Reset Wordpress PW in Database - sql

I need to reset a wordpress Password via PHP My Admin. I already tried MD5, and I also tried to upload a PHP file to the base directory and use the wp_has_password() Function and i tried - but non is working - how can i encrypt a password via PHPMyAdmin?

Please view the image and set md5 password


forgot the moodle admin password of my local moodle server

forgot the moodle admin password of my local moodleyour text server
i am using the version 4.1 moodle
i know the username but unfortunetly forgot the password my local moodle server.
i have tried to forgot the password i havent give the smtp address so i cant recieve the mail of reset password
enter image description here
login to moodle server but
i have forgot the passwqord so i am not able to login
You can reset the password from the command line
php admin/cli/reset_password.php --username=admin --password=newpassword
Here is a more hacky approach that works provided you have access to the database.
For context, Moodle uses the PHP function password_hash() to generate a password hash for users. The basic idea is that you want to use this function in a plain PHP file outside of Moodle to output a password hash of a new password. This hash is then manually saved in the password field in your mdl_user table using your database client and your new password used to login to the site.
PHP File:
echo password_hash("new_password", PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
Example output of password_hash:

Change admin password alfresco share

I can't login with my user administrator "admin" and I can't reset the password
I try to reset the password in Postgresql data base with this comande
UPDATE alf_node_properties SET string_value='f59601091e5cbb1dcf28bbb15a30c50b' WHERE node_id=4 and qname_id=12;
but don't resolve the problème !!!
Are you using the correct Alfresco's reset password method ?
Things have changed since Alfresco 5.1, you might be doing it the wrong way.
You globally have three ways to do it :
Set a user with a known password as admin :
in set the alfresco_user_store.adminusername=username property
Configure the authentication component to accept all logins using
Change the admin password in the DB (By following the correct alfresco's version instructions)

Apache Archiva set admin account password

I have only ssh access to machine where I need to setup the Archiva. So i wonder have can I create a admin account and set a password to that account.
I found in Archiva API /userService/createAdminUser but still I don't understand how to add a password to the user that will be created by this API request.
Or maybe you can help me with another solution?
The user format is defined here: (the api accept both json and xml)
NOTE: you won't be able to use this api#method if the admin user already exists!

Cpanel doesn't change password

I am trying to change a password using the cPanel API. cPanel doesn't change the password if the username and password are the same. Are there any other cases when cPanel doesn't change the password?
You should check the log files for the reason
Your best bet might be to look at the regular user's documentation about changing passwords; it should point out what can't be done, etc.
In order to change password for cPanel users, it should be allowed from WHM,
You can check it from WHM >> Tweak settings >> Allow cPanel users to reset their password via email

how to read remote file protected by username and password in rails 3

I am developing a rails 3 application. One of the function is to get/read a remote file through a URL, and before getting there, I need to provide username and password to access.
The following link is an example:
Any suggestions?
I'd use mechanize for that.