Display keyboard in react native - react-native

In html I can make a division or a span editable, similarly is it possible that I can make a View or any other component except Text Input editable in React Native.


How do you move the position of components like text in react native?

I'm coding in React Native and I want to move text positions and images without using bottom, top, left and right. These components only work for my screen only and will align incorrectly on other devices. Can someone show me how to move the components to custom positions on my app?
without seeing your code or how you are using it my first suggestion would be to try and use padding. But here's a list of layout props in React Native https://reactnative.dev/docs/layout-props

How can I use a custom refresh indicator in a FlatList in React Native?

I want to replace the "refresh indicator" that is used in FlatList, etc. inside the RefreshControl. I am aware that there are some minor styling changes you can make with tint and colors to adjust the colors of the spinners on iOS and Android but I want to make my own spinner indicator entirely and disable the native spinners.
Is it possible to either disable the native spinners used during the refresh operation, or to replace them with my own custom spinners?

React Native KeyboardAvoidingView event

There is a way to create a component that run when KeyboardAvoidingView is running. For example, in a screen there are a TextInput (in the bottom like footer) and a Text. When I click in TextInput to edit (KeyboardAvoidingView is enable) I want the Text disappear. I know how can disappear the Text but I should find a way to detect when KeyboardAvoidingView open.

React Native Text Selectable prop not working

I have a Text component which I would like to make selectable. I provided the Text component the selectable prop, however it isn't working. I am pretty sure that it is because I have it nested in a ScrollView and my pressing it is only registering on the scrollview. Any way to get past this?
Can provide a code example if needed.

Is it possible to add onPress event to svg graphic which was loaded from file in React Native?

In my React Native application I need to load a svg graphic from a file and add onPress events to suitable svg elements based on element ids. I want to ask if it is possible in React Native?
To add the svg file I plan to use the solution form react-native-svg (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-svg#use-with-svg-files).