Why is TFS Rest API for fetching the TFVC changesets returning only 256 items? - api

Why is the TFS Rest API for fetching the TFVC changesets returning only 256 items. I tried using the $Top to get more than 256 results. But no use.
The API for getting Git repository commits is working fine.
I am referring to https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/tfvc/changesets
Sample request
I tried without $skip and $searchcriteria.fromdate also. Please help me understand how to get all the results.

I managed to resolve this strange logic (thank you MSFT guys you rock :/).
In my case I want to get all changesets.
1) you need to get first 256 changesets (I used orderby in case of different order in responses):
<projectName>/_apis/tfvc/changesets?$top=256&orderby=id desc&searchCriteria.itemPath=<your_path>&api-version=1.0
2) if you have more then 0 items in response get last value of changesetNumber from response. If 0 - you got all changesets.
3) get next 256 items starting from changesetNumber:
<projectName>/_apis/tfvc/changesets?searchCriteria.toId=<changesetNumber>&$top=256&orderby=id desc&searchCriteria.itemPath=<your_path>&api-version=1.0
You need to skip first changeset (you already have this value) in response.
4) go to Step 2
So you need to replace changesetId with createdDate and searchCriteria.toId with searchCriteria.fromDate.
I hope my solution will help you.
P.S. I was unable to find any feedback on connect website.

Based on #Vitaly comments above, I've implemented the solution in posh here. ALso extracted the script below:
function Get-MaxChangeset($Project, $LastChngset)
$projectUri = "$rootTfsUri/$($Project.name)/_apis/tfvc/changesets?api-version=3.1&`$top=256&orderby=id desc"
$lastchangeset = $LastChngset
if($lastchangeset -ne $null){
$projectUri += "&searchCriteria.toId=$($lastchangeset.changesetId)"
$nestedsubresponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $projectUri -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Get -Verbose -UseBasicParsing
$nestedsubresponseObject = $nestedsubresponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
if($nestedsubresponseObject.count -ge 1)
# exclude false positives.
$lastchangeset = $nestedsubresponseObject.value | `
where-object {
($_.checkedInBy.displayName -notlike "*Project Collection Service Accounts*") } | `
Sort-Object changesetId -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
if( ($lastchangeset -eq $null) -and ($nestedsubresponseObject.count -ge 256) )
# More records to search. Pick the bottom from current list and send it back for next batch api call.
$lastchangeset = $nestedsubresponseObject.value | Sort-Object changesetId | Select-Object -First 1
$lastchangeset = Get-MaxChangeset $Project $lastchangeset
return $lastchangeset
$rootTfsUri = "http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection"
$allProjectsUri = "$rootTfsUri/_apis/projects?api-version=3.1&`$top=256"
$projectStats = #{}
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $allProjectsUri -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Get -Verbose -UseBasicParsing
$responseObject = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
if($responseObject.count -ge 1)
foreach($prj in $responseObject.value)
$lastchangeset = Get-MaxChangeset $prj $null
if($lastchangeset -ne $null)
$projectStats.Add("$($prj.name)", $lastchangeset.createdDate)
$projectStats.Add("$($prj.name)", $lastchangeset)
$projectStats.GetEnumerator() | Export-Csv "CheckInHistory.csv"


Why does the array stop storing when an error happens?

I have been working on the following code that supposedly retrieves all powerbi reports from the server, checks if they have refresh plans, if they dont, it outputs "No refresh pans exist..", and if it does have it, then it outputs refreshplan info like description.
$webPortalURL = "https://server-pbi.domain.com/reports"
$PBI_Reports_Array = #()
$PBI_Reports_Array = $(Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri $($webPortalURL + "/api/v2.0/PowerBIReports"))
$loopCount = 0
$refreshPlanArray = #()
foreach ($reportPath in $PBI_Reports_Array.value.path) {
$refreshPlanArray += $(Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri $($webPortalURL + "/api/v2.0/PowerBIReports(path='" + $reportPath + "')/CacheRefreshPlans"));
write-host "$($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount])" -foregroundcolor magenta; #testing output here to debug
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount].value))) {
write-host "$loopCount | $reportPath | No Refresh Plan Exists for this report!";
else {
write-host "$loopCount | $reportPath | $($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount].value.Description) | $($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount].value.ScheduleDescription)" -foregroundcolor magenta;
i am running into a weird bug. so i have 2 servers/portals, on one of the servers/portals, when i run this script, it retrieves all reports and does exactly what i am expecting it do as described above.
when i thought i finished developing the script, i tested it on production portal/server and it wasnt working as expected!
i debugged for many hours until i think i found whats happening, but idk what to do about it:
basically, the reason why it worked on one server/portal but not the other is because the nonproduction portal/server didnt have this error:
Invoke-RestMethod : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
apparently, before that error happened on the production server/portal where this failed, this line write-host "$($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount])" i added for debugging purposes was printing the following odata contexts up until the error happened!
#{#odata.context=https://server-pbi.domain.com/reports/api/v2.0/$metadata#CacheRefreshPlans; value=System.Object[]}
then when the error occurred after iteration 4, it stopped printing the odata!
why is that?
I figured it out!
$loopCount is the culprit! it has to be inside a try, or the "good" part of the code, otherwise, the array indexing gets messed up with the 404 NULL value
This is the correct code:
$webPortalURL = "https://server-pbi.domain.com/reports"
$PBI_Reports_Array = #()
$PBI_Reports_Array = $(Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri $($webPortalURL + "/api/v2.0/PowerBIReports"))
$loopCount = 0
$refreshPlanArray = #()
foreach ($reportPath in $PBI_Reports_Array.value.path) {
try {
$refreshPlanArray += $(Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri $($webPortalURL + "/api/v2.0/PowerBIReports(path='" + $reportPath + "')/CacheRefreshPlans"));
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount].value))) {
write-host "$loopCount | $reportPath | No Refresh Plan Exists for this report!";
else {
write-host "$loopCount | $reportPath | $($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount].value.Description) | $($refreshPlanArray[$loopCount].value.ScheduleDescription)" -foregroundcolor magenta;
catch {

How to do a web request call to sqlpad?

Hi I have been trying to do a web request call to sqlpad.
I have got the basis of the script to make the connection
Invoke-WebRequest -uri
However when I run the command I get connection 200 showing it has made a connection but how do I use cached cookies or how do I sign into sqlpad using credentials and run query all from using web request.
Sorry I am new to powershell and webrequest so I appreciate all your advice thank you.
That should be doable. You'd need to use sqlpad api. To keep cookies you need to create a session variable when calling signin and reuse it in later calls. To extract query data you'd need to use query-result end point. You need to know connectionId (can lookup at api/connections using browser) and SQL code (query text). Turns out there is no direct way to run query by query name. So you either need to know the sql of the query or you can extract it from /api/queries for specific query
$baseUrl = "http://localhost:39325/api"
$user = "yourEmail"
$password = "yourPassword"
$signinUrl = "$baseUrl/signin?email=$user&password=$password&redirect=false"
# sign in and create session variable $ws
if(!$ws) { $r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $signinUrl -SessionVariable ws -Method Post } else { Write-Host "connected"}
# list of available queries and connections. May need to run this to determine connection id or existing query sql
$QueryList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUrl/queries" -WebSession $ws
$ConnectionList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUrl/connections" -WebSession $ws
Write-Host "Available queries:"
$QueryList.queries | select name, connectionId, queryText | ft -AutoSize
# Execute Query
$params = #{
connectionId = "vhsNXMXCJeI9QlUL" #use $ConnectionList var or just look up on http://localhost:39325/api/connections/
cacheKey = "null" #just some dummy value, parameter is required but it's not really affecting anything
queryName = "test2" #optional
queryText = "select top 15 * from sys.columns" # required
} | ConvertTo-Json
$head = #{'Content-Type'='application/json'}
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUrl/query-result" -Method Post -Body $params -Headers $head -WebSession $ws
$data.queryResult.rows | ft

Powershell if then

I'm having an issue with the if then.
$result = getMachineInfo $rlprddeploy $mdt
"-MachineID- -LastContactAt- -LastIP- -Deployment Receiver Version-"
$machine = $result.MachineID
$result | % { '{0,-10} {1,23} {2,16} {3,20}' -f $_.MachineID, $_.LastContactAt, $_.LastIP, $_.DeploymentReceiverVersion }
#$result | ft -auto
if $_.DeploymentReceiverVersion is less than 5.46.54 then I'm going to send a file to do an update. If the version is 5.55 then nothing needs to be done.
I've been banging my head against this for a week now and I can't figure it out. Every $_.blahblah is information pulled from an SQL table on a server.
We've been sending out updates manually and I'd like to stop that.
PowerShell's If statement can be written just like any C like language:
if ($true) {Write-Host "True Yo" }
That said, you haven't posted exactly what your issues is, so this somewhat generic:
Creating a custom object:
$dep = New-Object psobject -Property #{DeploymentReceiverVersion = "5.000.11"; AppName = "OxenTails" }
Comparing this is going to pose a potential problem:
The version is a string, so the comparison is comparing strings:
$dep.DeploymentReceiverVersion -lt "5.000.12"
gives an expected result, but
$dep.DeploymentReceiverVersion -lt "5.000.101"
does not.
This however could work to compare each set of numbers:
$parts = $dep.DeploymentReceiverVersion.Split('.')
if ([int]$parts[0] -lt 6 -and [int]$parts[1] -lt 001 -and [int]$parts[2] -lt 101) {
#Do Stuff!
Additionally, as pointed out by #TheMadTechnician there is the System.Version type [Version]
It can be used with one of the overload methods:
[Version]::new(parts[0],parts[1], parts[2]) -lt [Version]::new(5,46,54)
Which is marginally more readable.

data refresh enable in cloudapp

Hi im trying to make a power shell script that can automate the enable for the data refresh schedule. can anyone help me with that?
$rs2010 = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "URL HERE" -Namespace
SSRS.ReportingService2010 -UseDefaultCredential;
$rs2010.Timeout = 3600000
$schedules = $rs2010.ListSchedules("URL HERE");
Write-Host "--- Disabled Schedules ---";
Write-Host "----------------------------------- ";
$schedules | WHERE { $_.ScheduleStatename -ne 'Ready' }
**strong text**
i have this that can output disabled schedules. i need help to make a powershell script that can enable the data refresh whenever its turn off.
so i got this code
$rs2010 = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri
"http://url here/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx"
-Namespace SSRS.ReportingService2010 -UseDefaultCredential;
$subscription = $rs2010.ListSubscriptions("http://url here/")
| Where-Object {$_.ScheduleStatename -ne "Ready" } ;
ForEach ($subscription in $subscriptions)
$subscription | select subscriptionid, report, path
but i get this error
Exception calling "EnableDataSource" with "1" argument(s): "The path of the item 'bda17ed4-81a5-40a6-bade-894ecde02373' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long;
other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidItemPathException:

Retrieve calendar items (Outlook API, WebDAV) displaying strange behaviour

We are writing an MS Outlook plugin. To satisfy our business-logic, it should check all appointments between some dates. We are experiencing several problems with retrieving all items from calendars. We tried two options:
Outlook API. We use the standard logic that is described in MSDN - sort items by [Start], set IncludeRecurrences to True and run the Find\Restrict query over calendar items like here. It works fine in our test environment. However, in our customer's environment: For recurring appointments, start and end dates are set to the corresponding dates of a 'master appointment.' For example, in some room's calendar we have a weekly appointment that was created in January, and if we try to find all items in August, we get among others four items of this recurring appointment, but their start and end dates are set to January. But Outlook displays correct dates in the same calendar...
Very bad, but we still have WebDAV! We write a simple test application and try to query all items from the calendar using WebDAV. Of course, we didn't reinvent the wheel and just pasted the code from documentation. The previous problem is solved, but the next one arises: It doesn't return recurring items that were created more than approximately six months ago. I Haven't a clue - there are no parameters restricting 'old' items!
What is wrong? Are we missing something important?
Technical details: Exchange 2003, Outlook 2003-2010. Frankly speaking, the first error disappears if we turn on Cached Exchange Mode, but we can't do that.
var nameSpace = application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
var recepient = nameSpace.CreateRecipient(roomEMail);
var calendar = nameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(recepient, OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar);
var filter = string.Format("[Start]<'{1}' AND [End]>'{0}'",
dateFrom.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), dateTo.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
var allItems = calendar.Items;
allItems.IncludeRecurrences = true;
var _item = allItems.Find(filter);
while (_item != null) {
AppointmentItem item = _item as AppointmentItem;
if (item != null) {
if (item.Subject != "some const")
&& (item.ResponseStatus != OlResponseStatus.olResponseDeclined)
&& (item.MeetingStatus != OlMeetingStatus.olMeetingReceivedAndCanceled
&& item.MeetingStatus != OlMeetingStatus.olMeetingCanceled))
/* Here we copy item to our internal class.
* We need: Subject, Start, End, Organizer, Recipients, MeetingStatus,
* AllDayEvent, IsRecurring, RecurrentState, ResponseStatus,
* GlobalAppointmentID */
_item = allItems.FindNext();
Additional research using OutlookSpy shows that the problem is not in our code - the Start\End dates are incorrect inside the API when Cached Exchange Mode is off. But Outlook developers were aware of it, and they somehow display correct dates in calendars! Does anyone know how?
Answer from Outlook Support Escalation Engineer:
Based on this, I can confirm that this is a problem in our product.
Possible cause:
Sort after setting IncludeRecurrences.
Here is my code of a PowerShell module that retrieves Outlook items between two dates.
And a little applet to check for changes and send an email including the agenda updates, which comes handy when you don't have mobile access to the Exchange.
Path: Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Outlook\expcal.ps1
Function Get-OutlookCalendar
This function returns appointment items from default Outlook profile
This function returns appointment items from the default Outlook profile. It uses the Outlook interop assembly to use the olFolderCalendar enumeration.
It creates a custom object consisting of Subject, Start, Duration, Location
for each appointment item.
Get-OutlookCalendar |
where-object { $_.start -gt [datetime]"5/10/2011" -AND $_.start -lt `
[datetime]"5/17/2011" } | sort-object Duration
Displays subject, start, duration and location for all appointments that
occur between 5/10/11 and 5/17/11 and sorts by duration of the appointment.
The sort is the shortest appointment on top.
NAME: Get-OutlookCalendar
AUTHOR: ed wilson, msft
LASTEDIT: 05/10/2011 08:36:42
KEYWORDS: Microsoft Outlook, Office
HSG: HSG-05-24-2011
#Requires -Version 2.0
echo Starting... Initialize variables
Add-type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook" | out-null
$olFolders = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders" -as [type]
$olCalendarDetail = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlCalendarDetail" -as [type]
echo ... Getting ref to Outlook and Calendar ...
$outlook = new-object -comobject outlook.application
$namespace = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$folder = $namespace.getDefaultFolder($olFolders::olFolderCalendar)
echo ... Calculating dates ...
$now = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 00 -Second 00
echo From $a To $b
echo ... Getting appointments ...
$Appointments = $folder.Items
$Appointments.IncludeRecurrences = $true
echo ... Setting file names ...
$oldfile = "$env:USERPROFILE\outlook-calendar.bak"
echo oldfile: $oldfile
$newfile = "$env:USERPROFILE\outlook-calendar.txt"
echo newfile: $newfile
$calfile = "$env:USERPROFILE\outlook-calendar.ics"
echo calfile: $calfile
echo ... Exporting calendar to $calfile ...
$calendarSharing = $folder.GetCalendarExporter()
$calendarSharing.CalendarDetail = $olCalendarDetail::olFullDetails
$calendarSharing.IncludeWholeCalendar = $false
$calendarSharing.IncludeAttachments = $false
$calendarSharing.IncludePrivateDetails = $true
$calendarSharing.RestrictToWorkingHours = $false
$calendarSharing.StartDate = $now.AddDays(-30)
$calendarSharing.EndDate = $now.AddDays(30)
echo $calendarSharing
echo ... Backing up $newfile into $oldfile ...
if (!(Test-Path $newfile)) {
echo "" |Out-File $newfile
# Backup old export into $oldfile
if (Test-Path $oldfile) {
echo "Deleting old backup file $oldfile"
del $oldfile
echo " ... moving $newfile into $oldfile ... "
move $newfile $oldfile
echo "... Generating text report to file $newfile ..."
$Appointments | Where-object { $_.start -gt $now -AND $_.start -lt $now.AddDays(+7) } |
Select-Object -Property Subject, Start, Duration, Location, IsRecurring, RecurrenceState |
Sort-object Start |
Out-File $newfile -Width 100
echo "... Comparing with previous export for changes ..."
$oldsize = (Get-Item $oldfile).length
$newsize = (Get-Item $newfile).length
if ($oldsize -ne $newsize ) {
echo "!!! Detected calendar change. Sending email..."
$mail = $outlook.CreateItem(0)
#2 = high importance email header
$mail.importance = 2
$mail.subject = $env:computername + “ Outlook Calendar“
$text = Get-Content $newfile | Out-String
$mail.body = “See attached file...“ + $text
#for multiple email, use semi-colon ; to separate
$mail.To = “your-email#your-mail-domain.com“
else {
echo "No changes detected in Calendar!"
} #end function Get-OutlookCalendar
Function Get-OutlookCalendarTest
echo starting...
Add-type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook" | out-null
$olFolders = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders" -as [type]
$outlook = new-object -comobject outlook.application
$namespace = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$folder = $namespace.getDefaultFolder($olFolders::olFolderCalendar)
$a = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 00 -Second 00
$b = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 00 -Second 00).AddDays(7)
echo From $a To $b
$Appointments = $folder.Items
$Appointments.IncludeRecurrences = $true
$Appointments | Where-object { $_.start -gt $a -AND $_.start -lt $b } | Select-Object -Property IsRecurring, RecurrenceState, Subject, Start, Location
} #end function Get-OutlookCalendarTest
This is the code to invoke the PowerShell function in the module:
Path: Documents\WindowsPowerShell\mono.ps1
Import-Module -Name Outlook\expcal.psm1 -Force
#infinite loop for calling connect function
$i = $i +1
Write-Output "Running task Get-OutlookCalendar ($i)"
start-sleep -seconds 300
To run the PowerShell script, use powershell.exe. To run this on startup, a shortcut on "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\":
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\mono.ps1"