Applying style to particular words - vba

I am using RegEx search, for find out the particular word in my MS-Word document, and the search result is stored into a variable. My problem is I want to apply a custom style only for the search result
worldwide[1,2]. Before, during or after the [1,3,4][1,2,4,5] [1,2,6,7,8] [1,2] [1,2]
I am using the following code
Sub RegexReplaces()
Set matches = New regExp
Dim Sure As Integer
Dim rng As Range
matches.Pattern = "([\[\(][0-9, -]*[\)\]])"
matches.Global = True
Dim mat As MatchCollection
Set mat = matches.Execute(ActiveDocument.Range)
For Each m In mat
Sure = MsgBox("Are you sure?" + m, vbOKCancel)
If Sure = 1 Then
m.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1") 'this is the error line
MsgBox "not1111"
End If
Next m
End Sub

The For Each m In mat loop iterates over each item in the mat collection. M is not a range. You need to set a range starting at m.FirstIndex and ending at m.FirstIndex + m.Length. Then you'll need to select the range and use Selection.Style to style the range.
Sub RegexReplaces()
Set matches = New regExp
Dim Sure As Integer
Dim rng As Range
matches.Pattern = "([\[\(][0-9, -]*[\)\]])"
matches.Global = True
Dim mat As MatchCollection
Set mat = matches.Execute(ActiveDocument.Range)
For Each m In mat
Sure = MsgBox("Are you sure?" + m, vbOKCancel)
If Sure = 1 Then
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=m.FirstIndex, End:=m.Length + m.FirstIndex)
Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1")
MsgBox "not1111"
End If
Next m
End Sub


Word document highlight issues

Hi I am very new to VBA word programming. I am trying to use regex and word range to select a pattern of words in a word document containing 108 pages to highlight them in Yellow and Green. When I execute the VBA code the word document hangs for a minute of 2 until the code has processed the request. Please check the code below and suggest.
**extract of the word**
if LRD233 xs , LRD237 xs
LRDE233 xs , LRDE237 xs
then #R233A(M/W)
*QZR233A(M/W) #R233A(M/W) .
if LRD233 xs , LRD237 xs
LRDE233 xs , LRDE237 xs
then #R233A(M/W)
if R233A(M/W) a
P831 cnf , P833 cnf , L(PB-1)SETTINGAVAIL xs
then R233A(M/W) s
P831 cn , P833 cn
**VBA Code**
Sub Reminder_Highlight()
Dim match As VBScript_RegExp_55.match
Dim matches As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
Dim myrange As Range
Dim rng3 As Selection
Dim counter As Integer
Set myrange = ActiveDocument.Content
Set rng3 = Selection
Dim Panel_request As Boolean
Dim Reminder_latch As Boolean
With New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
.Pattern = "(\*Q(A|R|RD)\S+|LRD\S+\s(xs\s+,|xs)|(\#R|\*R)\S+)"
.Global = True
Set matches = .Execute(rng3.Text)
End With
Debug.Print matches.Count
For Each match In matches
myrange.SetRange rng3.Characters(match.FirstIndex + 1).Start, rng3.Characters(match.FirstIndex + match.Length).End
If Left(match, 1) = "#" Or Mid(match, 1, 2) = "*R" Then myrange.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen Else myrange.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
Debug.Print matches.Item(counter) & " "; counter
counter = counter + 1
Set matches = Nothing
Set rng2 = Nothing
Set rng1 = Nothing
Set rng3 = Nothing
End Sub
Try this.
Sub HighlightSpecificWords()
Dim sArr() As String
Dim rTmp As Range
Dim x As Long
sArr = Split("highlight specific words") ' your list
Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
For x = 0 To UBound(sArr)
Set rTmp = ActiveDocument.Range
With rTmp.Find
.Text = sArr(x)
.Replacement.Text = sArr(x)
.Replacement.Highlight = True
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub

How to clean a Word table before saving to a Word bookmark?

I am writing Word VBA that:
(1) assigns values from a Word table to VBA variables,
(2) cleans the variables' values of non-text,
(3) uses the variables' names and values to create Bookmarks in that same bookmark_value cell of the table, and
(4) repeats 1-2-3 until the end of table.
This table is the first table in the document and has two columns, something like this:
| bookmark_name | bookmark_value|
| bm1 | 88 |
| foo | 66 |
The code picks up the bookmark_names and posts into Word Bookmarks, and also picks up the bookmark_values but fails to clean the table coding out of the value.
The result is the Bookmarks displaying these unwanted cells in Word with the value inside it. It is strange that first column works and not the second.
Some things I tried:
I found on the Internet and on this site, what I thought were solutions, those are marked in the code below with comments, the header saying, "tried and failed".
I am nearly sure I need to "unformat" the text, or something like that.
Public Sub BookmarkTable()
Dim selectedTable As Table
Dim curRow As Range
Dim rngSelect1 As Range
Dim rngSelect2 As Range
Dim intTableIndex As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim Cell1 As Cell, Cell2 As Cell
Dim strBookmarkName As String, strBookmarkValue As String, strBV As String
Dim strTstBookmark As String
Dim Col1 As Integer, Col2 As Integer
Dim i As Integer, t As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
' Dim
Col1 = 1 'set the bookmark name from column 1
Col2 = 2 'set the bookmark's value from column 2
'For t = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
t = 1 'select the Table to use(only using the first table right now)
Set selectedTable = ActiveDocument.Tables(t)
selectedTable.Select 'selects the table
For intRow = 2 To selectedTable.Rows.Count 'iterate through all rows
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
Set Cell1 = ActiveDocument.Tables(t).Cell(intRow, Col1)
Set Cell2 = ActiveDocument.Tables(t).Cell(intRow, Col2)
intTableIndex = ActiveDocument.Range(0, Selection.Tables(1).Range.End).Tables.Count
rngColumnStart = Selection.Information(wdStartOfRangeColumnNumber)
rngRowStart = Selection.Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)
End If
strTstBookmark = "BM_Table" & CStr(intTableIndex) & "_R" & CStr(rngRowStart) & "_C" & CStr(rngColumnStart)
' strBookmarkValue = strTstBookmark
Set rngSelect1 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Cell1.Range.Start, End:=Cell1.Range.End - 1)
strBookmarkName = Strip(rngSelect1.Text)
Set rngSelect2 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Cell2.Range.Start, End:=Cell2.Range.End - 1)
strBookmarkValue = Strip(rngSelect2.Text)
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Tables(intTableIndex).Cell(rngRowStart, rngColumnStart).Range
rng.End = rng.End - 1
'tried and failed)
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(strBookmarkName) = True Then
End If
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(strTstBookmark) = True Then
End If
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:=strTstBookmark
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:=strBookmarkName
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(strBookmarkName).Range.Text = strBookmarkValue
Next intRow
'Next t
End Sub
'tried and failed
Private Function Strip(ByVal fullest As String)
' fuller = Left(fullest, Len(s) - 2)
Strip = Trim(Replace(fullest, vbCr & Chr(7), ""))
End Function
That's truly horrible code you're using. Try:
Sub BkMkDemo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim r As Long, BkMkNm As String, BkMkTxt As String
With ActiveDocument
For r = 2 To .Tables(1).Rows.Count
BkMkNm = Split(.Tables(1).Cell(r, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0)
BkMkTxt = Split(.Tables(1).Cell(r, 2).Range.Text, vbCr)(0)
If Not .Bookmarks.Exists(BkMkNm) Then .Bookmarks.Add BkMkNm, .Range.Characters.Last
Call UpdateBookmark(BkMkNm, BkMkTxt)
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub UpdateBookmark(BkMkNm As String, BkMkTxt As String)
Dim BkMkRng As Range
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks.Exists(BkMkNm) Then
Set BkMkRng = .Bookmarks(BkMkNm).Range
BkMkRng.Text = BkMkTxt
.Bookmarks.Add BkMkNm, BkMkRng
End If
End With
Set BkMkRng = Nothing
End Sub
If all you want to do is to apply the bookmark to the content of the second cell, you need nothing more complex than:
Sub BkMkDemo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim r As Long, BkMkNm As String, BkMkRng As Range
With ActiveDocument
For r = 2 To .Tables(1).Rows.Count
BkMkNm = Split(.Tables(1).Cell(r, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0)
Set BkMkRng = .Tables(1).Cell(r, 2).Range
BkMkRng.End = BkMkRng.End - 1
.Bookmarks.Add BkMkNm, BkMkRng
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
After a great deal of research and learning by this VBA neophyte, here is the solution that I finally got to work. I found the fix by accident on the Windows Dev Center at msdn dot microsoft dot com posted by Cindy Meister...thank you. Turns out there are a combination of three characters needing to be cleaned when extracting text from a Word table cell: Chr(10) & Chr(13), Chr(11).
I simplified the code using the suggestions of macropod above. Thank you.
Sub aBookmarkTable()
'a subroutine compiled by Steven McCrary from various sources
'on the Internet, to use values in the second column of the
'first table in a Word document to create Bookmarks in that second
'column, in place of the value input there.
'To use the macros, modify the values in the table and run the macro.
'Then place Field Code references in Word to use the Bookmarks.
'The Bookmarks can be seen through Word menu: Insert>Links>Bookmark
'The table has just two columns, looking something like this:
'| bookmark_name | bookmark_value|
'| bm1 | 88 |
'| foo | 66 |
'The code places each Bookmark in the second column of each row, using
'the name given in the first column.
'The two critical functions of the macro occur in these two lines of code:
' rngBM.End = rngBM.End - 1
' Strip = Replace(fullest, Chr(10) & Chr(13), Chr(11))
' both are explained below where they are used.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, rngBM As Range
Dim Cell_1 As Cell, Cell_2 As Cell
Dim strBMName As String, strBMValue As String
Dim r As Integer
Call RemoveBookmarks 'removing bookmarks helped to simlify the coding
With ActiveDocument
For r = 2 To .Tables(1).Rows.Count 'iterate through all rows
Set Cell_1 = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(r, 1)
Set Cell_2 = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(r, 2)
Set rng1 = .Range(Cell_1.Range.Start, Cell_1.Range.End - 1)
strBMName = Strip(rng1.Text)
Set rng2 = .Range(Cell_2.Range.Start, Cell_2.Range.End - 1)
Set rngBM = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(r, 2).Range
'When using data contained in a cell of a Word table,
'grabbing the cell's contents also grabs several other
'characters, which therefore need removed in two steps.
'The first step is to clean the extra characters from the text.
strBMValue = Strip(rng2.Text)
'The second step is to decrease the range size to put in the
rngBM.End = rngBM.End - 1
rngBM.Text = strBMValue
.Bookmarks.Add strBMName, rngBM
Next r
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RemoveBookmarks()
Dim bkm As Bookmark
For Each bkm In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
Next bkm
End Sub
Private Function Strip(ByVal fullest As String)
' the next line of code is the tricky part of the clean
' process because of how Word formats tables and text
' ASCII code Chr(10) is Line Feed
' Chr(13) is Carriage Return
' Chr(13) + Chr(10): vbCrLf or vbNewLine New line character
' Chr (11) is Vertical Tab, but per Word VBA Manual -
' manual line break (Shift + Enter)
Strip = Replace(fullest, Chr(10) & Chr(13), Chr(11))
End Function
Thank you again.

Apply the Hidden behavior on the whole row

I have a file with multiple tables and by using the below code I am trying to access the rows which have specific terms using an array.
I successfully select the whole rows but when I try to apply the Hidden behavior on the whole row then VBA through an error.
Getting error on below the line
Selection.Font.Hidden = True
Below is my whole code
Sub test()
Dim SearchArr() As Variant, Cnt As Integer, Arrcnt As Integer
Dim WrdApp As Object, FileStr As String, WrdDoc As Object, aRng As Range
Dim TblCell As Variant
Set WrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WrdApp.Visible = True
'********** change address to suit
FileStr = "C:\Users\krishna.haldunde\Downloads\DE\DE\International_DE.docx"
Set WrdDoc = WrdApp.Documents.Open(FileStr)
SearchArr = Array("French", "Spanish")
'loop tables
For Cnt = 1 To WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
'loop search word
For Arrcnt = LBound(SearchArr) To UBound(SearchArr)
'loop through table cells
For Each TblCell In WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Range.Cells
Set aRng = TblCell.Range
'If TblCell.RowIndex = WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Rows.Count Then Exit For
If InStr(LCase(aRng), LCase(SearchArr(Arrcnt))) Then
Selection.Font.Hidden = True
End If
Next TblCell
Next Arrcnt
Next Cnt
End Sub
Can anyone help me out to understand where i am doing issue so, i can rectify it.
I think it's more effective to reduce the row height to an exact minimum value.
Something like this works for me.
Sub Test()
SearchArr = Array("sdg", "sdh", "dsf")
'loop tables
For Cnt = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
'loop search word
For Arrcnt = LBound(SearchArr) To UBound(SearchArr)
'loop through table cells
For Each tblCell In ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Range.Cells
Set aRng = tblCell.Range
If InStr(LCase(aRng), LCase(SearchArr(Arrcnt))) Then
ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Rows(tblCell.RowIndex).HeightRule = wdRowHeightExactly
ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Rows(tblCell.RowIndex).Height = 1
End If
Next tblCell
Next Arrcnt
Next Cnt
End Sub

Adding a new word to each subsequent cell in Word VBA

I have been working on this code that takes misspelled words from a document and then turns them into a table with all the misspelled words on one column. Then the words are spellchecked and the corrections appear on the other column. My code does everything that I want it to, however only the first word appears on each cell. What am I doing wrong?
Sub SuperSpellCheck()
Dim doc1 As Document
Dim doc2 As Document
Dim tb As Table
Set doc1 = ActiveDocument
Set doc2 = Documents.Add
Dim badw As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim sugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As Variant
err = doc1.SpellingErrors.Count
For Each badw In doc1.SpellingErrors
doc2.Range.InsertAfter badw & vbCr
Set tb = ActiveDocument.Content.ConvertToTable(Separator:=wdSeparateByParagraphs, NumColumns:=1,
NumRows:=ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count, AutoFitBehavior:=wdAutoFitFixed)
With tb
.Style = "Table Grid"
.ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True
.ApplyStyleLastRow = False
.ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True
.ApplyStyleLastColumn = False
.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPercent
.PreferredWidth = 100
End With
err2 = ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count
i = 1
Set sugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If sugg.Count > 0 Then
Set sug = .GetSpellingSuggestions
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter sug(1)
End If
End With
End Sub
Not connected to your problem but you need to change these lines
Err = doc1.SpellingErrors.Count
err2 = ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count
Dim errors1 as Long, dim errors2 as Long
errors1 = doc1.SpellingErrors.Count
errors2 = doc2.SpellingErrors.Count
Err is an object in VBA that holds the errors generated by your code. You also haven't declared those variables. Add Option Explicit at the very top of your code module and you will be alerted to any undeclared variables. To turn this on automatically in future go to Tools | Options | Editor and ensure that Require Variable Declaration is checked.
I would change
Dim sugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As Variant
Dim docSugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim rngSugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As SpellingSuggestion
This will make it clearer what each of these represents.
SpellingSuggestions is a collection of SpellingSuggestion objects so you can use sug to loop through the collection.
i = 1
Set sugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If sugg.Count > 0 Then
Set sug = .GetSpellingSuggestions
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter sug(1)
End If
End With
In this block of code you start off by setting the undeclared variable i to a value of 1, but you don't then increase that value. This will result in all your spelling suggestions being inserted in the same cell. Also, when you insert the spelling suggestion you only ever insert the first one as you don't have a means of looping through them. So I would rewrite this as:
i = 1
Set docSugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If docSugg.Count > 0 Then
Set rngSugg = .GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each sug In rngSugg
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter sug
End If
End With
i = i + 1
EDIT: If you only want the first suggested spelling then use:
i = 1
Set docSugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If docSugg.Count > 0 Then
Set rngSugg = .GetSpellingSuggestions
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter rngSugg(1)
End If
End With
i = i + 1

Find all used references in Excel formula

Below is the example set in Excel,
[column1] [column2]
A1 =C3-C5
A2 =((C4-C6)/C6)
A3 =C4*C3
A4 =C6/C7
A5 =C6*C4*C3
I need to extract the used references in formulas
For example,
for "A1", I simply need to get the C3 and C5.
for A2, I need to get the C4 and C6.
This is an update to:
Will work for local sheet references, but not for references off-sheet. – brettdj May 14 '14 at 11:55
By Using Larrys method, just change the objRegEx.Pattern to:
This will:
Search for optional External links: (['].*?['!])?
Search for optional Sheet-reference: ([[A-Z0-9_]+[!])?
Do the following steps in prioritized order:
Search for ranges with row numbers (And optional $): \$?[A-Z]+\$?(\d)+(:\$?[A-Z]+\$?(\d)+)?
Search for ranges without row numbers (And optional $): \$?[A-Z]+:\$?[A-Z]+
Search for 1-cell references (And optional $): (\$?[A-Z]+\$?(\d)+)
Resulting in this:
Sub testing()
Dim result As Object
Dim r As Range
Dim testExpression As String
Dim objRegEx As Object
Set r = Cells(1, 2) ' INPUT THE CELL HERE , e.g. RANGE("A1")
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.Pattern = """.*?""" ' remove expressions
testExpression = CStr(r.Formula)
testExpression = objRegEx.Replace(testExpression, "")
objRegEx.Pattern = "(([A-Z])+(\d)+)" 'grab the address
objRegEx.Pattern = "(['].*?['!])?([[A-Z0-9_]+[!])?(\$?[A-Z]+\$?(\d)+(:\$?[A-Z]+\$?(\d)+)?|\$?[A-Z]+:\$?[A-Z]+|(\$?[A-Z]+\$?(\d)+))"
If objRegEx.test(testExpression) Then
Set result = objRegEx.Execute(testExpression)
If result.Count > 0 Then
For Each Match In result
Debug.Print Match.Value
Next Match
End If
End If
End Sub
Doing this, will give you the values of all possible references, I could think of. (Updated this post, because I needed the problem solved).
This function returns you a comma separated list of source cells (precedents):
Function References(rngSource As Range) As Variant
Dim rngRef As Range
Dim strTemp As String
On Error Resume Next
For Each rngRef In rngSource.Precedents.Cells
strTemp = strTemp & ", " & rngRef.Address(False, False)
If Len(strTemp) 0 Then strTemp = Mid(strTemp, 3)
References = strTemp
End Function
However, please note that you cannot use this as a UDF in the worksheet, as rngRef.Address unfortunately causes a circular reference. However, you can use it in a small procedure to populate another column, e.g.
Sub ShowPrecedents()
Dim rng As Range
'Will paste precedents of A1:A6 into D1:D6
For Each rng In Range("D1:D6")
rng.Value = References(rng.Offset(, -3))
End Sub
Just to provide you an alternative... NOTE THAT THIS will return duplicate result if the cells are called more than once
Sub testing()
Dim result As Object
Dim r As Range
Dim testExpression As String
Dim objRegEx As Object
Set r = Cells(1, 2) ' INPUT THE CELL HERE , e.g. cells("A1")
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.Pattern = """.*""" ' remove expressions
testExpression = CStr(r.Formula)
testExpression = objRegEx.Replace(testExpression, "")
objRegEx.Pattern = "(([A-Z])+(\d)+)" 'grab the address
If objRegEx.test(testExpression) Then
Set result = objRegEx.Execute(testExpression)
If result.Count > 0 Then
For Each Match In result
Debug.Print Match.Value
Next Match
End If
End If
End Sub
Results are stored in "Match.Value"