checking odd & even number for exponentiation - modulus

I am missing something ovious here.
Below function runs flawlessly.It checks value of "b" for odd or even by the
expression (b%2)*2 == b,then raises "a" to power "b".
I checked this expression on multiple values for "b".
It is either 0 or 1 depending for even or odd respectively.
I can't find a number for which (b%2)*2 == b is true.
But still the code works perfectly.
Can anyone please clear my confusion?
def expo(a,b): # a to the power b
if b == 1:
return a
if (b%2)*2 == b:#checking even or odd
return expo(a*a, b/2)
else: return a*expo(a,b-1)
print x
print x

Really sorry nobody answered. I don't know how I ended up here, but your even number checker is just plain wrong.
What you want to do is:
b % 2 == 0
If this is true, it's even. If false, it's odd.


pyomo: minimal production time / BIG M

I am looking for a way to map a minimum necessary duty cycle in an optimization model.
After several attempts, however, I have now reached the end of my knowledge and hope for some inspiration here.
The idea is that a variable (binary) mdl.ontime is set so that the sum of successive ontime values is greater than or equal to the minimum duty cycle:
def ontime(mdl,t):
min_on_time = 3 # minimum on time in h
if t < min_on_time: return mdl.ontime[t] == 0
return sum(mdl.ontime[t-i] for i in range(min_on_time)) >= min_on_time
That works so far, if the variable mdl.ontime will not be recognized at all.
Then I tried three different constraints, unfortunately they all gave the same result: CPLEX only finds inf. results.
The first variant was:
def flag(mdl,t):
return mdl.ontime[t] + (mdl.production[t]>=0.1) >= 2
So if mdl.ontime is 1 and mdl.production is greater or equal 0.1 (the assumption is just exact enough), it should be greater or equal 2: a logical addition therm.
The second attemp was quite similar to the first:
def flag(mdl,t):
return (mdl.ontime[t]) >= (mdl.production[t] >= 0.1)
If mdl.ontime is 1, it should be greater or equal mdl.production compared with 0.1.
And the third with a big M variable:
def flag(mdl,t):
bigM = 10**6
return mdl.ontime[t] * bigM >= mdl.production[t]
bigM instead should be great enough in my case...
All of them do not work at all...and I have no idea, why CPLEX returns the error that there is only an infeasible solution.
Basically the model runs if I don't consider the ontime-integration.
Do you guys have any more ideas how I could implement this?
Many greetings,
It isn't real clear what the desired relationship is between your variables/constraints. That said, I don't think this is legal. I'm surprised that it isn't popping an error....and if not popping an error, I'm pretty sure it isn't doing what you think:
def flag(mdl,t):
return mdl.ontime[t] + (mdl.production[t]>=0.1) >= 2
You are essentially burying an inferred binary variable in there with the test on mdl.production, which isn't going to work, I believe. You probably need to introduce another variable or such.

Shorten if condition x > 3 || y > 3 || z > 3

Is there a betther way to do this condition:
if ( x > 3 || y > 3 || z > 3 ) {
I was thinking of some bitwise operation but could'nt find anything.
I searched over Google but it is hard to find something related to that kind of basic question.
I was thinkg in general programming. Would it be different according to a specific language? Such as C/C++, Java...
What you have is good. Assuming C/C++ or Java:
Intent is clear
Short circuit optimisation means the expression will be true as soon as any one part is true.
Looking at that 2nd point- if any of x, y or z is more likely to be >3, then put them to the left of the expression so they are evaluated first which means the others may not need to be evaluated at all.
For argument's sake, if you must have a bitwise check x|y|z > 3 works, but it normally won't be reduced, so it's (probably*) always 2 bitwise ops and a compare, where the other way could be as fast as 1 compare.
(* This is where the language lawyers arrive an add comments why this edit is wrong and the bitwise version can be optimised;-)
There was a comment here (now deleted) along the lines of "new programmer shouldn't worry about this level of optimisation" - and it was 100% correct. Write easy to follow, working code and THEN try to squeeze performance out of it AFTER you know it is "too slow".

Is this considered memoisation?

In optimising some code recently, we ended up performing what I think is a "type" of memoisation but I'm not sure we should be calling it that. The pseudo-code below is not the actual algorithm (since we have little need for factorials in our application, and posting said code is a firing offence) but it should be adequate for explaining my question. This was the original:
def factorial (n):
if n == 1 return 1
return n * factorial (n-1)
Simple enough, but we added fixed points so that large numbers of calculations could be avoided for larger numbers, something like:
def factorial (n):
if n == 1 return 1
if n == 10 return 3628800
if n == 20 return 2432902008176640000
if n == 30 return 265252859812191058636308480000000
if n == 40 return 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000
# And so on.
return n * factorial (n-1)
This, of course, meant that 12! was calculated as 12 * 11 * 3628800 rather than the less efficient 12 * 11 * 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1.
But I'm wondering whether we should be calling this memoisation since that seems to be defined as remembering past results of calculations and using them. This is more about hard-coding calculations (not remembering) and using that information.
Is there a proper name for this process or can we claim that memoisation extends back not just to calculations done at run-time but also those done at compile-time and even back to those done in my head before I even start writing the code?
I'd call it pre-calculation rather than memoization. You're not really remembering any of the calculations you've done in the process of calculating a final answer for a given input, rather you're pre-calculating some fixed number of answers for specific inputs. Memoization as I understand it is really more akin to "caching" a set of results as you calculate them for later reuse. If you were to store each value calculated so that you didn't need to recalculate it again later, that would be memoization. Your solution differs in that you never store any "calculated" results from your program, only the fixed points that have been pre-calculated. With memoization if you reran the function with an input different than one of the pre-calculated ones it would not have to recalculate the result, it would simply reuse it.
Whether or not you are hard coding the results in, this is still memoization because you have already calculated results that you are expecting to calculate again. Now this may come in the form of run-time, or compile time.. but either way, it's memoization.
Memoization is done at run-time. You are optimizing at compile time. So, it is not.
See for example ... Wikipedia
Or ...
The term memoization was coined by Donald Michie (1968) to refer to the process by which a function is made to automatically remember the results of previous computations. The idea has become more popular in recent years with the rise of functional languages; Field and Harrison (1988) devote a whole chapter to it. The basic idea is just to keep a table of previously computed input/result pairs.
Peter Norvig
University of California
(the bold is mine)
def memoisation(f):
dct = {}
def myfunction(x):
if x not in dct:
dct[x] = f(x)
return dct[x]
return myfunction
def fibonacci(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
elif n == 1:
return 1
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
def nb_appels(n):
if n==0 or n==1:
return 0
return 1 + nb_appels(n-1) + 1 + nb_appels(n-2)
print ('nbappel',nb_appels(13))

What does !! mean in Objective-C

I have this code:
- (BOOL)isConnected {
return !!_sessionKey;
where _sessionKey is defined earlier as:
NSString* _sessionKey;
the code comes from the facebook-connect for iphone.
Since I am learning Objective-C by looking at code written by other people. The !! used in the isConnection function seems useless to me, or am I missing something? What does it do?
The !! converts the result to either YES or NO.
Using !!x is an idiom from C. The result of this expression is:
!!x == 0 when x == 0 // x is zero
!!x == 1 when x != 0 // x is non-zero
At least in C, you can use any non-zero expression as a value which satisfies the condition of an if () or other conditional control flow. However, sometimes it is nice to know that the "true value" is represented by 1 rather than merely "non-zero".
In Objective-C, YES is defined as 1 rather than as "non-zero". Thus, in Objective-C, this C idiom becomes more useful.
Another way of putting it:
!!x == NO when x == NO
!!x == YES when x != NO
It means "not not".
In this case, the first ! could be interpreted as "doesn't exist", so it means if (not doesn't exist sessionKey).
It's basically a short way to say
return (_sessionKey != nil).

== Operator and operands

I want to check whether a value is equal to 1. Is there any difference in the following lines of code
Evaluated value == 1
1 == evaluated value
in terms of the compiler execution
In most languages it's the same thing.
People often do 1 == evaluated value because 1 is not an lvalue. Meaning that you can't accidentally do an assignment.
if(x = 6)//bug, but no compiling error
Instead you could force a compiling error instead of a bug:
if(6 = x)//compiling error
Now if x is not of int type, and you're using something like C++, then the user could have created an operator==(int) override which takes this question to a new meaning. The 6 == x wouldn't compile in that case but the x == 6 would.
It depends on the programming language.
In Ruby, Smalltalk, Self, Newspeak, Ioke and many other single-dispatch object-oriented programming languages, a == b is actually a message send. In Ruby, for example, it is equivalent to a.==(b). What this means, is that when you write a == b, then the method == in the class of a is executed, but when you write b == a, then the method in the class of b is executed. So, it's obviously not the same thing:
class A; def ==(other) false end; end
class B; def ==(other) true end; end
a, b =,
p a == b # => false
p b == a # => true
No, but the latter syntax will give you a compiler error if you accidentally type
if (1 = evaluatedValue)
Note that today any decent compiler will warn you if you write
if (evaluatedValue = 1)
so it is mostly relevant for historical reasons.
Depends on the language.
In Prolog or Erlang, == is written = and is a unification rather than an assignment (you're asserting that the values are equal, rather then testing that they are equal or forcing them to be equal), so you can use it for an assertion if the left hand side is a constant, as explained here.
So X = 3 would unify the variable X and the value 3, whereas 3 = X would attempt to unify the constant 3 with the current value of X, and be equivalent of assert(x==3) in imperative languages.
It's the same thing
In general, it hardly matters whether you use,
Evaluated value == 1 OR 1 == evaluated value.
Use whichever appears more readable to you. I prefer if(Evaluated value == 1) because it looks more readable to me.
And again, I'd like to quote a well known scenario of string comparison in java.
Consider a String str which you have to compare with say another string "SomeString".
str = getValueFromSomeRoutine();
Now at runtime, you are not sure if str would be NULL. So to avoid exception you'll write
//do stuff
to avoid the outer null check you could just write
if ("SomeString".equals(str))
//do stuff
Though this is less readable which again depends on the context, this saves you an extra if.
For this and similar questions can I suggest you find out for yourself by writing a little code, running it through your compiler and viewing the emitted asembler output.
For example, for the GNU compilers, you do this with the -S flag. For the VS compilers, the most convenient route is to run your test program in the debugger and then use the assembeler debugger view.
Sometimes in C++ they do different things, if the evaluated value is a user type and operator== is defined. Badly.
But that's very rarely the reason anyone would choose one way around over the other: if operator== is not commutative/symmetric, including if the type of the value has a conversion from int, then you have A Problem that probably wants fixing rather than working around. Brian R. Bondy's answer, and others, are probably on the mark for why anyone worries about it in practice.
But the fact remains that even if operator== is commutative, the compiler might not do exactly the same thing in each case. It will (by definition) return the same result, but it might do things in a slightly different order, or whatever.
if value == 1
if 1 == value
Is exactly the same, but if you accidentally do
if value = 1
if 1 = value
The first one will work while the 2nd one will produce an error.
They are the same. Some people prefer putting the 1 first, to void accidentally falling into the trap of typing
evaluated value = 1
which could be painful if the value on the left hand side is assignable. This is a common "defensive" pattern in C, for instance.
In C languages it's common to put the constant or magic number first so that if you forget one of the "=" of the equality check (==) then the compiler won't interpret this as an assignment.
In java, you cannot do an assignment within a boolean expression, and so for Java, it is irrelevant which order the equality operands are written in; The compiler should flag an error anyway.