IBM MobileFirst war file unable to deploy to MFP server - ibm-mobilefirst

I had tried deploy both war file without java and jar files and with java and jar files. The war file without java and jar files managed to deploy successfully without any error in the log. The runtime appear in the admin console and everything works.
If I deploy server/java and jar war files, my runtime will disappear from the admin console. Here is my java lib,
I am using the IBM Server Configuration Tool to deploy war.
Here is my Java call
javax.xml.rpc.Service aacmService = javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory.newInstance().createService(new,new javax.xml.namespace.QName(ssoLink, "SSOService"));
These library had been used in my server/java to make some customized server call.Is there any of these jar files that will crash with MFP?
In this environment, I unable to get to copy anything out from the server due to the client policy. But I managed to take a shot on the screen.

Without proper information to review, such as the complete log file to see all errors printed, the recommendation is to open a PMR instead of a question on stack overflow, which anyway is more suitable for programming questions rather than infrastructure questions.
Open a support ticket to IBM:


Weblogic server - Getting NoClassDeffError for TIFFImageReader even when the library is in classpath

I am working on TIFF to JPEG conversion program. I am using the TIFF implementation from jai-imageio-core.1.3.1.jar, which is available in the classpath.
Everything works fine in my local environment in eclipse (running on tomcat server). However, when I deploy the same in Weblogic, I am getting the following error. Weblogic server is unable to recognize the TIFF implementation classes. I am unable to find the missing link. Please help.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/github/jaiimageio/impl/plugins/tiff/TIFFImageReader
at com.github.jaiimageio.impl.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReaderSpi.createReaderInstance(
at javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi.createReaderInstance(
at javax.imageio.ImageIO$
at javax.imageio.ImageIO$
I will answer my own question. The issue is resolved. The problem was with the the jai-imageio-core.1.3.1.jar file present in multiple places. It was present in my application war file in WEB-INF/lib folder. however, the same jar file was also present outside the war in the weblogic adm root directory. (my bad)
I guess weblogic clearly expects the jar file only in 1 place (especially java SPI implementation jar)
It is also a good idea to search all directories under weblogic to make sure there are no additional jar files of the same name.
I had only one jai-imageio-core.1.3.1.jar file (in WAR file) and caught this error. Weblogic managed server restart helped me.

mule anypoint studio class not found exception

If I run the application in server, which is working fine, but If i run application in anypoint studio doesn't run. Here is the error message for loading oracle driver.
error message:
2015-02-04 11:18:34 WARN DriverManagerDataSource:107 - Could not load driverClass oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
I have placed all jdbc and other jars under studio->project->properties->libraries.
This is caused by the Studio's classloading policies. The workaround is to copy the JDBC Driver .jar to ${studio.home}/plugins/org.mule.tooling.server.${mule.version}.ee_${mule.version}.${}/mule/lib/user
Hi there actually that's kind of a hack :P though it works.
The more proper way to deal with this is, when coding your application (that's why one should use Mule Studio), to place the jars like drivers in a particular folder, like a /lib in the root of you project.
Then add these jars to the classpath.
I know what you did is the way it should be done when running on Mule stand alone in order to share such jars but try this one if you can ;)
I was also facing the same problem. As the application runtime fails to locate the jdbc driver jar in classpath So It is unable to load the same.
the simple and easiest way to handle this error is just put your lib folder containing the ojdbc jar file inside the app resource (src/main/app) of the project. During the building of project it will automatically be place in classpath.
I have tried the same approach and It works for me.
Hope this helps.
The way I fixed the problem was removing the .classpath / .project files from my project root folder. I re-imported the project and then I saw a bin folder created. I removed this bin folder then right-click on the project -> Refresh and then Run As -> Mule Application.

How does Intellij deploy to JBoss?

I finally have my application in IntelliJ and deploying to JBoss. I'd like to get hot deploy working but it looks like I need to understand how IntelliJ and JBoss interact.
When I build my project in IntelliJ and then start JBoss, the ear file does not appear in the deploy directory so I assume that there is some magic that IntelliJ does so that JBoss reads from a different folder. What is happening during this step?
Thanks :)
I know this is an old and apparently answered question, but unfortunately the links provided in the accepted answer didn't give me the simple details I was looking for. For anyone also trying to understand how IntelliJ IDEA deploys your exploded war to JBoss without copying files to the deployments folder, here's what I've found while deploying locally from IDEA 14 (EAP) to JBoss 7.1.1.Final:
After you've created an "exploded war" artifact for your project (or it has automatically been created for you), IDEA will build your provided sources and place the output in the directory set in the artifact options (you can change this setting to place the output inside the deployments folder inside your jboss installation).
IDEA will update your JBoss configuration file (/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml) and add a "deployment" node inside the deployments section. This entry simply defines a name, a runtime name and the exploded war root folder for your project, which will point to the output directory of your artifact set in IDEA.
When JBoss is started (either manually or from your run/debug configuration in IDEA), it will automatically deploy your artifact. Be warned that if your files are in the output directory of your project and you clean it, JBoss will still try to find the directory, thus encountering errors in your next attempt to start it: Failed to mount deployment content, Failed to process phase STRUCTURE of deployment and to name a few.
Please refer to the documentation.
Basically, you need an exploded Artifact configuration with the directory name ending with .ear.
Build | Make performs hot deployment as well as Update action (which is configurable and can update only resources, resources and classes, optionally redeploy or restart the server).
Instead of copying your application to JBoss, IDEA runs it with appropriate parameters so that it uses Artifact directory instead. Configuration is very flexible and you can just change the artifact directory location to reside under JBoss directory.

HSQLDB - works with external Jar - not with JRE

Using a test app to figure out problems with production application and hsqldb.
If I compile the test app with the hsqldb.jar file as an external jar in eclipse the program works. However, if I only have the jar file in my JRE system library I get a pre-9.0 client attempted to connect error from the database.
The two files are the exact same files. Only difference is one was added as external jar and the other was just in the class path. When production app builds it is using classpath to same file and generating the same pre-9.0 error.
The jar you want to use is an HSQLDB version 2.0 jar. There is a second HSQLDB jar which is version 1.8 and is in your classpath before your intended jar.
This is a classpath issue. You should be able to find where the second jar (1.8) is and how it gets into the classpath by using java -verbose or other debugging options.
[added] An additional step you could take to debug this in your application is to print out the value of the field org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlDatabaseProperties.THIS_FULL_VERSION before connecting to the database. This will print the version of the jar used as the client. A successful connection means the client and server jars are the same version.
The server instance prints out its version to the console when it starts.
I would also recommend using the latest snapshot jar for HSQLDB from the page.
Sorted out problem by moving hsqldb.jar to first declared in classpath.

Weblogic Workshop 9.2: _pageflow directory is not generated

At some point our WebLogic's Portal web project in Workshop stopped generating the WEB-INF/classes/_pageflow directory and all files in that. There are no visible changes in the project structure, but because of that all the Beehive page flow portlets are not working anymore saying they cannot find files from that directory. Any ideas?
After a week of troubles we have found a workaround. Export ANT build script for given web project, execute its clean target, execute its build target and then it works again.