Zoom in combined chart (Pareto) not working in QlikView 11 - qlikview

I have a combined chart (Pareto) and what I am trying to do is zooming the selected area by dragging and dropping mouse pointer but it is not working.
However I have another line chart and it is working.

The problem was "Read only" property was checked in chart-properties general tab. Unchecking it worked!


.net - vb.net Horizontal Scroll Bar on DataGridView

I have a DataGridView on a Windows Form that can have up to 25 columns and up to many thousands of rows. There are no defined columns in the DGV, these are dynamically generated in the code. No columns are frozen. The DGV works as expected in the version I inherited. Then I got my hands on it…
I am adding a toolbar to the form. The issue I am facing is that when I lower the top of the DGV to fit just below the toolbar and ensure the DGV fits on the form, I lose my horizontal scroll bar. I can scroll the thumb off the form, so it is no longer visible. My Document Count field shows as expected in the image below.
DGV no horizontal bar and thumb scrolled off form
Some potentially related field values from DGV Properties:
AutoSizeColumnsMode = None
AutoSizeRowsMode = None
Dock = None
ScrollBars = Both
Any input would be much appreciated.
Added a Screen Shot to help clarify the issue.
Design View of the form
Solved! Thanks #Luke #LarsTech for suggestions. Not sure why but recreating it solved the horizontal scroll bar issue. I deleted my grid and recreated it in the Designer just like the previous one. This time I used Dock Right instead of None or Fill. I did use BringToFront also, because SendToBack shrunk my toolbar to half the size. I lost my blank area on the right of the grid, but i can live with that.
Thank you so much for the help!

Using the Form Scrollbar to Control Image Transparency in Excel VBA

I'm struggling in making a form scrollbar to control the image transparency. To be specific, I've got two images that I'm linking to two buttons. Hide/show buttons, and I want the scrollbar to control the image transparency as shown in the image below. Your help would be appreciated. I can't wrap my head around to code it.
Here is a low-tech approach.
1) Create a rectangle and fill it with your picture. This doesn't require any VBA.
2) Insert the scrollbar and, using the properties, link your scrollbar to a cell with the default 0-100 range of the scrollbar's values. For example, in the following picture I linked it to J20:
Then, in a standard code module put:
Sub SetTransparency()
Sheets(1).Shapes("Rectangle 1").Fill.Transparency = Sheets(1).Range("J20") / 100
End Sub
(With of course things like Sheets(1), "Rectangle 1" and "J20" to be adjusted to match your situation)
Then - all you have to do is right click on the control and select Assign Macro to assign this macro to your control. It can be used like:
Possibly unfortunately (depending on your desires) the transparency doesn't change continuously as you scroll. AKAIK, you would need to use Active-X controls for that.

How to have a TextBox control fill a Split Container panel?

I am running Visual Studio 2010 Professional (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel) with no updates showing in Windows Update. When I drop a TextBox control into a Split Container panel, make it Multiline, then Dock in Parent = Fill, it shrinks down to 1 pixel wide and disappears. Of course, at runtime it is invisible.
Is this a bug? Is there a fix? I actually don't need text input - what I want is to display text in a resizable panel, with scroll bars. I could perhaps put code on the events (SizeChanged, SplitterMoved, SplitterMoving...) but that's an ugly solution. Is that the only one?
Apparently I didn't realize I had put a Flow Layout container inside the Split Container panel. This was preventing it from filling the panel.

Draw border around controls on VBA Userform without using a Frame?

I am designing a VBA UserForm (in Excel, if it is relevant) and I would like some controls to be visually grouped together.. but when I put them in a frame, I am getting some undesired results (part of it has to do with the RefEdit control which seems to be particularly unhappy inside a frame).
Is there a way to draw a border around a group of controls on a form without putting them inside a Frame?
Use a label with the caption deleted and the border style set to fmBorderStyleSingle. It may appear on top of your other controls, so right click on it and select "send backwards" until it's behind your other controls.
The best way to do this would be to create the shape over where you need it to be. Drag highlight everything that you want on top of it, then right click and brink it all forwards. Then when you drag your shape back over the top it will in fact be underneath everthing else.
Hope that helps.
This worked for me and I was at first having the same issue where I had to choose to "Send Backward" up to 30 times per label in some cases. I found that hitting the Ctrl-K sends it to the back of all controls with one time hitting these keys.

How do you remove the white box behind a chart series label?

Is there is a way to remove the white box around the series label in a chart. I am using the built in chart from the toolbox in Visual Studio 2010. This is the last part I need to finish the appearance of the chart to make it look the way I want. Please help.
I don't see the white box you are describing, but to change the properties of that section of the chart, click it in the designer, go over to the Properties window on the right, and scroll down to Legends.
Once there, hit the [...] button next to it, and that will bring up the set of all of the legends. Select the legend you want, and adjust the BorderColor property to the background color. I didn't see a means by which you could turn the border off, nor does it seem like you can set the width of the border to 0.
These can also be set programmatically, like Chart1.Legends(0).BorderColor = Color.White