Why I cannot hear clear sound from simple GNURadio block - gnuradio

I made simple FM Radio in GNU Radio but I cannot hear clear sound. It just makes very noisy, chopped sound. Even dial-tone example makes same problem.
Is there anyone who met same problem??
My environment:
VM in Virtual box(2 core, 1GB memory)
ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
GNU Radio 3.7.9
Dial-tone example(same with original one in official website..)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2004,2005,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import analog
from gnuradio import audio
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
from optparse import OptionParser
class my_top_block(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self):
parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option)
parser.add_option("-O", "--audio-output", type="string", default="",
help="pcm output device name. E.g., hw:0,0 or /dev/dsp")
parser.add_option("-r", "--sample-rate", type="eng_float", default=48000,
help="set sample rate to RATE (48000)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
if len(args) != 0:
raise SystemExit, 1
sample_rate = int(options.sample_rate)
ampl = 1
src0 = analog.sig_source_f (sample_rate, analog.GR_SIN_WAVE, 350, ampl)
src1 = analog.sig_source_f (sample_rate, analog.GR_SIN_WAVE, 440, ampl)
dst = audio.sink (sample_rate, options.audio_output)
self.connect (src0, (dst, 0))
self.connect (src1, (dst, 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:

This example works very well on my machines.
The noisy common reason for problems like these is the fact that virtualized sound cards don't work quite like their real counterparts, especially when the virtualizer tries to resample
I'd bet your problems go away as soon as you run your GNU Radio natively, instead of in a VM.


Controlling USB Thorlabs camera via Python - OpenCV

There are several topics on this but many of them are very very old and no real solutions have been offered (or none that work for me for sure).
I am trying various libraries to get Python to read the frames of my USB camera (DCC1545M) and they all have various module or DLL import errors. I'm trying Instrumental, Thorcam API, py-harware, micromanager..
Specifically I would ideally love to get it to work with OpenCV, because of all the useful computer vision features that you can later use on the image, which I am not sure you can do with the other libraries.
However, I encounter the same issue as everyone else, in that openCV can not read the USB camera in the first place.
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) ## tried difference indices
cap.isOpened() ## returns FALSE
img_counter = 0
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480)
while True:
ret,frame = cap.read() ## returned frame is empty
k = cv2.waitKey(1)
if k%256==32: # if SPACE is pressed, take image
img_name = 'frame_number_{}.png'.format(img_counter)
print('frame taken ')
img_counter += 1
I have installed the driver from Thorlabs website and I have the uc480_64.dll. The camera is successfully located using the Instrumental() library:
from instrumental import list_instruments, instrument
from ctypes import *
paramsets = list_instruments() ## camera found
which returns
[<ParamSet[UC480_Camera] serial=b'4102675270' model=b'C1285R12M'
I was wondering if anyone knows if in the last couple of years openCV has managed to find a way to read USB cameras and if so, what is the way?
Or of any other reliable method, which allows further image processing on the captured frames.
PS: I posted this on superuser because apparently hardware questions are not allowed on stackoverflow, but suoeruser migrated it back here .. So apologies if it is off-topic here as well.
Can you communicate with the camera it its native software?
Our lab is using "pylablib cam-control" to communicate with a variety of cameras (including Thorlabs USB ones): https://pylablib-cam-control.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Or if you would prefer writing your own code, pylablib includes a class for Thorlabs USB cameras (actually has been tested with your specific camera).
Try the following code. It works with my Thorlab DCx camera:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from instrumental.drivers.cameras import uc480
# init camera
instruments = uc480.list_instruments()
cam = uc480.UC480_Camera(instruments[0])
# params
cam.start_live_video(framerate = "10Hz")
while cam.is_open:
frame = cam.grab_image(timeout='100s', copy=True, exposure_time='10ms')
frame1 = np.stack((frame,) * 3,-1) #make frame as 1 channel image
frame1 = frame1.astype(np.uint8)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#now u can apply opencv features
cv2.imshow('Camera', gray)
if cv2.waitKey(30) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Spacy EN Model issue

Need to know the difference between spaCy's en and en_core_web_sm model.
I am trying to do NER with Spacy.( For Organization name)
Please find bellow the script I am using
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
text = "But Google is starting from behind. The company made a late push \
into hardware, and Apple’s Siri, available on iPhones, and Amazon’s \
Alexa software, which runs on its Echo and Dot devices, have clear
leads in consumer adoption."
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)
And above providing me no output.
But when I use “en” model
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en")
text = "But Google is starting from behind. The company made a late push \
into hardware, and Apple’s Siri, available on iPhones, and Amazon’s \
Alexa software, which runs on its Echo and Dot devices, have clear
leads in consumer adoption."
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)
it provides me desired output:
Google 4 10 ORG
Apple’s Siri 92 104 ORG
iPhones 119 126 ORG
Amazon 132 138 ORG
Echo and Dot 182 194 ORG
What is going wrong in this?
Please help.
can I use en_core_web_sm model to have the same output like en model. if so please advice how to do it. Python 3 script with pandas df as input are solicited. Thanks
So each model is a Machine Learning model trained on top of a specific corpus (a text 'dataset'). This makes it so that each model can tag entries differently - especially because some models were trained on less data than others.
Currently Spacy offers 4 models for english, as presented in: https://spacy.io/models/en/
According to https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models, a model can be downloaded in several distinct ways:
# download best-matching version of specific model for your spaCy installation
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
# out-of-the-box: download best-matching default model
python -m spacy download en
Probably, when you downloaded the 'en' model, the best matching default model was not 'en_core_web_sm'.
Also, keep in mind that these models are updated every once in a while, which may have caused you to have two different versions of the same model.
Loading spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') instead of spacy.load('en') should help.
In my system result are same in both case
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
text = """But Google is starting from behind. The company made a late push
into hardware, and Apple’s Siri, available on iPhones, and Amazon’s
Alexa software, which runs on its Echo and Dot devices, have clear
leads in consumer adoption."""
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en")
text = """But Google is starting from behind. The company made a late push \
into hardware, and Apple’s Siri, available on iPhones, and Amazon’s \
Alexa software, which runs on its Echo and Dot devices, have clear
leads in consumer adoption."""
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)

How to profile tensorflow model that running on tf-serving?

As what I know, when I running tensorflow model on python script I could use the follow code snippet to profile the timeline of each block in the model.
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
batch_positive_score = sess.run([positive_score], feed_dict, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata)
fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats)
chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format()
with open('./result/timeline.json', 'w') as f:
But how to profile a model that loading on tensorflow-serving?
I think you can use tf.profiler, even during Serving because, it is finally a Tensorflow Graph and the changes made during Training (including Profiling, as per my understanding) will be reflected in Serving as well.
Please find the below Tensorflow Code:
# User can control the tracing steps and
# dumping steps. User can also run online profiling during training.
# Create options to profile time/memory as well as parameters.
builder = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder
opts = builder(builder.time_and_memory()).order_by('micros').build()
opts2 = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.trainable_variables_parameter()
# Collect traces of steps 10~20, dump the whole profile (with traces of
# step 10~20) at step 20. The dumped profile can be used for further profiling
# with command line interface or Web UI.
with tf.contrib.tfprof.ProfileContext('/tmp/train_dir',
trace_steps=range(10, 20),
dump_steps=[20]) as pctx:
# Run online profiling with 'op' view and 'opts' options at step 15, 18, 20.
pctx.add_auto_profiling('op', opts, [15, 18, 20])
# Run online profiling with 'scope' view and 'opts2' options at step 20.
pctx.add_auto_profiling('scope', opts2, [20])
# High level API, such as slim, Estimator, etc.
After that, we can run the below mentioned commands in the command prompt:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/core/profiler/profiler \
tfprof> op -select micros,bytes,occurrence -order_by micros
# Profiler ui available at: https://github.com/tensorflow/profiler-ui
python ui.py --profile_context_path=/tmp/train_dir/profile_xx
Code for Visualizing Time and Memory:
# The following example generates a timeline.
tfprof> graph -step -1 -max_depth 100000 -output timeline:outfile=<filename>
generating trace file.
Timeline file is written to <filename>.
Open a Chrome browser, enter URL chrome://tracing and load the timeline file.
Attribute TensorFlow graph running time to your Python codes:
tfprof> code -max_depth 1000 -show_name_regexes .*model_analyzer.*py.* -select micros -account_type_regexes .* -order_by micros
Show your model variables and the number of parameters:
tfprof> scope -account_type_regexes VariableV2 -max_depth 4 -select params
Show the most expensive operation types:
tfprof> op -select micros,bytes,occurrence -order_by micros
tfprof> advise
For more detailed information on this , you can refer the below links:
Understand all the classes mentioned in this page =>
Code is given in detail in the below link:

PyGtk3, Hide Cursor on Selectable Label

I can make a selectable label in pygtk3 with the set_selectable method. But I can't hide the cursor of a selectable label. Is there a method to do this?
First off, generally you might to reconsider disabling the cursor. Without it, you cannot select (part of) the text easily. If you only want the entire text, it's probably easier to do a label.get_text() to obtain the text.
If, for some obscure reason, you do want to change (or hide) the cursor, you can use the enter and leave events of a widget. Label widgets do not have those, so you have to insert the GtkLabel into a GtkEventBox first. Here's how to do that:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# test_selectable_label.py
# Copyright 2017 John Coppens <john#jcoppens.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
from gi.repository import Gtk
class TestWindow(Gtk.VBox):
def __init__(self):
super(TestWindow, self).__init__()
sel_label = Gtk.Label("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
sel_evbox = Gtk.EventBox()
sel_evbox.connect("enter_notify_event", self.enter_label)
sel_evbox.connect("leave_notify_event", self.leave_label)
self.pack_start(sel_evbox, False, False, 0)
label = Gtk.Label()
self.pack_start(label, False, False, 0)
def enter_label(self, wdg, event):
def leave_label(self, wdg, event):
class MainWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.connect("destroy", lambda x: Gtk.main_quit())
def run(self):
def main(args):
mainwdw = MainWindow()
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
I didn't implement the actual hiding/showing of the cursor. One way would be to make it transparent (see the override_cursor method of GtkWidget. set_style would be another.

QThread doesn't appear to start; PyQt5, Python 2.7.9

PyQt5 doesn't appear to be creating a new thread corresponding to QThread object, or I haven't established Slot/Signal linkage correctly. Please help me to isolate my problem.
I'm a relatively casual user of Python, but I've been asked to create a utility for another team that wraps some of their Python libraries (which themselves wrap C++) in a GUI. Because this utility is for another team, I can't change versions of compilers etc, or at least, not without providing a decent reason.
The utility is intended to provide an interface for debugging into some hardware that my colleagues are developing.
After examining the options, I decided to use Qt and the PyQt bindings. The steps I followed were:
Install Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (required because other team's libraries are compiled using this version of the MS compiler).
Install Python 2.7.9 (their version of Python)
Install qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2010-5.2.1.exe
Get source for SIP-4.18.zip and compile and install
Get source for PyQt-gpl-5.2.1.zip, compile and install
Try to build a PyQt application that wraps the other team's comms and translation libraries. Those libraries aren't asynchronous as far as I can tell, so I think that I need to separate that part of the application from the GUI.
The code that I've written produces the UI and is responsive in the sense that if I put break points in the methods that are called from the QAction objects, then those break points are appropriately triggered. My problem is that the Worker object that I create doesn't appear to move to a separate thread, (despite the call to moveToThread) because if I make the connection of type BlockingQueuedConnection instead of QueuedConnection then I get a deadlock. Breakpoints that I put on the slots in the Worker type are never triggered.
Here's the code::
import os
import sys
import time
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QTextEdit, QAction, QApplication, QStatusBar, QLabel, QWidget, QDesktopWidget, QInputDialog
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
class Worker(QObject):
def __init__(self):
super(Worker, self).__init__()
self._isRunning = True
self._connectionId = ""
self._terminate = False
def cmd_start_running(self):
"""This slot is used to send a command to the HW asking for it to enter Running mode.
It will actually work by putting a command in a queue for the main_loop to get to
in its own serialised good time. All the other commands will work in a similar fashion
Up until such time as it is implemented, I will fake it."""
self._isRunning = True
def cmd_stop_running(self):
"""This slot is used to send a command to the HW asking for it to enter Standby mode.
Up until such time as it is implemented, I will fake it."""
self._isRunning = False
def cmd_get_version(self):
"""This slot is used to send a command to the HW asking for its version string"""
def cmd_terminate(self):
"""This slot is used to notify this object that it has to join the main thread."""
def main_loop(self):
"""This slot is the main loop that is attached to the QThread object. It has sleep periods
that allow the messages on the other slots to be processed."""
while not self._terminate:
# While there is stuff on the wire, get it off, translate it, then
# signal it
# For the mean while, pretend that _isRunning corresponds to when
# RT streams will be
# being received from the HW.
if self._isRunning:
# Search queue for commands, if any found, translate, then put on
# the wire
class DemoMainWindow(QMainWindow):
sgnl_get_version = pyqtSignal()
sgnl_start_running = pyqtSignal()
sgnl_stop_running = pyqtSignal()
sgnl_terminate = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self):
super(DemoMainWindow, self).__init__()
self._workerObject = Worker()
self._workerThread = QThread()
self._workerThread.started.connect(self._workerObject.main_loop, type=Qt.QueuedConnection)
# I changed the following connection to type BlockingQueuedConnection,
# and got a Deadlock error
# reported, so I assume that there is already a problem before I get to
# this point.
# I understand that the default for 'type' (Qt.AutoConnection) is
# supposed to correctly infer that a QueuedConnection is required.
# I was getting desperate.
self.sgnl_get_version.connect(self._workerObject.cmd_get_version, type=Qt.QueuedConnection)
self.sgnl_start_running.connect(self._workerObject.cmd_start_running, type=Qt.QueuedConnection)
self.sgnl_stop_running.connect(self._workerObject.cmd_stop_running, type=Qt.QueuedConnection)
self.sgnl_terminate.connect(self._workerObject.cmd_terminate, type=Qt.QueuedConnection)
def initUI(self):
textEdit = QTextEdit()
lbl = QLabel(self.statusBar())
lbl.setText("HW Version: ")
exitAction = QAction(QIcon('exit24.png'), 'Exit', self)
exitAction.setStatusTip('Exit application')
connectAction = QAction(QIcon('connect24.png'), 'Connect', self)
connectAction.setStatusTip('Connect to HW')
enterRunningAction = QAction(QIcon('start24.png'), 'Start Running', self)
enterRunningAction.setStatusTip('Start Running')
enterStandbyAction = QAction(QIcon('stop24.png'), 'Stop Running', self)
enterStandbyAction.setStatusTip('Stop Running')
menubar = self.menuBar()
fileMenu = menubar.addMenu('&File')
hwMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Hardware')
toolbar = self.addToolBar('Exit')
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 350) # x, y, width, height
self.setWindowTitle('Demo Prog')
def establishCanConnection(self):
iDlg = QInputDialog(self)
idInt, ok = iDlg.getInt(self, 'CAN ID Selection', 'HW ID:')
canID = '%s%d' % ('HW', idInt)
if ok:
# this would be where the channel is established
def enterRunning(self):
# this would be where the command to start running is sent from
def enterStandby(self):
# send the command to stop running
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
mainWindow = DemoMainWindow()
Note that the call to start the _workerThread is in the establishCanConnection method, but that shouldn't be a problem, should it?
I used the procmon utility to check if more threads are created if establishCanConnection is run, and it appears that there are more threads, but I found it hard to relate which thread (if any of them) related to the QThread object.
Don't use BlockingQueuedConnection unless you really need it. If you don't know whether you need it or not, then you don't need it.
Cross-thread signals are queued in the event-loop of the receiving thread. If that thread is running code that blocks, it won't be able to process any events. Thus, if you send a signal with BlockingQueuedConnection to a thread that is blocked, you'll get a deadlock.
Your example uses a worker object that runs a blocking while loop, so it is subject to the deadlock problem outlined above. If you want to send signals to a thread that is blocked, you will need to arrange for the blocking code to periodically allow the thread to process its events, like this:
while not self._terminate:
If you want to check that the worker is running in a different thread, you can print the return value of QThread.currentThread() or QThread.currentThreadId() (these functions are static, so you don't need an instance of QThread to call them).