Aurelia CLI include Bootstrap Glyphicons - aurelia

I'm trying to include Bootstrap in my Aurelia CLI project, and the CSS and JS work fine.
The only problem I have is the glyphicons require font files to be loaded.
I use this configuration:
"dependencies": [
"name": "bootstrap",
"path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist",
"main": "js/bootstrap.min",
"deps": ["jquery"],
"exports": "$",
"resources": [
But I get an error containing this line:
path: 'C:\Users\randy\Documents\form\node_modules\bootstrap\dist\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.js'
So even though I include the .woff2 file, Aurelia tries to import the file as a JS file. What can I do to make this work? CSS does work fine.

It looks like this is a bug in the current version of the Aurelia CLI. I've submitted an issue for you here:

Aurelia can't process font files. You must use manual bundle task for it.
Here is similar solution for font-awesome:
Here is solution for glyphicons (I used it for bootstrap v4 integration):

This has been solved, for more information read the Github issue.
This issue can now be solved by adding a copy instruction in the aurelia.json.
aurelia.json - valid if the project was created by aurelia-cli 0.25.0 or greater
Add the following in the build block:
"bundles": [ ... ],
"copyFiles": {
"node_modules/bootstrap/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2": "bootstrap/fonts",
"node_modules/bootstrap/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff": "bootstrap/fonts",
"node_modules/bootstrap/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf": "bootstrap/fonts"
If the project was created by an older CLI version, you will have to create the copy task inside the tasks folder
After that, call the copy task in the build.js/ts task
* credits to fabioluz for commenting this on github


Importing react-native package when running Vite

I am new to Vite and Vitest. I am experimenting a little bit, trying to add Vitest to a React-native app. I know Vite doesn't really support React Native but I would like to trying running just the tests with Vitest.
I get an error when trying to import React-native modules:
Module .../node_modules/react-native/index.js:14 seems to be an ES Module but shipped in a CommonJS package. You might want to create an issue to the package "react-native" asking them to ship the file in .mjs extension or add "type": "module" in their package.json.
As a temporary workaround you can try to inline the package by updating your config:
// vitest.config.js
export default {
test: {
deps: {
inline: [
When adding the suggested config the tests break inside React-native instead, as if the modules in fact is not supported.
What is going on here? Is React-Native only published as commonjs modules, while only esm-modules is supported by Vite? Is there a way around it?
Thanks in advance,

Vue components not rendering when #nuxtjs/storybook is used in a Vue Storefront Next project - possibly a Typescript issue?

I am trying to use #nuxtjs/storybook inside a Vue Storefront Next ( project.
I can get Storybook to open and to show stories, but the component within the stories are not rendered. For example, if I try and use the example from then I see a <link> element in devtools (the name of the Vue component), not a rendered <a> element (the content of the Vue component):
I then switched to trying to use another simple component:
But that doesn't work either, you can see an example of that here: (I had trouble getting Storybook to work on Codesandbox).
Vue Storefront Next is based on Nuxt but I had to make a few changes to get Storybook to open:
Update the build section within nuxt.config.js:
babel: {
presets({ envName }) {
return [
corejs: { version: 3 }
ignore: [/[\/\\]core-js/, /#babel[\/\\]runtime/],
install #babel/runtime-corejs3, core-js 3, and ts-node
ts-node was necessary because Vue Storefront Next provides a tsconfig.json file for development of part of the project, and that makes #nuxtjs/storybook module think the project is a Typescript project (, but the Vue Storefront project does not use #nuxt/typescript-runtime - I am wondering if this is part of the problem?
You can see the package.json content on Codesandbox:
Any clues as to how to fix this issue would be SUPER appreciated, thank you! I've spent the best part of a day on this but I don't know enough about Storybook or Nuxt to be able to debug it myself, unfortunately :(
It turns out that the #nuxtjs/storybook module seems to be dependent on components: true being set in the project's nuxt.config.js file.
This isn't mentioned anywhere in the #nuxtjs/storybook documentation, but I've raised a Github issue to point this out and will raise a PR against the docs if the maintainer agrees.
You can see my thought process behind how I discovered this issue in this Github thread:

How to update the latest workbox version when using Vue CLI

I am using Vue CLI plugin - #vue/cli-plugin-pwa and Google workbox to build a PWA app. I want to use the latest version of the workbox which is 5.1.2 however, when I use the workbox (webpack) plugin to generate service-worker.js file, it only contains the 4.3.1 version as below then I run build script:
importScripts("/precache-manifest.83bfba368ee78b40421bed00a145f5e0.js", "");
Is there any way to configure to get the latest version when I bundle, for now, I need to modify manually.
Thanks all
Got the solution (test), use the ReplaceInFileWebpackPlugin plugin, then it worked, simple yet effective.
new ReplaceInFileWebpackPlugin([
dir: "dist",
files: ["service-worker.js"],
rules: [
search: "releases/4.3.1",
replace: "releases/5.1.2",

How to use the create-react-app 3.1.0 eslint customisation?

Edit: This was a bug in 3.1.0 - upgrade to 3.1.1+ to get a working version of this feature.
create-react-app 3.1.0 is supposed to have support for customising the eslint warnings, as per:
The documentation is here:
I believe the rule setting I have in my package.json is correct because IDEA picks it up and no longer dislays the dot-location warning in the editor.
But npm start still complains with:
Line 135: Expected dot to be on same line as property dot-location
My package.json is as per the documentation and I've added the EXTEND_ESLINT variable to the .env file.
My package.json config:
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
"rules": {
"dot-location": "off"
The environment variable is set in my .env file.
And the example failing source code looks like:
What am I doing wrong?
Am I misunderstanding how eslint config works, or maybe I'm wrong about what this new feature of create-react-app is actually supposed to do?
Please note: I don't want to add annotations to my code everywhere to disable the warning - the question is about customising the eslint config.
It appears you are not doing anything wrong and there is a bug in create-react-app 3.1.0. If you want to track progress, an issue has been filed in GitHub.

VSCode intellisense doesn't work with ES6 import?

I'm stucking with this trouble for days.
import abc from './abc' doesn't work, the or any function inside it will not be suggested.
Even the file abc.js will not be suggested
I have to use abc = required('./abc.js') and things work fine.
Both file suggestion and method will be available
I've tried to added jsconfig.json and force it to use "module":"es6" but didn't work either.
Already got react native tools installed.
Couldn't get it work eventually.
i found out that module.exports = User doesn't work anymore. I have to write export default User if i want to access to all the method, since when and how to get old school export works?
Change your jsconfig.json to
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6"
"exclude": [
and then you might need to restart VScode
the option module is used for typescript, more on this here