Error: xcodebuild process exited with code 65 - August 2016 - react-native

I installed everytying and ran the following steps:
react-native init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
react-native run-ios
But I'm getting a BUILD FAIL and the following error:
Error: xcodebuild process exited with code 65
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (runIOS.js:102:14)
at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:818:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)
Any idea what is going on? I followed the exact steps from the docs:

Here is the solution
first delete ios/build folder then run
sudo react-native run-ios

SOLVED: Always be sure to update your Xcode folks!
Protip: And don't do it from the apple store (but always do it from an official apple website of course)
tip from:
official apple download page:

For people not wanting to download and install XCode again:
After updating to XCode 8, open your project and set your signing identity right again
Run the project, maybe it will work again. If not, you will most likely get and error from RCTWebSocket
Double click on the RCTWebSocket project in your navigator and remove the flags under build settings > custom compiler flags. Details here:

i had the same issue
mac os el capitan
xcode 7.3.1
at this time react-native#0.59.0 was release but it didn't work for me
i installed react-native with older version
and used this command and made a new project
react-native init --version="react-native#0.53.0" myproject
now it's okay and is working perfect


Expo SDK 44 upgrade error - "expo-cli upgrade"

I want to upgrade expo to the latest version - SDK 47 from SDK 44 that I am currently using.
My npm version is 8.19.2, node version is 16.18.2 if it helps.
When I tried running the command: expo-cli upgrade, I am getting the following error:
✖ Failed to install expo package with error: npm exited with non-zero code: 1
npm exited with non-zero code: 1
Error: npm exited with non-zero code: 1
at ChildProcess.completionListener (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/#expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:65:13)
at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)
at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1100:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:304:5)
at spawnAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/#expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:26:19)
at NpmPackageManager._runAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/#expo/package-manager/src/NodePackageManagers.ts:166:31)
at NpmPackageManager.installAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/#expo/package-manager/src/NodePackageManagers.ts:82:16)
at NpmPackageManager.addWithParametersAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/#expo/package-manager/src/NodePackageManagers.ts:96:18)
at NpmPackageManager.addAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/#expo/package-manager/src/NodePackageManagers.ts:109:5)
at upgradeAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/src/commands/info/upgradeAsync.ts:496:7)
at actionAsync (/Users/abcd/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.0/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/src/commands/info/upgradeAsync.ts:42:3)
After reading a bit on the internet, I tried deleting the "package.lock.json" file but I have no idea why it would have worked as it didn't.
I also checked "babel-preset-expo", which is set to 9.0.2 as it should be as per another article.
It will be great if anyone here could help me with this issue. Thanks!
I had the same issue with node v16.4.0 while upgrading from SDK 44. Changing to v14.17.6 or v19.1.0 made the "expo upgrade" command work properly. These are examples, I am sure it works with other versions, just test by yourself.
You can find node versions on this link :
If you do not want to change your node version for some reason, I do not have a solution for it then. I am currently in this case and searching for a solution ...

Getting error when installing Bugsnag 'Error: spawn npm ENOENT'

this is the first time I post here so apologies if I don't follow some rules or incorrect formatting.
I'm making an app using React Native and Expo and when I try to install bugsnag I get this error.
$ npx bugsnag-expo-cli init
√ #bugsnag/expo does not appear to be installed, do you want to install it? ... yes
√ If you want the latest version of #bugsnag/expo hit enter, otherwise type the version you want ... latest
√ Using yarn or npm? » npm
> Installing #bugsnag/expo with npm. This could take a while!
Error: spawn npm ENOENT
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:269:19)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:465:16)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)
Are you attempting to run the bugsnag-expo-cli on Windows? The Expo CLI currently only supports MacOS and Linux:
As an alternative to the CLI, you can follow the manual integration guide:

POT insomnia plugin installation failed

I have installed the POT Insomnia plugin following link but it's not complete.
Here is error log:
Error: Yarn error warning #platform-of-trust/insomnia-plugin-platform-of-trust > jssha#2.4.2: jsSHA versions < 3.0.0 will no longer receive feature updates
at file:///Applications/
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:295:7)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:223:5)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:283:5)
What would be suggested to solve this issue?
Manually install with npm:
npm i #platform-of-trust/insomnia-plugin-platform-of-trust
Make sure it is installed in plugins folder of Insomnia.
After installation is complete Reload plugins.
At least this worked for me.
You could try insomnia workspace from this PR since it has updates for that package version
For windows 10-11 users
npm install insomnia-plugin-os
Then the plugin you wan to install for example in my case insomnia-plugin-xdebug
npm install insomnia-plugin-xdebug
Go to C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\node_modules
cut 3 folders
Open Insomnia->Application->Preferences->Plugins
Press Reveal Plugins Folder
Paste copied items
Open Insomnia->Application->Preferences->Plugins
Press Reload Plugins
That's it!

Cannot running successful built react-native project on iOS simulator error

I'm programming an APP using react-native, but after I pulled from github this morning, it turned out that I couldn't run it anymore. The logs in the command line are as follows:
The following commands produced analyzer issues:
Analyze Base/ normal x86_64
(1 command with analyzer issues)
Logs in "react-native start" command line are as follows:
error: bundling failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'bindings' of null
at Scope.moveBindingTo (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/scope/index.js:978:13)
at BlockScoping.updateScopeInfo (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping/lib/index.js:364:17)
at (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping/lib/index.js:330:12)
at PluginPass.BlockStatementSwitchStatementProgram (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping/lib/index.js:70:24)
at newFn (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/visitors.js:237:21)
at NodePath._call (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:65:20)
at (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:40:17)
at NodePath.visit (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:100:12)
at TraversalContext.visitQueue (/Users/martin/Desktop/ble-server/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/context.js:142:16)
BUNDLE [ios, dev] ../../index.js ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 0.0% (0/1), failed.
How could I run it again, it seems that there are no issues with codes.
Please run command first:
npm start
and then
react-native run-ios
You have probably updated react-native improperly please check the documentation.
You may have used npm audit fix which updates react-native.
To fix the problem you can downgrade the react-native version of the app with
npm install react-native#x.x.x"
Then re-compile project with
react-native run-ios"
And don't forget to restart the bundler as well with
react-native start
Then, if you still want to upgrade the react-native version you can use

Getting error while creating a new Project

I'm new to reactnative. I have followed steps to install reactnative properly but, while creating a new project, I'm getting an error. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit with i3 processor.
c:\ReactNativeProjects>react-native init AwesomeProject
Command npm install --save --save-exact react-native failed.
My Folder contains only one file
Since you are starting to use React Native, consider using Expo, I've used it and it makes developing, debugging, testing and deploying to the apple store and google play easier.
According to the official docs:
Expo is the easiest way to start building a new React Native
application. It allows you to start a project without installing or
configuring any tools to build native code - no Xcode or Android
Studio installation required (see Caveats).
Assuming that you have Node installed, you can use npm to install the
Expo CLI command line utility:
npm install -g expo-cli
Then run the following commands to create a
new React Native project called "AwesomeProject":
expo init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
npm start
This will start a development server for
I've answered a question in SO for the steps and what happens when you build your .apk and .ipa files using Expo, have a look at that as well.
These are my steps to get rid of this error:
Please upgrade your npm
npm install -g npm#latest
Run npm cache clean command in Command prompt ( With some element of doubt for cache presence)
3.Ran react-native init in command prompt as Administrator (on Windows OS), hoping works well with sudo react-native init on Mac OS
If still problem persist make sure that you have followed each and every step mentioned in Documentation i.e. installed JDK, PYTHON, NODE.
Refer to this link For windows