How can I make labels invisible on load in Access 2007 - ms-access-2007

I've got a logger form which hides the text and combo boxes until you hit the "start activity" but is there anyway I can also make the labels disappear on load also and then also appear once a start button is pressed?
Here is a sample of my code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
strUserID = Environ("USERNAME")
AppVersion = "Version - " & DLookup("Version", "Version", "ID = 1") & " - " & DLookup("VersionDate", "Version", "ID = 1")
Me.txtVersion = AppVersion
Me.cmdStartCall.Visible = True
Me.txtPolicyClaimReference.Visible = False
Me.txtJobReference.Visible = False
Me.txtNotes.Visible = False
Me.CboContactMethod.Visible = False
Me.CboTitle.Visible = False
Me.CboDepartment.Visible = False
Me.CboLocation.Visible = False
Me.txtScheme.Visible = False
Me.txtFirstName.Visible = False
Me.txtSurname.Visible = False
End Sub
So if we assume that each txt or cbo box has the same name label, how can i get them not to show unless activated?

The labels must be attached (associated) to their textboxes/comboboxes, then they are hidden automatically with them.
To attach separated labels:
Select the label
Issue the Cut command
Select the control to which you want to attach the label
Issue the Paste command.


How to send focus to a text box of a VBA form during its initialization/activate event?

I have a VBA form in Corel. Behaving exactly like a similar one in Excel...
Initially, when the form initialize event used to contain only some lines of code, the simple ending line me.txtCsv.Setfocus used to send the focus on it. I mean, it appeared being in edit mode with the cursor blinking inside.
After a period of time, after the application became complex, I am not able to send the focus to the text box in discussion.
I know that Activate event goes last and I also have in it the line me.txtCsv.Setfocus. But without expected result. Inside the Initialization event code I inserted that line Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 1", changing 1 in 2, 3 up to 6 in many places, including the last line and all the time the name of the text box in discussion (txtCsv) appears in Immediate Window.
So, the control in discussion is the activate one, but the cursor is not inside it when the form is loaded.
TabStop is set to True. I set the TabIndex to 0.
The control is enabled and not blocked. I have created a new simple form with three text boxes and it works well.
I mean the text box which I want to send the focus, has the focus when the form is loaded, keeping a similar code in its Initialize or Activate events.
I compared all properties of the two forms and all text box controls and they are the same...
When I send the focus from another control on the form, the text box in discussion receives it.
It does not receive the focus (anymore) only when the form is shown, the focus being sent by Initialize or Activate evens.
Events code:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim P As Printer, i As Long, NrImp As Long, prDefault As String, strJustEngr As String
Dim Printers() As String, n As Long, s As String, boolFound As Boolean
Dim strEng As String, MEngr As Variant, m As Variant, el As Variant, defSize As String
Dim strDropbox As String
boolOpt = True: boolFound = False
If Me.chkNewStyle.Value = True Then boolNewStyle = True
prDefault = Application.Printers.Default.Name
strEng = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Engr, "No settings...")
If strEng <> "No settings..." Then
boolSelectedEngravers = True ' only adding engraver is possible...
MEngr = Split(strEng, "|")
'Incarcare in combo:
For Each el In MEngr
m = Split(el, ":")
Me.cbPrinters.AddItem m(0)
If m(0) = prDefault Then
boolFound = True
defSize = m(1)
End If
Me.cbPrinters.Value = Me.cbPrinters.List(0)
With Me.btChoosePrinters
.Caption = "Add an Engraver"
.ControlTipText = "Add another Engraver(must be installed)"
End With
Me.btEliminatePrinters.Enabled = True
Me.lblPrinters.Caption = "Engravers: "
Me.cbPrinters.ControlTipText = "Select Engraver to be used!"
Printers = GetPrinterFullNames()
For n = LBound(Printers) To UBound(Printers)
Me.cbPrinters.AddItem Printers(n)
If Printers(n) = prDefault Then boolFound = True
Next n
boolSelectedEngravers = False
End If
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 1"
If boolFound Then
Me.cbPrinters.Value = prDefault
Me.lblStatus.Caption = "The default printer (""" & prDefault & """) is not a laser Engraver..."
End If
If GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, "LowRAM", "No settings...") <> "No settings..." Then
boolLowRAM = CBool(GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, "LowRAM", "No settings..."))
End If
If boolLowRAM = True Then
Me.chkLowRAM.Value = True
Me.chkLowRAM.Value = False
End If
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 2"
'Direct engrave setting:
Dim strDirectEngrave As String
strDirectEngrave = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Direct_Engrave, "Nothing")
If strDirectEngrave <> "Nothing" Then
Me.chkDirectEngrave.Value = CBool(strDirectEngrave)
If CBool(strDirectEngrave) = True Then
boolDirectEngrave = True
boolDirectEngrave = False
End If
End If
strJustEngr = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Just_Engrave, "Nothing")
If strJustEngr <> "Nothing" Then
'Application.EventsEnabled = False
boolChangeEngr = True
Me.chkJustEngrave.Value = CBool(strJustEngr)
boolChangeEngr = False
'Application.EventsEnabled = True
If CBool(strJustEngr) = True Then
Me.chkDirectEngrave.Enabled = True
boolJustEngrave = True
Me.frLocFoldPath.Enabled = True
Me.frLocFoldPath.Enabled = False
Me.chkDirectEngrave.Enabled = False
End If
End If
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 3"
If boolSelectedEngravers Then
Application.EventsEnabled = False
Me.btGo.ForeColor = RGB(45, 105, 7)
Me.txtCsv.BackColor = RGB(153, 255, 51)
Me.btGo.Enabled = False
Application.EventsEnabled = True
End If
strDropbox = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Dropbox, "No value")
If strDropbox <> "No value" Then
If CBool(strDropbox) = True Then
Me.chkDropbox.Value = True
End If
End If
Me.chkCloseDoc.Value = True
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 4"
End Sub
Private Sub AllRefresh()
Application.Optimization = False
Application.EventsEnabled = True
If Documents.Count > 0 Then
ActiveDocument.PreserveSelection = True
End If
End Sub
Is there something else, crossing your mind, to be tested?
In the meantime I did some more tests, respectively:
I created a new project (.GMS file) and I imported the form in discussion.I started commenting all the Initialize event code, except the last two code lines.
It didn't set the focus! Commenting everything, letting only the Activate event code, it worked.
I started to un-comment lines in Initialize event code and I found a line not allowing the focus to be sent to that text box.
Setting the value of the combo: Me.cbPrinters.Value = Me.cbPrinters.List(0), moving it in the Activate event code, before the part pointing to txtCSV, worked well.
Now, I tried to do the same in the original form and it does not work...
The above question has been solved by Disabling followed by Enabling of the text box in discussion, but only doing that in Form Activate event. It did not work in Initialize event...
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.txtCsv.Disable: Me.txtCsv.Enable
End Sub

How to select/open a page available under a Multipage (Userform) using VBA code

I am trying to prompt a message to a user to select at least one checkbox available under each Page's (Multipage option) on a Userform and navigate him to that page to select the checkbox
'this will check whether any checkbox selected, if not it will prompt to select any one
If UF1_Revenue_Location_Role_Srch.Revenue_Loc_CheckBox1.Value = True And Not _
(UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page1.Revenue_Ind_CheckBox1.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page1.Revenue_Ind_CheckBox2.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page1.Revenue_Ind_CheckBox3.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page1.Revenue_Ind_CheckBox4.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page1.Revenue_Ind_CheckBox5.Value = True) Then
MsgBox "To Proceed: Kindly select atleast one Designation under Location India"
Call UserForm_Initialize
If UF1_Revenue_Location_Role_Srch.Revenue_Loc_CheckBox2.Value = True And Not _
(UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page2.Revenue_Ger_CheckBox1.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page2.Revenue_Ger_CheckBox2.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page2.Revenue_Ger_CheckBox3.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page2.Revenue_Ger_CheckBox4.Value = True _
Or UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Page2.Revenue_Ger_CheckBox5.Value = True) Then
MsgBox "To Proceed: Kindly select atleast one Designation under Location Germany"
Call UserForm_Initialize
On above code, I try to open the page using select option and Show option
but none of them really works.
Is there any other way to open this page to the user so that they can easily select the checkbox from it instead of selecting the page one by one?
Thanks in advance....
You can set the Attribute Value of your Multipage:
UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Value = 0 'Page1
UF2_Revenue_DailyRate.MultiPage1.Value = 1 'Page2
Remember that it starts with 0

How to create expandable/retractable form MS Access 2013 VBA?

I am creating a data entry form for one of my database tables. For one of the sections, I have the text field with ONLY the caption: "Description 1" showing. If the Description 1 textbox is filled out by the user, I want it to show the Description 2 textbox. If the user fills out the Description 2 textbox, the Description 3 textbox will show up and so on up to 10 Description textboxes. Is there a way to hide the extra text boxes kind of like when you fill out the information while creating a macro? For example when you click Create --> Macro, there is only a dropdown box for you to select an action. If you choose Open Form and hit enter, 6 more text boxes with captions appear.
Is there a way to get that kind of functionality in a form? Also, in the Macro builder, it dynamically rearranges the page for you, can this also be done with the form?
Follow these steps:
Mark the visible property as false
Add OnChange event for each textbox.
Write the VBA code to determine if the next control will be showed or hide. Note, the Me!FormControlItem.Text is accessible only if the control is focused.
There is the 3 functions for each control.
Private Sub text1_Change()
If Not Trim(Me!text1.Text) = "" Then
Me!Text2.Visible = True
Me!Label2.Visible = True
ElseIf Not Trim(Me!Text2) = "" Then
Me!Text2.Visible = True
Me!Label2.Visible = True
Me!Text2.Visible = False
Me!Label2.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_Change()
If Not Trim(Me!Text2.Text) = "" Then
Me!Text3.Visible = True
Me!Label3.Visible = True
ElseIf Not Trim(Me!Text3) = "" Then
Me!Text3.Visible = True
Me!Label3.Visible = True
Me!Text3.Visible = False
Me!Label3.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text3_Change()
If Not Trim(Me!Text3.Text) = "" Then
Me!Text4.Visible = True
Me!Label4.Visible = True
ElseIf Not Trim(Me!Text4) = "" Then
Me!Text4.Visible = True
Me!Label4.Visible = True
Me!Text4.Visible = False
Me!Label4.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Visual Basic "Do While" loop

I am coding a basic program that allows users to calculate useful data on a shape (2d and 3d) based on information such as radius length, side length, height, etc.
I would like to create a settings MENU that allows users to set how many decimal places they would like the answer to go to, so what I did was
Private Sub btnSettings_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSettings.Click
If btnSettings.Text = "Settings" Then
btnSettings.Text = "Back"
ElseIf btnSettings.Text = "Back" Then
btnSettings.Text = "Settings"
End If
Do While btnSettings.Text = "Back"
'makes IO elements invisible
lblEnter.Visible = False
lblEnter2.Visible = False
lblData1.Visible = False
lblData2.Visible = False
lblData3.Visible = False
lblAnswer1.Visible = False
lblAnswer2.Visible = False
lblAnswer3.Visible = False
txtEnter.Visible = False
txtEnter2.Visible = False
btnClearTxt1.Visible = False
lblEnter3.Visible = False
txtEnter3.Visible = False
chkBox.Visible = False
btnCalculate.Visible = False
btnClear.Visible = False
'Makes shape selection elements invisible
picCircle.Visible = False
picSquare.Visible = False
picTriangle.Visible = False
rdoCircle.Visible = False
rdoSquare.Visible = False
rdoTriangle.Visible = False
btn3D.Visible = False
'Changes texts on necessary elements
lblSelectShape.Text = "Settings"
End Sub
As you can see, when "btnSettings" shows the text "Settings", the elements on the screen are VISIBLE to the user, however as soon as "btnSettings" changes text to "Back" (indicating the user is inside the settings menu) all the elements on the screen disappear, making room for the elements the settings menu will have. However, while debugging the program whenever I hit the settings button the program crashes.
Any help? Thanks
Use a Select Case for this:
Select Case shapeType
Case shapeType.Circle
'logic for this
End Select

ActiveX List Boxes will not "Size and Move" with their parent cells

I'm new at VBA so sorry in advance if this is a silly question. I have a Worksheet with ActiveX List boxes. The worksheet also has Toggle Switches. The toggle switches are set up to Hide Rows and ActiveX boxes when not depressed and Show Rows and ActiveX boxes when depressed. I'd like to save the file with all of the Toggle switches not depressed so that the user can un-hide only the rows and boxes that they need. Everything works properly until I save the file with all rows hidden. After the save all of the boxes change locations. I've tried setting the boxes to "Move and Size with cell", "Move but don't size with cell", and "Don't more or Size with cell" in the preferences. The same thing happens with all options. Below is my toggle switch code. Is there something in there causing this to happen?
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
'This area contains the things you want to happen
'when the toggle button is not depressed
Range("101:183").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Sheet1.Range("94:144").EntireRow.Hidden = False
'This hides the listboxes since they can not move and
'size with cells
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox1").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox2").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox3").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox4").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox5").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox6").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox7").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox8").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox9").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox10").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox11").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox12").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox13").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox14").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox15").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox16").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox17").Visible = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox18").Visible = True
'This area contains the things you want to happen
'when the toggle button is depressed
Range("101:183").EntireRow.Hidden = True
Sheet1.Range("94:144").EntireRow.Hidden = True
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox1").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox2").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox3").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox4").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox5").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox6").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox7").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox8").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox9").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox10").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox11").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox12").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox13").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox14").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox15").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox16").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox17").Visible = False
Sheet11.OLEObjects("ListBox18").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
I know this isn't the answer to your question (I haven't even looked at it yet), but i just felt like giving you this code, this is the exact code you provided and will function the same way, just looks a tiny bit clearer (actually as it also removes the if statement it prolly even performs at like 1/1000000 of a millisecond faster also =D)
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
Dim boolToggleValue As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
boolToggleValue = ToggleButton1.Value
'This area contains the things you want to happen
'when the toggle button is not depressed
Range("101:183").EntireRow.Hidden = Not boolToggleValue
Sheet1.Range("94:144").EntireRow.Hidden = Not boolToggleValue
'This hides the listboxes since they can not move and
'size with cells
With Sheet11
For i = 1 To 18
.OLEObjects("ListBox" & i).Visible = boolToggleValue
Next i
End With
End Sub