I was really motivated by this work, personally.
We used distributed processing here at work, but it's such a broad field..
Why not write a distributed compiler. You may then present an interface for people to compile things on the fly, and it will be passed to your distribute compilenet. Java is probably well-suited, and you'll get to do fun things, like be very mindful of security and so on.
The BOINC project is always looking for help and is very interesting:
If you want to leave your mark and change the way we search the web,
look into B-Trees.
B-Trees and offspring/variants are the working horse of the internet.
Google uses them extensively to index the web.
Database indexes/indices are B-Tree offspring/variants.
Every LAMP system uses a database and indexes/indices.
Also, they are used extensively in distributed VLDB (Very Large DataBases)
Perhaps you can improve existing distributed databases (Cassandra and HBase)
These are lofty goals, but for me, this would leave a lasting mark
in the way Web data is processed, indexed and stored.
Write a distributed, fault tolerant, redundant network B+Tree or B*Tree.
Read Drozdek's book Data Structures and Algorithms in C++.
It's a good survey of B-Trees.
Read about skip trees
Read about Efficient B-tree Based Indexing for Cloud Data Processing
Google search "Network B+Tree"

How to evaluate a search engine?

I am a student carrying out a study to enhance a search engine's existing algorithm.
I want to know how I can evaluate the search engine - which I have improved - to quantify how much the algorithm was improved.
How should I go about comparing the old and new algorithm?
This is normally done by creating a test suite of questions and then evaluating how well the search response answers those questions. In some cases the responses should be unambiguous (if you type slashdot into a search engine you expect to get as your top hit), so you can think of these as a class of hard queries with 'correct' answers.
Most other queries are inherently subjective. To minimise bias you should ask multiple users to try your search engine and rate the results for comparison with the original. Here is an example of a computer science paper that does something similar:
Regarding specific comparison of the algorithms, although obvious, what you measure depends on what you're interested in knowing. For example, you can compare efficiency in computation, memory usage, crawling overhead or time to return results. If you are trying to produce very specific behaviour, such as running specialist searches (e.g. a literature search) for certain parameters, then you need to explicitly test this.
Heuristics for relevance are also a useful check. For example, when someone uses search terms that are probably 'programming-related', do you tend to get more results from Would your search results be better if you did? If you are providing a set of trust weightings for specific sites or domains (e.g. rating .edu or domains as more trustworthy for technical results), then you need to test the effectiveness of these weightings.
First, let me start out by saying, kudos to you for attempting to apply traditional research methods to search engine results. Many SEO's have done this before you, and generally keep this to themselves as sharing "amazing findings" usually means you can't exploit or have the upper hand anymore, this said I will share as best I can some pointers and things to look for.
Identify what part of the algorithm are you trying to improve?
Different searches execute different algorithms.
Broad Searches
For instance in a broad term search, engines tend to return a variety of results. Common part of these results include
News Feeds
Blog Posts
Local Results (this is based off of a Geo IP lookup).
Which of these result types are thrown into the mix can vary based on the word.
Example: Cats returns images of cats, and news, Shoes returns local shopping for shoes. (this is based on my IP in Chicago on October 6th)
The goal in returning results for a broad term is to provide a little bit of everything for everyone so that everyone is happy.
Regional Modifiers
Generally any time a regional term is attached to a search, it will modify the results greatly. If you search for "Chicago web design" because the word Chicago is attached, the results will start with a top 10 regional results. (these are the one liners to the right of the map), after than 10 listings will display in general "result fashion".
The results in the "top ten local" tend to be drastically different than those in organic listing below. This is because the local results (from google maps) rely on entirely different data for ranking.
Example: Having a phone number on your website with the area code of Chicago will help in local results... but NOT in the general results. Same with address, yellow book listing and so forth.
Results Speed
Currently (as of 10/06/09) Google is beta testing "caffeine" The main highlight of this engine build is that it returns results in almost half the time. Although you may not consider Google to be slow now... speeding up an algorithm is important when millions of searches happen every hour.
Reducing Spam Listings
We have all found experienced a search that was riddled with spam. The new release of Google Caffeine is a good example. Over the last 10+ one of the largest battles online has been between Search Engine Optimizers and Search Engines. Gaming google (and other engines) is highly profitable and what Google spends most of its time combating.
A good example is again the new release of Google Caffeine. So far my research and also a few others in the SEO field are finding this to be the first build in over 5 years to put more weight on Onsite elements (such as keywords, internal site linking, etc) than prior builds. Before this, each "release" seemed to favor inbound links more and more... this is the first to take a step back towards "content".
Ways to test an algorythm.
Compare two builds of the same engine. This is currently possible by comparing Caffeine (see link above or google, google caffeine) and the current Google.
Compare local results in different regions. Try finding search terms like web design, that return local results without a local keyword modifier. Then, use a proxy (found via google) to search from various locations. You will want to make sure you know the proxies location (find a site on google that will tell your your IP address geo IP zipcode or city). Then you can see how different regions return different results.
Warning... DONT pick the term locksmith... and be wary of any terms that when returning result, have LOTS of spammy listings.. Google local is fairly easy to spam, especially in competitive markets.
Do as mentioned in a prior answer, compare how many "click backs" users require to find a result. You should know, currently, no major engines use "bounce rates" as indicators of sites accuracy. This is PROBABLY because it would be EASY to make it look like your result has a bounce rate in the 4-8% range without actually having one that low... in other words it would be easy to game.
Track how many search variations users use on average for a given term in order to find the result that is desired. This is a good indicator of how well an engine is smart guessing the query type (as mentioned WAY up in this answer).
**Disclaimer. These views are based on my industry experience as of October 6th, 2009. One thing about SEO and engines is they change EVERY DAY. Google could release Caffeine tomorrow, and this would change a lot... that said, this is the fun of SEO research!
In order to evaluate something, you have to define what you expect from it. This will help to define how to measure it.
Then, you'll be able to measure the improvement.
Concerning a search engine, I guess that you might be able to measure itsability to find things, its accuracy in returning what is relevant.
It's an interesting challenge.
I don't think you will find a final mathematical solution if that is your goal. In order to rate a given algorithm, you require standards and goals that must be accomplished.
What is your baseline to compare against?
What do you classify as "improved"?
What do you consider a "successful search"?
How large is your test group?
What are your tests?
For example, if your goal is to improve the process of page ranking then decide if you are judging the efficiency of the algorithm or the accuracy. Judging efficiency means that you time your code for a consistent large data set and record results. You would then work with your algorithm to improve the time.
If your goal is to improve accuracy then you need to define what is "inaccurate". If you search for "Cup" you can only say that the first site provided is the "best" if you yourself can accurately define what is the best answer for "Cup".
My suggestion for you would be to narrow the scope of your experiment. Define one or two qualities of a search engine that you feel need refinement and work towards improving them.
In the comments you've said "I have heard about a way to measure the quality of the search engines by counting how many time a user need to click a back button before finding the link he wants , but I can use this technique because you need users to test your search engine and that is a headache itself". Well, if you put your engine on the web for free for a few days and advertise a little you will probably get at least a couple dozen tries. Provide these users with the old or new version at random, and measure those clicks.
Other possibility: assume Google is by definition perfect, and compare your answer to its for certain queries. (Maybe sum of distance of your top ten links to their counterparts at Google, for example: if your second link is google's twelveth link, that's 10 distance). That's a huge assumption, but far easier to implement.
Information scientists commonly use precision and recall as two competing measures of quality for an information retrieval system (like a search engine).
So you could measure your search engine's performance relative to Google's by, for example, counting the number of relevant results in the top 10 (call that precision) and the number of important pages for that query that you think should have been in the top 10 but weren't (call that recall).
You'll still need to compare the results from each search engine by hand on some set of queries, but at least you'll have one metric to evaluate them on. And the balance of these two is important too: otherwise you can trivially get perfect precision by not returning any results or perfect recall by returning every page on the web as a result.
The Wikipedia article on precision and recall is quite good (and defines the F-measure which takes into account both).
I have had to test a search engine professionally. This is what I did.
The search included fuzzy logic. The user would type into a web page "Kari Trigger", and the search engine would retrieve entries like "Gary Trager", "Trager, C", "Corey Trager", etc, each with a score from 0->100 so that I could rank them from most likely to least likely.
First, I re-architected the code so that it could be executed removed from the web page, in a batch mode using a big file of search queries as input. For each line in the input file, the batch mode would write out the top search result and its score. I harvested thousands of actual search queries from our production system and ran them thru the batch setup in order to establish a baseline.
From then on, each time I modified the search logic, I would run the batch again and then diff the new results against the baseline. I also wrote tools to make it easier to see the interesting parts of the diff. For example, I didn't really care if the old logic returned "Corey Trager" as an 82 and the new logic returned it as an 83, so my tools would filter those out.
I could not have accomplished as much by hand-crafting test cases. I just wouldn't have had the imagination and insight to have created good test data. The real world data was so much richer.
So, to recap:
1) Create a mechanism that lets you diff the results of running new logic versus the results of prior logic.
2) Test with lots of realistic data.
3) Create tools that help you work with the diff, filtering out the noise, enhancing the signal.
You have to clearly identify positive and negative qualities such as how fast one gets the answer they are seeking or how many "wrong" answers they get on the way there. Is it an improvement if the right answer is #5 but the results are returned 20 times faster? Things like that will be different for each application. The correct answer may be more important in a corporate knowledge base search but a fast answer may be needed for a phone support application.
Without parameters no test can be claimed to be a victory.
Embrace the fact that the quality of search results are ultimately subjective. You should have multiple scoring algorithms for your comparison: The old one, the new one, and a few control groups (e.g. scoring by URI length or page size or some similarly intentionally broken concept). Now pick a bunch of queries that exercise your algorithms, say a hundred or so. Let's say you end up with 4 algorithms total. Make a 4x5 table, displaying the first 5 results of a query across each algorithm. (You could do top ten, but the first five are way more important.) Be sure to randomize which algorithm appears in each column. Then plop a human in front of this thing and have them pick which of the 4 result sets they like best. Repeat across your entire query set. Repeat for as many more humans as you can stand. This should give you a fair comparison based on total wins for each algorithm.
Create an app like this that compares and extracts the data. Then run a test with 50 different things you need to look for and then compare with the results you want.