awk 1-liner to cover match and non-matchng cas - awk

Is there a way in an awk one-liner to cover both the positive and negative match case with different print statements?
To illustrate. Let's say I have a file where I want to prepend a set of words with '#' but still want to print all the words in the file.
Something like :
awk '/red/||/green/ { print "# My mod : " $0 } else { print $0 }'
Of course the above wont work. But what's the simple way to do this in awk.

To cover the general case i.e. printing something completely different, you can use next:
awk '/red|green/ { print "foo"; next } { print "bar" }' file
The second block is only reached if the first pattern is false.
You can also use if/else within a single action block.
For your specific case, where you are just adding to the record and printing, you can use this:
awk '/red|green/ { $0 = "# My mod : " $0 } 1' file
The 1 at the end ensures that every record is printed.

How about "painful" long hand
awk '{if (/red/||/green/ ) { print "# My mod : " $0 } else { print $0 }}'
That works for me ;-), but you can save a few chars typing with
awk '{if (/red|green/ ) {print "# My mod : " $0 } else {print $0} }'
awk '{print ($0~/red|green/) ? "# My mod : $0 " : "" $0}'
Which is the shortest amt of code I can think of to achieve the result you are looking for.

awk '{ print (/red|green/ ? "# My mod : " : "") $0 }' file


Find/replace within a line only if line does not contain a certain string (awk)

I'm trying to reproduce an awk command using different syntax. I have a file (test.txt) that looks like this:
and I'm hoping to replace all occurences of "A" with "1" using different syntax of awk. I can solve this using the following line:
awk '!/_/{gsub("A", "1"); 1' test.txt
However, I cannot get the same result using a for loop,
awk '{for(j=1; j<=NF; j++) if ($j ~ "_") print; else print gsub("A","1")}' test.txt
nor using the following input
awk '{ if ($0 ~ "_") print $0; else print gsub("A", "1"); }' test.txt
Both of these last commands give the following output. Why are they giving different output and what am I missing to make both of the last two commands give the desired output?
You are incorrectly using the gsub() function here. The sub()/gsub() function return the number of substitutions made and not the modified string. You set the string to modify as the last argument and print it back
awk '{ for(j=1; j<=NF; j++) if ($j ~ "_") print; else { gsub("A","1",$0); print } }'
That said your first command is most efficient/terse way of writing this. Notice you were missing a } in the OP. It should been written as
awk '!/_/{ gsub("A", "1") }1'
Or use gensub() available in GNU Awk's that return the modified string that you can use to print. See more about it on String-Functions of GNU Awk
awk '{ for(j=1; j<=NF; j++) if ($j ~ "_") print; else print gensub(/A/, "1", "g") }'

Set number of lines to variable in awk

I am experimenting with an awk script (an independent file).
I want it to process a text file which looks like this:
value1: n
value2: n
value3: n
value4: n
value5: n
value6: n
value7: n
value1: n
The text file contains a lot of these blocks with 7 values in each of them. I want the awk script to print some of these values (name of the value and "n") into a new file or the commandline. I thought I'd process it with a while loop, which works with a variable set to the number of all lines. But I just cant get the total of all lines in the file into a variable. It seems I have to process every line and do something with it until the end of the file to get the total. But I'd like to have the total in a variable and then process it with the while loop which loops until the total is reached.
Do you have an idea?
Where $1 is the input parameter to your script: myscript textfile.txt
count="`wc -l $1 | cut -d' ' -f1`"
echo "Number of lines in $1 is $count"
Then do your awk command utilising $count as your line count
Edit: courtesy of fedorqui
count="`wc -l <$1`"
echo "Number of lines in $1 is $count"
Edit 2: (forgive my awk command it's not something that I use much)
count="`wc -l </etc/fstab`"
echo "Number of lines in /etc/fstab is $count"
awk '{print $0,"\t","\tLine ",NR," of ","'$count'";}' /etc/fstab
Either do two passes over the file:
awk 'NR==FNR { lines = NR; next }
{ ... this happens on the second pass, use lines as you wish ... }' file file
or read the lines into an array and process it in END:
awk '{ a[NR] = $0 }
END { lines = NR; for(i=1; i<=lines; ++i) { line = a[i]; ... } }' file
The first consumes I/O, the second memory.
In more detail,
awk 'NR==FNR { count++; next }
{ print "Item " FNR " of " count ": " $0 }' file file
or similarly
awk '{ a[NR] = $0; }
END { for (i=1; i<=NR; ++i) print "Item " i " of " NR ": " a[i] }' file
If you need the line count outside of Awk, you will need to print it and capture it from your script. If you have an Awk script which performs something useful and produces the count as a side effect, you will want to print the line count to standard output, and take care that all other output is directed somewhere else. Perhaps like this;
lines=$(awk '{ sum += $1; }
END { print "Average: " sum/NR >"average.txt"; print NR }')
# Back in Bash
echo "Total of $lines processed, output in average.txt"

Removing Quote From Field For Filename Using AWK

I've been playing around with this for an hour trying to work out how to embed the removal of quotes from a specific field using AWK.
Basically, the file encapsulates text in quotes, but I want to use the second field to name the file and split them based on the first field.
What I want to get out are three files, all with the header row named:
AAA [1].csv
BBB [2].csv
CCC [3].csv
I have got it all working, except for the fact that I can't for the life of me work out how to remove the quotes around the filename!!
So, this command does everything (except the file is named with quotes around $2, but I need to do some kind of transformation on $2 before it goes into evname. In the actual file, I want to keep the encapsulating quotes.
awk -F, 'NR==1{h=$0;next}!($1 in files){evname=$2" ["$1"].csv";files[$1]=1;print h>evname}{print > evname}' DataExtract.csv
I've tried to push a gsub into this, but I'm struggling to work out exactly how this should look.
This is I think as close as I have got, but it is just calling everything "2" for $2, I'm not sure if this means I need to do an escape of $2 somehow in the gsub, but trying that doesn't seem to be working, so I'm at a loss as to what I'm doing wrong.
awk -F, 'NR==1{h=$0;next}!($1 in files){evname=gsub(""\","", $2)" - Event ID ["$1"].csv";files[$1]=1;print h>evname}{print > evname}' DataExtract.csv
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
If I understand what you are attempting correctly, then
awk -F, 'NR==1{h=$0;next}!($1 in files){gsub(/"/, "", $2); evname=$2" ["$1"].csv";files[$1]=1;print h>evname}{print > evname}' DataExtract.csv
should work. That is
NR == 1 {
h = $0;
!($1 in files) {
stub = $2 # <-- this is the new bit: make a working copy
# of $2 (so that $2 is unchanged and the line
# is not rebuilt with changes for printing),
gsub(/"/, "", stub) # remove the quotes from it, and
evname = stub " [" $1 "].csv" # use it to assemble the filename.
files[$1] = 1;
print h > evname
print > evname
You can, of course, use
evname = stub " - Event ID [" $1 "].csv"
or any other format after the substitution (this one seems to be what you tried to get in your second code snippet).
The gsub function returns the number of substitutions made, not the result of the substitutions; that is why evname=gsub(""\","", $2)" - Event ID ["$1"].csv" does not work.
Things are always clearer with a little white space:
awk -F, '
NR==1 { hdr=$0; next }
!seen[$1]++ {
evname = $2
outfile = evname " [" $1 "].csv"
print hdr > outfile
{ print > outfile }
' DataExtract.csv
Aside: It's pretty unusual for someone to WANT to create files with spaces in their names given the complexity that introduces in any later scripts you write to process them. You sure you want to do that?
P.S. here's the gawk version as suggested by #JID below
awk -F, '
NR==1 { hdr=$0; next }
!seen[$1]++ {
outfile = gensub(/"/,"","g",$2) " [" $1 "].csv"
print hdr > outfile
{ print > outfile }
' DataExtract.csv
Apply the gsub before you make the assignment:
awk -F, 'NR==1{h=$0;next}
!($1 in files){
gsub("\"","",$2); # Add this line
evname=$2" ["$1"].csv";files[$1]=1;print...

missing field and extra space after using for loop in awk

I need to use an awk script to extract some information from a file.
I have a title line which has 11 field and I split it to an array called titleList.
Student Number:Name:Lab1:Lab2:Lab3:Lab4:Lab5:Lab6:Exam1:Exam2:Final
After finding a proper line I need to print the fields which proceeds by the titles for example if the result is :
92839342:Robert Bloomingdale:9:26:18:22:9:12:25:39:99
I must print it in this way:
Student Number:92839342 Name:Robert Bloomingdale Lab1:9 Lab2:26 Lab3:18
Lab4:22 Lab5:9 Lab6:12 Exam1:25 Exam2:39 Final:99
I use a for loop to manage it:
for (i=0 ;i<=NF ;i++)
printf "%s %s %s %s",titleList[i],":",$i," "
everything look good except the result which has 2 problems:
first there is an extra space between each result and second the last field of the searched line is missing
Student Number : 92839342 Name : Robert Bloomingdale Lab1 : 9 Lab2 : 26
Lab3:18 Lab4 : 22 Lab5 : 9 Lab6 : 12 Exam1 : 25 Exam2 : 39 Final
what should I do?
is there any problem with \n at the end of the search result?
You can correct the amount of extra whitespace between fields by correcting the printf statement:
awk -F ":" 'NR == 1 { split($0, array, FS) } NR >= 2 { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s:%s ", array[i], $i; printf "\n" }' file.txt
Contents of file.txt:
Student Number:Name:Lab1:Lab2:Lab3:Lab4:Lab5:Lab6:Exam1:Exam2:Final
92839342:Robert Bloomingdale:9:26:18:22:9:12:25:39:99
Student Number:92839342 Name:Robert Bloomingdale Lab1:9 Lab2:26 Lab3:18 Lab4:22 Lab5:9 Lab6:12 Exam1:25 Exam2:39 Final:99
Also, your missing the last value because the file you're working with probably has windows newline endings. To fix this, run: dos2unix file.txt before running your awk code. Alternatively, you can set awk's record separater so that it understands newline endings:
awk 'BEGIN { RS="\r\n"; FS=":" } NR == 1 { split($0, array, FS) } NR >= 2 { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s:%s ", array[i], $i; printf "\n" }' file.txt
The above requires GNU awk, split() splits on the FS by default so no need to use that as an arg, it's common to use "next" rather than specifying opposite conditions, and it's common to use print "" instead of printf "\n" so you use the ORS setting rather than hard-coding it's value in output statements. So, the above should be tweaked to:
gawk 'BEGIN { RS="\r\n"; FS=":" } NR == 1 { split($0, array); next } { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s:%s ", array[i], $i; print "" }' file.txt

How to print out a specific field in AWK?

A very simple question, which a found no answer to. How do I print out a specific field in awk?
awk '/word1/', will print out the whole sentence, when I need just a word1. Or I need a chain of patterns (word1 + word2) to be printed out only from a text.
Well if the pattern is a single word (which you want to print and can't contaion FS (input field separator)) why not:
If your pattern is a regex:
awk -v MYPATTERN="INSERT_YOUR_PATTERN" '$0 ~ MYPATTERN { print gensub(".*(" MYPATTERN ").*","\\1","1",$0) }' INPUTFILE
If your pattern must be checked in every single field:
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i ~ MYPATTERN) { print "Field " i " in " NR " row matches: " MYPATTERN }
Modify any of the above to your taste.
The fields in awk are represented by $1, $2, etc:
$ echo this is a string | awk '{ print $2 }'
$0 is the whole line, $1 is the first field, $2 is the next field ( or blank ),
$NF is the last field, $( NF - 1 ) is the 2nd to last field, etc.
EDIT (in response to comment).
You could try:
awk '/crazy/{ print substr( $0, match( $0, "crazy" ), RLENGTH )}'
i know you can do this with awk :
an alternative would be :
sed -nr "s/.*(PATTERN_TO_MATCH).*/\1/p" file
or you can use grep -o
Something like this perhaps:
awk '{split("bla1 bla2 bla3",a," "); print a[1], a[2], a[3]}'