How to serve ionic app with https? - ssl

Running ionic serve (ionic serve --lab) allows to run the app on http://localhost:8100/ionic-lab
Trying to access https://localhost:8100/ionic-lab results in:
SSL connection error
Is there a way to run the app on https?
I followed the instructions from the link to overcome SSL error, but couldn't figure out how to use it with ionic (i.e. I don't know how to use cert.pem & key.pem files while starting the server with the command ionic serve --lab)

use --ssl option:
ionic serve --lab --ssl

Have you tried the steps from the official Github issues thread?
To create a self signed cert and run it with a go proxy script


How to launch a composer project into production?

I am using Stripe's subscription use case code exampe ( with php-slim, and composer, and vanillajs as the front-end.
I am wondering how to start a composer project into production. By default, Stripe uses this composer.json file which has the following line:
"scripts": {
"start": "php -S index.php"
I'm running the project on a remote server hosted in AWS, so I cannot just open the browser and go to I need it to run on the Apache server so I can access it remotely via port 80 or 443. How do I do this?
Note: Sorry for the noob question, I have been googling but I haven't been able to find the answer to this.

Unable to trust ASP.NET SSL dev certificate

I have been going around and around with this issue. I can create a dev-cert using dotnet dev-certs https --trust but the certificate only appears in the Personal certificates folder. If I try copying it to the Trusted folder it disappears on refresh. I have watched videos of people doing this on YouTube and it works so I'm not sure what is wrong with my PC/install.
Running my code and hitting the route in Postman returns a 500 error and UntrustedRoot.
I have tried this using a local user account and my admin account. I have also tried creating a certificate and importing it using OpenSSL following guides I have found, but still no luck.
I am running Windows 10 Pro on a new build PC. Windows was a clean install with a new licence.
I really don't want to have to purchase a signed certificate just to do development on localhost as that seems a bit overkill.
Any suggestions?
tl;dr try disabling your anti-virus before creating certificate!
I finally stumbled upon the answer; my anti-virus, WebRoot. I was following a YouTube tutorial on how to add a custom certificate to Kestrel and in doing so I discovered that WebRoot was blocking access to the hosts file. Disabling the av allowed me to update that file but also, it then allowed trusting of the dev-cert generated by dotnet dev-certs https --trust.
Not sure how I can prevent this in future other than temporarily disable the av before creating a certificate. Frustrating that the av doesn't warn me and there doesn't appear to be an obvious setting to allow this to happen.

Error when uploading video to YouTube with cURL and API v3

I'm trying to upload video to YouTube with cURL and API v3. Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error message:
"curl: (1) SSL is disabled, https: not supported"
What does it mean and what can I do to fix it?
The error message "curl: (1) SSL is disabled, https: not supported" means that the instance of curl/libcurl that you're using was built without support for this protocol.
This could've happened if the configure script that was run at build time couldn't find all libs and include files curl requires for SSL to work. If the configure script fails to find them, curl is simply built without SSL support.
To get the https:// support into a curl that was previously built but that reports that https:// is not supported, you should dig through the logs and check out why the configure script doesn't find the SSL libs and/or include files. This may be because of several reasons, e.g. native linker doesn't find openssl or only the libssl lib is missing.
Try to re-compile cURL with SSL support (something like: ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/bin/openssl) to see if it helps to resolve the issue.

OpenSSL error when authenticating user for DocusignAPI

We are trying to use composite templates (fillable PDFs) and embedded signing using the REST API. We are using the docusign_rest gem in conjuction with our custom code to create composite templates and embedded signing. The docusign_rest gem is used for authentication and is giving the following error:
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed)
On the local dev machine, we simply provided path to a certificate file at the time of starting the dev server, but on a remote machine this is not feasible.
Is it possible to skip the SSL check for a demo purpose? This SO link seems to suggest that it is possible. If yes, then how can we achieve that?
If not, then is there a quick way to fix it or do we have to install SSL certificates and configure the server to read those?
We are using ruby 1.9.3 , rails 3.2.11 and Apache2 (so that would mean enabling the SSL module).
I believe for demo ( you can use https OR http. What happens if you simply use http? Does that resolve your SSL error?
In either case, you'll eventually need to resolve this though because for production ( you need to use https. The problem is most likely in your Ruby code or with your certificate. For testing purposes I'd try making a cURL request through the command line to see if that works.
See here for some examples of making DocuSign REST API calls using cURL

Heroku SSL certificate: change default email address

I am trying to add an SSL certificate which I just bought to my custom domain heroku app. Right now I have CNAME'd to
I am going through this article:
and I have reached the point of add your SSL add-on.
But it adds it to the wrong app. It adds it to one of my previous apps on a previous account which is now deleted. How do I tell it to add it to my app. When I run heroku apps it only lists one, which is the correct one.
alex#alex-ThinkPad-T410:~$ heroku addons:add ssl:endpoint
Adding ssl:endpoint to sharp-leaf-1669... failed
! App not found
You need add the app name after the command,
like this:
$ heroku addons:add ssl:endpoint --app tradespring