What's the NuGet target for plain Mono? - mono

NuGet documentation is quite clear: there is no target for plain Mono projects. We have Monoandroid, Monotouch, Monomac, and a few flavours of Xamarin for various platforms.
On one hand, if Mono is binary compatible to .NET, it shouldn't need different DLLs. And indeed "Mono is binary compatible with Windows. Which means that you can run binaries produced by .NET compilers from Microsoft and other vendors." according to the Mono FAQ.
On the other hand, "Mono does not have every .NET API implemented and when executing a binary from Windows that consumes an unimplemented API you might get an obscure message about tokens not being found."
So I think we need a specific Mono target. Am I missing something?

Your point is absolutely correct, but as everything in opesource - you need to implement it yourself (or hire me :) )


C++/CLI Support in .Net Core

Our project structure is like,
native.dll :- This contains pure native code written in c\c++.
This native.dll exposes some functions using *def file.
Wrapper Library(wrapper.dll compiled with .Net framework v4.0) :-
In order to use functionality of native.dll, a Wrapper lib(wrapper.dll)
is written in C++\CLI using :clr\oldsyntax. This wrapper has all
code of Interoperability and Marshalling.
Application(Console App v4.0) directly uses wrapper.dll to use functionality provided
by native.dll.
Now this project needs to run in .Net Core. This means we will have an
.Net Core application that will reference wrapper.dll that in turn will refer
I know this will not directly work. But the issue is whether .Net Core(CoreCLR) supports
C++\CLI (clr\oldsyntax) runtime environment ?
If no, what can be the possible solutions to this application work ?
whether .Net Core(CoreCLR) supports C++\CLI (clr\oldsyntax) runtime environment ?
As far as I know there is no plan to support C++/CLI with .NET Core.
If no, what can be the possible solutions to this application work ?
You can (should) provide a C API. Mono e. g. supports P/Invoke and .NET Core also supports P/Invoke (see also this Stack overflow question and this DllMap related ticket).
Update (2022-09-02): This answer is from 2016. See the other answers (e.g., this) for what is possible with recent .Net Core versions.
Officially announced eventually...
(next wish... support linux # .Net 5 ^^)
C++/CLI will have full IDE support for targeting .NET Core 3.1 and higher. This support will include projects, IntelliSense, and mixed-mode debugging (IJW) on Windows. We don’t currently have plans for C++/CLI for targeting macOS or Linux. Additionally, compiling with “/clr:pure” and “/clr:safe” won’t be supported for .NET Core.
The first public previews for C++/CLI are right around the corner. Visual Studio 2019 16.4 Preview 1 includes an updated compiler with “/clr:netcore”
Updat: From replied of origin url:
"We are still working on the IDE and MSBuild integration, so I can’t share a sample project quite yet. Once it’s available, likely with 16.4 Preview 2 or 3"
(16.4 Preview1 cannot create C++/CLI with .NetCore project.)
16.4 Preview2 Released.
I'v tried asp.net core 3.1 with c++/CLI dll, it works.
(need set plateform to x64 both asp.net core and c++/CLI dll)
.net Core team will only commit (now?) to supporting C++/CLI for Windows only.
The intention was to deliver it for .net Core 3.0. While I haven't found explicit mention of it yet in the release notes, C++/CLI support was a prerequisite for delivering WPF (windows-only), which is now supported in .net Core 3.0.
Support mixed-mode assemblies on Windows - #18013
This issue (#18013) will track progress toward supporting loading and running
mixed-mode assemblies on CoreCLR. The main goal is to provide support
for WPF and other existing C++/CLI code on .NET Core. Some of the work
will be dependent on updates to the MSVC compiler.
The github issue (#659) mentioned above by #Tomas-Kubes, Will CoreCLR support C++/CLI crossplat? - #659, is about cross-platform C++/CLI.
BTW, I am getting compiler warnings on "clr\oldsyntax" with VS2017/.net-4.7. So this compiler flag is already deprecated.
UPDATE: This isn't coming till .Net Core 3.1
Another potential solution (though obviously quite a difficult task) if you want to stick with C++ (i.e. expose an OO interface to .NET) might be to have a look at CppSharp from the mono project. It is able to expose native C++ code through an automatically generated C# wrapper. It supports Windows, Linux as well as OSX. However, I don't know if the generated code can be compiled to a .NET standard target (didn't try to). I can only suppose it would because the generated code does not use any fancy API (it is basically interop and marshalling code); and, by the way, it is also possible to customize the generation process (although, once again, probably not an easy task).
For those who are looking at this for general .Net Core stuff without specific clr parameters (as this is a high result on google) Microsoft have written a guide on how to port C++/CLI to .Net Core:
Port a C++/CLI project
To port a C++/CLI project to .NET Core, make the following changes to the .vcxproj file. These migration steps differ from the steps needed for other project types because C++/CLI projects don't use SDK-style project files.
Replace <CLRSupport>true</CLRSupport> properties with <CLRSupport>NetCore</CLRSupport>. This property is often in configuration-specific property groups, so you may need to replace it in multiple places.
Replace <TargetFrameworkVersion> properties with <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework>.
Remove any .NET Framework references (like <Reference Include="System" />). .NET Core SDK assemblies are automatically referenced when using <CLRSupport>NetCore</CLRSupport>.
Update API usage in .cpp files, as necessary, to remove APIs unavailable to .NET Core. Because C++/CLI projects tend to be fairly thin interop layers, there are often not many changes needed. You can use the .NET Portability Analyzer to identify unsupported .NET APIs used by C++/CLI binaries just as with purely managed binaries.
Build without MSBuild
It's also possible to build C++/CLI projects without using MSBuild. Follow these steps to build a C++/CLI project for .NET Core directly with cl.exe and link.exe:
When compiling, pass -clr:netcore to cl.exe.
Reference necessary .NET Core reference assemblies.
When linking, provide the .NET Core app host directory as a LibPath (so that ijwhost.lib can be found).
Copy ijwhost.dll (from the .NET Core app host directory) to the project's output directory.
Make sure a runtimeconfig.json file exists for the first component of the application that will run managed code. If the application has a managed entry point, a runtime.config file will be created and copied automatically. If the application has a native entry point, though, you need to create a runtimeconfig.json file for the first C++/CLI library to use the .NET Core runtime.
There are some more nuances but these are the actual steps to port

Using Mono to complete Universal Windows Platform (.net core)

We are using some old open-source .Net Framework libraries that depend on things that are not in .Net Core. Can Mono be used to fill in the rest of .Net Framework?
Specifically I'm thinking of creating a Universal Windows class library that includes everything in Mono (excluding some of the System namespace) that changes the namespaces from System.* to MonoSupport.System.*.
Of course, better approaches would be to re-write the library's code, use a different library, or be more selective in taking things from Mono. I was hoping to do this as a temporary measure.
(I want to use iTextSharpLGPL but it uses XmlTextReader, streams with .Close(), System.Security.Cryptography, etc.. The pay version of the library does not support UWP either.)
Edit: I gave up on this and rewrote my app to use Apitron. That worked great until I tried to deploy and found out they don't support .NET Native. I'm now waiting for some library to support PDF generation on UWP.
I do not think so. The following immediate reasons
Mono is a clone of the .NET Framework and therefore based on mscorlib ideas, while UWP is based on System.Runtime. Would require significant extra effort.
UWP apps - when released - are based on the .NET Native runtime. This runtime enforces some patterns in the library implementations (e.g. no reflection, no C++ implementation of types etc). Mono is also strong in AOT, but I think there are dragons.
Mono is a bad choice. Better is the microsoft referencesource for the .NET Framework as published on github.
The time you will invest in your plan will be so significant high, it is much better invested fixing it in corefx directly and wait for the next release of UWP to contain your fixes.
For your problem I would urgently recommend you to fix the problem as a submission upstream at iTextSharpLGPL by surfacing new methods and removing of close or maybe by just copying the MIT licensed XmlTtextReader. But I highly recommend you, not to mess around with crypto ;)

How to make a Vb.net file/program To Standalone .Exe

I have a project done in VB.NET and I want to publish it for distribution. I know that when I build solution It creates an .Exe. But that requires local resorouces. If I build for release I know it works but it still needs the .Net platform installed. Is there anyway to make a true standalone .exe or something that would run on a persons computer if they do not have .NET installed. Also the ClickOnce application thing is not a wanted Solution.
Is there any converter program that can do this for me?
The .NET framework represents the basic prerequisite to run a .NET program; equivalently than having Windows installed is the prerequisite to run a Windows program. Bear in mind that any Windows version includes the .NET framework (and, actually, it tends to involve top-priority updates and thus are automatically perfomed by Windows Update in many cases). A big proportion of the programs running on Windows created during the last 10 years are built on the .NET framework; a relevant proportion of the sites (like this one, for instance) are built on ASP.NET and thus the given server has to include the .NET framework. If overall compatility is a concern for you, you might rely on a-bit-old .NET version: the latest one in VS 2010 (4.0) should be fine for most of modern computers; but you can even rely on the previous one (3.5) to be completely sure. Lastly, bear in mind that a .NET program can also be run under a OS other than Windows (Linux or MacOS, for example); although, from my past experiences, these are not too reliable situations. Nonetheless, in case of being interested in other OS, you should do some research/testing on this front to see if the available options offer what you are looking for.
SUMMARY: the exe file generated by the Visual Studio is actually what you call "standalone .exe". One of its defining features is the .NET version (which can be changed in the Project Settings); a program can only be run on computers with a .NET framework (or equivalent) equal or newer than the one on which it was built. The 4.0 version should be OK for most of new/properly-updated computers; the 3.5 .NET would work with virtually any computer (although, logically, it includes less features than the 4.0 one).
---------------------------- UPDATE AFTER COMMENTS --------------------
From some comments, I have undertood that my statement wasn't as clear as I thought and this is the reason for this update
.NET is pre-installed in Windows only since Vista. XP does not include the .NET runtime by default. The reason for not having mentioned this issue in my answer was that having a XP Windows without .NET is highly unlikely. Firstly because this is a top-priority, automatic update and thus one of the first times the computer is connected to internet "Windows Update" will take care of this. And secondly because this is the basic framework for any Microsoft programming over the last 10 years and thus a Windows computer not having it will not be able to run almost anything. With this last sentence, I don't mind that most of the programs are built on .NET, but that for a Windows-based environment most of nowadays basic requirements do include .NET.
It was also pointed out that there is some compatibility problems between different .NET versions (that various side-by-side versions were required). The basic Microsoft approach to the different .NET versions is backwards compatibility, what means that a given .NET version can run any program built with that version or older. This is theoretically right, but not always right in fact. My approach to this problem is relying on a bit old .NET version (3.5) and not using too new/untested features (e.g., WPF). If you want a for-sure overall compatible program you should work quite a lot on this front (compatibility between versions is one of most typical problem of any programming platform), instead expecting Microsoft to take care of everything. Thus, in principle, just one .NET version (the last one) has to be installed (which, on the other hand, is not the case for a big proportion of computers; for example: computer including the 3.5 version being updated, over the years, to 4.0 and 4.5 by maintaining the previous versions).
Lastly, I want to highlight that my intention with this answer is not defending any programming approach over any other one; I am just describing what is there from the point of view of your question "can I remove the .NET part?" -> no, you cannot; there is no (sensible) way to do that. If you want to rely on a different programming platform you should get informed about it (I am sure that Camilo Martin will be more than happy to help you on this front). If you prefer to rely on .NET, be sure that you can generate an overall compatible program (to be run on Windows).
Easy way to convert in .exe in VB.NET-2010:
Create New Project
Select Windows Application And Save Proper Path
Comple Project then Select File-> Save All
Select Build->Start Build
Your Project .exe Created Your Project Save Path:
Select Windows Application 1
Select bin Folder
Select Debug Folder
And in Debug folder your .exe File is ready.
Quick Basic once made and executable (.exe) directly form their VB code, but I wouldn't recommend converting to Quick Basic. You can look at Mono to see if they have anything yet. (mono allows you to use compiled vb.net in other operating systems).
Ezirit Reactor makes a single executable, but it's not free.
You can bundle .NET Framework into your distribution so that users don't have download it.
Why do you need an executable (.exe)? If the reason is for security and to minimize chances of reverse engineering, then get a good obfuscator.

How to obtain F# powerpack for F# 3.0

I'm using VS11 Beta on Win 8 Consumer Preview. After install VS11 Beta I have F# 3.0 SDK installed. But I'm not able to find a compatible FSharp.PowerPack.dll as CodePlex only provides PowerPack for F# 2.0.
Any idea how to deal with this?
You can compile the PowerPack sources on your own (against F# 3.0), to make your own copy of the library.
Alternatively, I think a binding redirect in your final foo.exe.config, along the lines of
but redirecting (that PowerPack uses) to (in VS11 SDK) will also work.
In addition to what Brian said, I think that the easiest way to use functionality from the F# PowerPack is to just copy the source code for the parts that you're using to your project.
The PowerPack library contains quite a wide range of functionality and I typically only use one or two parts. If you're looking for components like lazy list, parallel collections (PLINQ), hash multi-map or async extensions, you can usually just copy one or two files and you don't have to build the whole library.
(Also note that most of the LINQ functionality from F# PowerPack has moved to the F# core library in F# 3.0)
Don Syme has recently uploaded F# PowerPack which is compiled against F# 3.0.
There is an MSI installer for Windows.
There is also a zip archive which even worked with MonoDevelop 3.0/F# 3.0 when I tried to use it on Mac OS X. So much time and efforts are saved especially when one needs to use fslex/fsyacc for parsing.
Update for F# 4.0: At this point the F# PowerPack - or at least the remnants thereof - are on GitHub. The major components have been spun off into their own projects. (FsLex/FsYacc is what brought me here too.)

Using Microsoft's Assemblies in Mono Runtime

I would like to test my app under the Mono runtime (to see if the SIMD support can offer me any performance improvements). I am compiling my app with csc.exe (in Visual Studio 2005) and then running it as mono.exe --debug MyApp.exe. However, Mono is using their own implementation of the core libraries (System.IO, etc.) which have some stuff not implemented.
Is it possible to tell the Mono runtime to use the core libraries shipped by Microsoft, rather than their own?
(Yes, I do realize that this would mean I'd have to distribute both MS .NET 2.0 and Mono with my app. If SIMD support is helpful for me, I'll eliminate these dependencies and use Mono's implementation. For now, I just want to test out the SIMD stuff without having to make a whole lot of other changes.)
You could put Microsoft's assemblies in your app's bin folder, and I think they would be picked up and used. If nothing else, you can put Microsoft's assemblies in Mono's GAC so it would have no choice but to use them.
Having said that, I highly doubt Microsoft's assemblies will work due to coupling between the assemblies and the runtime. (That is, the assemblies probably make private calls into the runtime that are different than Mono's runtime.)