how to customize xml headers - activejdbc

I have a resultSet formed by:
LazyList<DeliveryLabel> deliveryLabels = DeliveryLabel.findBySQL(sql);
String wxml = deliveryLabels.toXml(true, true);
The xml generated start with:
how to generate only:
I´m can´t rename the class to, because it already exists in the project.

Currently ActiveJDBC uses Inflections to pick names for XML tags. If you need custom tags or structure, you will have to implement a custom toXml() method.


Replacing XML node key using dataprovider karate

I am reading my xml structure from a file and replacing the values from the examples
def inputXml = read('classpath:xml/input.xml')
My xml structure is like below
<p n="AMOUNT">1000</p>
<p n="NAME">name</p>
<p n="{ACCOUNTTYPE}">purpose</p>
I am driving data from examples and setting/replacing the input xml as below
* set inputXml/input/data/props/p[#n='AMOUNT'] = <AMOUNT> -- Works fine
* set inputXml/input/data/props/p[#n='NAME'] = <NAME> -- Works fine
I want to update the "n" tag name ACCOUNTTYPE and corresponsding PURPOSE similar to above(both key and value). Is there a way to achieve this in Karate? Please suggest.
Is is possible to use '#(accountType)' and '#(purpose)' inside the xml file similar to json and run?
Is is possible to use '#(accountType)' and '#(purpose)' inside the xml file
Yes. Please read the docs:
And the examples: xml.feature
Given def user = <user><name>john</name></user>
And def lang = 'en'
When def session = <session><locale>#(lang)</locale><sessionUser>#(user)</sessionUser></session>

Allow custom attribute to a script tag element?

I can't validate script tag with attribute nomodule.
I am using odoo framework which is a python backend. It is using lxml to validate xml views or pages. I am building a view with a script tag like:
<script src="src.js" nomodule></script>
It returns an error
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Specification mandate value for attribute nomodule
However this should be valid according to
Is there a way so that I can make the parser ignore this new attribute or I can bypass such as special data or character.
That's possibly because XML != HTML. And as you can see in the error, it's an XML error.
Is an xml attribute without a value, valid? --> your attribute isn't valid.
You need to specify the attribute value always in xml. Odoo uses xml to produce html, so you need to comply with xml rules. You can do it in this case by specifying an empty value for xml attribute like this:
<script src="src.js" nomodule=””></script>

Edit XML tag by attribute

I have a XML document which looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Data key="dailyKey">19283</Data>
And in my program I want to change the value from "<Data>" by the attribute "dailyKey"
I have tried to understand myself on this but cannot figure out how to edit TAG by ATTRIBUTE
Please help, Richard
You could use XPath expressions and the SelectSingleNode method like this:
Dim node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//data[#key=""dailyKey""]")
Then you can modify the value of node as you wish to. You can find more XPath examples at MSDN.
The workflow in its entirety would be:
1. Load the XML Document for manipulation
You can use the XmlDocument class to load (and subsequently save) your XML Document like this:
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
xmlDoc.Load("<Here goes your url // You can also feed in a stream to this method>")
2. Locate the node you want to modify
As mentioned earlier, use the SelectSingleNode function to locate the node you are trying to modify the value of. It takes an XPath expression.
Dim node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//data[#key=""dailyKey""]")
3. Modify the node
You can now edit the node (tag) in whatever way you wish. It seems you want to edit the contained value. Do it by changing the Value property of the XmlNode:
node.Value = 224062 'Random value. Change to suit your needs.
4. Save the XML Document (Obviously :P)

EclipseLink MOXy #XmlPath is returning the incorrect data for contains

I am attempting to unmarshal an XML data stream with EclipseLink MOXy with an XPath using the contains function.
When I apply the sample XPath directly to the sample XML data stream I get the correct value returned (Ref_number_1). However, when I unmarshal this using MOXy, the value that is set for refNumber1 is "Ref_number_2".
Does MOXy not support this type of XPath? It would appear that it at least is understanding it because it's not throwing an error, just setting the wrong value.
Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Know of a better approach?
Thanks for any help.
Marshal code:
String s = //xml stream from restful service (see xml example below);
StringReader sr = new StringReader(s);
ReferenceNumber refNum = (ReferenceNumber)marshaller.unmarshal(
new StreamSource(sr));
Member annotation:
#XmlPath("Header/ReferenceNumbers/ReferenceNumber[contains(ReferenceNumberType, \"REF_NUMBER_TYPE_1\")]/ReferenceNumber/text()")
private String refNumber1;
XML data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Note: I'm the EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) lead and a member of the JAXB (JSR-222) expert group.
Currently MOXy does not support XPaths of that form. Currently a conditional check must be on an attribute contained within the element such as (see:
String firstName;
I have entered the following bug so that we improve the validation that we do on our #XmlPath annotation:
I am also interested in the use case described in your question. Would you mind entering an enhancement requires against the MOXy component for this:

Struts 1.x tags usage question

I have a jsp page with the tags:
<logic:iterate id="var" ...
<bean:write name="var" property="p1" ...
And I need, on each iteration, to generate a href composed from the various bean's properties. I even need to URLEncode some of them so the link works.
Something like
<logic:iterate id="var" ...
<html:link action="
<bean:write name="var" property="p1" ...
where X is generated by collecting the bean's properties; something like
String X="p1="+URLEncode(p1)+"&p2="+SimpleDateFormatof(p2)+"&p3="+p3;
How can I do that ?
Thanks in advance.
Better to make one POJO class.
1. Assign all your values to the object in Action which is being called before your jsp page comes in the picture.
2. Keep the object of POJO to request attribute.
3. Get the value from request attribtue on JSP using <bean:write> tag.