Simple program to return all factors of a given input integer -

I am working on a simple program to return all factors of a given input integer. factors of 32 with while loop array Unfortunately I am stuck.
Dim x As Integer
x = txtInput.Text
Dim factor As Integer
factor = CInt(txtInput.Text) - 1
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
While factor > 0
Do Until i = x
If factor * i = x Then
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
End If
factor = factor - 1
End While


VBA Format Userform Numeric Output

I have a spreadsheet/userform combo that takes user input to calculate product pricing/percent tax/and square footage in consideration to output a total cost for flooring in one of the userform's textboxes.
My userform is calculating everything correctly, but I am trying to figure out how to format the output box so that it only displays values up to two digits past the decimal (i.e. $1.00). Currently, it displays up to four digits or more beyond the decimal (as seen in the Total Area, Tax Amount, and Final Price text boxes).
My userform code is as follows (I left out some non-pertinent sections that had to do with opening and closing the userform but everything that has to do with the functioning of it is there):
Public Sub SumTool()
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim finalSum As Double
Dim addUp As Double
Dim BeforePercent As Double
Dim Prcnt As Double
Dim percentALT As Double
Dim percentSum As Double
Dim i As Integer
addUp = 0
finalSum = 0
BeforePercent = 0
x = 0
i = 0
'These are all area measurements
A = 280
B = 118
C = 96
D = 243
E = 38
F = 83
Do While i < 1
'These are checks to see if checkboxes in the userform are True/False and
'correspond to the area measurements above
If LR.Value = True Then
x = x + A
x = x
End If
If BR1.Value = True Then
x = x + B
x = x
End If
If BR2.Value = True Then
x = x + C
x = x
End If
If KT.Value = True Then
x = x + D
x = x
End If
If BA.Value = True Then
x = x + E
x = x
End If
If HALL.Value = True Then
x = x + F
x = x
End If
i = i + 1
'I have different calculations because the user has the option of
'whether they want to include tax or not. If they do not (first option)
'no special conversions have to take place. If they do, the program has to
'take the entry and convert it from 5 or 10 to 0.05 or 0.10 and then carry
'forward with the rest of the operations
If Me.Y.Value = False Then
Prcnt = 0
addUp = x
finalSum = addUp * Me.ProductPrice.Value
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = finalSum
Me.SqFtBox.Value = addUp
Me.TaxAmountValue.Value = 0
Prcnt = Me.SalesTaxNumber.Value
addUp = x
percentALT = Prcnt * 0.01
BeforePercent = addUp * Me.ProductPrice.Value
percentSum = percentALT * BeforePercent
finalSum = BeforePercent + percentSum
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = finalSum
Me.SqFtBox.Value = addUp
Me.TaxAmountValue.Value = percentSum
End If
End Sub
You may try something like this...
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = Format(finalSum, "$0.00")

Where is my error in this visual basic Bubblesort

I am currently making a highscore table - reading the times from a .csv file and sorting them from lowest to highest. The list only becomes partially sorted after the code runs.
All the data inputs correctly but when it goes to sort it sorts the data out incorrectly.
Private Sub BeginnerProcess(ByRef player() As pe_player, ByVal x As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim temp As Object
For i = x To 0 Step -1
For j = 0 To i - 1
If player(j).playerTime > player(j + 1).playerTime Then
temp = player(j)
player(j) = player(j + 1)
player(j + 1) = temp
End If
Dim k As Integer
For k = 1 To x
player(k).position = k
End Sub
Here's the output
Adapting the classic bubble-sort to your case, I think i should be something like the code below:
For i = 0 To x - 1
For j = i + 1 To x
If player(i).playerTime > player(j).playerTime Then
temp = player(i)
player(i) = player(j)
player(j) = temp
End If

Automatic Calculation with given numbers

I would like to make CPU to calculate declared result from the given numbers that are also declared.
So far:
Dim ArrayOperators() As String = {"+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")"}
Dim GlavniBroj As Integer = GBRnb() 'Number between 1 and 999 that CPU needs to get from the numbers given below:
Dim OsnovniBrojevi() As Integer = {OBRnb(), OBRnb(), OBRnb(), OBRnb()} '4 numbers from 1 to 9
Dim SrednjiBroj As Integer = SBRnb() '1 number, 10, 15 or 20 chosen randomly
Dim KrajnjiBroj As Integer = KBRnb() '25, 50, 75 or 100 are chosen randomly
Private Function GBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((999 * Rnd()) + 1))
Return value
End Function
Private Function OBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((9 * Rnd()) + 1))
Return value
End Function
Private Function SBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1))
If value = 1 Then
Return 10
ElseIf value = 2 Then
Return 15
ElseIf value = 3 Then
Return 20
End If
Return 0
End Function
Private Function KBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((4 * Rnd()) + 1))
If value = 1 Then
Return 25
ElseIf value = 2 Then
Return 50
ElseIf value = 3 Then
Return 75
ElseIf value = 4 Then
Return 100
End If
Return 0
End Function
Is there any way to make a program to calculate GlavniBroj(that is GBRnb declared) with the help of the other numbers (also without repeating), and with help of the given operators? Result should be displayed in the textbox, in a form of the whole procedure of how computer got that calculation with that numbers and operators. I tried to make it work by coding operations one by one, but that's a lot of writing... I'm not looking exactly for the code answer, but mainly for the coding algorithm. Any idea? Thanks! :)

Randomly divide a whole number m into n parts such that the parts are whole numbers and each part lies between x and y

As an example. I want to randomly hand out 100 chocolates to 25 kids. I cannot give any kid more than 10 chocolates.
So here m = 100, n = 25, x = 1 and y = 12.
I have checked these questions.
Dividing a number into m parts uniformly randomly
Dividing a number into random unequal parts
They do give some idea but in these questions x and y are not specified.
So basically,
1) Total No. of Chocolates = 100
2) I can only give minimum 1 and maximum 12 chocolates to each kid
3) Chocolates should be distributed between 25 kids
4) I do not want any distribution (uniform or normal) - it should be purely random. (I am willing to exclude this condition if all else fails.)
Private Function divideUniformlyRandomly(n As Integer, m As Integer) As Integer()
Dim rRandom As New Random
Dim fences As Integer() = New Integer(m - 2) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To m - 3
fences(i) = rRandom.Next(0, n - 1)
Dim result As Integer() = New Integer(m - 1) {}
result(0) = fences(0)
For i As Integer = 1 To m - 3
result(i) = fences(i + 1) - fences(i)
result(m - 1) = n - 1 - fences(m - 2)
Return result
End Function
This does work but I get 0 and 13 as well. I cannot ensure x and y here.
Give each child x chocolate. This will leave you with m - (n * x) to distribute randomly. Keep distributing to children that have less than y chocolates, until there are no more chocolates.
Private Function divideUniformlyRandomly(n As Integer, m As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer()
Dim rRandom As New Random
Dim aResult As Integer() = New Integer(n - 1) {}
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim remaining As Integer = m
' Every n must have a min of x.
For i = 0 To n - 1
aResult(i) = x
remaining -= x
' distribute the remaining m over the children randomly
While remaining > 0
' pick a child randomly
i = rRandom.Next(0, n)
' if the child has less than y, give them one
If aResult(i) < y Then
aResult(i) += 1
remaining -= 1
End If
End While
' Debug
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To n - 1
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i, aResult(i))
sum += aResult(i)
Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}", sum)
divideUniformlyRandomly = aResult
End Function

Simple some function returns "Overflow Exception"

This code always through Arithmetic overflow exception. Whats wrong ?
Function ChannelSum(ByVal C As System.Drawing.Color) As Integer
Dim temp As Integer : temp = (C.R + C.G + C.B)
Return temp
End Function
Dim x, y, R, G, B, a As Integer : Dim tmp As Color
bmp = New Bitmap(picBox.Tag.ToString)
xMax = bmp.Width - 1 : yMax = bmp.Height - 1
For x = 0 To xMax Step 1
For y = 0 To yMax Step 1
tmp = bmp.GetPixel(x, y) : a = ChannelSum(tmp)
Next y
Next x
The loop breaks in the first encounter !
C.R and the others are byte fields and can only hold a value up to 255. Adding byte fields together will result in a number larger than 255. Use CInt() on each color element first.
temp = (CInt(C.R) + CInt(C.G) + CInt(C.B))