MS Access SQL left join giving all 0 - sql

I am trying to make a summary table of all the items I have. I have a raw data table with 10 users who respectively have different items. There are maximum 3 different items and I want to do a count to see how many items each individual has. The following is my code.
Select b.Country,b.UserID,Num_including_fruits, Apple,Orange
(((SELECT o.Country,o.UserID, IIF(ISNULL(Count(o.UserID)),0,Count(o.UserID))
AS Num_including_fruits
FROM [SEA2_View] as o
GROUP BY o.UserID, o.Country
ORDER BY Country)as b
(SELECT o.Country,o.UserID,IIF(ISNULL(Count(o.UserID)),0,Count(o.UserID)
AS Apple
FROM [APAC2_View] as o
WHERE o.fruit_status <>"fresh" AND o.HWType = "Apple"
GROUP BY o.Country,o.UserID)as d
ON (b.UserID = d.UserID))
(SELECT o.Country,o.UserID,IIF(ISNULL(Count(o.UserID)),0,Count(o.UserID))
AS Orange
FROM [SEA2_View] as o
WHERE o.fruit_status <>"fresh" AND o.HWType = "Orange"
GROUP BY o.Country,o.UserID)as e
ON (d.UserID = e.UserID))
The first join returns the correct result but the second join somehow returns all 0, which is incorrect. Therefore please help! and I would appreciate any advice for best practice when it comes to joins in SQL. Thanks lot!

Are you sure you don't have a table naming error?
You're first joining [SEA2_View] with [APAC2_View]. The second join is joining with [SEA2_View] with itself.


Access SQL query without duplicate results

I made a query and wanted to not have any duplicates but i got some times 3 duplicates and when i used DISTINCT or DISTINCTROW i got only 2 duplicates.
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
(((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
LEFT JOIN Irregular_Events AS ie
ON f.flight_code = ie.flight_code)
LEFT JOIN Delay_Event AS de
ON ie.IE_code = de.delay_code;
had to use LEFT JOIN because when i used INNER JOIN i missed some of the things i wanted to show because i wanted to see all the flights and not only the flights that got delayed or canceled.
This is the results when i used INNER JOIN, you can see only the flights that have the status "ביטול" or "עיכוב" and that is not what i wanted.
[the results with LEFT JOIN][2]
and when i used DISTINCT where you see the rows with the NUMBER 6 on the first column it appear only two times
I just checked my query and all the tables i use there and i saw my problem but dont know how to fix it!
in the table Irregular_Events i have more the one event for flights 3,6 and 8 and that is why when i use LEFT JOIN i see more even thou i use distinct, please give me some help!
Not entirely sure without seeing the table structure, but this might work:
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
Irregular_Events ie
ON ie.IE_code = de1.delay_code
) AS de
ON f.flight_code = de.flight_code
It is hard to tell what is the problem with your query without any sample of the output, and without any description of the structure of your tables.
But your problem is that your are querying from the flights table, which [I assume] can be linked to multiple irregular_events, which can possibly also be linked to multiple delay_event.
If you want to get only one row per flight, you need to make sure your joins return only one row too. Maybe you can do it by adding one more condition to the join, or by adding a condition in a sub-query.
You could try to add a GROUP BY to the query:

COUNT is outputting more than one row

I am having a problem with my SQL query using the count function.
When I don't have an inner join, it counts 55 rows. When I add the inner join into my query, it adds a lot to it. It suddenly became 102 rows.
Here is my SQL Query:
SELECT COUNT([fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER])
FROM [fmsStage].[dbo].[File]
INNER JOIN [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container]
ON [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER] = [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].[FILENUMBER]
WHERE [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[RELATIONCODE] = 'SHIP02'
AND [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].DELIVERYDATE BETWEEN '2016-10-06' AND '2016-10-08'
GROUP BY [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER]
Also, I have to do TOP 1 at the SELECT statement because it returns 51 rows with random numbers inside of them. (They are probably not random, but I can't figure out what they are.)
What do I have to do to make it just count the rows from [fmsStage].[dbo].[file].[FILENUMBER]?
First, your query would be much clearer like this:
FROM [fmsStage].[dbo].[File] f INNER JOIN
[fmsStage].[dbo].[Container] c
c.DELIVERYDATE BETWEEN '2016-10-06' AND '2016-10-08';
No GROUP BY is necessary. Otherwise you'll just one row per file number, which doesn't seem as useful as the overall count.
Note: You might want COUNT(DISTINCT f.[FILENUMBER]). Your question doesn't provide enough information to make a judgement.
Just remove GROUP BY Clause
SELECT COUNT([fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER])
FROM [fmsStage].[dbo].[File]
INNER JOIN [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container]
ON [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER] = [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].[FILENUMBER]
WHERE [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[RELATIONCODE] = 'SHIP02'
AND [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].DELIVERYDATE BETWEEN '2016-10-06' AND '2016-10-08'

How can I do a SQL join to get a value 4 tables farther from the value provided?

My title is probably not very clear, so I made a little schema to explain what I'm trying to achieve. The xxxx_uid labels are foreign keys linking two tables.
Goal: Retrieve a column from the grids table by giving a proj_uid value.
I'm not very good with SQL joins and I don't know how to build a single query that will achieve that.
Actually, I'm doing 3 queries to perform the operation:
1) This gives me a res_uid to work with:
select res_uid from results where results.proj_uid = VALUE order by res_uid asc limit 1"
2) This gives me a rec_uid to work with:
select rec_uid from receptor_results
inner join results on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where receptor_results.res_uid = res_uid_VALUE order by rec_uid asc limit 1
3) Get the grid column I want from the grids table:
select grid_name from grids
inner join receptors on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
where receptors.rec_uid = rec_uid_VALUE;
Is it possible to perform a single SQL that will give me the same results the 3 I'm actually doing ?
You're not limited to one JOIN in a query:
select grids.grid_name
from grids
inner join receptors
on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
inner join receptor_results
on receptor_results.rec_uid = receptors.rec_uid
inner join results
on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where results.proj_uid = VALUE;
select g.grid_name
from results r
join resceptor_results rr on r.res_uid = rr.res_uid
join receptors rec on rec.rec_uid = rr.rec_uid
join grids g on g.grid_uid = rec.grid_uid
where r.proj_uid = VALUE
a small note about names, typically in sql the table is named for a single item not the group. thus "result" not "results" and "receptor" not "receptors" etc. As you work with sql this will make sense and names like you have will seem strange. Also, one less character to type!

Why is this SQL query returning repeated records, when there not repeated in the database?

FROM support_systems,tickets
INNER JOIN user_access ON tickets.support_system_id = user_access.support_system_id
WHERE support_systems.account_id = #session.account_id#
AND user_access.user_access_level >= 1
AND user_access.user_id = #session.user_id#
Any clue why this query would return a record set with repeated records? The results are looking like this:
Priority ID Subject Status
high 1 First Subject open
high 1 First Subject open
low 3 Weeee open
low 3 Weeee open
medium 4 hhhhh closed
medium 4 hhhhh closed
medium 5 neat open
medium 5 neat open
Let me know if you guys need more information, thanks a lot.
You are selecting records from the table support_system but have not specified the join condition. What is the relationship between this table and the others you are interrogating?
You may want something like this
FROM support_systems
support_systems.support_system_id = tickets.support_system_id
INNER JOIN user_access ON
tickets.support_system_id = user_access.support_system_id
WHERE support_systems.account_id = #session.account_id#
AND user_access.user_access_level >= 1
AND user_access.user_id = #session.user_id#
The problem is this line:
FROM support_systems,tickets
I would remove the tickets from the FROM clause and make it an inner join clause. Right now you have what's called a "cross product":
I would have to say its probably becuase you have an explicite join and a non explicite join which isnt handled in the where which is producing a cartesian...
you have three tables...
but only two tables used in the join... you need a 2nd join... you need to include support_systems in your join somewhere.
probably like
from support_systems a left join user_access b on a.support_systems_id = b.support_systems_id
left join ticket c on c.support_systems_id = b.support_systems_id
then your where would be the same... and it would return based on the correctly joined tables.

Sorting rows by count of a many-to-many associated record

I know there are a lot of other SO entries that seem like this one, but I haven't found one that actually answers my question so hopefully one of you can either answer it or point me to another SO question that is related.
Basically, I have the following query that returns Venues that have any CheckIns that contain the searched Keyword ("foobar" in this example).
FROM "venues" v
INNER JOIN "check_ins" c ON c."venue_id" = v."id"
INNER JOIN "keywordings" ks ON ks."check_in_id" = c."id"
INNER JOIN "keywords" k ON ks."keyword_id" = k."id"
WHERE (k."name" = 'foobar')
I want to SELECT and ORDER BY the count of the matched Keyword for each given Venue. E.g. if there have been 5 CheckIns that have been created, associated with that Keyword, then there should be a returned column (called something like keyword_count) with the value 5 which is sorted.
Ideally this should be done without any queries in the SELECT clause, or preferably none at all.
I've been struggling with this for a while and my mind is just going blank (perhaps it's been too long a day) so some help would be greatly appreciated here.
Thanks in advance!
Sounds like you need something like:
SELECT v.x, v.y, count(*) AS keyword_count
FROM "venues" v
INNER JOIN "check_ins" c ON c."venue_id" = v."id"
INNER JOIN "keywordings" ks ON ks."check_in_id" = c."id"
INNER JOIN "keywords" k ON ks."keyword_id" = k."id"
WHERE (k."name" = 'foobar')
GROUP BY v.x, v.y