Why won't OpenERP7/Odoo restore a database when running via Docker behind an NGINX reverse proxy? - odoo

1.OpenERP/Odoo installed in a Docker environment as a single file. In other words, OpenERP/Odoo and a PostgreSQL database are installed by running a single "run" command.
NGINX used as a reverse proxy
Restore database over 1Mb in size.
Error message in restoring database via both zip file and dump file for Odoo 8
OpenERP/Odoo starts to upload database but then states that database cannot be restored while at the same time advising that the database has been restored.
Database is not available at the central OpenERP/Odoo log-in screen.

For newbies like myself the experience of this problem was particularly frustrating. The problem stems from a default setting within NGINX that limits NGINX interaction with a client (the computer used to restore the database to OpenERP/Odoo) to a 1Mb upload. As a result, the database restoration feature of OpenERP/Odoo appears broken. Thankfully, the reference in the question above hinted at the problem and the solution. Included below is a more richly documented instruction set on correcting the NGINX configuration that prevents Openerp/Odoo database restoration.
Attach to Docker container
$ docker exec -it [containerIdOrName] bash
If this is the first time trying to modify NGINX install VI
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install vim
Set client_max_body_size to 0 to disable body size checking
See Module ngx_http_core_module for more information on settings
$ vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
http{ ...
client_max_body_size 0;
Exit out of NGINX container
$ exit
Restart NGINX container
$ docker restart [containerIdOrName]
Give database restoration a try.
Please post corrections or additions to this method to sweeten the process up for others that are struggling bushwhacking their way through virtualization.


Apache2 Not Responding: Bitnami Magento Install (Legacy)

For reasons too insane to even go into, I am attempting to install using the Bitnami Magento image on a fresh Amazon AWS/Lightsail Ubuntu 16.04 instance (2gbs to avoid complaints and be sure I don't run into anything unnecessary).
I think this is really more of an Apache question. After I finish the install (success), I can't get the server to respond via the instance IP address at the default port (8080).
Regarding the old Bitnami Image, you can get (or wget) that Magento image still, it's over here:
wget "https://downloads.bitnami.com/files/stacks/magento/"
So for the sake of anyone who's trying to work through the whole process, once you pull the above down to your instance you need to chmod the above file to 755. This assumes you are in the directory with your download:
chmod 755 bitnami-magento-
Then run it using it's full path, like:
So the install is going to ask a bunch of questions, for anyone keeping track my answers were all yes (ie. yes to Git, PhpMyAdmin, Beetailer... whatever that is).
Then I created an admin user / password etc.
As far as the port I didn't have anything running on 8080 so the install defaulted the port to 8080 with HTTPS on 8443 with MySQL on 3306 (more on ports in a minute).
I think Host/Domain is one of the keys to this problem. When I couldn't get the server to respond I just recreated an instance and tried a different Domain during the install process. I tried: internal AWS IP, External ACTUAL IP,
Here's what the Magento 1.9 Domain prompt looks like:
So basically that sort of brings us up to date.
Once I finished the install, like a normal human used to using bitnami as a cloud image I assumed the server would respond at whatever the default path was at the IP address it was running on. Ie:
Not the case. When I hit that the server does NOT respond, hence the question. In addition to the above I have also tried the BASEIPADDRESS, and the BASEIPADDRESS:8080
Results checking open ports
So since the server is not responding I figured I would check the ports.
First I checked using netstat:
netstat -lntu
I got back:
Then I realized that netstat is now depreciated... so I went with:
ss -lntu
I got back:
(excuse the images, formatting wouldn't work for text)
To me it looks like 8080 (default) is open in both of those results. So why isn't the server responding at the default location?
#Bitnami Status = OK
Checking the status with:
/home/ubuntu/magento- status
Everything looks good:
apache already running
mysql already running
Memcached not running
Since it says Memcached was not running, I started memcached to see if that was the issue, no it was not.
I can access the instance via SSH and yes I am sure the IP is right. See images above.
I also posted this to the Bitnami community but haven't heard anything over there. Will cross populate as I get ideas.
It looks to me that you configured Magento using the private IP address, so you would not be able to access from your browser. A way to check it is by executing the following command in your machine:
curl -L
If that provides output, then the IP is misconfigured, so you would need to reinstall using the proper IP
So this ended up being PRIMARILY due to not running the Bitnami stack installer as root / sudo:
sudo /home/ubuntu/bitnami-magento-
Why Install with Sudo on AWS/Lightsail?
So the reason you need to install as sudo has to do with the fact that when run as the normal user (ie. not root) the installer defaults to port 8080 which is NOT open on aws by default. To complicate matters further you may not be able to get things running properly even if you manually swap to port 80 AFTER you run the installer.
To avoid a scenario where port 80 requires root access to utilize I just re-created my instance and ran the installer as root with the above command.
Host Setting
During install I selected the public IP for the "Host" prompt and everything worked as I thought it might (straight out of the box).
Thanks to Javier Salermon who put me on the right track and the devs at Bitnami for cueing me into the fact that 8080 is not open by default.

From custom dockerfile to kubernetes deploy with an apache started

I have a dockerfile where I build an apache web server with some custom configurations etc.
Executing the Dockerfile I create an image that could be used in a deployment yaml file using Kubernetes.
Everything is working properly but after deployment, my apache service is down in every container of every pod.
Obviously I can access in every container to execute an /etc/init.d/apache2 start but this solution is not very smart..
So my question is: how can I set my custom apache to be running during the execution of the deploy yaml file?
PS: I tried this solution: with the dockerfile I created a docker container then I accessed on it and I started apache. Then I created a new image from this container (dockerfile commit + gcloud image push) but when I deploy the application I always find apache down
Well, first things first - I would very much recommend just using the official apache2 image and then making your custom configurations from there. They're documentation states this in the following paragraph:
To customize the configuration of the httpd server, just COPY your custom configuration in as /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf.
FROM httpd:2.4
COPY ./my-httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
However if you're dead-set on building everything yourself; you'll notice that inside of the Dockerfile for the official image they are copying in a BASH script and then setting this as the CMD option. This works because when running a Docker container you should be running a single process; this is why, as you stated, running it from it's service is a bad idea.
You can find the script they're running here, it's very short at 7 lines - so you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out where to go from here.
Best of luck!

Docker for Win acme.json permissions

Traefik v1.3.1
Docker CE for Windows: 17.06.0-ce-win18 (12627)
I have the /acme folder routed to a host volume which contains the file acme.json. With the Traefik 1.3.1 update, I noticed that Traefik gets stuck in an infinite loop complaining that the "permissions 755 for /etc/traefik/acme/acme.json are too open, please use 600". The only solution I've found is to remove acme.json and let Traefik re-negotiate the certs. Unfortunately, if I need to restart the container, I have to remove acme.json again or I'm stuck with the same issue again!
My guess is that the issue lies with the Windows volume mapped to Docker but I was wondering what the recommended workaround would even be for this?
Can I change permissions on shared volumes for container-specific deployment requirements?
No, at this point, Docker for Windows does not enable you to control (chmod) the Unix-style permissions on shared volumes for deployed containers, but rather sets permissions to a default value of 0755 (read, write, execute permissions for user, read and execute for group) which is not configurable.
Traefik is not compatible with regular Windows due to the POSIX permissions check. It may work in the Windows Subsystem for Linux since that has a Unix-style permission system.
Stumbled across this issue when trying to get traefik running on Docker for Windows... ended up getting it working by adding a few lines to a dockerfile to create the acme.json and set permissions. I then built the image and despite throwing the "Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host security warning" when I checked permissions on the acme.json file it worked!
I setup a repo and have it auto building to the dockerhub here for further testing.
Once I got that built I switched the image out in my docker-compose file and my DNS challenge to Cloudflare worked like a charm according to the logs.
I hope this helps someone!

Remotely create a vhost on a docker container running rabbitmq

I have a Vagrantfile that does 2 important things; firstly pulls and runs dockerfile/rabbitmq, then builds from a custom Dockerfile that runs an application which assumes a vhost on the rabbitmq server, let's say "/foo".
The problem is the vhost is not there.
The container with rabbitmq is running successfully, the app is linked to it using --link as the built image is run. Using the environment variables docker sets I can hit the server. But somewhere in the middle of these operations I need to create the vhost as my connection is refused, i assume because "/foo" is not there.
How can I get the vhost onto the rabbit server?
note - using the webadmin is not an option, this has to be done programatically.
You can put default_vhost in /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config: http://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html
It will then be created on the first run. (Stop and delete the mnesia directory if has been started already)
There are few ways to get desired configuration:
Export/import whole configuration with rabbitmqadmin - Management Plugin CLI tool.
Use HTTP API from management plugin
Use rabbitmqctl cli tool to manage access control.
BTW according to docs in here: https://www.rabbitmq.com/vhosts.html
You can du this via curl by using:
curl -u userename:pa$sw0rD -X PUT http://rabbitmq.local:15672/api/vhosts/vh1
So probably it doesnt matter you are doing this remotely or not..

Why is the minidlna database not being refreshed?

I am developing a MiniDLNA server to stream media over WiFi. Existing files are shown properly. However, when I add new files to media folders the changes are not updated across MiniDLNA clients. I have also tried to restart the server but it does not reflect the changes.
I changed inotify_interval = 60 but it's still not updating files.db which is the MiniDLNA media list database. If I delete this database and restart the server it shows the changes.
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
$ minidlnad -h
-r forces a rescan
-R forces a rebuild
In summary, the most reliable way to have MiniDLNA rescan all media files is by issuing the following set of commands:
$ sudo minidlnad -R
$ sudo service minidlna restart
Client-side script to rescan server
However, every so often MiniDLNA will be running on a server. Here is a client-side script to request a rescan on such a server:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh -t server.on.lan 'sudo minidlnad -R && sudo service minidlna restart'
AzP already provided most of the information, but some of it is incorrect.
First of all, there is no such option inotify_interval. The only option that exists is notify_interval and has nothing to do with inotify.
So to clarify, notify_interval controls how frequently the (mini)dlna server announces itself in the network. The default value of 895 means it will announce itself about once every 15 minutes, meaning clients will need at most 15 minutes to find the server. I personally use 1-5 minutes depending on client volatility in the network.
In terms of getting minidlna to find files that have been added, there are two options:
The first is equivalent to removing the file files.db and consists in restarting minidlna while passing the -R argument, which forces a full rescan and builds the database from scratch. Since version 1.2.0 there's now also the -r argument which performs a rebuild action. This preserves any existing database and drops and adds old and new records, respectively.
The second is to rely on inotify events by setting inotify=yes and restarting minidlna. If inotify is set to =no, the only option to update the file database is the forced full rescan.
Additionally, in order to have inotify working, the file-system must support inotify events, which is not the case in most remote file-systems. If you have minidlna running over NFS it will not see any inotify events because these are generated on the server side and not on the client.
Finally, even if inotify is working and is supported by the file-system, the user under which minidlna is running must be able to read the file, otherwise it will not be able to retrieve necessary metadata. In this case, the logfile (usually /var/log/minidlna.log) should contain useful information.
MiniDLNA uses inotify, which is a functionality within the Linux kernel, used to discover changes in specific files and directories on the file system. To get it to work, you need inotify support enabled in your kernel.
The notify_interval (notice the lack of a leading 'i'), as far as I can tell, is only used if you have inotify disabled. To use the notify_interval (ie. get the server to 'poll' the file system for changes instead of automatically being notified of them), you have to disable the inotify functionality.
This is how it looks in my /etc/minidlna.conf:
# set this to no to disable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files
# note: the default is yes
Make sure that inotify is enabled in your kernel.
If it's not enabled, and you don't want to enable it, a forced rescan is the way to force MiniDLNA to re-scan the drive.
I have recently discovered that minidlna doesn't update the database if the media file is a hardlink. If you want these files to show up in the database, a full rescan is necessary.
ex: If you have a file /home/movies/foo.mkv and a hardlink in /home/minidlna/video/foo.mkv, where '/home/minidlna' is your minidlna share, you will have to do a rescan till that file appears in the db (and subsequently your dlna client).
I'm still trying to find a way around this. If anyone has any input, it's most welcome.
There is a patch for the sourcecode of minidlna at sourceforge available that does not make a full rescan, but a kind of incremental scan. That worked fine, but with some later version, the patch is broken. See here Link to SF
I have solved it with a small script:
Every 15 seconds it checks the size of the directory (/media/seriesPI). The service is restarted if there are changes
function sizeFiles(){
for i in $(du /media/seriesPI/ | awk '{print $1}')
#first size
while [ true ]
echo "$first != $cad"
if [ "$first" != "$cad" ] ; then
echo "Directory size has changed!"
echo "Restart service MiniDLNA"
sudo service minidlna restart
#update new size
echo "There are no changes in the directory"
echo "waiting 15 seconds..."
sleep 15
Resolved with crontab root
10 * * * * /usr/bin/minidlnad -r