I need to replace comma with point and then i need my value to be a number.
So i wrote this:
select replace('12345,6789', ',' , '.') from dual --it works fine
but then I want to convert to_number that value and I get the error:
"invalid number"
The to_number() function uses the session's NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS setting to decide how to interpret commas and periods. If you know your string will always have a comma as decimal separator you can override that as part of the call, using the optional third argument; although that does mean you have to specify the format model:
select to_number('12345,6789', '9999999999D9999', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='',.''')
from dual;
You don't need a separate replace() step.
You can also change the session's setting with ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=',.';, but you may not be able to control the setting in every client that has to run your code.
The decimal separator is defined in your locale. Here it looks like it is ,. So you need not to do the replacement before converting your string:
select to_number('12345.6789') from dual --should work already
Or change your locale:
alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS= '.,';
select to_number('123'||'.'||'456') from dual;
select to_number(replace('12345,6789', ',' , '.')) from dual
I'm using Oracle Database version I'm running a query that returns integers that is actually a dollar amount:
SELECT value AS "Valuation" FROM estimates;
Instead, I would like to show:
How can I convert the integers into dollar $ format?
Use the TO_CHAR function:
TO_CHAR(SOME_NUMBER, '$999,999,999,999,999')
db<>fiddle here
Use to_char with extended parameters format and nlsparam: TO_CHAR (number)
and Number Format Models:
You can specify currency with NLS_CURRENCY and "Group symbol" (NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS('dg'))
]') AS "Valuation"
FROM estimates;
NB: It's not necessary to specify extra NLS parameters if they correctly set on session level! So it will be much more agile and users will be able to use own session settings.
Can get rid of the left spaces if you really want that:
SQL> SELECT ltrim(to_char(value,'$999,999')) AS "Valuation" FROM estimates;
query is :
select substr(to_date('01-02-2018','mm-dd-yyyy'),4,3) from dual;
output is :
can anyone explain how the output came ?
When you apply a text function directly to something that's of DATE datatype, you force an implicit conversion of the date into a string. This conversion uses the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter to decide the format of the output string.
In effect,
is the same as
substr(to_char(to_date('01-02-2018','mm-dd-yyyy'), <NLS_DATE_FORMAT>),4,3)
The usual default value (for English-language versions of the database) of the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter is DD-MON-RR - which it sounds like the value of your NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter is set to, which means your query is doing:
substr(to_char(to_date('01-02-2018','mm-dd-yyyy'), 'DD-MON-RR'),4,3)
Therefore, the substr is working on the string 02-JAN-18, and the 3 characters starting from the 4th character is JAN.
Rather than use substr on a date, you would do better to use to_char instead, e.g.:
to_char(to_date('01-02-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy'), 'MON')
I don't understand fully how can I use the to_char function to convert a number to a string with the appropriate format model.
The actual number has this type of format:
Uses comma as decimal separator
Always 5 decimal numbers
The integer numbers can up to 6 (potentially can be infinite, but for now they were never more than 6)
The number can be positive or negative
The number can begin with a 0
I've tried to use the to_char but I am not able to achieve a result that works with all the conditions
Some examples of how the output should be are
0,00235 or 156,45623 or -0,0235 or -156,45623
Keep in mind that you are transforming a number into a string. The number does not have any sense of "," or "." or anything--it is a number.
The trick is to get the TO_CHAR function to convert the internal number to the string representation that you want.
There are a few problems to worry about: getting the radix point (decimal) correct and dealing with padding.
Here is a working example:
SELECT to_char(0.00235,'FM99999999999999990D99999', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.''') FROM DUAL;
SELECT to_char(156.45823,'FM99999999999999990D99999', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.''') FROM DUAL;
SELECT to_char(-0.0235,'FM99999999999999990D99999', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.''') FROM DUAL;
SELECT to_char(-156.45623,'FM99999999999999990D99999', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.''') FROM DUAL;
SELECT to_char(123456789.45623,'FM99999999999999990D99999', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.''') FROM DUAL;
The relevant parts of the mask:
FMis used to trim leading and trailing blanks that Oracle normally uses to pad out numbers.
D is the radix point, depending on your NLS settings.
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS ... is an override of your local NLS settings--this might not be necessary if your locale uses a comma for the decimal, but it is a way you can force this behavior in a database with, say, North American settings.
Shamelessly stolen from this post from #Vadzim.
You should be able to get the format you're looking for by using this pattern:
rtrim(to_char(num, 'FM999999999999990.99'), '.')
SELECT rtrim(to_char('0,00235', 'FM999999999999990.99999'), '.') FROM DUAL\\
SELECT rtrim(to_char('156,45623', 'FM999999999999990.99999'), '.') FROM DUAL\\
SELECT rtrim(to_char('-0,0235', 'FM999999999999990.99999'), '.') FROM DUAL\\
SELECT rtrim(to_char('-156,45623', 'FM999999999999990.99999'), '.') FROM DUAL\\
I don't understand why these two code results are identically the same? I thought if I have quotes it just concatenate strings. Why not first one is 300.5100? I know second one is 400.5 anyway. Thank you
Select to_char('300.5' + '100') From Dual;
Select to_char(300.5 + 100) From Dual;
To concatenate strings in SQL you have to use ||. The + is only there to add numbers. If you didn't pass '300.5' + '100' you would simply get an error, e.g. the following is invalid SQL:
select '300.5' + '100'
from dual;
But as to_char() expects a number as the input parameter Oracle implicitly converts those strings to numbers and then adds them, just like in the second statement.
concatenation is
'xxx' || 'yyy'
your example allows the literals to be converted to numeric then treated as normal numbers.
I have a number for example 39.46
and i want it to convert in ,format i.e it should look like 39,46 in SQL
is there any function to convert decimal amount in , separated format ?
There is a NLS setting NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS, where you can set "," as decimal separator and "." to separate thousands. They are typically automatically set when you set your locale. You obviously use an English locale.
See here.
This assumes you have actual numbers in your DB and not strings which look like numbers. For strings you may want to use sting conversion operations as described by Thomas G.
Below I demonstrate how to use the number format and the nls_numeric_characters parameter, both for a numeric input and a string input. Notice the d (or D) in the format model, it says "use whatever the appropriate decimal separator is."
SQL> select to_char(93.23, '999d99', 'nls_numeric_characters='',.''') from dual;
1 row selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.14
SQL> select to_char(to_number('93.23'), '999d99', 'nls_numeric_characters='',.''')
from dual;
1 row selected.