Onvif Simulator For Testing Onvif web service client - camera

Hi i am trying to develop an android web service client consuming onvif web service , but I do not have any onvif camera in my hand. What I need is an onvif camera simulator , test tool ,(may be link of an onvif camera to try basic operations like getdeviceinformation if possible ) which is free . I googled it but I could not find any . Is there any this kind of things ?

Here is a very good, free one : http://www.happytimesoft.com/products/multi-onvif-server/index.html

You can download the emulator in the following link for free:
The emulator is a VirtualBox Image and the default username and password are "admin" and "admin".
direct download link:


Can't use phone ase controller

I want to test my airconsole game on a smartphone before publishing. The problem is, I can't connect it to the simulator.
If i try to connect (Chrome on Android) it says connecting, after a few seconds it shows the enter code screen but no input is possible. After about 30 seconds I get the message download the app for next time. (Screenshots attached)
Do you know where the problem is?
My files are hosted on a webserver, accessible from everywhere.
Kind regards
Make sure your screen.html and controller.html are accessible from all devices.
Let's assume you are running your local web server on
Try to access and using a normal web browser on the device that doesn't work. It should display the screen/controller html.
If you can't access from your phone, but from your computer, make sure you are in the same network and that your router does not have "Client Isolation" activated.
If you are testing with real smartphones, make sure you do not use http://localhost/ or, because localhost is not your computer on the phone but the phone itself!
If you are still unable to connect your phone, you can use the ngrok tool to forward your local url. See our Ngrok Unity Guide for how to do this in the Unity Engine: https://developers.airconsole.com/#!/guides/unity-ngrok

Add device via wso2 emm

I have installed wso2 Entreprise Mobility Manager.
Now, i want to add new device but mdm tab is not displayed from url:
Is there any configurations to do?
Can you tell me How to add devices?
Also, i want to know why i m rederect to localhost when i login from emm url wthit ip address?
so i can not access from remote device (computer or smartphone) to emm, is there any configuration that i forgotten or any thing i made wrong?
Goto EMM device management from the console and click on 'Enroll Device'. You can first test it with and Android device. There you will get a link to enroll. Access that link from your device and download the Android agent and follow these guide https://docs.wso2.com/display/EMM110/End-user+Registering+an+Android-powered+Device
for your second question you need to change /repository/conf/sso-idp-config.xml and change all localhost values to your ip address
i followed your steps described by Chatura Dilan but when i click on Download Agent on my android device i got https://******:9763/emm/client_app/emm-agent-android.apk web page not found
"******" is the ip adress where the app turns on
Is there another xml config file that i should edit?

How to upload a photo image using Sencha Touch without phonegap

Is it possible to upload an image created by the phone using Sencha Touch but without any dependency on PhoneGap? Basically my app will be accessible via the web, and not installed natively on the device. I want to be able to select an image from the phone storage and then be able to upload it to the service. I effectively want the same functionality as you would get with the file upload control on a normal desktop browser.
Is this possible, and if so how?
There is a current solution in its infancy, but it works. I tested it on my Nexus 7 using Chrome. Here is the list of compatibility:
Android (4.0 up) browser support as regular
Google Chrome for desktop and mobile
iOS Safari browser support from version 6.0 (not tested on mobile)
Desktop webbrowser and mobile browser are different in lot many cases. To access file upload option you need to access the OS API which is not possible using javascript only. Phonegap provides us option to connect js with device API. If you can find a way to do this, without using Phonegap, then may be you can fix, or else its not possible.

Need to host the webcam output to some web site

i have new webcam.
The software of the webcam can give out the webcam live moview to site.
I looking for some free good site that i can use for hosting my webcam live movie
Where can i find it ?
Sorry there is no FREE webservice that will let stream your webcam to their website. It will eat their bandwidth , wont they ?
However, try to get some FTP account and download a program called "Dorgem" on your computer and let it run , so it will keep streaming your webcam data to your FTP.
Update for Comment :
Why not just use yahoo messenger ? Create 2 accounts (for yourself and for your baby's) Place your cam before your baby's cradle and sign-on to yahoo messenger with your baby's account and open your cam and set "Anyone can view my cam" (in the preferences). So when you go to your office , log on to your account , just click "View cam" of your baby's account. Job Done :)

BlackBerry web testing

I did a small web application for using PHP, HTML, and JavaScript.
I want to test my application in BlackBerry and iPhone, but I don't have either of them.
Is there any site providing facilities, something like a live BlackBerry tester site?
For Blackberry, you can download a simulator from RIM. You want to download the smartphone simulator and also the MDS simulator, which enables the smartphone simulator to connect to websites.
You could try downloading the Firefox add-on, User Agent Switcher, and have it act like a Blackberry. Granted though, it's not a true test. But if you are looking to see how your app reacts to this, it is a good first test.
You also have access to an iPhone simulator as a registered Apple developer. But this is for the Mac OS X platform, not Windows.