How to use intermediate result of Reads with another Reads - recycle-bin

The example I have is validating a credit card number string. The validations are 1) Issuer should exist for credit card number, and 2) Issuer should be an accepted one by merchant.
Here's work I have so far. Ideally, I would like to use the intermediate result Issuer from first Reads in the next reads. Is there a better way?
Reads.filter[String](ValidationError("Invalid Issuer")) { cardNumber =>
findIssuer(cardNumber).isDefined // Option[Issuer]
} andThen
Reads.filter[String](ValidationError("Issuer not accepted")) { cardNumber =>
// get issuer, then check issuer is accepted by merchant

It's not a direct answer, but you might consider to write this logic as for/yield expression:
val result: Either[String, Issuer] = for {
card <- json.validate[Card].asEither.leftMap(_ => "Reading error")
issuer <- findIssuer(card.number) //returns Either[String, _]
_ <- isAccepted(issuer) // returns Either[String,_]
} yield issuer
P.S. It's a gateway case to start using scalaz Validation.


Shopify Multipass created_at Field

I am currently trying to implement a login to Shopify over the Storefront API via Multipass.
However, what it isn't clear to me from the Documentation on that Page, how the "created_at" Field is used. Since it states that this field should be filled with the current timestamp.
But what if the same users logs in a second time via Multipass, should it be filled with the timestamp of the second login.
Or should the original Multipass token be stored somewhere, and reused at a second login, instead of generating a new one?
Yes you need to set it always to the current time. I guess it stands for "token created at".
This is the code I use in Python:
class Multipass:
def __init__(self, secret):
key ='utf-8')).digest()
self.encryptionKey = key[0:16]
self.signatureKey = key[16:32]
def generate_token(self, customer_data_hash):
customer_data_hash['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
cipher_text = self.encrypt(json.dumps(customer_data_hash))
return urlsafe_b64encode(cipher_text + self.sign(cipher_text))
def generate_url(self, customer_data_hash, url):
token = self.generate_token(customer_data_hash).decode('utf-8')
return '{0}/account/login/multipass/{1}'.format(url, token)
def encrypt(self, plain_text):
plain_text = self.pad(plain_text)
iv = get_random_bytes(AES.block_size)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
return iv + cipher.encrypt(plain_text.encode('utf-8'))
def sign(self, secret):
return, secret, SHA256).digest()
def pad(s):
return s + (AES.block_size - len(s) % AES.block_size) * chr(AES.block_size - len(s) % AES.block_size)
And so
customer_object = {
**user,# customer data
"verified_email": True
multipass = Multipass(multipass_secret)
return multipass.generate_url(customer_object, environment["url"])
How can someone login a second time? If they are already logged in, they would not essentially be able to re-login without logging out. If they logged out, the multi-pass would assign a new timestamp. When would this flow occur of a user logging in a second time and not being issued a brand new login? How would they do this?

Paypal Php Sdk - NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL Error

I have this code
$product_info = array();
$product_info = $cms['class']['product']->get($cms['site']['url_data']['product_id']);
echo 'No product info.';
$fee = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] / 100 * $product_info['fee'];
$yearly_price_end = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] + $fee;
$fee = ($product_info['setup_price_end'] / 100) * $product_info['fee'];
$setup_price_end = $product_info['setup_price_end'] + $fee;
$setup_price_end = $setup_price_end - $_SESSION['discountcode_amount'];
$error = false;
$plan_id = '';
$approvalUrl = '';
$ReturnUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=process_agreement';
$CancelUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=cancel_agreement';
$now = $cms['date'];
$now->modify('+5 minutes');
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(
new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential(
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientid'], // ClientID
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientsecret'] // ClientSecret
use PayPal\Api\ChargeModel;
use PayPal\Api\Currency;
use PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentDefinition;
use PayPal\Api\Plan;
use PayPal\Api\Patch;
use PayPal\Api\PatchRequest;
use PayPal\Common\PayPalModel;
use PayPal\Api\Agreement;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\ShippingAddress;
// Create a new instance of Plan object
$plan = new Plan();
// # Basic Information
// Fill up the basic information that is required for the plan
// # Payment definitions for this billing plan.
$paymentDefinition = new PaymentDefinition();
// The possible values for such setters are mentioned in the setter method documentation.
// Just open the class file. e.g. lib/PayPal/Api/PaymentDefinition.php and look for setFrequency method.
// You should be able to see the acceptable values in the comments.
$setFrequency = 'Year';
//$setFrequency = 'Day';
$paymentDefinition->setName('Regular Payments')
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => $yearly_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// Charge Models
$chargeModel = new ChargeModel();
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 0, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
$merchantPreferences = new MerchantPreferences();
// ReturnURL and CancelURL are not required and used when creating billing agreement with payment_method as "credit_card".
// However, it is generally a good idea to set these values, in case you plan to create billing agreements which accepts "paypal" as payment_method.
// This will keep your plan compatible with both the possible scenarios on how it is being used in agreement.
->setSetupFee(new Currency(array('value' => $setup_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// ### Create Plan
try {
$output = $plan->create($apiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex){
echo $output->getId().'<br />';
echo $output.'<br />';
Been working with paypal php sdk for some days now and my code stop working.
So i went back to basic and i am still getting the same damn error.
I am trying to create a plan for subscription but getting the following error:
"NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL"
I have no idea how to fix this as i dont use NotfifyUrl in my code?
Could be really nice if anyone had an idea how to fix this problem :)
PayPal did a update to their API last night which has caused problem within their SDK.
They are sending back null values in their responses.
I MUST stress the error is not on sending the request to PayPal, but on processing their response.
BUG Report :
Pull Request :
Hope this helps, but their current SDK is throwing exceptions.
Use below simple fix.
Replace below function in vendor\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib\PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences.php
public function setNotifyUrl($notify_url)
UrlValidator::validate($notify_url, "NotifyUrl");
$this->notify_url = $notify_url;
return $this;
If you get the same error for return_url/cancel_url, add the if condition as above.
Note: This is not a permanent solution, you can use this until getting the update from PayPal.
From the GitHub repo for the PayPal PHP SDK, I see that the error you mentioned is thrown when MerchantPreferences is not given a valid NotifyUrl. I see you're setting the CancelUrl and ReturnUrl, but not the NotifyUrl. You may simply need to set that as well, i.e.:
$NotifyUrl = (some url goes here)
Reason behind it!
error comes from.
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$urlName is not a fully qualified URL");
FILTER_VALIDATE_URL: according to this php function.
VALID URL: ""; it separated with - dash
here you can dump your url.
public static function validate($url, $urlName = null)
And then check this here:
you can check here what character will reason for invalid.

How to collect signatures from multiple state participants in a corda flow?

I'm working on a use case where there are three party involved, let's say PartyA, PartyB and PartyC.
In this scenario,
PartyA issue a dealState (A is the only participant),
PartyA sells it to PartyB (A,B are the participants),
now PartyB wants to sell this state to PartyC but we need the signatures from both A and B, plus the one from C accepting the selling process.
How can I gather the signature from the original issuer PartyA in the third scenario in order to make the flow work?
The code in the flow is this one (Im selling as PartyB)
val newOwnerFlow = initiateFlow(PartyC)
progressTracker.currentStep = GATHERING_SIGS
println("Finished gathering signatures stage 9")
// Send the state to the counterparty, and receive it back with their signature.
val fullySignedTx = subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(partSignedTx, setOf(newOwnerFlow), GATHERING_SIGS.childProgressTracker()))
// Stage 10.
progressTracker.currentStep = FINALISING_TRANSACTION
println("Finalizing transaction")
// Notarise and record the transaction in both parties' vaults.
return subFlow(FinalityFlow(fullySignedTx, FINALISING_TRANSACTION.childProgressTracker()))
How do I make PartyA signing the transaction?
After some experimenting I found out the problem is the following:
you have to create a setOf(flowSessions) mapping each participant to its correspondent initiateFlow() that has to be passed to the CollectSignaturesFlow(), the syntax is like the following:
val participantsParties = { serviceHub.identityService.wellKnownPartyFromAnonymous(it)!! }
val flowSessions = (participantsParties - myIdentity).map { initiateFlow(it) }.toSet()
progressTracker.currentStep = GATHERING_SIGS
println("Finished gathering signatures stage 9")
// Send the state to the counterparty, and receive it back with their signature.
val fullySignedTx = subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(partSignedTx, flowSessions, GATHERING_SIGS.childProgressTracker()))

Get the CERT_RDN information from the certificate object

I'm opening the certificate store using the "CertOpenStore" API and get the certificates using the "CertEnumCertificatesInStore" API.
The CERT_CONTEXT data returned by the API gives the issuer name in CERT_NAME_BLOB type.
How to get the CERT_RDN or CERT_NAME_INFO from the certificate.?
My requirement is to get the issuer name attributes (O, OU, etc.). I do not want to parse the string returned by the CertNameToStr API.
The above comment is correct, you do need to decode the ASN.1 encoded data in the CERT_NAME_BLOB. However, the CryptoAPI has a function to do this for you - CryptDecodeObject.
If you have a PCCERT_CONTEXT handle pCertContext, you can decode it to a CERT_NAME_INFO structure as follows:
BOOL success = CryptDecodeObject(
// (check that CryptDecodeObject succeeded)
PCERT_NAME_INFO pCertNameInfo = (PCERT_NAME_INFO) malloc(dwNameInfoSize);
// (check that malloc succeeded)
Now you can loop through the different components of the RDN like this:
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pCertNameInfo->cRDN; i++)
for (DWORD j = 0; j < pCertNameInfo->rgRDN[i].cRDNAttr; j++)
CERT_RDN_ATTR &rdnAttribute = pCertNameInfo->rgRDN[i].rgRDNAttr[j];
// Do stuff with the RDN attribute
With each iteration, rdnAttribute will be set to a different component of the issuer name like you want.
Finally, free the memory when you're done:

matching and verifying Express 3/Connect 2 session keys from connection

I have a good start on a technique similar to this in Express 3
the idea being to let me grab the session object from within a connection callback, storing sessions via connect-redis in this case.
So, in app.configure we have
var db = require('connect-redis')(express)
app.use(express.session({ store: new db }));
And in the app code there is
var redis_client = require('redis').createClient()
io.set('authorization', function(data, accept) {
if (!data.headers.cookie) {
return accept('Sesssion cookie required.', false)
data.cookie = require('cookie').parse(data.headers.cookie);
/* verify the signature of the session cookie. */
//data.cookie = require('cookie').parse(data.cookie, SITE_SECRET);
data.sessionID = data.cookie['connect.sid']
redis_client.get(data.sessionID, function(err, session) {
if (err) {
return accept('Error in session store.', false)
} else if (!session) {
return accept('Session not found.', false)
// success! we're authenticated with a known session.
data.session = session
return accept(null, true)
The sessions are being saved to redis, the keys look like this:
redis> KEYS *
1) "sess:lpeNPnHmQ2f442rE87Y6X28C"
2) "sess:qsWvzubzparNHNoPyNN/CdVw"
and the values are unencrypted JSON. So far so good.
The cookie header, however, contains something like
{ 'connect.sid': 's:lpeNPnHmQ2f442rE87Y6X28C.obCv2x2NT05ieqkmzHnE0VZKDNnqGkcxeQAEVoeoeiU' }
So now the SessionStore and the connect.sid don't match, because the signature part (after the .) is stripped from the SessionStore version.
Question is, is is safe to just truncate out the SID part of the cookie (lpeNPnHmQ2f442rE87Y6X28C) and match based on that, or should the signature part be verified? If so, how?
rather than hacking around with private methods and internals of Connect, that were NOT meant to be used this way, this NPM does a good job of wrapping socket.on in a method that pulls in the session, and parses and verifies
Just use cookie-signature module, as recommended by the comment lines in Connect's utils.js.
var cookie = require('cookie-signature');
//assuming you already put the session id from the client in a var called "sid"
var sid = cookies['connect.sid'];
sid = cookie.unsign(sid.slice(2),yourSecret);
if (sid == "false") {
//cookie validation failure
//uh oh. Handle this error
} else {
sid = "sess:" + sid;
//proceed to retrieve from store