Xcode 8 Beta #import unexpected behavior - objective-c

So I'm just coming back to programming for macOS after a few years hiatus, and have discovered the #import syntax. I created a sample program to test it out, but it's not working as my googling seems to suggest that it should.
Test project setup:
Open Xcode
Select the Cocoa Application template for macOS. Click Next
Name the project "ModuleTest", add organization name and organization Identifier. Select Objective-C as the language, check Use Storyboards, make sure "Create Document-Based Application", "Use Core Data", "Include Unit Tests" and "Include UI Tests" are all unchecked. Click Next and choose a save location. Don't create Git repository, and don't add to any project or workspace. Click Create.
In the Navigator, click on Main.storyboard.
From the Object Library, drag an AVKit Player View object onto the View of the View Controller Scene in the Storyboard.
Now at this point, we can see the symptom, which is that if you build the project, a window will pop open, but the player is missing from it, and the xcode output window shows a message such as
2016-08-16 09:07:46.465 ModuleTest[19778:4097187] Failed to set
(contentViewController) user defined inspected property on (NSWindow):
*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (AVPlayerView) for key (NSDestination); the class may be defined
in source code or a library that is not linked
This error occurs regardless of whether I put an #import AVKit; statement into AppDelegate.h, AppDelegate.m, ViewController.h, ViewController.m, or main.m. However, simply linking the AVKit.framework in the "Link Binary With Libraries" section of the project's Build Phases, solves the issue, no #import needed anywhere.
So what's going on? I thought #import was supposed to eliminate the need to manually link frameworks? Am I going through the process incorrectly? Is this happening because I'm using storyboards? Any ideas?

The problem is that there is no actual code that references the AVPlayerView. Try adding a single line of code that uses AVPlayerView and you'll notice that the error is gone.


Xcode cannot find ProductModuleName-Swift.h

I'm attempting to import my "-Swift.h" file into one of my Objective-C .h files but xcode keeps telling me that the file doesn't exist
#import "Aesculus-Swift.h"
If I command click on the file name it will take me to the generated header file so I know it exists. Why is xcode not able to find it?
This seems like just another issue with Xcode and it's complex tool chain of static analysers and compilers.
Openradar lists radar://21362856 - Swift to Objective-C bridging is unreliable. I am sure there are more but I stopped looking after finding one for this example.
The author imarcelv notes in the description:
I asked a Swift engineer at WWDC in a lab and even he didn't know how to fix this issue.
Steps to Reproduce:
Add a ramdom Swift class to an Objective-C project
Add the #import "ModuleName-Swift.h" file that Xcode generates automatically
Try to use it or just try to compile the project
From time to time it simply doesn't work
It's probably best to file a radar on this issue as it seems that others are already calling it out.
One other thing you could try...
Historically, it was possible for Xcode to completely lose it's syntax highlighting and you could always find out what files the static analyser was giving up on by increasing log level of clang.
I'm not sure if it's still relevant but if I was in your position I'd be trying this command:
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEIndexingClangInvocationLogLevel 3
This generates logs you can search with using Console.app for just xcode to highlight the messages. You'll want to trash the derived data of your project to force it to re-compile things.
Although not the same issue as what you're seeing, I have had this post on the syntax highlighting issue bookmarked for years for the above defaults write command to try in times like these.
I solved this recently by adding the following entry to my .xcconfig (you could add it in Xcode's Build Settings > User Header Search Paths if you prefer).
This tells the compiler to search for headers in the build output directory, which is where Xcode puts the generated header (at least in the case of this framework).
In my case this is a directory like ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-LongCode/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyFramework.framework/Headers/MyFramework. You might find your generated header in there too.
Xcode's header and dependency management is a hot mess, and it's not surprising that it doesn't work for you.
I had trouble with this stuff & found that your -Swift file is the Product name of your Target ( not just the name of your Target ) . I found the details here helpful: http://ericasadun.com/2014/08/21/swift-calling-swift-functions-from-objective-c/
When you encounter such situation, just find your kinda "ProductName-Swift.h" file by just cmnd+click on it (even if xcode shows warning about it is not found, the #import "Aesculus-Swift.h" string is still clickable) and then in opened code editor window choose context menu and "Show in Finder" item, then explicitly add it to your project.

Could not insert action connection: could not find any information about the class XMTAppDelegate

A while ago I used Xcode to create an RPN calculator for Mac. I used to interface builder and was able to use IBOutlets and IBActions. Now when I try to add an IBOutlet or IBAction I get this message:
Could not insert action connection: could not find any information about the class XMTAppDelegate
My workaround for IBOutlets is to just create them myself and then connect them. Unfortunately this does not work for IBActions. So, my question is: how to I stop Xcode giving me this message. I have read other questions from people with a similar problem but none of the solutions work. I have deleted the derived data folder. I have reinstalled Xcode. Nothing works.
Try to clean your project and restart Xcode.
If it still cannot be connected, follow the Utilities navigation view of Xcode, in the Target membership section, uncheck & check the checkbox, it will be work. Maybe you should rebuild the project after unchecking.

Unrecognized selector calling category method in static iOS library

I am using some third party software to aid in writing an iPad application using Xcode 4.3.2. The software is open source and is usually set up so its code will be compiled along with whatever code the developer writes for the application. Because I was using the software in numerous places, I decided to build it as a static library for the iOS simulator.
I was able to build the library, and convert one application to link to that library instead of compiling the original source code. However, when I go to run the application on the simulator, I get an error that says, unrecognized selector sent to instance.
I have verified that the program is successfully using portions of the static library. However, there is one piece of code that tries to call a method on an object, and that where the failure occurs. The method being called is not actually defined in the interface of that object. Rather it is provided in an additional module that defines a category for that object's class. The header file for that module is properly included and the compiler should have been able to find the category method and apply it to the object, yet at run time, the error mentioned above occurs.
I used the 'nm' command to verify that the category method exists in the static library. Here is an example of the output:
nm libStaticLibrary.a | grep categoryMethod
00000130 t -[SomeClass(Category) categoryMethod:]
0000354c s -[SomeClass(Category) categoryMethod:].eh
What ideas do people have about how this library can be made to work correctly with the desired application?
Your 3rd party framework is probable using a category on a existing (apple) class. But to load/find the category you need to add the -ObjC flag in the build settings under Other Linker Flags
Pfitz answer is great, but this will cause the compiler to load a bunch of unused binaries to your project which is not what you want. Please refer to this answer to know why https://stackoverflow.com/a/22264650/1363997
Here is the best solution:
1) select your project target from the left panel (the folders navigator)
2) select "Build Phases" tap
3) expand "Compile Sources" cell
4) hit the plus button at the bottom and then add your category's .m file
Note: you have to search for the file by navigating through the folder by your self, don't type the file's name in the search field

iPhone HelpViewController undeclared (first use in this function)

I have a strange XCode project compilation issue. I have a subclass of UIViewController called HelpViewController that is created the same way as several other similar classes I have for adding to a UITabBarController.
When compiling I get the error; HelpViewController undeclared (first use in this function) when I try and create an instance to add to the tab bar.
If I rename the class to GuideViewController (*.h, *.m, *.xib filenames; all occurances in .h and .m; #import "*.h" and * alloc) the compilation succeeds but if I rename it back to HelpViewController it fails again with the same error.
I looked for HelpViewController in the dev docs but couldn't find anything to suggest it is a reserved name. Why might this particular class name be causing the error?
Sounds a lot like a #import is missing or incorrect. But it looks like you've covered that. Make sure you do a clean of the project (or delete the build directory), it could be old artifacts getting in the way.
Turns out I'd got my XCode project in a mess. When I deleted my *ViewController class at some point I had selected to only delete the references and not move the files to the trash as well. This removed the reference for the File Owner's outlet for view which could be seen as a warning in Interface Builder. The lack of a correct view reference prevented the ViewController being used (A View Controller is also a View). Since the files were still present in the file system (but not shown in the XCode project) they compiled badly. I deleted the files and selected to move them to the trash and then recreated them from scratch.

xcode - warning there's no getter/setter for property not even mentioned in the code!

I got the warning :
property 'textField' requires method
'-textField' to be defined - use
#synthesize, #dynamic or provide a
method implementation.
Now, there is no such property defined in my project! More bizarre, if I just click save in Interface builder and build again, the build is successful - though, right on the line with '#end' the warning appears. Also weird: if I begin to write some code ..and then delete it just the way it was before writing it (maybe not code..anything) and then build&go the warning with the textField appears again. Could be a bug of sdk? What could be happening?
Go into interface builder, and click File > Read all class files. Save and quit IB. Go back into Xcode and click Build > Build & Clean. Build your project.