NSURLConnection is not building connection using AFNetworking/CocoaPods due to incompatibility [Old version of iOS] - objective-c

First of all, let me tell you that I'm using xcode 4.6.3 and iOS 6.1. I have been trying to build connection using AFNetworking or CocoaPods. it throws errors due to backward compatibility issues. Current error is xctest/xctest.h Is there any way out to this problem? I'm highly confused on this. Any help would be appreciated.

What version of AFNetworking you are using -
AFNetworking 3.0 is the latest major release of AFNetworking, a delightful networking library for iOS & Mac OS X. To keep this library maintainable moving forward, 3.0 removes all support for the now deprecated NSURLConnection based APIs.
I hope this will help.


GameCenter authentication compatibility issue in iOS 4, 5, and 6

currently I'm in the stage where I'll be integrating GameCenter into my games.
I saw these 2 authentication methods in the documentation
authenticateWithCompletionHandler: (Deprecated in iOS 6.0)
My question is, which one should I use?
Because my games will be supported by the minimum iOS which is 4.3 and up until 6.0
If I use authenticateWithCompletionHandler: , it says will be deprecated in iOS 6.0
If I use authenticateHandler property, I wonder does iOS 4.x and 5.x able to run it?
Hope someone can explain to me, I'm confused by the compatibility now :(
Usually it is safe to use deprecated methods if you want to support older devices or iOS versions. It does not mean that the function is removed anytime soon... It's just a hint that a better or newer version of the function is available.
If the new function offers something the old don't, you could check if the function is available at runtime (respondsToSelector) and if not use the old one.

How to install protocol buffers with Objective C/iOS 5 SDK?

Does anyone know how to get protocol buffers working with the most recent version of the iOS SDK?
I tried the instructions given here: http://code.google.com/p/metasyntactic/wiki/ProtocolBuffers
I have successfully installed 'protoc' and have also successfully compiled Objective-C output files using it, but the project that it tells you to list as a dependency is outdated and I get errors when I try to build my app.
Alternatively then, does anyone know to make the project compatible with the most recent version of the SDK?
You can find the related IOS 5 arc enabled port if metasyntactic protobuf
Although I am having difficulties with the generated code (repeated type fields won't compile, at least for me), it might be a starting point for you.

What version of Xcode should I be using?

My app is fairly close to being submitted for approval. I would like to make sure I am using the most current version of Xcode that I can. My Mac's operation system is Mac OS X Version 10.6.8 and I am using Xcode Version 3.2.3. I have seen that there are Versions 4.0 and 4.1 for Xcode. Should I be using one of these, or am I good to go?
Both Xcode 3.2 and 4.0 are supported on Snow Leopard. You can use any of them. Since you already use 3.2 I would recommend that you keep using that version until you find a good time to update to the 4.x series.
It is however a good idea to update to the latest version of Xcode 3.2, which is currently 3.2.6. That way you get the latest bug fixes and updates while staying on the 3.2 branch.
I highly recommend Xcode 4. You'll want to upgrade to it eventually anyway. Also, it makes it much easier to package up an app and submit it to the App Store. Just make sure you keep your Xcode 3, in case you need it - see here: Can I run Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 at the same time?

Reachability - earlier versions

I would alert the user when the connection with a web server is lost. I think the Apple Reachability class could solve my problem, but I would build for ios < 4.
So, my question is: where could I find earlier version of reachability?
Is it possible to build for ios < 4 with reachability ver 2.1?
yes, why not, I think the Reachability code does not change much, you just need to select your build deployment target to the earlier version, keeping the base SDK to the latest one, and you are fine.

Are XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter fully implemented in Mono project?

I'm working on a cross-platform solution currently. The solution uses XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter from .NET framework 3.0.
Now i need to know if these two classes (and all the nessasary infrastructure around them) are fully supported in Mono project from the porting-it-to-linux point of view. :)
You can check it on the mono status:
You can also check your code using the mono migration analyser
I checked they are currently not implemented
The APIs are available on the current Mono 2.6 preview, but they are not available on the 2.4 release (the current official release).