Materialize select element scrolling using javascript - materialize

I am using materialize framework
I am not getting the scroll bar when i add more option tag to my beyond the screen.
Please help .
thanks in advance

Try setting the overflow of y on the dropdown-content class to auto.
.dropdown-content {

I use version 0.100.2.
Change line 5443 for overflow-y: auto !important.
This solution resolved my problems.


Change zIndex of Dojo Tooltip

This question is similar to this one but I still cannot come up with a suitable solution.
On my site I am trying to implement the dojo Tooltip (not dialog Box as in the link above; click here to see Tooltip documentation). I would like to be able to change the zIndex of the Tooltip to whatever I need. I can only seem to get Dojo to work if I use a CDN such as or //, so trying to alter the javascript of the tooltip file for Tooltip.js did not seem to do anything. Note: Tooltip.js was included locally as:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="dojo/Tooltip.js"></script>
Using info from the link at the top of the page, I was able to come up with a hack solution. Assuming the default z-index for the Dojo tooltip is 1000, I changed the z-indices of all other divs (that were previously > 1000) to z-index < 1000. This solved the problem, and now the Dojo tooltip can be seen in front of these divs (previously was behind).
Any suggestions on how to alter the zIndex property of the Dojo tooltip without altering Tooltip.js?
I would recommend to override css rule according to your requirement.
Like by default css rule on dijit tooltip is as follow:
.dijitTooltip {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2000; // You can write your desired z-index
display: block;
left: 0;
top: -10000px;
overflow: visible;
Or you can try via JS
dojo.query(".dijitTooltip:visible").style("z-index", 'You desired value'); // <1.6
require(["dojo/query","dojo/dom-style"],function(query, domStyle){
domStyle(query(".dijitTooltip:visible"), "z-index", "You desired value");
Not sure if I fully understand your problem. But maybe this will help in changing the z-index of a dojo object programmatically using javascript:
dijit.byId('<Dojo ID of Tooltip>').attr("style","z-index:999");
I would also stay away from altering Tooltip.js.
For dojo 1.10 you could use dom-attr to set/change the style.
The code above will then look like that:
Regards, Miriam
I would recommend using dojo/dom-style for this.
domStyle.set(tooltip.domNode, "zIndex", "999");
Do notice that FireFox will not accept "z-index" as a valid css property name, see Always camelcase the css property name.

bootstrap 3 dropdowns not visible when used inside panel collapse

When using the Split button dropdowns component inside a panel the options is not showing, I tried playing with the z-index but cant get the options to show above the panel edge.
Here is a plunker to demonstrate the problem:
I tried setting the overflow: visible; suggested here but the dropdown still not showing.
Is there some other css or javascript I can apply to help?
For future reference, I ran into this issue and solved it by applying the overflow rule on the .panel class instead of
.panel-group .panel
overflow: visible;
Working fork here:
Delete this div and it works fine:
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion" style="z-index: -1;">
I haven't found an answer yet, but I can suggest going with the "dropup" until a fix is found. I've messed around with both CSS and the bootstrap source and came up with nothing.

videojs - Can someone please provide me with instructions to remove the full screen button

video.js - hello, newbie here, and i'm hoping someone could tell me what code i would need to place in the video-js.css file so that the full screen button does not show ?
have tried some codes I found online, but the button still shows in all browsers.
fingers crossed!
In your css look for the block of CSS marked:
.vjs-fullscreen-control { ... }
.vjs-default-skin .vjs-fullscreen-control { ... }
Within that block add display:none;
instead of display:none; you can use visibility:hidden;
the advantage is that the width of your tool bar remain the same and is correctly displayed.

twitter bootstrap drop down issue

Hi I am using twitter bootstrap for my website. I have put dropdown in collpsable which is in modal window. My problem is the dropdow I have put in collaspable inner, it cutoff the menu. Here is that Image
It should show like this :
I have tried by changing the z-index attribute but unable to show it. Can anybody know what is the problem?
I beleive the css it is using is the .dropdown-menu class whose position is set to absolute. If you change the position to relative it will give you the behavior you desire.
So you could isolate this change in your own .css file so you don't touch the main bootstrap.css file so its easier to update without breaking your styles.
So perhaps something in a custom.css:
.dropdown-menu {
position: relative;

SimpleModal-container positioning

I am still a relative beginner with jquery so any help is gratefully appreciated.
I took the simplemodal function and changed the positioning from fixed to absolute as I wanted the modal box to be able to be scrolled with the background page.
This is causing me a problem as somewhere (I presume in the jscript) the top position is being set so I can't override it in the external css.
Can anyone tell me how I can change the inline css for simplemodal-container?
The following should work:
// replace #foo with your id or element
$('#foo').modal({onShow: function (d) {
// replace '0px' with your value, or remove the property
d.container.css({position: 'absolute', top: '0px'});
Note: This does not work in IE6