I am trying to update a table in Access using SQL in a VBScript. I have 2 statements that reference 2 tables. The first statement works and the second doesn't. The only difference in the two is a field name, and I cannot figure out what is wrong. I've been working on it for 6 hours now. Could anyone assist?
This works
DB.Execute "UPDATE tblDEBIT20 SET CONTROL = '" & strControl & "' WHERE DEBIT_NUM = '" & strDebit & "'"
This doesn't
DB.Execute "UPDATE tblDEBIT20 SET CURRENTNAME = '" & strCurrent & "' WHERE DEBIT_NUM = '" & strDebit & "'"
The error I get is
No value given for one or more required parameters.

I think the point being made by both Ken and Robert is that you most likely have a name with an apostrophe in it. You can either replace all single quotes (') with something else or try another quote delimiter.
See if this works for you (escaping double quotes when used inside double quotes).
DB.Execute "UPDATE tblDEBIT20 SET CURRENTNAME = """ & strCurrent & """ WHERE DEBIT_NUM = """ & strDebit & """"
A tip for you in future debugging - add a Debug.Print strCurrent before the execute command - then when it fails you can easily see what the issue is - or at least tell us what value it failed on.


Runtime error '3075' in VBA

I know there are plenty of posts with the same title, but I couldn't find anything similar to my problem.
I'm trying to update a record with SQL in VBA. In particular, my code goes to an excel file, extracts a value, asks the user for the ID of the record that needs to be updated, and then should procced to do the update. The thing is i tried running the same code without the user input, and works just fine, so the problem must be with the interpretation of the input. I checked that everything is a string but i don't know how to solve the problem.
Here is the code I am using:
Dim query2 as string
Dim myID as string
myID = InputBox("Insert ID:")
query2 = "UPDATE [Info test] " & "SET RESULT = " & var & "WHERE ID =" & myID
DoCmd.RunSQL (query2)
In this case, var is a string, and is the value i fetch from the excel file.
From various tests, i think the problem is with the last & myID, like there is an apostrophe before the value stored by myID, but i don't know what to do about it, or if this is really the problem.
Thanks to everybody who can help
Insert Debug.Print query2 before DoCmd, run the code and check output in immediate window. This SQl should work in query builder. I believe you need to enclose var in single quotes and add a space before WHERE
query2 = "UPDATE [Info test] SET RESULT = '" & Replace(var, "'", "''") & "' WHERE ID =" & myID
I added Replace in order to avoid errors if var contains single quote.
If var is a string, then you need to use single quotes and add space before WHERE like shown below
query2 = "UPDATE [Info test] " & "SET RESULT = '" & var & "' WHERE ID =" & myID

Searching a table where the field doesnt exist - Access VBA

I am a data consultant who migrates data I am sent into our system. I have written code that compares the contents of my table against what has been put into oracle, as an extra test. The tables are a little convoluted due to how they relate to each other. But essentially here is my question:
When I look to match two field values and the field doesnt exist I get a parameter pop up box. I want to only run the code if the field exists.
I have tried many things, wrapping an if statement around it but I always get the parameter box, can anyone help there must be an easier way to do this!
If Not DoCmd.OpenQuery("SELECT TOP 1" & MatchValues!FieldName & " FROM " &
MsgBox "moomins"
' strSQL = strSQL & " VALUES (" & MatchValues!ORACLE_TABLE_NAME & "," & MatchValues!TRANSFORM_TABLE_NAME & "," & MatchValues!FieldName & ",'ORACLE: NOT FOUND','ORACLE: NOT FOUND')"
End If
If you deal with Oracle: Have you tried to check if the field exists by querying ALL_TAB_COLUMNS in Oracle?
"Select count(*) from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS where table_name = " & MatchValues!ORACLE_TABLE_NAME & " and COLUMN_NAME = " & MatchValues!FieldName
(Untestet cause currently I have no Oracle Instance available)

Syntax error in SQL update

I am new to both MS Access and SQL. Now I am trying to create an inventory database for our company in Ms Access. I try to extract data from the reception form to update the inventory balance. But I met a syntax error message when I executed a SQL update statement. This is weird for me because I used the same statements that successfully running in other tables. The only difference is my former successful update working by direct text replacement and my error occurring update is working in a numeric object.
Please help me to check where I am wrong.
This is my code:
Private Sub Command96_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tbl_Current_Stock" & _
"SET Stock_Level= Stock_Level + " & Me!txtOrderQty & "" & _
"Where tbl_Current_Stock.Raw_Material= " & Me!cboPurchase.Column(1) & ""
End Sub
You need to add spaces before SET and Where. Otherwise, your command will look something like UPDATE tbl_Current_stockSET Stock_Level= Stock_Level + 3Where.....
Private Sub Command96_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tbl_Current_Stock" & " " & _
"SET Stock_Level= Stock_Level + " & Me!txtOrderQty & " " & _
"Where tbl_Current_Stock.Raw_Material= " & Me!cboPurchase.Column(1) & ""
End Sub
You might also need to wrap the Raw_Material column in quotes if it is not numeric.
check your sentence correctly. there is no technical error. there are some space missing in you query.
just add white space before "SET" and "where" words.
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tbl_Current_Stock" & _
" SET Stock_Level= Stock_Level + " & Me!txtOrderQty & "" & _
" Where tbl_Current_Stock.Raw_Material= " & Me!cboPurchase.Column(1) & ""
Friend, follow some tips to generate your updade correctly:
Check the spaces after concatenating your query
Be careful not to generate queries with keywords stuck together
UPDATE tableTestSET nome = 'My Name' WHERE active IS NOT NULL (wrong)
UPDATE tableTest SET name = 'My Name' WHERE active IS NOT NULL
Do not forget to use quotation marks when using strings
UPDATE tableTest SET name = My Name WHERE active IS NOT NULL (wrong)
UPDATE tableTest SET name = 'My Name' WHERE active IS NOT NULL
I hope it helps...
Good Luck!

Updating a field dependent on a date range in Access with VisualBasic and SQL

A friend and I have been trying for hours with little progress to a get a piece of code right for an invoicing system we're designing as a project.
We are trying to update the field InvoiceNo to a value (worked out earlier in the VisualBasic code), where the CustomerNo is the is a specific value and the FinishDate is between two dates. At first I was trying to use TO_DATE but then we realized that wasn't the same in the SQL that Access uses (after much searching).
This has been the simple statement I've been using to just test and try to get something working to then translate into VisualBasic and put in our variables. It's a little easier to read so I thought I'd provide it.
UPDATE tblJob SET tblJob.InvoiceNo = '8' WHERE tblJob.CustomerNo = '1' AND (tblJob.FinishDate BETWEEN cdate(format('08/09/2013', '##/##/####')) AND cdate(format('03/10/2013', '##/##/####')));
I have a feeling after looking at a few examples that our date is meant to be without an forward slashes. So I tried that and it wasn't working either.
Here's the VisualBasic code that has come out of all of this, it's exactly the same but using some variables rather than our set values that I've been using for testing.
DoCmd.RunSQL ("UPDATE tblJob SET tblJob.InvoiceNo = '" & newInvoiceNo & "' WHERE tblJob.CustomerNo = '" & VbCustNo & "' AND (tblJob.FinishDate BETWEEN cdate(format('" & Forms![frmMainMenu][txtFirstDate] & "', '##/##/####')) AND cdate(format('" & Forms![frmMainmenu][txtEndDate] & "', '##/##/####')));")
We had a look at: Convert a string to a date in Access and it helped us realize that it was cdate(format()) rather than TO_DATE as it is in Oracle. But we just can't seem to get it to run properly, any help would be much appreciated.
If you will be running the query from within an Access application session, you can let the db engine use the Access expression service to grab the values from the text boxes on your form.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strUpdate As String
strUpdate = "UPDATE tblJob" & vbCrLf & _
"SET InvoiceNo = '" & newInvoiceNo & "'" & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE CustomerNo = '" & VbCustNo & "'" & vbCrLf & _
"AND FinishDate BETWEEN Forms!frmMainMenu!txtFirstDate AND Forms!frmMainmenu!txtEndDate;"
Debug.Print strUpdate
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute strUpdate, dbFailOnError
Set db = Nothing
However, if you prefer to build the literal date values from those text boxes into your UPDATE statement, you can use Format().
"AND FinishDate BETWEEN " & _
Format(Forms!frmMainmenu!txtFirstDate, "\#yyyy-m-d\#") & _
" AND " & Format(Forms!frmMainmenu!txtEndDate, "\#yyyy-m-d\#") & ";"
Either way, using a string variable to hold your UPDATE statement gives you an opportunity to examine the completed statement you're asking the db engine to execute.
You can view the output from Debug.Print in the Immediate window (go there with Ctl+g). For troubleshooting, you can copy the statement text from there and then paste it into SQL View of a new Access query.

VBA select not returning any rows

Below query is not returning any rows into the listbox.There is no error message:
lstDiff.RowSource = "select TestScenario,TestId from tblTesting where empid= '" & Me.txtEmpId.Value & "' and testid= '" & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & "'"
Could anyone help?
Your values in the field are numeric, so the extra single quotes aren't needed. Code should look like the following:
Me.lstDiff.RowSource = "select TestScenario,TestId from tblTesting where empid= " & Me.txtEmpId & " and testid= " & Me.txtAutoNumber & ";"
I've also dropped .Value from the field references, they're not harmful, but also aren't necessary.
And I've added a semi-colon to the end of your statement.
Depending on when/where you insert this code, you may need to add the following statement as well:
You keep posting questions about the exact same WHERE clause with exactly the same apparent error in each one. SO users dutifully point out your error and then a few days later, you show up with a related question utilizing the same faulty WHERE clause.
DLookup Problem:
txtContSunStart1.Value = DLookup("Start1", "tblContract", _
"TestId = " & _
lstResults.Value & _
"" And "Day = 'Sunday'")
VBA Update Query:
DoCmd.RunSQL (" Update tbltesting set IsDiff ='Yes' where empid= " & Me.txtEmpId.Value & " and testid= " & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & ";")
VBA SQL Problem
DoCmd.RunSQL ("insert into tbltesting (IsDiff)values ('Yes') where empid= '" & Me.txtEmpId.Value & "' and testid= '" & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & "'")
And then in the current question:
lstDiff.RowSource = "select TestScenario,TestId from tblTesting where empid= '" & Me.txtEmpId.Value & "' and testid= '" & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & "'"
You are having difficulties with exactly the same set of problems repeatedly.
Here are the rules for concatenating SQL strings with the correct delimiters in Access:
numeric values do not need delimiters:
"... AND testid= " & Me!txtAutoNumber
text values need quote delimiters. In Access, it's general practice to use double quotes, but much easier to use single quotes since it's a pain to type double quotes in a form that will work (typing """ or """" depending on context is counterintuitive and silly to me, so I always define a global constant that holds the double quote symbol and concatenate with that).
"... AND textfield=" & Chr(34) & Me!MyTextField & Chr(34)
date values use the # delimiter:
"... AND datefield=#" & Me!MyDateField & "#"
Boolean fields require no quotes and it works best to use True and False:
"... AND IsDiff=True"
These rules apply both to WHERE clause criteria and to SET statements in UPDATE queries. The rules apply in writing a SQL string that you pass to DoCmd.RunSQL or CurrentDB.Execute, as well as to writing SQL strings to be used as the recordsource of a form or report or as the rowsource of a combo box or listbox.
Personally, whenever I use SQL statements in code, I prefer to store the statement in a variable. While testing, on the line after you assign your statement to a variable, you can use Debug.Print to see what your SQL statement looks like after parsing your txtempid and txtautonumber. It would look something like this.
Dim sSQL as String
sSQL = "select TestScenario,TestId from tblTesting where empid= '" & Me.txtEmpId.Value & "' and testid= '" & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & "'"
Debug.Print sSQL
lstDiff.RowSource = sSQL
Then as long as your immediate window is visible (Ctrl-G), you can see what your SQL statement really is. If it looks right in the immediate window, copy and paste it into the query builder and run it there.
Try running the query in your SQL Management Studio. Do you get any row(s) back?
Edit: Just noticed the access-tag. Are you sure your table contains at least one post with supplied ids?
My Access is a bit rusty, but if all else fails try using a recordset to capture the data from the SQL and loop through it adding the values to the list box. Example Code