Where is the war file built in Intellij IDEA, located? - intellij-idea

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and I'm building and deploying the web-application project every time I'm running it. All of this happens magically within IntelliJ IDEA.
However, now I'm supposed to manually deploy it on a test server's wildfly, so I need an artifact file (WAR or EAR) to drop in the standalone/deployments directory on the test server's running WildFly10.
I can't for the life of me find where IntelliJ Idea exports the WAR / EAR artifacts so I could copy paste it to the said directory on the test server. Any help is appreciated.

Please follow the steps :
Click on Edit Configurations.
Click on Deployment and add your artifact.
Apply these changes.
You can see a Build Artifacts under Build.
Click on Build Artifacts and it will create a war/jar to the respective folder.
If I'm wrong somewhere let me know.


While making maven project I am getting "could not calculate build plan" plugins error

I am trying to make a new project in maven, but while making the project I am getting "could not calculate build path": plugins error because of this I am not able to work further.
Steps to reproduce:
Launch Eclipse (I am using oxygen) new version
Go to File ->New ->project->select maven as project option
Enter the required filed for POM file
Now, as maven project start building, I am getting the error.
Please find attached screenshot for the reference.
Try the following steps:
Make sure you have connectivity (you can browse) (This kind of error is usually due to connectivity with Internet)
Download Maven and unzip it
Create a JAVA_HOME System Variable
Create an M2_HOME System Variable
Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%M2_HOME%\bin; to your PATH variable
Open a command window cmd. Check: mvn -v
If you have a proxy, you will need to configure it
Make sure you have .m2/repository (erase all the folders and files below)
If you are going to use Eclipse, You will need to create the settings.xml
Maven plugin in Eclipse - Settings.xml file is missing
You can see more detail in

IntelliJ, JRebel, Maven and a JEE 6 application

My setup is
IDE: IntelliJ
Application: JEE6 with an EAR and a WAR module
Build: Maven
Hot-Code-Replacement: JRebel
App-Server: Glassfish 3.1
I configured the application in IntelliJ in a way that the ear gets deployed. The ear "target" folder looks like this
In the default configuration JRebel listens for changes in the classes/ folder.
When I change something in the web module, and build this, the classes are only updated in appWeb/target/classes/ but not in appEar/target/appEar/appWeb-version-Snapshot.war/.
If I want to update those classes I have to select "Build Artifacts" in IntelliJ after building the project.
To sum up, I have to do these steps for a hot code replacement:
(once) Configure JRebel correctly.
Make project
Build Artifacts
This whole procedure appears to be too complicated to me. Does anyone have a clue how to setup IntelliJ/Maven/Glassfish/JEE/JRebel correctly? I have not found an example containing all my tools. I'd like to have only one action for the code replacement, not two.
There's "build on make" checkbox in your project artifact settings, that will always recreate your artifact on compiling, if that's what you are looking for. However JRebel should remap where your application is reading class files and resources based on rebel.xml, so you probably should just rewrite rebel.xml to look for classes where they are compiled to, not where they end up after building the artifact.
Why do you need to Build Artifacts every time?
Your war should contain the rebel.xml that maps to the classes in /target/classes folder.
When you make changes to said classes, your server then knows to load the changes from those classes.
So you only need to build your project in order to see the changes assuming your rebel.xml classpath points to /target/classes.

any way to run intellij community build from altered source?

I made changes to Intellij Community Edition (ce). I can compile and run those changes from within the IntelliJ editor. That launches a second instance of IntelliJ ce which is running from classes containing my changes. What I want to do is just run those changes without having to first load the source, compile and run from within IntelliJ.
Netbeans made this easy by just producing an executable as a result of the build. With Intellij, it's not at all clear what has to be done. I have tried the following-
using the Run configuration Intellij itself uses to run the altered classes- this includes setting the working directory , main class, vm options and classpath. Actually, this doesn't work for reasons unknown to me.
on someone's suggestion, running dist.gant in build. This blows up with very many errors which are not helpful (no class def found errors which indicate some confusion on Intellij's part on classpaths somewhere)
Running WinLauncher.exe under bin gives the error message that it can't find VM options file (although it's in bin, (and also for good measure under bin/win with the other files which are co-located with vmoptions in the intellij directory structure for Intellij proper. )
ALl this is just harder than it should be. The solution is to provide an executable as a result of the build and place it in a predictable location.
Has anyone ever actually DONE what I am trying to do- make changes to the community source then use the resultant editor not as a project you're working with in IntelliJ but as the Intellij editor you're working through?
User60561 had the correct answer. Just to mop up the details, in artifacts, there is a compressed file (win.zip for Windows, mac.zip for Mac etc.). In order to run your snapshot, you have to unzip this archive (after which it will have the same name, minus the zip extension) then go into folder "bin". There you'll see two executables: idea.exe and idea64.exe, for 32 and 64 bit versions, respectively. Clicking on these runs your snapshot.
Adjusting contents of the files idea.exe.vmoptions and idea64.exe.vmoptions lets you set the VM parameters to suit yourself, typically people might want to give the VM more memory through the -Xmx value.
It seems straightforward:
To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.
So download ant, and run ant in the directory that you have it stored in. Make sure to use the commandline to launch ant in order to make sure everything is working correctly.
Initially execute getPlugins.bat/sh, then:
Use update.bat/sh according to it's instructions
Click on: Main Menu | Build | IntelliJ IDEA CE build
Copy content of intellij-community\out\deploy (lib, plugins folder) into existing IJ installation (sometimes it is better to delete existing folders if they contain older dependencies or when the installation was of Ultimate version)

How does Intellij deploy to JBoss?

I finally have my application in IntelliJ and deploying to JBoss. I'd like to get hot deploy working but it looks like I need to understand how IntelliJ and JBoss interact.
When I build my project in IntelliJ and then start JBoss, the ear file does not appear in the deploy directory so I assume that there is some magic that IntelliJ does so that JBoss reads from a different folder. What is happening during this step?
Thanks :)
I know this is an old and apparently answered question, but unfortunately the links provided in the accepted answer didn't give me the simple details I was looking for. For anyone also trying to understand how IntelliJ IDEA deploys your exploded war to JBoss without copying files to the deployments folder, here's what I've found while deploying locally from IDEA 14 (EAP) to JBoss 7.1.1.Final:
After you've created an "exploded war" artifact for your project (or it has automatically been created for you), IDEA will build your provided sources and place the output in the directory set in the artifact options (you can change this setting to place the output inside the deployments folder inside your jboss installation).
IDEA will update your JBoss configuration file (/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml) and add a "deployment" node inside the deployments section. This entry simply defines a name, a runtime name and the exploded war root folder for your project, which will point to the output directory of your artifact set in IDEA.
When JBoss is started (either manually or from your run/debug configuration in IDEA), it will automatically deploy your artifact. Be warned that if your files are in the output directory of your project and you clean it, JBoss will still try to find the directory, thus encountering errors in your next attempt to start it: org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: Failed to mount deployment content, Failed to process phase STRUCTURE of deployment and java.io.FileNotFoundException to name a few.
Please refer to the documentation.
Basically, you need an exploded Artifact configuration with the directory name ending with .ear.
Build | Make performs hot deployment as well as Update action (which is configurable and can update only resources, resources and classes, optionally redeploy or restart the server).
Instead of copying your application to JBoss, IDEA runs it with appropriate parameters so that it uses Artifact directory instead. Configuration is very flexible and you can just change the artifact directory location to reside under JBoss directory.

How to configure IntelliJ IDEA and/or Maven to automatically add directories with Java source code generated using jaxb2-maven-plugin?

In our project we are using jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate Java source code from XML Schema, which causes that our Maven module requires additional source code directory (in our case target/generated/main/java). Up to date I've been using Eclipse and maven-eclipse-plugin to import all the projects into Eclipse workspace. The plugin is (somehow) able to add the directory with generated source code automatically to Eclipse' .classpath file.
Recently I try to switch to (play with?) IntelliJ IDEA 9 (so I am a newbie in this environment) and I've noticed that additional source directory is not added during IDEA's importing process...
Is there any way I can configure IDEA/Maven to make importing directory with generated source code automatically?
The convention with Maven is to generate code in target/generated-sources/<tool>, for example target/generated-sources/jaxb2
Follow this convention and IDEA will add the folder as source folder (see IDEA-53198).
Generated code, using jaxb2-maven-plugin, was missing for me in Intellij 2017.1 whereas Eclipse Neon created it.
Fixed it from context menu of module by selecting 'Maven -> Generate Sources and Update Folders'.
Try with maven-jaxb2-plugin. If it does not work then it's IDEA problem.
In Maven you can add new source roots per configuration. Maven plugins can do this programmatically. This is for sure the case with maven-jaxb2-plugin. Then, if IDEA does not recognize it, then it's a problem on that side.
You can use the Maven Build Helper Plugin. It is located at http://www.mojohaus.org/build-helper-maven-plugin/
It allows to configure additional source roots. And the maven integration of IntelliJ will add the new source root. We are using this feature in quite a few builds and it works just fine. Tested with vers. 13 of IntelliJ IDEA.