I don't understand how to go at this specific loop issue everytime I try a loop I System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException error - vb.net

I am creating a program and I need help on how I should go at this I need it to read encoded letters and return the correct letter but any loop that I try I just get System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException and it says that I need to make sure that what I am calling is just as long as what is there.
Private Sub btnDecode_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDecode.Click
Do While ((y / 4) = txtDecoded.Text.Length)
If txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "1" Then
y = y + 1
If txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "0" Then
y = y + 1
If txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "1" Then
y = y + 2
strholder2(z) = "S"
ElseIf txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "0" Then
y = y + 2
strholder2(z) = "s"
End If
If txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "5" Then
y = y + 1
If txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "9" Then
y = y + 2
strholder2(z) = "O"
If txtEncoded.Text.Substring(y, 1) = "8" Then
y = y + 2
strholder2(z) = "o"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Dim h As Integer
For h = 0 To (z)
strencode2 = strencode2 & strholder2(z)
txtDecoded.Text = strencode2
Label1.Text = y.ToString
End Sub
Now that I took Francis Lord's loop into account I figured out how to get it working so thank you Francis Lord and everyone that gave me feedback..

You'll need to put a condition in your While loop to stop it from incrementing the y past the length of your string. Something like
Do While(y < txtEncode.Text.Lenght)
would do, but I'm not too sure how your code is supposed to work so you might have to adjust the condition to match your logic.


VB.net Problem with If-statement not being run when the statement is true

With the following global variables:
Dim SpilleBræt(8, 8) As PictureBox
Dim Position(8, 8) As String
Dim MarkeretFelt(8, 8) As String
Dim FeltFarve As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim AktivMarkering As Boolean = 0
Dim SpilleBrik As String
And this code:
Private Sub PictureBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim FeltValg As PictureBox = CType(sender, PictureBox)
If AktivMarkering = 1 Then
x = Mid(sender.name, sender.name.Length - 1, 1)
y = Mid(sender.name, sender.name.Length, 1)
Select Case Position(y, x)
Case "LightTileMarked"
Me.SpilleBræt(y, x).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(SpilleBrik & "LightTile")
Case "DarkTileMarked"
Me.SpilleBræt(y, x).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(SpilleBrik & "DarkTile")
Case Else
'fjerner markerede
Select Case Position(y, x)
Case "BlackTower", "WhiteTower"
Case "BlackHorse", "WhiteHorse"
Case "BlackBishop", "WhiteBishop"
Case "WhiteKing", "BlackKing"
Case "WhiteQueen", "BlackQueen"
Case "WhitePawn", "BlackPawn"
For k As Integer = y To 1 Step -1
If Position(k, x) = "" Then
If (k + x) Mod 2 = 1 Then
FeltFarve = "DarkTile"
FeltFarve = "LightTile"
End If
Me.SpilleBræt(x, k).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(FeltFarve)
ElseIf Position(k, x) = "WhitePawn" Or Position(k, x) = "BlackPawn" Then
'background død brik
k = 1
End If
End Select
End Select
'indsætter markering
'x,y i picturebox'ens navn fx ->(SpilBrik44) hvor x=4 og y=4
x = Mid(sender.name, sender.name.Length - 1, 1)
y = Mid(sender.name, sender.name.Length, 1)
Select Case Position(y, x)
Case "BlackTower", "WhiteTower"
Case "BlackHorse", "WhiteHorse"
Case "BlackBishop", "WhiteBishop"
Case "WhiteKing", "BlackKing"
Case "WhiteQueen", "BlackQueen"
Case "WhitePawn", "BlackPawn"
For k As Integer = y To 1 Step -1
If Position(k, x) = "" Then
If (k + x) Mod 2 = 1 Then
FeltFarve = "DarkTileMarked"
FeltFarve = "LightTileMarked"
End If
Me.SpilleBræt(x, k).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(FeltFarve)
MarkeretFelt(x, k) = FeltFarve
AktivMarkering = 1
ElseIf Position(k, x) = "WhitePawn" Or Position(k, x) = "BlackPawn" Then
'background død brik
k = 1
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub
I have a problem with the first If statement aktivmarkering=1, goes directly to the 'Else' even though if statements is true.
First time code is run, aktivmarkering is = 0, and therefore it obviously goes to 'Else', but after that one has ben run AktivMarkering is = 1, and first if should be executed. I don't see why not - anyone whos able to help?

Excel VBA: "Next Without For" Error

I am getting the "next without for" error. I checked other questions on this and looked for any open if statements or loops in my code, but could find none. I'm need an extra set of eyes to catch my error here.
I am trying to loop through this code and advance the torque value 3 times each times it gets to the 30th i.
'This is Holzer's method for finding the torsional natural frequency
Option Explicit
Sub TorsionalVibrationAnalysis_()
Dim n As Integer 'position along stucture
Dim m As Integer
Dim i As Long 'frequency to be used
Dim j As Variant 'moment of inertia
Dim k As Variant 'stiffness
Dim theta As Long 'angular displacement
Dim torque As ListRow 'torque
Dim lambda As Long 'ListRow 'omega^2
Dim w As Variant
Dim s As Long
'equations relating the displacement and torque
n = 1
Set j = Range("d2:f2").Value 'Range("d2:f2").Value
Set k = Range("d3:f3").Value
'initial value
Set w = Range("B1:B30").Value
For i = 1 To 30
'start at 40 and increment frequency by 20
w = 40 + (i - 1) * 20
lambda = w ^ 2
theta = 1
s = 1
Do While i = 30 & s <= 3
torque = lambda * j(1, s)
s = s + 1
m = n + 1
theta = theta - torque(i, n) / k(n)
torque(i, m) = torque(i, n) + lambda * j(m) * theta
If m = 4 & i < 30 Then
w(i) = 40 + (i - 1) * 20
lambda = w(i) ^ 2
ElseIf m = 4 & i >= 30 Then
Cells([d], [5+i]).display (i)
Cells([e], [5+i]).display (theta)
Cells([f], [5+i]).display (torque)
End If
If m <> 4 Then
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
You are trying to terminate your While with an End instead of Loop
Try changing your End to Loop in your Do While loop. I think you are terming the loop when you hit that End
Proper indentation makes the problem rather apparent.
You have:
For i = 1 To 30
Do While i = 30 & s <= 3
If m = 4 & i < 30 Then
ElseIf m = 4 & i >= 30 Then
End If
If m <> 4 Then
End If
Next i
But run it through Rubberduck's Smart Indenter and you get:
For i = 1 To 30
Do While i = 30 & s <= 3
If m = 4 & i < 30 Then
ElseIf m = 4 & i >= 30 Then
End If
If m <> 4 Then
End If
Next i
End Sub
Notice how the End other answers are pointing out, is clearly not delimiting the Do While loop.
The Next i is inside the Do While block, which isn't terminated - when the VBA compiler encounters that Next i, it doesn't know how it could possibly relate to any previously encountered For statement, and thus issues a "Next without For" compile error.
Use an indenter.

vba array element removal

j = LBound(arrayTime)
Do Until j = UBound(arrayTime)
j = j + 1
b = b + 1
cnc = b + r
MsgBox cnc
If cnc > 7 Then
b = 0
r = 0
cnc = b + r
End If
numMins = Sheet5.Cells(cnc + 3, 2) - arrayTime(j)
If numMins < 0 Then
g = g + 1
ReArrangeArray arrayTime, j
'ReDim Preserve arrayTime(numrows - 1 + g)
'arrayTime(numrows - 1 + g) = arrayTime(j)
'MsgBox (arrayTime(numrows - 1 + g))
Sheet5.Cells(cnc + 3, 2) = numMins
End If
If the if statement is true I want to be able to put the array value at the end of the array and remove that value from its current spot. As the code is, it just adds it to the end and increases the size of the array from 12 to 13. How can I get the array to remain size 12 and still place the value at the end of the array and then remove it from its original position? I do not want to touch the array values in front. Just want to take that value and move it to the end.
For instance
If statement
j on third loop.
end array should be
You could use a helper Sub like this one:
Sub ReArrangeArray(inputArray as Variant, indexToSwap as long)
Dim I As Long
Dim tempVal As Variant
If indexToSwap >= LBound(inputArray) And indexToSwap < UBound(inputArray) Then
tempVal = inputArray(indexToSwap)
For I = indexToSwap To UBound(inputArray) - 1
inputArray(i) = inputArray(i + 1)
Next I
InputArray(UBound(inputArray)) = tempVal
End If
End Sub
To be called by your main Sub as follows:
ReArrangeArray arrayTime, j

How to make a "key generator" knowing the formula

I have the formula to check 9 integers,
First digit(d1) must be: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 or 9
Last digit(d9) must be: 0 or 9
9xd1+8xd2+7xd3+6xd4+5xd5+4xd6+3xd7+2xd8+d9 mod 11 = 0
I can "validate" the key, but how can I generate more of this, knowing the conditions for it to be right?
How can I generate 9 different integers from 0 to 9 and check them under this formula?
Thanks for helping!
Generate the first 7 digits randomly, calculating the formula for those digits.
Set the 9th digit's value to 9, and add it to the formula.
Calculate a value for the 8th digit based on the mod of the result of the formula that causes the result of the formula to be mod 11 = 0.
For the exception case where attempting to do this causes mod 11 = 9, set the 9th digit to 0.
Private randGen As New Random()
Function GenNum() As Integer
Dim digits(0 To 8) As Integer
GenNum = 0
Dim checkSum As Integer
digits(0) = randGen.Next(6) + 1
If digits(0) >= 3 Then digits(0) += 2
If digits(0) >= 7 Then digits(0) += 1
checkSum += digits(0) * 9
For d As Integer = 1 To 6
digits(d) = randGen.Next(10)
checkSum += digits(d) * (9 - d)
digits(8) = 9
checkSum += digits(8)
If (checkSum Mod 11) Mod 2 = 1 Then
digits(7) = (11 - (checkSum Mod 11)) \ 2
digits(7) = ((12 - (checkSum Mod 11)) \ 2 + 4) Mod 10
End If
checkSum += digits(7) * 2
If checkSum Mod 11 = 9 Then digits(8) = 0
Dim pow10 As Integer = 1
For d As Integer = 8 To 0 Step -1
GenNum += pow10 * digits(d)
pow10 *= 10
End Function
I can help you to generate integers from 0 to 9.
here is how your form should look like:
and here is the code:
Public Class Form1
Dim NumRandom As Random = New Random
Dim X, Y, Z As Integer
Private Sub GenerateBUT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GenerateBUT.Click
Dim a(9), i, j, RN As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
flag = False
i = 1
a(j) = 1
Do While i <= 9
RN = CInt(Int(9 * Rnd()) + 1)
For j = 1 To i
If (a(j)) = RN Then
flag = True
Exit For
End If
If flag = True Then
flag = False
a(i) = RN
i = i + 1S
End If
Label1.Text = a(1)
Label2.Text = a(2)
Label3.Text = a(3)
Label4.Text = a(4)
Label5.Text = a(5)
Label6.Text = a(6)
Label7.Text = a(7)
Label8.Text = a(8)
Label9.Text = a(9)
Z = Label4.Text
Y = Label5.Text
X = Z + Y
X = X - Label3.Text
If X > 1 And X < 10 Then
X = NumRandom.Next(1, 7)
If X = 1 Then
Label1.Text = "0"
ElseIf X = 2 Then
Label2.Text = "0"
ElseIf X = 3 Then
Label3.Text = "0"
ElseIf X = 4 Then
Label4.Text = "0"
ElseIf X = 5 Then
Label5.Text = "0"
ElseIf X = 6 Then
Label6.Text = "0"
ElseIf X = 7 Then
Label7.Text = "0"
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class

Visual Basic - variable names auto increment / loop

Is there a way when I want to do this:
textbox1.text = x + i
textbox2.text = x + i
textbox3.text = x + i
To do for example like this?
for l = 0 to 2
textbox(l) = x + i
Assuming these controls are inside a userform, do something like:
Private Sub FillTextboxes()
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
x = 10
For i = 0 To 2
Me.Controls("textbox" & i + 1).Text = x + i
Next i
End Sub