How to get all dates that they have at least one Event on that day from a given date range? - sql

I am having a SQLite database which contains a table Events with start and end dates. I would like to get a Set (could be an array without duplicates) of dates that they at least have an Event on that day let's say from 1st of August to 20th of August.
Let's take some example events:
Event 1 from 02.08.2016 to 07.08.2016
Event 2 from 10.08.2016 to 12.08.2016
Event 3 from 11.08.2016 to 15.08.2016
Then the outcome should be:
[02.08.2016, 03.08.2016, 04.08.2016, 05.08.2016, 06.08.2016, 07.08.2016, 10.08.2016, 11.08.2016, 12.08.2016, 13.08.2016, 14.08.2016, 15.08.2016]
where 11.08.2016 and 12.08.2016 are not repeating.
NB: I am expecting an answer that could solve this problem only using SQL rather combining some programming code. I need that on a mobile device (iOS) where I am trying to optimize the user experience and performance.

Here is an example of creating a date table with recursive CTE and using it to select dates you need:
cnt(dt) AS
SELECT MIN(startDate) FROM Events
SELECT date(dt,'+1 day') FROM cnt
WHERE dt < (SELECT MAX(endDate) FROM Events)
LIMIT 10000
FROM cnt
JOIN Events ON dt BETWEEN startDate AND endDate
SQL fiddle demo


sum last n days quantity using sql window function

I am trying to create following logic in Alteryx and data is coming from Exasol database.
Column “Sum_Qty_28_days“ should sum up the values of “Qty ” column for same article which falls under last 28 days.
My sample data looks like:
and I want following output:
E.g. “Sum_Qty_28_days” value for “article” = ‘A’ and date = ‘’2019-10-8” is 8 because it is summing up the “Qty” values associated with dates (coming within previous 28 days) Which are:
for “article” = ‘A’.
Is this possible using SQL window function?
I tried myself with following code:
SUM("Qty") OVER (PARTITION BY "article", date_trunc('month',"Date")
ORDER BY "Date")
But, it is far from what I need. It is summing up the Qty for dates falling in same month. However, I need to sum of Qty for last 28 days.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, this is possible using standard SQL and in many databases. However, this will not work in all databases:
select t.*,
sum(qty) over (partition by article
order by date
range between interval '27 day' preceding and current row
) as sum_qty_28_days
from t;
If your RDBMS does not support the range frame, an alternative solution is to use an inline subquery:
select sum(t1.qty)
from mytable t1
t1.article = t.article
and between - interval 28 days and
) sum_qty_28_days
from mytable t

tdate issue I'm facing in SQL query

While fetching count from table by using following query
Select count(*)
from tab
where tdate = '17-05-19' ---> output 0
Select count(*)
from tab
where trunc(tdate) = '17-05-19' ---->output 0
If I use:
Select count(*)
from tab
where tdate >sysdate - 1 ---> it returns some count(yesterday+some of the today txn)
But here I want only yesterday txn whenever I fire this query.
But here I want only yesterday txn whenever I fire this query.
You may use this.
Select count (*) from tab where
tdate >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1
The advantage of this over using TRUNC on the date column is that it will utilize an index if it exists over tdate
If you tried by using
Select count(*) from tab where trunc(tdate) = date'2019-05-17'
(or, you could use
Select count(*) from tab where to_char(tdate,'dd-mm-yy') = '17-05-19' by formatting through to_char function
or, you could use
Select count(*) from tab where trunc(tdate) = trunc(sysdate)-1 to get only the data for the day before
you'd get some results provided you have data for the date 17th May.
So, you need to provide a formatting for your literal as date'2019-05-17'(known as date literal) especially for Oracle DB, it might be used as '2019-05-17' without date part in MySQL as an example.
Btw, trunc function is used to extract the date portion, and remove the time part of a date type column value.
If your table is populated with huge data, therefore performance may matter, then you can even create functional index on trunc(tdate).

Query to find out entries where dates don't overlap

Can anyone help me create a query which will populate a list of DJs who are not already booked in.
My user will select a start date (and time), and an end date (and time) - and then click a button to select a DJ.
I only want those DJs which are available between those time slots to appear in the list.
Here are the two tables which are involved
all I need in the listbox is the DJ Number, and the DJ Name
So far I have this... but it isn't working:
SELECT tblDJ.DJ_No AS [DJ ID], tblDJ.DJ_Name AS Name FROM tblDJ
WHERE (((tblDJ.[DJ_No]) Not In
(SELECT tblBooking.[FK_DJ_No]
FROM tblBooking
WHERE ( (tblBooking.End_Date) >= 01-04-2020 19:30:00 )))) ....etc....
I'm just entering a date in here for now, but obviously it will be stored in a variable once implemented.
Implementing OVERLAPS of two intervals would look like:
1st_start_date <= 2nd_end_date and 1st_end_date >= 2nd_start_date
where 1st and 2nd values are markers of different events.
You could use that logic in combination with NOT EXISTS to discard those djs that are unavailable at a given time:
select dj_no, dj_name
from tbldj d
where not exists (
select 1
from tblbooking b
where b.fk_dj_no = d.dj_no
and b.start_date <= #END DATE#
and b.end_date >= #START DATE#
You just need to replace #START DATE# and #END DATE# with your values.
This does work because there are following assumptions:
Start date of the first event is prior to end date of that event
Start date of the second event is prior to end date of that event
Which seems logical, right?
The date in the SQL needs to be wrapped between two # in order for MS-Access to recognize it as a date:
select *
from tblDJ
where DJ_No not in
select FK_DJ_No
from tblBooking
where End_Date >= #2020-04-01 19:30:00#
Other than that you query will work.

Latest date and time in SQL without ORDER BY

I'm trying to find a way to display the last event held (last date and time) in an events table whilst displaying all the columns for that event without using ORDER BY.
For example:
SELECT * from Events
where dateheld in (select max(dateheld) from events)
AND starttime in (select max(starttime) from events)
When I put MAX starttime, it displays nothing. When I put MIN starttime it works but displays the earliest time of that date and not the latest.
I guess you could print out your records, throw them down the stairs, and the ones that go farthest have the "lightest" dates. You cannot sort without order by. It's like wanting water that isn't wet. Unless your data naturally comes out in the order you want, you MUST sort.
Of course, if you want only the record that has the absolute most recent date, and don't need more than just that one record, then
SELECT yourdatetimefield, ...
FROM yourtable
HAVING yourdatetimefield = MAX(yourdatetimefield)
If you are only looking for the latest item:
EDIT gets a little more complicated when you have seperate date and time fields, but this should work. This is a ridiculous kludge for a situation where date and time should be stored in one field.
FROM Events
WHERE dateTime = (SELECT MAX(dateheld) FROM Events)
) temp
WHERE starttime = (SELECT MAX(starttime) FROM (
FROM Events
WHERE dateTime = (SELECT MAX(dateheld) FROM Events)
) temp 2 )

MySQL to get the count of rows that fall on a date for each day of a month

I have a table that contains a list of community events with columns for the days the event starts and ends. If the end date is 0 then the event occurs only on the start day. I have a query that returns the number of events happening on any given day:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM p_community e WHERE
(TO_DAYS(e.date_ends)=0 AND DATE(e.date_starts)=DATE('2009-05-13')) OR
(DATE('2009-05-13')>=DATE(e.date_starts) AND DATE('2009-05-13')<=DATE(e.date_ends))
I just sub in any date I want to test for "2009-05-13".
I need to be be able to fetch this data for every day in an entire month. I could just run the query against each day one at a time, but I'd rather run one query that can give me the entire month at once. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might do that?
And no, I can't use a stored procedure.
SELECT COUNT(*), DATE(date) FROM table WHERE DATE(dtCreatedAt) >= DATE('2009-03-01') AND DATE(dtCreatedAt) <= DATE('2009-03-10') GROUP BY DATE(date);
This would get the amount for each day in may 2009.
UPDATED: Now works on a range of dates spanning months/years.
Unfortunately, MySQL lacks a way to generate a rowset of given number of rows.
You can create a helper table:
INTO t_day (day)
and use it in a JOIN:
FROM t_day
JOIN p_community e
ON day BETWEEN DATE(e.start) AND IF(DATE(e.end), DATE(e.end), DATE(e.start))
Or you may use an ugly subquery:
SELECT 31 AS day
) t_day
JOIN p_community e
ON day BETWEEN DATE(e.start) AND IF(DATE(e.end), DATE(e.end), DATE(e.start))