How do you strip a graft using Mercurial and IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.3 - intellij-idea

I executed 31 grafts to a local branch and want to strip out 2 of the grafts. The problem is that the 2 grafts are somewhere in the middle, number 5 and 23 out of 31.
What do I execute to strip out these grafts? Also, is it possible to just strip out those 2 grafts specifically and not strip out subsequent grafts?

You can do this with the evolve extension. Here are the evolve docs. It is a sharp knife, but a really user-friendly one. Main advice: don't use it on changesets that you already pushed. Let's repeat that:
Assumption: you have not yet pushed any of the changesets you are about to remove, nor any of their descendants.
Check that assumption. Do (if 4 is the number of the earliest changeset you want to prune):
hg log -r 'descendants(4)' --template '{rev}: {phase}\n{desc|firstline}\n'
This prints each changset, followed by its phase, and the first line of its commit message.
None of the phases should be public; all of them should be draft. (Or secret, but if you know about the secret phase then you clearly understand phases.)
Another assumption:
hg log --version
# Should be at least 3.4
Installing hg-evolve
Instructions taken from the wiki. First, clone the evolve repository, and checkout the tag corresponding to whichever version of mercurial you are running. There are tags for 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. Ubuntu Xenial ships with Mercurial 3.7.
cd <dir>
hg clone --updaterev mercurial-3.7
Then edit your .hgrc:
evolve = <dir>/src/evolve-main/hgext/
Work in a clone, just to feel safe
For your peace of mind, do this in a clone. To make sure the cloned changesets remain in the draft phase, set your current repo to be non-publishing before pulling from it; otherwise the commits that get cloned will be marked as public on both server repo (the one getting talked to) and client (the one running the clone/pull/push command). The Evolve extension will only alter parts of the history tree that consist of draft changesets.
Mark the server repo, i.e. the one you're currently working on, as non-publishing, in its hgrc:
cd my-project
hg config --local
In the repo's hgrc:
publish = False
Next, create the clone.
cd ..
hg clone my-project my-project2
cd my-project2
Tell hg to prune the changesets and repair history
hg prune -r 23
This will make all changesets after 23 'unstable', because they are now based on a revision marked obsolete. You can see the new state of the history like so:
hg log --graph
The obsolete commit 23 will be marked with an x.
To fix the instability caused by modifying the history, run
hg evolve
Which will
take the first unstable changeset (24),
create a stable successor of 24 atop 23's successor -- because 23 was pruned, 24 will be moved atop 22. 24's successor will be e.g. 32.
mark 24 obsolete.
If there are merge conflicts because changeset 24 assumed context that was provided by 23, you will be prompted to resolve the conflicts.
Then, run hg evolve again; which will create a successor of the next unstable changeset in the right place (25 was atop 24; 24's successor is 32, so create 33 atop 32).
Run hg evolve again and again until all unstable changesets have been resolved. Once you feel confident that hg evolve does the right thing (it does), you can run hg evolve --all to move them one after another until there are no unstable changes left.
Now, the obsolete changesets will be automatically hidden: there are no non-obsolete changesets that depend on them anymore.
hg log --graph # hides obsolete commits if they are irrelevant
hg log --graph --hidden # also shows all obsolete commits
Once you're done with that, you can remove commit 4 in the same way:
hg prune -r 4
hg evolve --all
If you want to see your history including obsolete changesets
hg log --graph --hidden
Get your changes back to your main repo
In the my-project2 repo, just push your changes back
hg push
This will push the new successors commits back to my-project. It will also push the obsolescence markers of the ones that were pruned or replaced by a successor.
Clean up
delete the my-project2 repo (unless you want to keep it around)
configure my-project as publish = True again (unless nobody but you pulls/clones from it)
Decide whether to keep hg-evolve in your extensions. Core Mercurial understands obsolescence markers, so you're safe, there -- you can even use hg log --hidden. On the other hand, if evolve is not active and there are obsolescense markers in your repo, you'll sometimes (like when you run hg log) get a warning like obsolete feature not enabled but 5 markers found!


Delete or reset Gitlab CI builds

Is it possible to delete old builds in Gitlab CI?
I tested a few things and have now about 20 builds that are useless (most are failed anyway).
It also shows stages that I don't have anymore which kinda clutters the Pipelines page and some of the uploaded artifacts are a bit big.
I wasn't able to find any documentation on this, only that disabling CI in the settings doesn't remove the builds.
Using Gitlab 8.10 Community (hosted by
There is currently no option in the GUI to completely get rid of a build other than expunge related data from the build. (The erase option in the build)
If you would have a local installation you could modify the database directly but I would advise caution. (I'll put the guide here for completeness sake)
Login to the GitLab database. If you use the default PostgreSQL :
sudo -u gitlab-psql /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -h /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql -d gitlabhq_production
Check if there is a table ci_builds. For pSQL: \dt
Delete the builds with normal SQL. For example: DELETE FROM ci_builds WHERE id = 2
(Optional) If you want to cleanup a list of commits which triggered a build you need to midify the table ci_commits.

How can I recover after a checksum mismatch with 'git svn clone'?

I'm cloning an SVN repository to git as part of our migration plan. I've hit various snags along the way, forcing me to continue the clone with a git svn fetch command. The most recent failure I can't figure out how to solve:
$ git svn fetch
Checksum mismatch: dc/trunk-4632-jh/dc-smtpd/lib/Qpsmtpd/ 8ce3aea3f47dc115e8fe53bd62d0f074cfe93ec6
expected: 59de969022e46135fa6dc7599fc2f3b4
got: 4334926a01c905cdb7fce71265e370c1
I found this related answer, however that solution doesn't work because git svn log is not yet functional, as the repo is not fully in place:
$ git svn log dc/trunk-4632-jh/dc-smtpd/lib/Qpsmtpd/
fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions
log --no-color --first-parent --pretty=medium HEAD: command returned error: 128
How can I proceed?
Another answer to an old question but straight forward solutions are tough to find for this problem so hopefully this helps others.
I think this issue occurs due to a corrupted file during transfer. Not sure how or why it happens, but in my case, I get the same error at different revisions every time I do a new clone and sometimes not at all.
Using the questioners error message
$ git svn fetch
Checksum mismatch: dc/trunk-4632-jh/dc-smtpd/lib/Qpsmtpd/
expected: 59de969022e46135fa6dc7599fc2f3b4
got: 4334926a01c905cdb7fce71265e370c1
The following steps allowed me to resume and progress :-
View all branches. These will all be remote branches. git branch -a
Checkout branch affected. git checkout remotes/origin/trunk-4632-jh
This will take some time to complete.
Find the last revision that the problematic file was changed. git svn log dc-smtpd/lib/Qpsmtpd/
Note the highest revision #
Reset back to this rev. git svn reset -r (rev #) -p
Carry on. git svn fetch
Good luck.
I know this is old but maybe it will be helpful for future reference as all search results on this are not helpful.
I've hit similar issue on our huge repository which takes days to clone and unfortunately at one point I had to restart my machine. I am currently working out how to resolve the problem, so please keep in mind this is more a suggestion than tested solution.
I think you need to try creating a branch and checking out the commits you currently have from previous fetch:
git checkout -b master git-svn
After that is done you should have working tree up to that commit. Another fetches will probably fail due to object mismatch but at that point at least it should be possible to use "git svn reset" to revert faulty svn fetches (see OP's related answer link). If that's true find offending commit, reset before it and then continue fetching.
You might want to rebase and revert to state before that broken commit on your master branch or convert back to bare repository, if that's what you're after (in my case it is).
Hope this works. I'll post an update when my checkout is done (will take at least few hours... sigh).
Edit: That seemed to work. I successfully discarded some git-svn commits and am able to re-fetch them again. :)
Edit2: Make sure to reset until you don't get any object mismatch warnings on git svn fetch (otherwise you will run into the same issue soon).
See also: Git svn rebase : checksum mismatch
In our case the additional treatment of the files (server-side includes in Apache) caused the checksum problem.
Disabling SSI in Apache's /etc/httpd.conf file for the period of migration by commenting out the
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
directives solved the problem, caused by the interpretation of .shtml files by the front-end Apache server, which produced a new content (and thus a new hash), other than the hash of the original file itself.
That means some files in the repository got corrupted. It can be caused by various reasons such as software bugs, bit rots in drives, etc. I was recently transitioning very old ~10GB svn repository to git, therefore some corruption was expected.
To fix the corruption, you basically need to dump the entire repository and import it while filtering the errors out. Note that our goal is to complete the import process no matter why or how the repository got corrupted. You cannot simply fix the corruption without having a backup and diffing through the revision files.
First basic one-off command you could use is:
svnadmin create repo2
svnadmin dump repo | sed '/^Text-content-md5/d' | svnadmin load repo2
This removes the checksum calculation from the dump so the new repo will have updated checksums.
If you encountered more errors during the dump and load (which is expected), try incremental approach so you can continue from the point you left. Below command will dump the revisions starting from 101 to 150 (inclusive).
svnadmin dump --incremental -r101:150 repo | sed '/^Text-content-md5/d' | svnadmin load repo2
Some common errors and solutions:
'Premature end of content data in dumpstream': That means Content-length of some file does not match the repository version, so some data is lost in the specified file. We must skip it. Add | svndumpfilter exclude path/to/file.jar command like this:
svnadmin dump --incremental -r101:150 repo | svndumpfilter exclude path/to/file.jar | sed '/^Text-content-md5/d' | svnadmin load repo2
Property errors: Add --bypass-prop-validation to svnadmin load command
After populating your second repo, you would simply svnserve -d -r repo2 and try git svn fetch again.
Good luck!

Tooltwist Designer Repository Sync is failing

When I sync from the ToolTwist Designer, I select the files I wish to publish, but I get an error when I press OK, saying that the sync failed and to look in the server log file.
If I try again, the files I selected are no longer in the list, but if I check Git I can see they are not pushed to the repository.
In the log file I see that the push failed, and if I go to the webdesign directory and test the push command I get the same error:
$ git push --dry-run
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
I'm using the 'design' branch, so I'm not sure why an error is occurring on the 'master' branch.
In normal circumstances the Designer only uses a single git branch, normally named 'design'. The error message above indicates a conflict on the master branch.
It appears that changes have been committed to the master branch on the local machine but not pushed, whilst elsewhere changes have been committed to the master branch and have been pushed onto the remote repo.
To clear this conflict you'll need to checkout the master branch and do a pull to merge in the changes on the remote, and then the next push will work. Don't forget to change back to the design branch when you're finished.
[stop the Designer]
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
[resolve any conflicts]
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout design
[start the Designer]
By default git tries to push commits on all branches. In this case, you might find that the conflict on the master branch is preventing your web design changes on the design branch from being committed. To prevent this from happening, you can configure git's default behaviour to only push the current branch.
$ git config push.default current
You might also want to investigate why the master branch is being changed (and in two locations).

Is git svn dcommit atomic?

In my company we have a subversion server and everyone is using subversion on their machines.
However I'd like to use git, committing changes locally and then "push" them when I'm ready.
However, I can't understand what happens in the following situation.
Let's say that I made 3 git commits locally and now I'm ready to "push" everything on the subversion server. If I understand correctly, git svn dcommit should basically make 3 commits sequentially on the server, right? But what happens if in the meantime (let's say between the second and the third commit) another colleague of mine issues a commit?
The scenarios I can think of are:
1) git kind of "locks" (is that even possible?) the subversion server during commits so that my commits are doing atomically and my colleague's one is done after mine
2) The commit history on the server becomes mine1-mine2-other-mine3 (even if 'other' should fail since my colleague doesn't have an updated working copy at that point).
I think it's #2, but perhaps the committing speed is so high that this seldom becomes an issue. So which one is, #1 or #2?
No locks are not supported in Git, it's not a Git way (Git way is branching and merginig).
With git-svn you'll get mine1-mine2-other-mine3 history. If you need atomicity, have a look at SubGit project (it is installed into the SVN server and creates a pure Git interface for the SVN repository).
There was a similar question recently that might be interesting for you.
If you are lucky then number 2 but most of the time you aren't that lucky. In my experience when I dcommit a lot of commits and someone else commits while doing that usually 2 things happen:
It stops with dcommitting your other changes.
You lose the commits not-yet dcommitted.
Number 2 is really really annoying. The main problem is that you need to be totally up-to date to use git svn dcommit. This is because git-svn doesn't let the server merge revisions on the fly. (Because it would require both committers to have a working tree with both changes).
The only way to solve this are the following steps which I found here
Open .git/logs/HEAD
Look for your most recent commit (note that these commits are sorted
by “unix time”, although you can also find the latest one by reading
the shortlog there
Confirm that the commit you found is the right one: git show
git reset --hard hash from log
git svn rebase
git svn dcommit
Following this procedure allows you to take off from where it failed. I hope they fix this soon but they said this isn't priority for them yet.
Ofcourse if you commmit small groups and have a fast connection to the server it shouldn't happen that often. (I only got it 2-3 times when actively working and committing every day for 6 months).

git-svn : rebase fails multiple times then works

We are rolling out git on our clients to interact with a central SVN repository. On most work stations it works fine, but we have one work station where the person has to run git svn rebase 3-4 times before it completes. Each time there is no error, but random files are marks as modified or new. The files seem to be a commit that was pulled down from the central svn repository but not completed. Rerunning git svn rebase again a few times clears this up. The computer is top of the line with plenty of hard drive space and 16 gigs ram. Has anyone else ran into issues like this?
I had a similar issue that was solved by upgrading to git 1.8.
Why does "git rebase" leave opposite sets of modifications in the stage and the working copy?
Maybe you should try that.