Set the default __toString() format per Carbon instance? - php-carbon

I retrieve dates from a database and have the option to pre-process them (via the Laravel framework (v5.2)). The dates or times can come in any particular format but for this example let's say Y-m-d.
I want to be able to access the date as a Carbon instance in the view — this would give me the flexibility to format the date however I please or do nothing with it and print as-is (with the default toString being the same as its original string format).
The issue is maintaining the default expected toString format at the top-level Carbon toString format.
According to the docs, you can use the ::setToStringFormat() method to change the default format of toString. It is possible to set it with the static method Carbon::setToStringFormat() but it also works as an instance method e.g. ($date = Carbon::now())->setToStringFormat('Y-m-d') - albeit this seems to behave identically to the static method.
So, is it possible to set the individual __toString() format for a date instance?
It would allow me to do the following:
public function getDateAttribute($value)
$date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $value);
// $date->setToStringFormat('Y-m-d');
return $date; // prints in 'Y-m-d' format
In a view, I would then chain methods on the date, or print it as-is.

I had the same sort of issue and worked my way around it
First create a global serialization method for carbon dates (e.g. in the boot of the Laravel AppServiceProvider)
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot() {
// ...
Carbon::serializeUsing(function (Carbon $carbon):string {
$format = $carbon->getSettings()['toStringFormat'] ?? 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s';
return $carbon->format($format);
// ...
// ...
Then set the 'toStringFormat' setting to the format you need
$someCarbonDate->settings([ 'toStringFormat' => 'Y-m-d' ]);
Carbon::serializeUsing will now check if the carbon being serialized has a toStringFormat and use that or it will fall back to some other format you define.
You could probably also create your own Carbon class and extend Carbon\Carbon or Illuminate\Support\Carbon (used by Laravel) and override the __toString method, but that creates some new challenges when used in combination with the casting Laravel does internally.

If you just want to set the default format for when rendering Blade templates you can use the Blade::stringable method.
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
// ...
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot() {
// ...
Blade::stringable(function(\Illuminate\Support\Carbon $dateTime) {
return $dateTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s');
// ...
// ...
Any Illuminate\Support\Carbon instances should automatically be rendered with this format unless you choose otherwise.
For example...
{{ $user->created_at }} would now render as 23/07/2021 10:16:24 by default
{{ $user->created_at->toDateString() }} still works and would render as 23/07/2021
NOTE: You might need to run php artisan view:clear to clear any compiled views before this takes effect 🙂


Laravel change Connection for Notifications table

I am implementing Laravel 5.3 Notifications at the moment which is working very nice.
At the moment I am using 'email' as a notifications channel but I want to add 'database' too. I am using different databases/connections for languages and want to store the notifications in a central database / Connection.
How do I use a different database connection for notifications?
I already tried creating a Notifications model but that did not work:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Notifications extends Model
protected $connection = 'system';
Hackish solution. But tried and tested on a MongoDB connection.
What needs to be modified;
The Notifiable trait
The DatabaseNotification model
Optionally (nothing changes if you are using mysql) modify the HasNotifications trait
Modify the DatabaseNotificationCollection.Again this is useful for a non-mysql connection
Step One : Create a custom Notifiable Trait
Copy the contents from Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable and create a new file in your custom path...say App\Overrides\Notifications\Notifiable.
Your file will feature two changes...the namespace and you have to load the RoutesNotifications trait since we are not copying it over.
namespace App\Overrides\Notifications;
use use Illuminate\Notifications\RoutesNotifications;
trait Notifiable{
//The rest of the code remains
Step Two : Create a custom DatabaseNotification model
Follow the same procedure as above and copy the contents of the Illuminate\Notifications\DatabaseNotification file to the custom path that we created above...App\Overrides\Notification\DatabaseNotification
This is a standard Eloquent model and the connection change actually happens here
namespace App\Overrides\Notification;
//Use this if on mongodb.otherwise use to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Notifications\DatabaseNotificationCollection;
class DatabaseNotification extends Model
protected $connection = 'YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME_GOES HERE';
As of this point this should work if you are on a mysql connection.
To try this out change the Notifiable trait on the user model to use App\Overrides\Notifications\Notifiable. The notifications will use the connection you specified.
Users of MongoDB will have to take extra steps since the most popular driver I know of does not yet support MorphMany relations which are put to use for Laravel notifications.
Since that is not the asked question we leave it at that :-)
On Laravel 5.7 based on #Bernard answer
namespace App;
// implement the override Notifiable trait
use App\Traits\Override\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
namespace App\Traits\Override;
use Illuminate\Notifications\RoutesNotifications;
trait Notifiable
use HasDatabaseNotifications, RoutesNotifications;
namespace App\Traits\Override;
use App\Models\Override\MultiConnectionDatabaseNotification;
trait HasDatabaseNotifications
* Get the entity's notifications.
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany
public function notifications()
return $this->morphMany(MultiConnectionDatabaseNotification::class, 'notifiable')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
* Get the entity's read notifications.
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
public function readNotifications()
return $this->notifications()->whereNotNull('read_at');
* Get the entity's unread notifications.
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
public function unreadNotifications()
return $this->notifications()->whereNull('read_at');
namespace App\Models\Override;
use Illuminate\Notifications\DatabaseNotification as DatabaseNotification;
class MultiConnectionDatabaseNotification extends DatabaseNotification
// set your preferred connection here
protected $connection = 'oracle';
It's pretty simple, Just add protected $connection = 'YOUR CONNECTION NAME'; at Illuminate\Notifications\DatabaseNotification
That's all and it will work :)
You don't need to create new models if you are going to use one notification table with same connection.
My code will works if ur using different connection for USER model.

Authentication views for Laravel 5.1

Laravel 5.1 has just been released, I would like to know how could I tell the AuthController to get the login & register view from a custom directory? the default is: resources/views/auth...
The trait AuthenticateAndRegisterUsers only has this:
trait AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers
use AuthenticatesUsers, RegistersUsers {
AuthenticatesUsers::redirectPath insteadof RegistersUsers;
The code you're showing there only fills one function: it tells our trait to use the redirectPath from the AuthenticatesUsers trait rather than the one from RegistersUsers.
If you check inside the AuthenticatesUsers trait instead, you will find a getLogin() method. By default, this one is defined as
public function getLogin()
return view('auth.login');
All you have to do to get another view is then simply overwriting the function in your controller and returning another view. If you for some reason would like to load your views from a directory other than the standard resources/Views, you can do so by calling View::addLocation($path) (you'll find this defined in the Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder implementation of the Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface.
Also, please note that changing the auth views directory will do nothing to change the domain or similar. That is dependent on the function name (as per the definition of Route::Controller($uri, $controller, $names=[]). For more details on how routing works, I'd suggest just looking through Illuminate\Routing\Router.
for those who is using laravel 5.2, you only need to override property value of loginView
public function showLoginForm()
$view = property_exists($this, 'loginView')
? $this->loginView : 'auth.authenticate';
if (view()->exists($view)) {
return view($view);
return view('auth.login');
so to override the login view path, you only need to do this
class yourUserController {
use AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers, ThrottlesLogins;
protected $loginView = 'your path';

Automatic object cache proxy with PHP

Here is a question on the Caching Proxy design pattern.
Is it possible to create with PHP a dynamic Proxy Caching implementation for automatically adding cache behaviour to any object?
Here is an example
class User
public function load($login)
// Load user from db
public function getBillingRecords()
// a very heavy request
public function computeStatistics()
// a very heavy computing
class Report
protected $_user = null;
public function __construct(User $user)
$this->_user = $user;
public function generate()
$billing = $this->_user->getBillingRecords();
$stats = $this->_user->computeStatistics();
Some rendering, and additionnal processing code
you will notice that report will use some heavy loaded methods from User.
Now I want to add a cache system.
Instead of designing a classic caching system, I just wonder if it is possible to implement a caching system in a proxy design pattern with this kind of usage:
$cache = new Cache(new Memcache(...));
// This line will create an object User (or from a child class of User ex: UserProxy)
// each call to a method specified in 3rd argument will use the configured cache system in 2
$user = ProxyCache::create("User", $cache, array('getBillingRecords', 'computeStatistics'));
// user is an instance of User (or a child class) so the contract is respected
$report = new report($user)
$report->generate(); // long execution time
$report->generate(); // quick execution time (using cache)
$report->generate(); // quick execution time (using cache)
each call to a proxyfied method will run something like:
$key = $this->_getCacheKey();
if ($this->_cache->exists($key) == false)
$records = $this->_originalObject->getBillingRecords();
$this->_cache->save($key, $records);
return $this->_cache->get($key);
Do you think it is something we could do with PHP? do you know if it is a standard pattern? How would you implement it?
It would require to
implement dynamically a new child class of the original object
replace the specified original methods with the cached one
instanciate a new kind of this object
I think PHPUnit does something like this with the Mock system...
You can use the decorator pattern with delegation and create a cache decorator that accepts any object then delegates all calls after it runs it through the cache.
Does that make sense?

Handling uuid pk column in yii

I'm using UUID's as PK in my tables. They're stored in a BINARY(16) MySQL column. I find that they're being mapped to string type in YII. The CRUD code I generate breaks down though, because these binary column types are being HTML encoded in the views. Example:
<?php echo
CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->usr_uuid), /* This is my binary uuid field */
array('view', 'id'=>$data->usr_uuid)); ?>
To work around this problem, I overrode afterFind() and beforeSave() in my model where I convert the values to/from hex using bin2hex and hex2bin respectively. See this for more details.
This takes care of the view problems.
However, now the search on PK when accessing a url of the form:
results in User::loadModel($id) being called which in turn calls:
This doesn't work since the SQL is being generated (on account of it being mapped to php string type) is
select ... where usr_uuid='EC12EF8EBF90460487ABD77B3F534404'
What would have worked is if I could, for these uuid fields change the condition to:
select ... where usr_uuid=unhex('EC12EF8EBF90460487ABD77B3F534404')
I was wondering how I take care of this problem cleanly. I see one possiblity - extend CMysqlColumnSchema and override the necessary methods to special case and handle binary(16) columns as uuid type.
This doesn't seem neat as there's no support for uuid natively either in php (where it is treated as string) or in mysql (where I have it as binary(16) column).
Does anyone have any recommendation?
If you plan using it within your own code then I'd create my own base AR class:
class ActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord
// ...
public function findByUUID($uuid)
return $this->find('usr_uuid=unhex(:uuid)', array('uuid' => $uuid));
If it's about using generated code etc. then customizing schema a bit may be a good idea.
I used the following method to make working with uuid (binary(16)) columns using Yii/MySQL possible and efficient. I mention efficient, because I could have just made the column a CHAR(32) or (36) with dashes, but that would really chuck efficient out of the window.
I extended CActiveRecord and added a virtual attribute uuid to it. Also overloaded two of the base class methods getPrimaryKey and setPrimaryKey. With these changes most of Yii is happy.
class UUIDActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord
public function getUuid()
$pkColumn = $this->primaryKeyColumn;
return UUIDUtils::bin2hex($this->$pkColumn);
public function setUuid($value)
$pkColumn = $this->primaryKeyColumn;
$this->$pkColumn = UUIDUtils::hex2bin($value);
public function getPrimaryKey()
return $this->uuid;
public function setPrimaryKey($value)
$this->uuid = $value;
abstract public function getPrimaryKeyColumn();
Now I get/set UUID using this virtual attribute:
$model->uuid = generateUUID(); // return UUID as 32 char string without the dashes (-)
The last bit, is about how I search. That is accomplished using:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->addCondition('bkt_user = unhex(:value)');
$criteria->params = array(':value'=>Yii::app()->user->getId()); //Yii::app()->user->getId() returns id as hex string
$buckets = Bucket::model()->findAll($criteria);
A final note though, parameter logging i.e. the following line in main.php:
'enableParamLogging' => true,
Still doesn't work, as once again, Yii will try to html encode binary data (not a good idea). I haven't found a workaround for it so I have disabled it in my config file.

Yii Framework: CModel replicating CActiveRecord functionality with WebServices

Has anyone tried or found an example of a class derived from CModel that replicates CActiveRecord functionality with WebServices instead of database connection???
If done with RESTFULL WebServices it would be great. If data is transmitted JSON encoded, wonderful!!...
I'd appretiate your help. Thanks.
I spend a lot of time looking for that as well, I came across this Yii extension on Github:
It allows you to have exactly what you are looking for, the readme isn't updated with the changes reflected in, so I recommend you read through this document as well.
EActiveResource for Yii an extension for the Yii PHP framework allowing the user to create models that use RESTful services as persistent storage.
The implementation is inspired by Yii's CActiveRecord class and the Ruby on Rails implementation of ActiveResource (
This project started as a draft and is still under development, so as long is there is no 1.0 release you may experience changes that could break your code. Look at the file for further information
As there are thousands of different REST services out there that use a thousand different approaches it can be tricky to debug errors. Because of that I added extensive
tracing to all major functions, so you should always be able to see every request, which method it used and how the service responded. Just enable the tracing functionality of Yii
and look for the category "ext.EActiveResource"
Add the extension to Yii by placing it in your application's extension folder (for example '/protected/extensions')
Edit your applications main.php config file and add 'application.extensions.EActiveResource.*' to your import definitions
Add the configuration for your resources to the main config
4.) Now create a class extending EActiveResource like this (don't forget the model() function!):
class Person extends EActiveResource
/* The id that uniquely identifies a person. This attribute is not defined as a property
* because we don't want to send it back to the service like a name, surname or gender etc.
public $id;
public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
public function rest()
return CMap::mergeArray(
/* Let's define some properties and their datatypes
public function properties()
return array(
/* Define rules as usual */
public function rules()
return array(
/* Add some custom labels for forms etc. */
public function attributeLabels()
return array(
'name'=>'First name',
'surname'=>'Last name',
'salary'=>'Your monthly salary',
/* sends GET to and populates a single Person model*/
/* sends GET to and populates Person models with the response */
/* create a resource
$person=new Person;
$person->name='A name';
$person->save(); //New resource, send POST request. Returns false if the model doesn't validate
/* Updating a resource (sending a PUT request)
$person->name='Another name';
$person->save(); //Not at new resource, update it. Returns false if the model doesn't validate
//or short version
Person::model()->updateById(1,array('name'=>'Another name'));
/* DELETE a resource
$person->destroy(); //DELETE to
//or short version
Hope this helps you