What is the need for Repository workspace in RTC? - rtc

When I have to get the code from ALM, I create a new repository workspace and then create the sandbox.
Why there is a need to create repository workspace?
Why cant I directly take the code from stream?

Assuming you want to modify and check-in changes to these files...
The Jazz source control in RTC relies on the repository workspace to track your changes. This is your own private version of the stream on the Jazz server, and when you check-in your sandbox changes are pushed here from your Eclipse workspace.

As mentioned in "Working with repository workspaces"
A repository workspace is a private development area where you can keep your work and those contributions that are shared by your team members.
Your work is private to the workspace until you decide to deliver it to a team flow target such as a shared stream.
Setting up your repository workspaces with the proper contents and flow targets is the first step toward making your contributions to the team's efforts.
That is why there is an intermediate repo between the stream and your sandbox:
source: Lesson 6: Source control
You can read more about the "relationships between Streams, Repository Workspaces, Components and Sandboxes.":
A developer will deliver their changes to the flow targets defined for their Repository Workspace.
The corresponding action for a Snapshot is the promote operation. Another developer will accept those changes when they are ready too.


A tool to manage source libraries in a project (without submodules)?

Is there a command-line tool to automate maintaining a collection of source libraries and applying them to projects?
For gamejams (or possibly also longer-term projects), I don't want to host my own clone of each library I use to be able to modify it (and grant each member of my team permission on each clone). Instead, I want all of my source code inside my project source tree -- which means I can't use git submodules.
So say I have a project "puppypark" and I want to use some libraries "baton" and "windfield".
I'm looking for this kind of workflow:
register libraries
librarian add baton git://lib.com/baton.git
clones to a central repository (e.g., in ~/.librarian/)
add libraries to a project
librarian use baton puppypark ./src/foreign/
creates a branch (off master) for that project in the central repository
merge project changes into central repository
librarian apply puppypark
switches to project's branch and copies changes into clone
merge upstream changes into project
librarian apply baton puppypark
takes the current state of project's branch and copies to project
no actions occur unless the target repository has a clean workspace
actions always result in commit summarizing the action taken
commits should always have a commit id (sha)
This could be independent of my version control system, but if it did it with git, that's great too.
I think this is kinda like Carthage (but for source instead of built libraries and I'm not interested in dependencies). Maybe I can achieve some of this with git-subtree, but I don't understand how. I think this is like loverboy, but I'm interested in a more general solution.
I couldn't find a solution, so I wrote my own: librarian automates copying modules to and from projects. Unlike loverboy, you give it general rules for how to copy modules instead of requiring rules for each module.
Example usage to setup for love2d and import windfield into project "puppypark":
librarian config love --path src/lib/ --root-marker init.lua --rename-single-file-root-marker ".*.lua" --include-pattern ".*.lua|LICENSE.*"
librarian acquire love windfield https://github.com/adnzzzzZ/windfield.git
librarian checkout puppypark windfield
librarian checkin puppypark windfield

Put file into specific directory when check in into TFS - Continuous Integration

I try to set up a MSBuild-project that will copy the file(s) that are being checked in into TFS (2010) to a specific directory at the Build-server (or share).
I have the Build Definition as a Continuous Integration, but how can I get to the specifics files I am checking in, and copy only those to the directory?
(The best would be If only inchecked *.sql-files should be copied, but if all files I am checking in goes there It's ok. I can manage it from there.)
Does anybody know how to only copy the chosen files?
By default there is no way to do this. There is no standard out-of-the-box build activity that does this for you.
What you can do is to create a small Custom Build Activity that checks which ChangeSets are associated to your build. Then use teh VersionControlServer class int he TFS Client Object Model (specifically the DownloadFile method) to download the changed files in these changesets and save them to wherever you want. Remember to pass in the VersionSpec you can use the c##### changeset number format.
If you just want the files that are in the Builds workspace you need to do a few more things (checking the Workspace Mapping of the Build Definition).
See also:
Microsoft ALM Rangers Build Customization Guide
Community TFS Build Extensions
The GetChangeSet activity in the TFS Build Extensions should provide a great starting point.

How to Provision Bundle committed through HTTP API in Apache Ace

I am committing a bundle(say Test.jar) to the Apache Ace Repository using the HTTP API, http://<Ace Host>/repository/commit?customer=apache&name=shop&version=2. After this how can i provision this bundle to a target?
I am a bit puzzled by your question because the repository you mention contains metadata (in XML format) that describes the relationship between artifacts (bundles or other files), features and distributions. You should not commit bundles to it. Bundles go in the OBR, which has its own REST API if you programmatically want to upload them.
To provision a bundle to a target, using the Web UI, you:
Upload the bundle as a new artifact. It will be sent to the OBR and show up in the artifacts column.
Associate the artifact with a feature and the feature with a distribution.
Launch an new target and watch it show up in the UI (you might need to "retrieve" the current configuration for that to happen).
Associate the distribution with the target.
Commit everything.

How to make a maven project buildable for the customer

We have a project which should be buildable by the customer using maven. It has some open source dependencies that are mavenized (no problem), some that aren't mavenized, proprietary stuff (oracle jdbc driver) and some internal stuff.
Until now we had everything but the first category packaged with the project itself in a local repository (repository with file://path-in-project-folder specified in the projects pom.xml).
We would love to move these out of the project, as we are about to use them in other projects as well. Currently we plan to use nexus as an internal maven repository.
Whats the best practice to make such dependencies/maven repositories available to the customer so he can continue to build the project.
Ideas so far:
Customer sets up a nexus repository as well, we somehow deploy all these non-public dependencies to his repository (like a mirror)
We provide a 'dumb' dump/snapshot of the non-public dependencies, customer adds this snapshot to this settings.xml as a repository, (but how is this possible).
Make our internal nexus repo available to the customers build server (not an option in our case)
I'm wondering how others solve these problems.
Thank you!
Of course, hosting a repository of some kind is a straightforward option, as long as you can cover the uptime / bandwidth / authentication requirements.
If you're looking to ship physical artifacts, you'll find this pattern helpful: https://brettporter.wordpress.com/2009/06/10/a-maven-friendly-pattern-for-storing-dependencies-in-version-control/
That relies on the repository being created in source control - if you want a project to build a repository, consider something like: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/incubator/npanday/trunk/dist/npanday-repository-builder/pom.xml?revision=1139488&view=markup (using the assembly plugin's capability to build a repository).
Basically, by building a repository you can ship that with the source code and use file:// to reference it from within the build.
There are two options:
Document exactly what artifacts you need to compile which are not
available via Maven Central
Implement Nexus and make a export with Nexus give the export
to customer and they need to do a import of it. I'm not sure
if you come to licenses issues.
I assumed that you already have a Repository Manager already but it reads like you didn't.

maven build execute svn get

I have a project build that needs to include files from another svn location during the build. I want to execute an svn get and then copy these files to the appropriate folder for the build. Researching this issue it seems I could use ant tasks but I wanted to find out what might be the best approach to take for this build.
You can use the maven-scm-plugin. According to the scm matrix both checkout and update are allowed.
Robert's answer is good, if the project is large though you'll be checking out a lot of content to get e single file.
If you want to get an individual file from SCM, the Maven SCM API allows you to interact directly with an SCM repository to invoke arbitrary goals. In this related answer I provide an example of a custom Mojo that commits a single file, if you implement that mojo and change the command from add to checkout you'll avoid having to checkout the entire project.