Publishing fails after unpublishing - webrtc

In my application I do the following steps:
Publish audio only
Publish audio+video
Publish audio only
At stage 5 it fails with the following error:
index.js:460 OT.Publisher.onPublishingTimeoutonPublishingTimeout #
index.js:460(anonymous function) # index.js:1472 index.js:332
OT.Publisher State Change Failed: 'Failed' cannot transition to
'MediaBound'stateChangeFailed # index.js:332signalChangeFailed #
generate_simple_state_machine.js:38handleInvalidStateChanges #
generate_simple_state_machine.js:55set #
generate_simple_state_machine.js:65onPublishingTimeout #
index.js:477(anonymous function) # index.js:1472 ot_error.js:341
OT.exception :: title: Unable to Publish (1500) msg:
ICEWorkflow_exceptionHandler #
ot_error.js:341OTError.handleJsException #
ot_error.js:412onPublishingTimeout # index.js:493(anonymous function)
# index.js:1472 handle.js:1071 1500 "Session.publish :: Could not
publish in a reasonable amount of time"
I could reproduce this in all devices that were accessible to me at that time:
Chrome on iMac
Firefox on iMac
Chrome on Macbook pro
Chrome on
Android 4.x

I work at TokBox on the OpenTok JS SDK. I believe this is similar to a known bug we have recently fixed and will be shipped in the next version 2.9.
The known bug did not differentiate between audio/video, it was:
Publish audio+video
Publish audio+video
Publish audio+video
And then failure.
I believe the fix for this would also apply to your problem (the same underlying problem causes both).


Missing config.json stencil CLI

I'm trying to do some work for a client, but cannot get their bigcommerce site running locally. I have installed stencil CLI (v3.1.1) and downloaded the theme from the bigcommerce dashboard (all files). from the root of the theme i ran "stencil init", then "npm i" and "stencil start".
when i run stencil start, it throws an error saying there's no config.json file.
this is the error i get
How do i generate the config.json file?
The only config file I see is config.stencil.json.
I have also tried running "stencil pull" in hopes that it would pull the config, but it throws another error: "not ok -- Error: Could not fetch active theme details for channel 1: Request failed with status code 404"
Stencil-cli version:
Node version:
NPM version:
mac big sur
Stencil 3.1.1 has been deprecated for some time now. I believe the current version is 3.8. As of 4 months ago, anything below 3.5 will not run (
If you don't have a config.json file in your project, you will need to get the one from the client's store. Try downloading their theme again. It should come through.
Edit: It is possibly the case that you need a new API token. Try making a new one for your store. Make sure the following scopes are set:
Themes: Modify
Settings & Information: Modify
Sites & Routes: Read-only (or Modify)
Documentation for creating a new API account:

Parsoid: Unexpected Token error and failing to initialize

- # This is the only required parameter,
# the URL of you MediaWiki API endpoint.
uri: ''
On my linux box, I can curl this URL and receive the api data.
Regardless of using the apt-get installation or developer installation (ngm install) both instances give me this error:
{"name":"parsoid","hostname":"","pid":12636,"level":30,"levelPath":"info/service-runner","msg":"master(12636) initializing 2 workers","time":"2019-03-12T03:55:47.504Z","v":0}
{"name":"parsoid","hostname":"","pid":12645,"level":60,"moduleName":"lib/index.js","levelPath":"fatal/service-runner/worker","msg":"Unexpected token ...","time":"2019-03-12T03:55:47.917Z","v":0}
{"name":"parsoid","hostname":"","pid":12636,"level":40,"message":"first worker died during startup, continue startup","worker_pid":12645,"exit_code":1,"startup_attempt":1,"levelPath":"warn/service-runner/master","msg":"first worker died during startup, continue startup","time":"2019-03-12T03:55:48.925Z","v":0}
For context, the hostname here is incorrect and the domain has been removed.
This is my parsoid config:
// Parsoid configuration
$wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid'] = array(
'url' => '',
'forwardCookies' => true
I have tried everything under the hidden voodoo sun to get this thing to work and I'm beyond frustrated. 4 hours spent tinkering with URL links to no avail, so please, if you know anything relating to this error, lend a hand.
Check what Node.JS version you are running with:
nodejs --version
If it is 4.x: That's too old for Parsoid. I had the same situation (Debian 9, still such an old Node.JS version in the repositories..). After upgrading to 10.x it ran fine for me.
I used the following guide (see Install using a PPA) to update to a newer Node.JS release:

calabash-android run app-debug.apk throws exception

I am trying to run calabash-android to test my app, but I get the following error, the same app without any modification was working before I tried to do some modifications, but then I reverted all the modifications to the app :
Exception occurred while dumping:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown package: com.bitbar.testdroid
at android.os.ShellCommand.exec(
at android.os.Binder.shellCommand(
at android.os.Binder.onTransact(
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
And then
Scenario: I can choose a file from the Gallery # features/my_first.feature:3
HTTPClient::KeepAliveDisconnected: Connection reset by peer # io_fillbuf - fd:8 (HTTPClient::KeepAliveDisconnected)
./features/support/app_life_cycle_hooks.rb:5:in `Before'
When I take a screenshot # calabash-android-0.9.0/lib/calabash-android/steps/screenshot_steps.rb:9
Then I take a screenshot # calabash-android-0.9.0/lib/calabash-android/steps/screenshot_steps.rb:9
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/my_first.feature:3 # Scenario: I can choose a file from the Gallery
1 scenario (1 failed)
2 steps (2 skipped)
Exception ScreenShot
I solved the problem by running the build using the gradle task :app:assembleDebug
in the exception above, calabash can't find the package name, because it is on another dex class.
I think in calabash, they may be having problem with multidex projects, and Android Studio will always enable multidex to your app, even if it doesn't need it.
I am not an expert, any suggestion are welcome, and I hope some people can benefit from this answer.

selenium2 for composer install facing with phalcon/incubator error in PHP

I am using window command prompt,When I update composer facing with below error
C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject>composer update
Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommend
ed to update it by running "C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.phar self-
update" to get the latest version.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error
Retrying with degraded mode, check for more info
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Installation request for phalcon/incubator dev-master -> satisfiable by ph
- phalcon/incubator dev-master requires ext-phalcon >=2.0.4 -> the requested
PHP extension phalcon is missing from your system.
The last line should give you a clue: You haven't yet installed PhalconPHP on your system, which is required by the Incubator package.
Also, run a composer self-update as recommended.

Xcode 7 - Cannot open document (storyboard file)

I recently updated to Xcode 7 and as usual something has to go wrong. Its really a shame because I was looking forward to the new features in Xcode 7.
I am faced with a an error which I cannot seem to fix. Every time I try and build the project I get the following error:
I thought there was something wrong with my project, so I made a new Single View application and I still get the same error.
I have tried the following things but none of them has worked for me:
Restart Xcode (Didn't work).
Clean and rebuild project (Didn't work).
Restart Mac (Didn't work).
Reinstall Xcode 7 from the Mac App Store (Didn't work).
Installed Xcode 7 on a different Mac (Still got the same issue, even with a new Xcode project).
I tried the solution in this Stack Overflow question: - But alas it did not work.
Finally, I tried the following Terminal command with no avail: $ sudo killall -9 ibtoold
Is anyone else having this issue with Xcode 7.0? And if so, have you managed to come with any other solutions? I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works.
Lastly, below is a copy of the error Log:
2015-09-18 21:09:28.416 ibtoold[1598:39510] [MT] IBPlatformTool: ***
Failed to launch tool with description
System content
1x for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater w/ default fidelity: Failed
to find or create execution context for description
System content
1x for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater w/ default fidelity: Failed
to find a suitable device for the type SimDeviceType : with runtime SimRuntime :
9.0 (13A340) - (Failure reason: Failed to create SimDeviceSet at path
/Users/daniel/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/IB Support/Simulator
Devices. You'll want to check the logs in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator
to see why creating the SimDeviceSet failed.) 2015-09-18 21:09:38.290
ibtoold[1598:39510] [MT] IBPlatformTool: Wrote failed marshalling
request diagnostics to path:
/* */ /Users/daniel/Desktop/DS
error: Could not open document
Recovery Suggestion: Failed to connect with the iOS agent. Please file a bug report at and attach a zip file of the
diagnostics located at
Underlying Errors:
Description: Failed to find or create execution context for description
System content 1x for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater w/ default
Underlying Errors:
Description: Failed to find a suitable device for the type SimDeviceType : with
runtime SimRuntime : 9.0 (13A340) -
Failure Reason: Failed to create SimDeviceSet at path /Users/daniel/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/IB Support/Simulator
Devices. You'll want to check the logs in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator
to see why creating the SimDeviceSet failed.
Thanks for your time, Dan.
Well thanks to the community for all there help..... not.
In the end I got it working by simply upgrading to OS X El Capitan and Xcode 7.0.1.
One thing I would point out though, is that when I was looking through the Xcode app files, some of them were corrupted and when I updated to Xcode 7.0.1 this issue was not fixed. So before installing OS X El Capitan, I deleted the following:
Xcode 7.0.1 app
Library/Developer folder
Macintosh HD/Library/Developer folder
I then installed OS X El Capitan and then installed Xcode 7.0.1 and now everything works fine.
I hope this helps anyone else who is experiencing the same issue.