How to show download link for ir.attachment in Kanban card for Odoo 8? - odoo

I want to show the download link for ir.attachment in Kanban card (as in the form view), below the attachment name. Can anyone help me?

You can use the url widget.
<field name="url" widget="url"/>


How make my custom module visible in app switcher odoo12 through code

I am new to the odoo and I developed a small custom module in odoo12. The problem is I am not able to see my custom module in the app switcher page after installing the module. (Below I gave the image link, where I am not able to see the module I have created after installing).
This is the link
The first step is you must define a menuitem, if you do not set a "parent" it will be a root menu and will therefore appear in the app drawer.
name="Module Menu"
You will probably want to have submenus to access your models, they will use this menu as their parent.
<menuitem name="Model Name" id="menu_1_list" parent="model_menu_root"
And the menu refers to the window action, which controls how your model is displayed.
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_window">
<field name="name">Model Name</field>
<field name="res_model">module_name.model_name</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
You will need to define some security rules, otherwise the menu will not appear. These are controlled in the ir.model.access.csv file which must be declared in the file. In previous versions skipping this step would be fine for testing purposes as the admin user would be able to see all models but this seems to have changed in v12 and you will need to define security rules before the menu becomes visible. Security rules are explained in the odoo developer docs
By the way, for a problem like this, usually the first place I would look would be the Odoo source code on GitHub. You can see how they have implemented the root menu and security rules on each of their modules and emulate it for your module.

Odoo switches pages when they become visible

I added additional pages (tabs) to a form view. Also I have a boolean field. For example.: lets say at view_partner_form when I click is a customer = True, additional page I added next to sales and purchases becomes visible. The problem is that odoo opens that pages that became visible. I don't want that, I consider it bug. I want to stay at Sales and Purchases.
If there is anyone with similar problems please share your solution.
You have a possibility to use the autofocus in the XML.
<page autofocus="autofocus">
<field name="customer"/>

DNN : communicate with another module

I am new to DNN. So please guide me for my this query.
My requirement is to display one user list page and that will contain one link called 'Edit'. On click of that link it's detail should be displayed.
For this, I have created one module which contains one user control called 'UserList' which is displaying list of users. Now for detail page
Should I create new module? If yes then how to communicate with that module from that 'Edit' link?
If there is any another way to have both view in same module?
Please guide me what to do in requirement?
Thanks in advance.

How to add a custom fields created in Employee Module to Leave Request Module in openerp 8?

I had created two new fields in for Employee Model via the database structure and modified the form view of employee model to display both the fields. They are displaying perfectly. Now I want to refer to these new fields in the Leave Request Module. I don't know how to display it. I tried adding it similarly like I did for Employee Model but it doesn't help. Could you help in achieving this?
what is the code you've got so far?
are you using xpath?
this might be the solulation for your problem.
<xpath expr="//field[#name='thenameofthefieldfromcurrentview']" position="after">
<field name="thenameofthefieldyouwanthere"/>

Openerp change the action of top menu Human Resources

I need to change the action for the default Human resources menu.
when I am clicking on the "human Resources Menu" it is going to Employee menu on left side, but I need to go to leave requests directly. how can I do that?
some one suggested me change sequence number but I did not know how to do that, please help me to do this.
see the following picture to see in detail.
You need to change in two file and replace with below tag given.
addons / hr / hr_view.xml
<menuitem id="menu_hr_main" parent="menu_hr_root" name="Human Resources" sequence="20"/>
addons / hr_holidays / hr_holidays_view.xml
<menuitem name="Leaves" parent="hr.menu_hr_root" id="menu_open_ask_holidays" sequence="0"/>
Hope this will give you as your require output.
if you want to open leave request first, then you have to pur leave request as first positon in Human Resource menu, by default openerp first open the first menu
You need to change the menuitem sequence="1" number and later update the module.Here,
<menuitem id="menu_hr_main" parent="menu_hr_root" name="Human Resources" sequence="3"/>