VBA - How to set focus on OLE object window (IBM DOORS) - vba

I'm writing a script in the VB to be used in excel, I'm using OLE to run a DXL script in DOORS. The DOORS script creates a popup window, which I'd like to give focus to when it's created.
Currently I have reference to the DOORS object, but I can't seem to find out how to set focus to the window. It might be that it's something that I have to do in the dxl, but I was wondering if there's a way to do this on the VB side of things.
So far I have:
Public Sub DoThing()
Const DxlFilepath As String = "C:\FilePath"
Dim DOORSObj As Object
'Double check the user wants to do this
vbCreateList = MsgBox("Current list will be lost. Please confirm to proceed? (Note: Parent folder must be selected in DOORS popup)", vbOKCancel, "Do thing")
If (vbCreateList = vbCancel) Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Get access to the DOORS application database
Set DOORSObj = CreateObject("DOORS.Application")
DOORSObj.result = "OK"
DOORSObj.runFile (DxlFilepath)
End Sub
Thanks in advance


How to bypass MSAccss AutoExec macro and bypass Startup form

How do I bypass the MSAccess autoexec macro and startup form for a deep-legacy code upgrade of a large MS Access 2003 application with hundreds of forms and reports?
It is an upgrade from Access 2003 to Access 2016, 2019 or 365.
This is a mission critical system kept alive and on crutches for 15 years without any VBA code updates.
Files in the application
Multiple MSAccess files in MDB and ACCDB format
No MSAccess files in MDE or ACCDE formats with compiled VBA code
No MSAccess other files wuch as mdw security files
I run a dos command for the database - PATH_TO_MSACCESS.exe DB_NAME.mdb
I'm using MSAccess.exe 32 bit from Office 365.
Note that there are compatibility and VBA compiler errors if you run on a 64 bit MSAccess.exe if the VBA calls Windows operating system Win32 API methods. This app calls a few (5) Win32 API calls. Technical, MS Access 64 bit will treat some 32 bit data sent in/returned from the Win32 API as 64 bit causing errors.
The most difficult part is that many of the web pages and nearly all Microsoft pages related to this have been deleted from the web.
Tried but did not work
Holding down shift key when you open the MSAccess database
Hitting F11 to open the Navigation Pane in Access (does not open). If Navigation Pane opens I could edit the AutoExec macro or the startup form's Form_Open code
Tried, not perfect, and works
Run a macro which does not exist on MSAccess.exe command line, hit escape multiple times on the error messages, the click on the MSAccess ribbon to get to the VBA code. Messy, but it gets me into the VBA code.
Added a "Stop" as the first line of the macro named "autoexec" and also as the first line of the startup form's "Form_Open()" method. I had to add an empty "Form_Open()" event handler for the form
Current status:
The application runs OK on a machine with MS Access version before 2016
It fails multiple ways when only 32 bit MS Access 365/2019 is installed on the machine.
I have been finding and fixing things like bad configuration file entries, incorrect installation path, etc. but need to debug the VBA startup code and initial form load in the VBA debugger.
I cannot directly get into the VBA debugger on the first line of the AutoExec macro or start up form's Form_Open function. MSAccess always runs the autoexec macro and shows the startup form.
I can get into the VBA by running MSaccess.exe command line and specifying that it runs a macro which does not exist.
Here are possible solutions based on Google searching broken out by Access version since the code/database settings in question could be specific to any Access version from 95 to 2010.
Access 2007: Opening an MS-Access database from the command line without running any of the startup vba code?
Hold down shift key when opening MDB database
Access XP
Open access database without executing scripts or forms
Hold down shift key when opening the Access database
Remove AutoExec macro
Remove the startup form setting from the database
Access 2007:
Emulating a SHIFT key press when using VBA to open an ms-access database secured by an mdw file?
Slightly different case where the Access database is secured by a MDW security file
Same answers
Access XP/2003/2007?
How to skip Autoexec macro when opening MSAccess from MSAccess?
Method One:
Original URL is dead, Internet Archive Wayback machine has an archived copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20101204113950/http://www.mvps.org/access/api/api0068.htm
Send Shift key to Access via code to bypass startup macro if the [AllowbypassKey] is not set
Method Two:
Extract the Autoexec macro from the database, replace it with a blank AutoExec macro
Uses DoCmd.DatabaseTransfer acImport and DoCmd.DatabaseTransfer acExport
Method Three:
Rename the AutoExec macro using VBA code
OpenCurrentDatabase ("Your database")
DoCmd.Rename "Autoexec", acMacro, "tmp_Autoexec"
MS Access keyboard short cuts for getting at the VBA code or objects in an Access database. From https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/keyboard-shortcuts-for-access-70a673e4-4f7b-4300-b8e5-3320fa6606e2
I haven't tried the MSAccess keyboard short cuts to see if they let me open and view the Access VBA code, toolbars, table/form dedign viewer, or switch to code editing mode. I've included them here for completeness.
F2 - Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode in the Datasheet or Design view
F4 - Open properties pane for an object
F5 - Switch to Form view from the form Design view
F6 - Switch between panes in the MS Access interface
F10 (?) unhide the ribbon
F11 - Show or hide the Navigation Pane
Alt-X, Alt-X,1 - Open the External Data tab in the ribbon
Alt-Y - Open the Database Tools tab in the ribbon
Alt-J,T - Open the Table tab in the ribbon
Alt-X,2 - Open the Add-ins tab in the ribbon
Control-F1 - Expand/collapse the ribbon
Alt-F11 - Switch to/from the VBA editor
Show or hide the MSAccess ribbon toolbar in VBA code. Included here for completeness. This application hides the ribbon bar on application startup.
MSAccess - Minimize the Toolbar Ribbon OnLoad()?
MSAccess 2010 onwards. The acToolbarNo is in the VBA code for this application
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo 'Hides the full toolbar
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarYes 'Show
MSACcess 2010, 2013
CommandBars.ExecuteMso "MinimizeRibbon"
Before MSAccess 2010
SendKeys "^{F1}", False
Special case: You may get an error on the Access startup form if it has a record source which has an error. this is not the case for my application but included here completeness
difficulty tracing microsoft access VBA code
Special case: You get an infinite loop of dialog prompts or errors from the startup form. Hold down the "Control-Break" key while clicking on OK for the error message to break out of the loop of errors. https://bettersolutions.com/vba/debugging/index.htm
It may be possible to break out of the main startup form to the MS Access object explorer by right clicking on the startup form's title bar or right click on the startup form's body.
Right clicking on the startup form's title bar has these menu commands
Close and Close All
Form View
Layout View
Design View
Right clicking on the startup form's body has these menu commands
Form View
Layout View
Design View
Cut, Copy, Past (disabled)
Form Properties (disabled)
Properties (disabled)
the other thing to check? Are you using a shortcut? if it has the /runtime swtich in it, then the shift key will be ignored NO MATTER what you do, and even if no shfit key by-pass code (to disable) shift key means the shift key will STILL be ignored. So, you want to ensure that you not launching/using a shortcut.
you also want to check/ensure/find out/be aware if the application has workgroup security. Again, in 99 out of 100 cases, the shortcut will show this.
next up:
is this a mdb, or mde file? The mde file is a compiled version. No source code exists, and you can't modify the mde. So, again, ensure that you have a mdb file for the front end, not a mde. If you don't have that mdb, then you are in big trouble - you don't have the source code.
You have all this info in your post, but you leave out the most important issues.
So, is this a mde, or mdb? You need to know this.
Is there a worgroup security file (mdw) specifed in the link that is typical used to launch the application. If workgroup secuirty is involed, then the logon id you use might get you past shift key, but then that user might not have been given design rights, so at that point, shify key by-pass will be of zero use to get into the code.
I mean, launch your copy of access 2016 or whatever. Then try to import the objects from that database. This way you don't have to use or ever worry about shfit key, but are doing a simple import of the forms, reports and code into a brand new fresh database.
So, another question:
Don't bother launching the application - create a blank new database, and then import from the existing - can you do this? (doing this does NOT copy the shift key setting of the original database).
MSAccess command line lets you tell it what macro to execute on startup.
I ran the following cmd.exe command line which generates multiple errors and allows you to get into the Access database with the navigator and get into the VBA code. Not the best solution but one possibility.
DB is the full path to the Access database
ADEERETDEREAR is a macro which does not exist
Access 2007?
How to disable Macro and Start-Up values while opening the MS Access DB
Access 2003?
Bypasss shift key. These link to Zip files projects available for download
Access 2007:
remove autoexec macro from MS Access 2007
Create new macro and then rename it in the Access UI to autoexec, say yes to the prompt to overwrite the existing AutoExec macro
Access 2010?
Opening an MS-Access database from the command line without running any of the startup vba code?
Access ?
Disable F11 Key in MS Access to prevent opening the Navigation Pane
Open the Access database, let the main form be shown
Hit F11 to show the navigation pane
A guess that one could modify the autoexec macro and/or the startup form from the navigation pane
Access ?
A guess that you could use VBA in one Access database to open the target database
Get the name of the startup form
Change the startup form's name or maybe blank out the startup form's name
VBA code similar to CurrentDB.Properties("StartupForm") = "MyForm"
Another guess would be to blank out the startup form's name in the database properties
Same may work for the autoexec macro
Access 2010?
Reset startup form to nothing in VBA code
Code from 2012 is here: https://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1673392
First way
Dim strOriginalForm as String
Dim db as Database
Sub RemoveStartup()
Set db = OpenDatabase(yourdatabase)
strOriginalForm = db.Properties("StartUpForm")
db.Properties("StartUpForm") = "(none)"
set db = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ResetStartup()
Set db = OpenDatabase(yourdatabase)
db.Properties("StartUpForm") = strOriginalForm
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Second way
Set prp = db.CreateProperty("AllowByPassKey", dbBoolean, True)
db.Properties.Append prp
Third way
Delete the property using - database.properties.delete propertyname
A more complete example from the same page exists.
I have not tried to import the Access objects into a new database. (Thanks Albert Kallal for the information)
This would allow me to look at the VBA code. It may not work as a replacement for the original database with all of the settings internal to the database.
How to import the Access objects from another Access database:
Access 365 steps (likely works for Access 2016)
External Data tab in ribbon
Click New Data Source -> From Database -> Access in the Import & Link ribbon group
Get External Data - Access Database window is shown
Browse for the MSAccess database MDB or ACCDB file in the File Name Field
The Import Objects window is shown
Select the tables, queries, forms, reports macros, modules to import
In the Options button dialog, you can select menus, toolbars, etc. to import
Click on OK
For Names duplicated, Access will append a 1,2,3 to the end of an imported object's name
Access 2010?
Reset startup form to nothing in VBA code
Code from 2012 is here: https://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1673392
Fourth way as mentioned above
A more complete example from the same page.
Code from 2012 is here: https://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1673392
Public Sub GetCBs()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strPath As String
Dim startUpform As String
Dim app As Access.Application
Dim custBars As Collection
Dim custShortCutBars As Collection
Dim custNonShortCutBars As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim blnAutoexec As Boolean
strPath = GetOpenFile()
'Get the db without opening in application
Set db = getDb(strPath)
'Get startupform
startUpform = getStartUp(db)
'Turn off the start up form
TurnOffStartUp db
'Check for and auto exec. If exists import and replace
If hasAutoexec(db) Then
blnAutoexec = True
ImportAutoExec (strPath)
End If
Set app = New Access.Application
'Open safely
app.OpenCurrentDatabase (strPath)
'Read command bars
Set custBars = getCustBars(app)
Set custShortCutBars = getCustShortCutBars(app)
Set custNonShortCutBars = getCustNonShortCutBars(app)
Set db = app.CurrentDb
Set db = getDb(strPath)
'Return start up form
TurnOnStartUp db, startUpform
'Return auto exec
If blnAutoexec Then
ReturnAutoExec (strPath)
End If
Debug.Print "all custom bars:"
'All bars
For i = 1 To custBars.Count
Debug.Print custBars(i)
Next i
'Do something with the command bars
Debug.Print "all shortcut bars:"
'Short cut only
For i = 1 To custShortCutBars.Count
Debug.Print custShortCutBars(i)
Next i
'Not short cut
Debug.Print "Non shortCut"
For i = 1 To custNonShortCutBars.Count
Debug.Print custNonShortCutBars(i)
Next i
End Sub
Public Function getDb(strPath As String) As DAO.Database
Set getDb = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase(strPath)
End Function
Public Function getCustBars(app As Access.Application) As Collection
' all bars
Dim col As New Collection
Dim cb As Object
For Each cb In app.CommandBars
If cb.BuiltIn = False Then
col.Add (cb.Name)
End If
Next cb
Set getCustBars = col
End Function
Public Function getCustShortCutBars(app As Access.Application) As Collection
' only short cut bars
Dim col As New Collection
Dim cb As commandbar
For Each cb In app.CommandBars
If cb.BuiltIn = False Then
If cb.Type = msoBarTypePopup Then
col.Add (cb.Name)
End If
End If
Next cb
Set getCustShortCutBars = col
End Function
Public Function getCustNonShortCutBars(app As Access.Application) As Collection
' Menu bars that are not shortcut bars
Dim col As New Collection
Dim cb As commandbar
For Each cb In app.CommandBars
If cb.BuiltIn = False Then
If cb.Type <> msoBarTypePopup Then
col.Add (cb.Name)
End If
End If
Next cb
Set getCustNonShortCutBars = col
End Function
Public Function getStartUp(db As DAO.Database) As String
Dim prp As DAO.Property
For Each prp In db.Properties
If prp.Name = "startupform" Then
getStartUp = prp.Value
Exit For
End If
End Function
Public Sub TurnOffStartUp(db As DAO.Database)
Dim prp As DAO.Property
For Each prp In db.Properties
If prp.Name = "startupform" Then
prp.Value = "(None)"
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Public Sub TurnOnStartUp(db As DAO.Database, strFrm As String)
Dim prp As DAO.Property
For Each prp In db.Properties
If prp.Name = "startupform" Then
prp.Value = strFrm
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ImportAutoExec(strPath As String)
On Error GoTo errLbl
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", strPath, acMacro, "AutoExec", "AutoExecBackup"
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", strPath, acMacro, "TempAutoExec", "AutoExec"
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 7874 Then
Debug.Print "Auto Exec macro does not exist"
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ReturnAutoExec(strPath As String)
On Error GoTo errLbl
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", strPath, acMacro, "AutoExecBackup", "AutoExec"
DoCmd.DeleteObject acMacro, "AutoExecBackup"
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 7874 Then
Debug.Print "Auto Exec macro does not exist"
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub
Public Function hasAutoexec(db As DAO.Database) As Boolean
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MSysObjects WHERE MSysObjects.Name = 'AutoExec' AND MSysObjects.Type = -32766"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql)
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
hasAutoexec = True
End If
End Function

Disable Save As but not Save in Word 2010

I am looking to disable Save As in a Word 2010 file but still allow save. In other words I want users to be able to update the existing file but not create copies. I realize that this is impossible to truly do for people who know workarounds but for the general user I have successfully done this in Excel but am pretty new to word VBA.
When I add the following to a brand new document everything works as intended:
Sub FileSaveAs()
MsgBox "Copies of this file cannot be created. Please save changes in the original document." & _
, , "Copy Cannot be Created"
End Sub
My document has other macros for various command buttons but none of them involve saving the document (under original name or save as). There is also a macro running on open but that is 1 line going to a bookmark. When I try to "save as" in this document I get the message box as intended. When I try to "save" though things get strange: I get the save as dialogue (problem 1). Whether I try to save either under same name or other name the dialogue behaves as it normally would except it doesn't save and the dialogue box opens again automatically essentially creating an endless loop until I hit cancel (problem 2). I also intermittently get a "disk is full" warning pop-up after trying to save which I can dismiss but appears a few minutes later as long as he file is open (perhaps related to autosave?)
Since the macro works in the test file I assumed this strange behavior must be something elsewhere in my code but my document with the other macros saves normally as long as I don't include the save as code above so now I'm totally confused. Before I put up the rest of my code which is lengthy and for the reasons stated above I would not think impact things, I figured I'd ask this:
1. Is there any place other than my other command button macros that could be causing this behavior?
2. Is there a better method people recommend to achieve my ultimate goal of disabling save as but not save?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
The Word application has a DocumentBeforeSave event. To enable application events I suggest to create a class module by the name of ThisApplication and paste the following code into it.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set App = Word.Application
End Sub
Private Sub App_DocumentBeforeSave(ByVal Doc As Document, _
SaveAsUI As Boolean, _
Cancel As Boolean)
If SaveAsUI Then
MsgBox "Please always use the ""Save"" command" & vbCr & _
"to save this file.", _
vbExclamation, "SaveAs is not allowed"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Add the following code to your ThisDocument module.
Dim WdApp As ThisApplication
Private Sub Document_Open()
Set WdApp = New ThisApplication
End Sub
You may add the Set App = ... line to your existing Document_Open procedure. After the WdApp variable has been initialised all application events will be received by the ThisApplication class where the DocumentBeforeSave event procedure is programmed not to allow SaveAs.
Of course, this is a blanket refusal for all documents. Therefore you may wish to add code to the procedure to limit the restriction to certain documents only. The proc receives the entire document object with all its properties, including Name, Path, FullName and built-in as well as custom properties. You can identify the files you wish to be affected by any of these.
Note that the WdApp variable will be erased in case of a program crash. If this happens the application events will no longer fire. It may be useful to know that application events occur before document events. This is if you wish to use the application's DocumentOpen event as well as or instead of the document's Document_Open event.

Microsoft Access- launch hyperlink contained in data table via button located on form

Using SQL or VBA, what is the code I would need to launch a hyperlink which would go to either the internet or a network location? The form has multiple buttons which would connect 1:1 with the first column in the table. The second column in the table would either have an "http://www.internet.com/databases" or "\network7\HH\forms\hrl\".
Only the admin would have access to the table, and the end-users only have access to the forms. This allows all the users to click on the button and have the website or network location launch automatically, without having the ability to edit the table, which the admin would have.
Within "OnClick", I cannot simply type "FollowHyperlink(http://www._____) because the location (written in the table) would be changing monthly and the admin would have 0 coding or technical background.
The button would not be opening a table or showing the user what is happening, it would only launch the link and remain on the same screen to allow them to click on another button
Thank you in advance,
so far i have:
Dim hyperlink As String
hyperlink = Nz((DLookup("Field2", "sources", "[Field1] = SAP"),"")
If Len(hyperlink) > 0 then
FollowHyperlink (hyperlink)
End If
You have to get the data out of the table and then open it as a hyperlink. so something like this:
Dim rs as recordset
Dim hyperlink as string
set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("Table")
hyperlink = rs![RelevantColumn]
set rs = nothing
We found the final solution in the comments:
Private Sub Criteria_Click()
anything3 = DLookup("TargetField", "sources", "[CriteriaField] = 'Criteria'")
FollowHyperlink anything3
End Sub

Reading, Writing and controlling Autocad using external VBA

I'm using MS-Access 2010 and Autocad 2012 64bit and work in manufacturing.
I want to be able to at the very least, populate fields in a title block, better still I would like to use data in my access database to write data into a sheet set (the current system works by reading the sheet set values such as sheet title and number into my title block).
The following code is all I have at the moment and it will open autocad and write the date into the command line.
Private Sub OpenAutocad_Click()
Dim CadApp As AcadApplication
Dim CadDoc As AutoCAD.AcadDocument
On Error Resume Next
Set CadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set CadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
CadApp.Visible = True
CadApp.WindowState = acMax
Set CadDoc = CadApp.ActiveDocument
CadDoc.Utility.Prompt "Hello from Access, the time is: " & TheTime
Set CadApp = Nothing
End Sub
I have no idea where to go from here. What are the commands to control the sheet set manager and change data, and can the .dst file be edited without even opening up autocad? is there a list of all available autocad vba commands and functions?
If you are declaring CadApp as AcadApplication you must have added a reference to AutoCAD.
That means you should be able to see the object model using your Object Browser in your VBA IDE. No?
There is also a very helpful site www.theswamp.org which has a whole section devoted to AutoCAD VBA.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to automate filling attributes in a drawing title blocks (such as title, drawer, part number, etc) right from MS Access.
Your code can access the Autocad command line already, but Autocad doesn't seem to have the exact command for filling drawing attribute. (command list)
So looks like you need to fill the attributes programatically using the COM API.
The following question appears to be relevant with yours and the accepted answers does provide a sample code:
Is it possible to edit block attributes in AutoCAD using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop?
Note that in that question the asker was developing a standalone application in C# .NET, where as you will be using VB Automation from MS Access. Shouldn't be too different since the Component Object Model (COM) being used is the same.
What are the commands to control the sheet set manager and change data and can the .dst file be edited without even opening up autocad?
(sorry can't post more than 2 links)
No mention about data change, though.
is there a list of all available autocad vba commands and functions?
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\acad_aag.chm - Developer's Guide
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\acadauto.chm - Reference Guide
Online version:
More references here:
:) Half the way gone ;)
If you has a open autocad with a loaded drawing you can access the whole thing directly.
Sub block_set_attribute(blo As AcadBlockReference, tagname, tagvalue)
Dim ATTLIST As Variant
If blo Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If blo.hasattributes Then
tagname = Trim(UCase(tagname))
ATTLIST = blo.GetAttributes
For i = LBound(ATTLIST) To UBound(ATTLIST)
If UCase(ATTLIST(i).TAGSTRING) = tagname Or UCase(Trim(ATTLIST(i).TAGSTRING)) = tagname & "_001" Then
'On Error Resume Next
ATTLIST(i).textString = "" & tagvalue
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub findtitleblock(TITLEBLOCKNAME As String, attributename As String,
attributevalue As String)
Dim entity As AcadEntity
Dim block As acadblcck
Dim blockref As AcadBlockReference
For Each block In ThisDrawing.BLOCKS
For Each entity In block
If InStr(LCase(entity.objectname), "blockref") > 0 Then
Set blockref = entity
If blockref.effectivename = TITLEBLOCKNAME Then
Call block_set_attribute(blockref, attributename, attributevalue)
exit for
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
call findtitleblock("HEADER","TITLE","Bridge column AXIS A_A")
So assume you has a title block which has the attribute TITLE then it will set the Attribute to the drawing name. it mioght also possible you has to replace the thisdrawing. with your Caddoc. I usually control Access and Excel form autocad and not vice versa ;)
consider also to use "REGEN" and "ATTSYNC" if "nothing happens"
thisdrawing.sendcommens("_attsync" 6 vblf )

How do I make Outlook purge a folder automatically when anything arrives in it?

I hope it's okay to ask this kind of question. Attempting to write the code myself is completely beyond me at the moment.
I need a macro for Outlook 2007 that will permanently delete all content of the Sent Items folder whenever anything arrives in it. Is it possible? How do I set everything up so that the user doesn't ever have to click anything to run it?
I know I'm asking for a fish, and I'm embarrassed, but I really need the thing...
I've pasted this into the VBA editor, into a new module:
Public Sub EmptySentEmailFolder()
Dim outApp As Outlook.Application
Dim sentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim item As Object
Dim entryID As String
Set outApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set sentFolder = outApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
For i = sentFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
sentFolder.Items(i).Delete '' Delete from mail folder
Set item = Nothing
Set sentFolder = Nothing
Set outApp = Nothing
End Sub
It's just a slightly modified version of a piece of code I found somewhere on this site deleting Deleted Items. It does delete the Sent Items folder when I run it. Could you please help me modify it in such a way that it deletes Sent Items whenever anything appears in the folder, and in such a way that the user doesn't have to click anything to run it? I need it to be a completely automated process.
edit 2: Please if you think there's a better tool to achieve this than VBA, don't hesitate to edit the tags and comment.
edit 3: I did something that works sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't. And it's ridiculously complicated. I set a rule that ccs every sent email with an attachment to me. Another rule runs the following code, when an email from me arrives.
Sub Del(item As Outlook.MailItem)
Call EmptySentEmailFolder
End Sub
The thing has three behaviors, and I haven't been able to determine what triggers which behavior. Sometimes the thing does purge the Sent Items folder. Sometimes it does nothing. Sometimes the second rule gives the "operation failed" error message.
The idea of acting whenever something comes from my address is non-optimal for reasons that I'll omit for the sake of brevity. I tried to replace it with reports. I made a rule that sends a delivery report whenever I send an email. Then another rule runs the code upon receipt of the report. However, this has just one behavior: it never does anything.
Both ideas are so complicated that anything could go wrong really, and I'm having trouble debugging them. Both are non-optimal solutions too.
Would this be an acceptable solution? Sorry its late but my copy of Outlook was broken.
When you enter the Outlook VB Editor, the Project Explorer will be on the left. Click Ctrl+R if it isn't. It will look something like this:
+ Project1 (VbaProject.OTM)
- Project1 (VbaProject.OTM)
+ Microsoft Office Outlook Objects
+ Forms
+ Modules
"Forms" will be missing if you do not have any user forms. It is possible "Modules" is expanded. Click +s as necessary to get "Microsoft Office Outlook Objects" expanded:
- Project1 (VbaProject.OTM)
- Microsoft Office Outlook Objects
+ Forms
+ Modules
Click ThisOutlookSession. The module area will turn white unless you have already used this code area. This area is like a module but have additional privileges. Copy this code to that area:
Private Sub Application_MAPILogonComplete()
' This event routine is called automatically when a user has completed log in.
Dim sentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim entryID As String
Dim i As Long
Set sentFolder = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _
For i = sentFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
sentFolder.Items(i).Delete ' Move to Deleted Items
Set sentFolder = Nothing
End Sub
I have taken your code, tidied it up a little and placed it within an event routine. An event routine is automatically called when the appropriate event occurs. This routine is called when the user has completed their log in. This is not what you requested but it might be an acceptable compromise.
Suggestion 2
I have not tried an ItemAdd event routine on the Sent Items folder before although I have used it with the Inbox. According to my limited testing, deleting the sent item does not interfere with the sending.
This code belongs in "ThisOutlookSession".
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents MyNewItems As Outlook.Items
Private Sub Application_MAPILogonComplete()
Dim NS As NameSpace
Set NS = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
With NS
Set MyNewItems = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail).Items
End With
End Sub
Private Sub myNewItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
Debug.Print "--------------------"
Debug.Print "Item added to Sent folder"
Debug.Print "Subject: " & Item.Subject
Item.Delete ' Move to Deleted Items
Debug.Print "Moved to Deleted Items"
End Sub
The Debug.Print statements show you have limited access to the sent item. If you try to access more sensitive properties, you will trigger a warning to the user that a macro is assessing emails.