How to edit css : Bigcommerce Stencil - bigcommerce

How can I edit in CSS.
In Stencil framework can't found .css file.
In assets folder only found .scss file.
I want to edit in theme.css
How can I edit ?
Can any body help me ?

If you are developing a stencil theme locally and have ran stencil start it watches your SCSS files. So one option is you could add any custom CSS you want to the /assets/scss/theme.scss file.
Another option is you could create your own SCSS file, say for example custom.scss, and place it in /assets/scss/. Then import it to your theme.scss like this #import "custom" . Make sure you place it at the bottom of your theme.scss file so it overrides any css you are wishing to alter.

the .scss files are the css files. The stencil framework uses scss instead of the regular css.
This link should help guide you on how to edit the files:

the .scss files are the css files. The stencil framework uses scss instead of the regular css.
Please check this path /assets/scss/theme.scss


How to add new css and js file in stencil theme

How can i add new css and js file in my BC Stencil Theme ?
and i cant find my all theme folder in cyberduck! my theme name is Cornerstone Light.
The legacy theme platform (Blueprint) used Cyberduck to upload theme files, but Stencil uses Stencil CLI developer tools. If your store has a Stencil theme applied, you won't see a template folder in WebDAV.
First, install the prerequisites for your OS and install Stencil CLI:
Download your theme so you can work on it locally. CSS files can be added to assets/scss and js files can be installed with a package manager like npm, or uploaded to assets/js.
After uploading your custom.scss file to the assets/scss directory, you can import it into the default scss file (theme.scss) with an #import statement:
#import "custom";
Here are links to the documentation on adding CSS and js files to your theme:
You might also find this BC Community discussion helpful:

How to work with css and js files in moodle plugin

I need to develop a plugin for Moodle, and i need to have some js and css files in plugin. But i have the next problem - how to work with them from installed plugin? Of course, i can hardcode their path via to moodle structure, but it's a very dirty and bad way. Also, i know that i can place all js and css code inline, but i think that it's a bad decision too. Is there a built-in way to serve assets from plugin? I tried to find it in documentations, but found nothing.
I assume you want to know how to include CSS and JS files into your plugin.
You can include a JS file via the command:
$PAGE->requires->js( /relative/path/your_script.js');
You can then call a JS function once the page has been downloaded with the command:
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call ( your_JS_function_name, array_of_parameters_here, bool: on DOM ready);
For example:
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('init', array($USER->lang), true);
Be sure to make the $PAGE available with global $PAGE;, first.
Your CSS file can be named styles.css and put into the root folder of your plugin. The file will be automatically read by the system and included. It will take precedence over (will overwrite the settings of) the system CSS files. After that you will have to reload the theme caches.

How to use a .scss file with Bootstrap SASS?

I got a style.scss file for my website design. When including css/bootstrap.css (from bootstrap-3.3.7-dist) and the compiled style.css the site looks as expected.
But when putting the content of the style.scss file in Bootstrap's Drupal SASS starterkit's _default-variables.scss and including the compiled style.css (which is about ten times larger and obviously includes the bootstrap code) the site looks different in a few details (buttons, one spacing,...).
What is the right way to use the style.scss I got with Bootstrap SASS?
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
style.scss compiles to style.css, thus overwriting the previous style.css.
Any required changes to style.css should be done in style.scss, and recompiled to style.css.
Simply put, style.scss should be used only if you need to add updates to your style.css file. It would contain everything that is in style.css, just in a more readable format. There is no need to add link it on Drupal.
Please let me know if this is clear enough.
The solution is not to put the content of the scss file in _default-variables.scss but to import the file in scss/styles.scss.

How to include the dijit.css and other related .css files in the dojo build file

I'm trying to create a dojo build file. What do I need to add in the profile.js file to include all the .css files inside the dojo build.js file. I'm getting dijit.js and other .js files, but the dependent .css files are not getting built into the build.js file
I'm using dojo 1.8
It doesn't really make sense to ask to combine JS and CSS into a single file. JavaScript is JavaScript; CSS is CSS.
That said, you should be able to get down to as little as one CSS request by specifying cssOptimize: 'comments' in your build profile, which will strip comments from CSS files within packages the build processes, and flatten imports. As a result, each Dijit theme's main CSS file (e.g. themes/claro/claro.css) will then require only one request, rather than requests for each component.

Webstorm - Link html class reference to scss file

I've setup a compass file watcher as listed here.
The file watcher works flawlessly, same as the command line compass process.
I'm curious if there's a way to configure WebStorm to point to references in the .scss file instead of the compiled app.css file.
Inside index.html i have
<a href='#' class='pandaStyle'>
When i click on pandaStyle, it takes me to the line inside the compiled app.css
I'd like it to take me to the partial of _animalStyle.scss
As #Iena said, it's not possible. Try voting for the issue ( and JetBrains may add the feature.
I solved the problem like this:
#import "myFolder/myCssStylesheet";
to the .scss file and get all css classes and Id's from that stylesheet.
For example:
#import "Styles/bootstrap.css";
gives me all bootstrap classes autocomplite in my .scss files