What is the meaning of perf script output? - performancecounter

I used the perf script command to view the result of the perf.data file, but I don't really understand what each column means. For example, if I have the following result:
perf 3198 [000] 13156.201238: bus-cycles: ffffffff81086e90 resched_task
perf 3198 [000] 13156.201267: instructions: ffffffff811868e9 do_vfs_ioctl
What are the values 3198, [000], 13156.201238 referring to?

It is output from the default list of --fields ( -F is equivalent ), it looks like pid, cpu and time from the list of the available fields. You can verify that using the
perf script -F pid,cpu,time
if it will have the same first fields in output.
If not, there is probably no better way than to try the other fields from manual page (there is no good documentation).


Nextflow: add unique ID, hash, or row number to tuple

ch_files = Channel.fromPath("myfiles/*.csv")
ch_parameters = Channel.from(['A','B, 'C', 'D'])
ch_samplesize = Channel.from([4, 16, 128])
process makeGrid {
path input_file from ch_files
each parameter from ch_parameters
each samplesize from ch_samplesize
tuple path(input_file), parameter, samplesize, path("config_file.ini") into settings_grid
echo "parameter=$parameter;sampleSize=$samplesize" > config_file.ini
gives me a number_of_files * 4 * 3 grid of settings files, so I can run some script for each combination of parameters and input files.
How do I add some ID to each line of this grid? A row ID would be OK, but I would even prefer some unique 6-digit alphanumeric code without a "meaning" because the order in the table doesn't matter. I could extract out the last part of the working folder which is seemingly unique per process; but I don't think it is ideal to rely on sed and $PWD for this, and I didn't see it provided as a runtime metadata variable provider. (plus it's a bit long but OK). In a former setup I had a job ID from the LSF cluster system for this purpose, but I want this to be portable.
Every combination is not guaranteed to be unique (e.g. having parameter 'A' twice in the input channel should be valid).
To be clear, I would like this output
file1.csv A 4 pathto/config.ini 1ac5r
file1.csv A 16 pathto/config.ini 7zfge
file1.csv A 128 pathto/config.ini ztgg4
file2.csv A 4 pathto/config.ini 123js
Given the input declaration, which uses the each qualifier as an input repeater, it will be difficult to append some unique id to the grid without some refactoring to use either the combine or cross operators. If the inputs are just files or simple values (like in your example code), refactoring doesn't make much sense.
To get a unique code, the simple options are:
Like you mentioned, there's no way, unfortunately, to access the unique task hash without some hack to parse $PWD. Although, it might be possible to use BASH parameter substitution to avoid sed/awk/cut (assuming BASH is your shell of course...) you could try using: "${PWD##*/}"
You might instead prefer using ${task.index}, which is a unique index within the same task. Although the task index is not guaranteed to be unique across executions, it should be sufficient in most cases. It can also be formatted for example:
process example {
def idx = String.format("%06d", task.index)
echo "${idx}"
Alternatively, create your own UUID. You might be able to take the first N characters but this will of course decrease the likelihood of the IDs being unique (not that there was any guarantee of that anyway). This might not really matter though for a small finite set of inputs:
process example {
def uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
echo "${uuid}"
echo "${uuid.take(6)}"
echo "${uuid.takeBefore('-')}"

Go benchmark by function name

I have this Benchmark function:
BenchmarkMyTest(b *testing.B) {
And I would like to run only this function not running all other tests, but the command never worked for me.
go test -bench='BenchmarkMyTest'
go test -run='BenchmarkMyTest'
What's the correct way of running one single benchmark function in Go?
It says to use regex but I can't find any documentation.
Described at Command Go: Description of testing flags:
-bench regexp
Run benchmarks matching the regular expression.
By default, no benchmarks run. To run all benchmarks,
use '-bench .' or '-bench=.'.
-run regexp
Run only those tests and examples matching the regular
So the syntax is that you have to separate it with a space or with the equal sign (with no apostrophe marks), and what you specify is a regexp:
go test -bench BenchmarkMyTest
go test -run TestMyTest
go test -bench=BenchmarkMyTest
go test -run=TestMyTest
Specifying exactly 1 function
As the specified expression is a regexp, this will also match functions whose name contains the specified name (e.g. another function whose name starts with this, for example "BenchmarkMyTestB"). If you only want to match "BenchmarkMyTest", append the regexp word boundary '\b':
go test -bench BenchmarkMyTest\b
go test -run TestMyTest\b
Note that it's enough to append it only to the end as if the function name doesn't start with "Benchmark", it is not considered to be a benchmark function, and similarly if it doesn't start with "Test", it is not considered to be a test function (and will not be picked up anyway).
I found those answers incomplete, so here is more to the topic...
The following command runs all Benchmarks starting with BenchmarkMyTest (BenchmarkMyTest1, BenchmarkMyTest2, etc...) and also skip all tests with -run=^$ .
You can also specify a test duration with -benchtime 5s or you can force b.ReportAllocs() with -benchmem in order to get values like:
BenchmarkLogsWithBytesBufferPool-48 46416456 26.91 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
the final command would be:
go test -bench=^BenchmarkMyTest . -run=^$ . -v -benchtime 5s -benchmem

Updating Values on json file A using reference on file B - The return

Ok, i should feel ashamed for that, but i'm unable to understand how awk works...
A few days ago i posted this question which questions about how to replace fields on file A using the file B as a reference ( both files have matching ID's for reference ).
But after accepting the answer as correct ( Thanks Ed !) i'm struggling about how to do it using this following pattern:
File A
{"test_ref":32132112321,"test_id":12345,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "null_test": "true"}
{"test_ref":32133321321,"test_id":12346,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "test_type": "alfa"}
{"test_ref":32132331321,"test_id":12347,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "test_val": 1923}
File B
{"test_id": 12345, "test_name": "Test values for null"}
{"test_id": 12346, "test_name": "alfa tests initiated"}
{"test_id": 12347, "test_name": "discard values"}
Expected result:
{"test_ref":32132112321,"test_id":12345,"test_name":"Test values for null","test_comm":"test", "null_test": "true"}
{"test_ref":32133321321,"test_id":12346,"test_name":"alfa tests initiated","test_comm":"test", "test_type": "alfa"}
{"test_ref":32132331321,"test_id":12347,"test_name":"discard values","test_comm":"test", "test_val": 1923}
I tried some alterations with the original solution but without success. So, Based on the Question posted before, how could i achieve the same results with this new pattern?
PS: One important note, the lines on file A not always have the same length
Big Thanks in advance.
After trying the solution posted by Wintermute, it seens it doens't work with lines having:
{"test_ref":32132112321,"test_id":12345,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "null_test": "true","modifiers":[{"type":3,"value":31}{"type":4,"value":33}]}
Error received.
error: parse error: Expected separator between values at line xxx, column xxx
Parsing JSON with awk or sed is not a good idea for the same reasons that it's not a good idea to parse XML with them: sed works based on lines, and JSON is not line-based. awk works on vaguely tabular data, and JSON is not vaguely tabular. People don't expect their JSON tools to break when they insert newlines in benign places.
Instead, consider using a tool geared towards JSON processing, such as jq. In this particular case, you could use
jq -c -s 'group_by(.test_id) | map(.[0] + .[1]) | .[]' a.json b.json > c.json
Here jq slurps (-s) the input files into an array of JSON objects, groups these by test_id, merges them and unpacks the array. -c means compact output format, so each JSON object in the result ends up on a single line in the output.

Using timestamp literals in a WHERE clause with bq tool

I had a look at the BigQuery command line tool documentation and I saw that you are able to use timestamp literals in a WHERE clause. The documentation shows the following example:
$ bq query "SELECT name, birthday FROM dataset.table WHERE birthday <= '1959-01-01 01:02:05'"
Waiting on job_6262ac3ea9f34a2e9382840ee11538ef ... (0s) Current status: DONE
| name | birthday |
| kim | 1958-06-24 12:18:35 |
As the dataset.table is not a public dataset, I build an example using the wikipedia dataset.
SELECT title, timestamp, SEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS human_timestamp
FROM publicdata:samples.wikipedia
HAVING human_timestamp>'2008-01-01 01:02:03' LIMIT 5
The example works on the BigQuery Browser but it does not on the bq tool. Why? I tried to use scape characters and several combinations of single and double quotes without success. It is a Windows issue? Here goes a screenshot:
EDIT: This is BigQuery CLI 2.0.18
I know that "It works on my machine" isn't a satisfying answer, but I've tried this on my Mac and on a windows machine, and it appears to work fine on both. Here is the output from my windows machine for the same query you've specified:
C:\Users\Jordan Tigani>bq query "SELECT title, timestamp, SEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS human_timestamp FROM publicdata:samples.wikipedia HAVING human_timestamp>'2008-01-01 01:02:03' LIMIT 5"
Waiting on bqjob_r607b7a74_00000144b71ddb9b_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
Can you make sure that the quotes you're using aren't pasted smart quotes and there aren't any stray unicode characters that might confuse the parsing?
One other hint is to use the --apilog=- option, which tells BigQuery to print out all interaction with the server to stdout. You can then see exactly what is getting sent to the BigQuery backend, and verify that the quotes are as expected.
I found out that the problem is due to the greater operator > in the Windows command line. It does not have anything to do with the google-cloud-sdk, sorry.
It seems that you have to use the scape to echo the sign in the command line: ^>
I found it at google groups (by Todd and Margo Chester), and the official reference at Microsoft site.

Nano hacks: most useful tiny programs you've coded or come across

It's the first great virtue of programmers. All of us have, at one time or another automated a task with a bit of throw-away code. Sometimes it takes a couple seconds tapping out a one-liner, sometimes we spend an exorbitant amount of time automating away a two-second task and then never use it again.
What tiny hack have you found useful enough to reuse? To make go so far as to make an alias for?
Note: before answering, please check to make sure it's not already on favourite command-line tricks using BASH or perl/ruby one-liner questions.
i found this on dotfiles.org just today. it's very simple, but clever. i felt stupid for not having thought of it myself.
### Handy Extract Program
extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >extract<" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
Here's a filter that puts commas in the middle of any large numbers in standard input.
$ cat ~/bin/comma
#!/usr/bin/perl -p
sub commify {
local $_ = shift;
1 while s/^([ -+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
return $_;
I usually wind up using it for long output lists of big numbers, and I tire of counting decimal places. Now instead of seeing
-rw-r--r-- 1 alester alester 2244487404 Oct 6 15:38 listdetail.sql
I can run that as ls -l | comma and see
-rw-r--r-- 1 alester alester 2,244,487,404 Oct 6 15:38 listdetail.sql
This script saved my career!
Quite a few years ago, i was working remotely on a client database. I updated a shipment to change its status. But I forgot the where clause.
I'll never forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I saw (6834 rows affected). I basically spent the entire night going through event logs and figuring out the proper status on all those shipments. Crap!
So I wrote a script (originally in awk) that would start a transaction for any updates, and check the rows affected before committing. This prevented any surprises.
So now I never do updates from command line without going through a script like this. Here it is (now in Python):
import sys
import subprocess as sp
pgm = "isql"
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print "Usage: \nsql sql-string [rows-affected]"
sql_str = sys.argv[1].upper()
max_rows_affected = 3
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
max_rows_affected = int(sys.argv[2])
if sql_str.startswith("UPDATE"):
sql_str = "BEGIN TRANSACTION\\n" + sql_str
p1 = sp.Popen([pgm, sql_str],stdout=sp.PIPE,
(stdout, stderr) = p1.communicate()
print stdout
# example -> (33 rows affected)
affected = stdout.splitlines()[-1]
affected = affected.split()[0].lstrip('(')
num_affected = int(affected)
if num_affected > max_rows_affected:
print "WARNING! ", num_affected,"rows were affected, rolling back..."
ret_code = sp.call([pgm, sql_str], shell=True)
ret_code = sp.call([pgm, sql_str], shell=True)
ret_code = sp.call([pgm, sql_str], shell=True)
I use this script under assorted linuxes to check whether a directory copy between machines (or to CD/DVD) worked or whether copying (e.g. ext3 utf8 filenames -> fusebl
k) has mangled special characters in the filenames.
## dsum Do checksums recursively over a directory.
## Typical usage: dsum <directory> > outfile
export LC_ALL=C # Optional - use sort order across different locales
if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "Usage: ${0/*\//} <directory>" 1>&2; exit; fi
cd $1 1>&2 || exit
#findargs=-follow # Uncomment to follow symbolic links
find . $findargs -type f | sort | xargs -d'\n' cksum
Sorry, don't have the exact code handy, but I coded a regular expression for searching source code in VS.Net that allowed me to search anything not in comments. It came in very useful in a particular project I was working on, where people insisted that commenting out code was good practice, in case you wanted to go back and see what the code used to do.
I have two ruby scripts that I modify regularly to download all of various webcomics. Extremely handy! Note: They require wget, so probably linux. Note2: read these before you try them, they need a little bit of modification for each site.
Date based downloader:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
Day = 60 * 60 * 24
Fromat = "hjlsdahjsd/comics/st%Y%m%d.gif"
t = Time.local(2005, 2, 5)
MWF = [1,3,5]
until t == Time.local(2007, 7, 9)
if MWF.include? t.wday
`wget #{t.strftime(Fromat)}`
sleep 3
t += Day
Or you can use the number based one:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
Fromat = "http://fdsafdsa/comics/%08d.gif"
1.upto(986) do |i|
`wget #{sprintf(Fromat, i)}`
sleep 1
Instead of having to repeatedly open files in SQL Query Analyser and run them, I found the syntax needed to make a batch file, and could then run 100 at once. Oh the sweet sweet joy! I've used this ever since.
isqlw -S servername -d dbname -E -i F:\blah\whatever.sql -o F:\results.txt
This goes back to my COBOL days but I had two generic COBOL programs, one batch and one online (mainframe folks will know what these are). They were shells of a program that could take any set of parameters and/or files and be run, batch or executed in an IMS test region. I had them set up so that depending on the parameters I could access files, databases(DB2 or IMS DB) and or just manipulate working storage or whatever.
It was great because I could test that date function without guessing or test why there was truncation or why there was a database ABEND. The programs grew in size as time went on to include all sorts of tests and become a staple of the development group. Everyone knew where the code resided and included them in their unit testing as well. Those programs got so large (most of the code were commented out tests) and it was all contributed by people through the years. They saved so much time and settled so many disagreements!
I coded a Perl script to map dependencies, without going into an endless loop, For a legacy C program I inherited .... that also had a diamond dependency problem.
I wrote small program that e-mailed me when I received e-mails from friends, on an rarely used e-mail account.
I wrote another small program that sent me text messages if my home IP changes.
To name a few.
Years ago I built a suite of applications on a custom web application platform in PERL.
One cool feature was to convert SQL query strings into human readable sentences that described what the results were.
The code was relatively short but the end effect was nice.
I've got a little app that you run and it dumps a GUID into the clipboard. You can run it /noui or not. With UI, its a single button that drops a new GUID every time you click it. Without it drops a new one and then exits.
I mostly use it from within VS. I have it as an external app and mapped to a shortcut. I'm writing an app that relies heavily on xaml and guids, so I always find I need to paste a new guid into xaml...
Any time I write a clever list comprehension or use of map/reduce in python. There was one like this:
if reduce(lambda x, c: locks[x] and c, locknames, True):
print "Sub-threads terminated!"
The reason I remember that is that I came up with it myself, then saw the exact same code on somebody else's website. Now-adays it'd probably be done like:
if all(map(lambda z: locks[z], locknames)):
print "ya trik"
I've got 20 or 30 of these things lying around because once I coded up the framework for my standard console app in windows I can pretty much drop in any logic I want, so I got a lot of these little things that solve specific problems.
I guess the ones I'm using a lot right now is a console app that takes stdin and colorizes the output based on xml profiles that match regular expressions to colors. I use it for watching my log files from builds. The other one is a command line launcher so I don't pollute my PATH env var and it would exceed the limit on some systems anyway, namely win2k.
I'm constantly connecting to various linux servers from my own desktop throughout my workday, so I created a few aliases that will launch an xterm on those machines and set the title, background color, and other tweaks:
alias x="xterm" # local
alias xd="ssh -Xf me#development_host xterm -bg aliceblue -ls -sb -bc -geometry 100x30 -title Development"
alias xp="ssh -Xf me#production_host xterm -bg thistle1 ..."
I have a bunch of servers I frequently connect to, as well, but they're all on my local network. This Ruby script prints out the command to create aliases for any machine with ssh open:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'dnssd'
handle = DNSSD.browse('_ssh._tcp') do |reply|
print "alias #{reply.name}='ssh #{reply.name}.#{reply.domain}';"
sleep 1
Use it like this in your .bash_profile:
eval `ruby ~/.alias_shares`