GPS coordinates to display google street view panorama - gps

I looked at the documentation and many other questions but I couldn't find something similar to what I am looking for. I want a query url where I give in a gps coordinate and it displays the google street view panorama, or some kind of call that when I give it a GPS coordinate it gives me the "Panoid".
I dont have the panoid, or am I trying to extract it from a URL, I want to create a call that return the panoid.

I found a way that I actually wasnt looking for since Im writing my program in C++. But it seems I will do it in Javascript, and pass it to my C++ program.
In the Street View Api Documentation there is this example:
In this example there are a few lines that are important to answering this question:
var markerPanoID = data.location.pano;
// Set the Pano to use the passed panoID.
I could just grab the data.location.pano value from there, then use it as however I may like. I hope this is not a final answer, I really wish if there is another way where I dont have to create a webservice.

What about this (via Google Maps Street View API)


Possible to retrieve name/artist of a song from radio station website?

I am trying to create a Shazam like service that works over the phone,
I was able to use Inspect Element to dig around and find an API call for WRIT FM.
I am trying to do the same for WKLH FM but I have not been able to find any references to any code that points to the currently playing song metadata.
The now playing page is here:
It doesn't come up when doing View Page Source either,
Is there any tool I could use to pinpoint where the metadata is coming from? I need to be able to extract text in real time using a custom-made API so I can use that in my application (Asterisk PBX),
On the song history page, there IS some of this information available but it doesn't seem like it's offered in any predictable way which could be parsed:

Placing values for longitude and latitude into a map field via PodioKit API?

I automatically read out the location data from images and want to use this longitude and latitude and set them for the value of a location/map field using PodioKit.
I already tried Google maps URL like,9.993333&ll=53.550556,9.993333&z=17
but had bad luck. I'm trying to use PodioKit and the documentation only talks about setting the "string value" of a location/map field. Possibly this question is too specific, but maybe another user found a solution or just a hint to push me into the right direction...
Michael / Hamburg
Sebastian at Podio here. Actually there is API support for submitting a latitude/longitude instead of a string but it is yet to be implemented in PodioKit. It should be very easy to add though, so I will have a look at it as soon as possible. Thanks for pointing this out.

Make google custom search location-aware

When I search for "football images" on, it knows that I mean the sport that elsewhere might be called "soccer". If I do the same search on, I get American Football.
I'm using the custom search API - how can I tell it that I'm in the UK and would like results relevant to here?
You can limit your engine to operate on sites from a particular country via "cr" param, e.g. in Custom Element it looks like this:
<gcse:search cr="gb"></gcse:search>
Google knows some synonyms on the web, but if your particular use case is not correctly recognized you can add it in Control Panel in Search Features > Synonyms
More on synonyms:
Sorry, I ended up answering this myself. I couldn't get any of the instructions under the custom search API itself to work (although the answer offered above was also mentioned there, but this just made my CSE Context XML apparently invalid), but you can make requests to a custom search engine by using the instructions here and an API key.
This is how I did it;
<gcse:search cr="countryUK"></gcse:search>
You can even return results in a specific language, code shown below returns results only in french;
<gcse:search lr = "lang_fr"></gcse:search>
This is the reference for Google Custom Search Element Control API:
Try to set the 'gl' parameter to the country you want.
For details, look into CSE:list

Getting location of Tweets Using Search API

I'm trying to get a list of Tweets with a certain keyword in them, but I need to know the co-ordinates where they were posted. I am using the following URL but GEO always seems to be empty, I don't think I've seen it populated yet, even in the example in the docs.,-2.93335,100mi&page=1
It does return a location, a city name or similar which I was using to generate the co-ordinates using Google's maps api, but I got blocked for using it too many times..
Does anybody have any ideas?

Getting text information from the Internet into my app

I learning Objective C, and I am going to develop some apps. I have a general question: How to get text information from the Internet into your app. Say you want the current title of Yahoo News. Do I need to use some PHP, or are there Objective-C specific classes to choose from?
Help is appreciated (code as well!), just anything that can help me take te step to exploring the new possibilities!
If I understand your question, I'd say the best way to do it would be to get the HTML source from the URL of your choosing as a string, then parse it to grab an attribute such as the title. Have a look at NSString and NSXMLDocument; they both let you instantiate them from a URL.
Here's a great way to do it:
Go to Yahoo Pipes, and create your "pipe" (basically a feed of one or many different data inputs on the web).
Publish: Select a format for Yahoo to host, for example as an RSS feed or in JSON.
UIWebView can then point to your pipe's URL. (Here's a tutorial on UIWebView)
Note that you can choose to get the feed as RSS, JSON, and other formats as well. Here is an example of a pipe I set up for the National Vulnerabilities Database as RSS, and the same feed as JSON.
ASIHttpRequest Will keep you sane.