2 way SSL/TLS configuration - ssl

If I understand SSL/TLS correctly in server only authentication, After the handshake, the server sends the client it's public key and a digitally signed certificate signed by a CA. If the client has this CA's public key, it can decrypt the certificate and establish trust with the server. If it does not trust the CA, then the communication stops. In 2 way SSL where the client needs to authenticate back to the server, after the client receives the public key and the digitally signed cert then the client will send the server over it's public key and a digitally signed cert. The server will check to see if it has a public key for the client's cert and if it does it can establish trust with the client. I am setting up mutual authentication [ 2 way ssl] on a weblogic server [in this case the client, calling outbound to a web service] and the third party sent me a digitally signed cert and a certificate chain. Why do I need these. Isn't this what the server replies with after the handshake?

the server sends the client it's public key and a digitally signed certificate signed by a CA.
The certificate contains the public key. The key is not sent extra.
If the client has this CA's public key, it can decrypt the certificate
The certificate is not encrypted, it is signed by the CA. Thus no decryption is done but the client can verify this signature if the client has the CA's certificate (and thus its public key). But usually the certificate is not signed directly by a CA trusted by the browser but there are intermediate certificates. In this case the server will not only send the servers certificate but also all intermediate certificates which are needed to build the trust chain.
then the client will send the server over it's public key and a digitally signed cert.
Again, the public key is part of the certificate.
the third party sent me a digitally signed cert and a certificate chain. Why do I need these.
The first certificate is the client certificate. The chain certificates are needed to build the trust chain because the server does not trust the issuer CA of the clients certificate directly and thus needs the intermediate certificates.


How do browsers decrypt a self-signed certificate?

I have done some research about how do browsers work with CA-signed certificates. The browser comes with a list of trusted CA's public keys. When a CA-signed certificate was received by a browser, the browser decrypts the certificate using the trusted CA's public key to get the server's public key.
I am confused about how does the browser work with self-signed certificates. A self-signed certificate is signed by the server's private key. When a browser receives a self-signed certificate, how does the browser decrypt the cert to get the public key without knowing the public key?
When a CA-signed certificate was received by a browser, the browser decrypts the certificate using the trusted CA's public key to get the server's public key.
The browser does not decrypt the certificate to get the public key. The browser just uses the public key of the CA to verify the issuers signature of the certificate. See SSL Certificate framework 101: How does the browser actually verify the validity of a given server certificate?.
When a browser receives a self-signed certificate, how does the browser decrypt the cert to get the public key without knowing the public key?
Again, there is no decryption. But apart from that there is no way for the browser to check if the self-signed certificate is valid. A self-signed certificate basically is somebody claiming to be themselves. Contrary to a CA signed certificate there is no trusted third party which says this but just the (untrusted) owner of the certificate itself.
Thus the only way such a certificate can be trusted in the browser is either because it was explicitly added as trusted or if the user of the browser explicitly added an exception after they got a warning about the certificate.

How X.509 certificate is verified

I'm trying to understand how TLS protocol works under the hood. I know the TLS handshake is based on X.509 certificate. The certificate includes the public key and authenticates it's origin by CA's digital signature.
But how is the certificate verified by the browser according to CA's digital signature? Does browser has the public key of the CA to verify the signature? Isn't it possible for attacker to forge the certificate, if he can tamper the verifying process itself?

Sign a CSR with keytool

I have to create an SSL connection between a client and a server. I've created a keypair and signed my public key with my private key. The server won't trust this so I need to get it signed by a CA. I presume that the server will trust a certificate which has been signed by the same CA as was used to sign its own certificate. How do I do the business of creating the signed certificate with keytool? Sorry if this is duplicated information on the Oracle website, but for some reason their pages keep breaking my internet browser.
knowledge so far is based on answer here
I presume that the server will trust a certificate which has been signed by the same CA as was used to sign its own certificate.
Correcting your assumption here: A system trusts various major Certificate Authorities (CA) by default (eg: GeoTrust, Entrust, OpenTrust, Verisign, etc...). When you get your CSR signed by any of these known CA's, the server will trust by default, not just by the CA that signed the server's certificate.
What you could do to test your SSL connection between the client and the server is to work with self-signed certificates.
I've created a keypair and signed my public key with my private key
You shouldn't be doing this as a client. The server is supposed to do this. If the server is working with self-signed certificates, they need to provide the client with that certificate, so that the clients can trust them to make the SSL connection.
As a server, you could use the keytool to create a self-signed certificate. When you are generating a keypair using keytool, it will ask you few attributes like commonName, organizationName, etc... using these attributes, the keytool will create a self-signed certificate and associate it with the private key. All you have to do is export this certificate using the keytool -exportcert command. Once you have done this part, you would use this certificate to secure the server.
Once the server is secured, the server should give or the client this certificate, because it is self-signed and the client's system will not trust it until you explicitly trust it. If the server has secured using a certificate signed by a CA, it need not provide the client with any certificate, because, if it is a known CA, it will already be trusted by the client system.

ssl certificate for server and clients

We have a XMPP server using SSL certificates (for both the server and the clients).
We use a self-signed CA to sign those certificates. Now we want to stop using that self-signed CA, but we have no idea how to replace those certificates to ones signed by an authority like Digicert or GlobalSign, since we don't know what to buy to do the same we usually do (we usually just create a public key, then a request and we sign it using the self-signed CA, and then voila, we have a certificate ready for the client to use)
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot.
we usually just create a public key, then a request and we sign it using the self-signed CA, and then voila, we have a certificate ready for the client to use)
The process is the same as for a Certificate Authority, with the difference you probably have to pay for the certificate
generate a key pair,private and public. (Not only the public)
Generate a Certificate Signing Request including the public key, some data about the certificate as Common Name, and sign it with the private key.
Send the CSR to the Certificate Authority
The CA validates the CSR, builds the certificate and signs it with its private key
Finally the CA sends you the certificate

SSL approach for private software

What is the proper way of using SSL certificates for private applications? By private I mean that I am the only user, and software is running on my computers.
I want to have a encrypted communication between two of my programs. I want to send passwords between them, so I need to be sure that remote program is not fake/hacked.
As far as I understand I don't need to get paid SSL certificate from the CA, if there is no third party involved.
Is the following correct?
Server has a private key and self-signed SSL certificate.
Client has a copy of server's self-signed certificate (it needs to be well protected).
During the handshake server sends the certificate to client.
client checks if the certificates are the same.
client can start encrypted transmission.
Is there other way?
Server has a private key and self-signed SSL certificate.
Client has a copy of server's self-signed certificate (it needs to be well protected).
The client has either a copy of the certificate or the certificates public key or the fingerprint of these. Since the certificate is public these information do not need to be protected. Only the private key of the server (residing only in the server side) needs to be protected because using this key one could prove ownership of the certificate.
During the handshake server sends the certificate to client.
client checks if the certificates are the same.
Kind of. It might check the certificate or the public key or the fingerprints.
client can start encrypted transmission.
I would recommend that you read the OWASP article about certificate and public key pinning. It also contains sample code for various environments.
Client has a copy of server's self-signed certificate (it needs to be well protected).
Clients do not have copy of the server certificate. They get it in SSL handshake
client checks if the certificates are the same.
NO! Clients will have the public certificate of the Certificate Authorities who would have signed the server certificate. They will validate the server cert with the CA cert including things like certificate expiry, CRLs. Not compare for 'sameness'
In your case you are using the self-signed certificates. The clients should be made to ignore the self signed certificate and proceed with SSL handshake.
I would recommend you read through SSL handshake sequence again.