zIndex and pagingEnabled property not working on React Native Android Build - react-native

I'm having trouble with my android react-native app. I upgraded to 0.29.1 v to have some new features like, zIndex on Image component and pagingEnabled prop on Scroll View Component. I did a react-native upgrade , but these new features that where recently added to the 0.29 spec are not working on my android version (Working Properly on iOS atm).
How do i make sure my my android app is running the latest version. My app.iml also says its on react-native 0.29.1, and my package.json also indicates ^0.29.0. Am I missing something?

zIndex was only added for iOS in 0.29
Implement CSS z-index for iOS (d64368b) - #nicklockwood
In 0.30 it shows up again but this time not under a specific OS and the notes specify Android was tested. I would suspect that it should begin working on Android once 0.30 drops and you upgrade to that. As for pagingEnabled I don't see that in the release notes anywhere so I am not sure what is going on there.


How to use 2 version of npm package in a React Native App?

In my React Native App, I'm using the React Native Track Player package with version: `"react-native-track-player": "1.1.4". This version has a bug on iOS which mentioned in this link: App freezes when buffering a new track
I've upgraded to higher version, but unfortunately, they are not compatible with my "react-native-video": "^4.4.5", I can not build app on Android, just the track-player: 1.1.4 work with it.
So I think I need to implement something like 2 version of "react-native-track-player", on Android is: "1.1.4" and iOS is "1.1.8". Is there anyway to do that ?

#react-native-community/segmented-control fails on iOS. How can I get over this issue?

I'm trying to create an app with React Native and Expo (latest versions). I want to use this package, but I get into trouble when I am testing the component on iOs. The package is recommended by react-native official documentation. The main example from git is working perfectly on Android, but on iOS "View config not found for name RNC Segmented Control".
I've created a snack that also reproduces the error here: https://snack.expo.io/#ivy.mihai/94f0cf
The issue was actually caused by the SDK version that I had used. I've updated the SDK version and it worked on both platforms.

setting up flipper but ios android folders are missing (RN 62.2, Expo 37)

I think I saw in a documentation somewhere that they had merged android and ios folder into one and it's now all in index.js file but maybe I dreamed it because I can't find it. I'm trying to setup flipper on my RN project and it's on v62.2 & expo v37 but they are no android or ios folder which is why I am so confused. My project is fully running both on ios and android.
How could I setup flipper if these folders are gone?
Didn't expo or RN merge the android & ios folder into the index.js?
If they are merged then how can I setup flipper?
Edit: So are they any alternative to flipper for layout debugging?
Flipper requires you to update for iOS: the podfile and the AppDelegate, for Android: the build.gradle and the MainApplication.
This is manipulating native code. Expo does not allow you to manipulate native code as it is abstracted away from you. To see what the differences between Expo and a "pure" react-native project I suggest reading the answers to this SO question as it should clear up some of your misconceptions.
As Flipper has just been released it is unlikely that these native modifications will be in the current Expo SDK. The Expo 37 SDK uses React Native 0.61 internally which means as this is a feature of react-native 0.62.0 it will not be available in 0.61.0.
To get Flipper working in a current Expo project you would either have to eject and then follow the instructions on the Flipper website for setting it up, or wait for Flipper to be added to the Expo SDK (which could be expedited by adding a feature request.

How to navigate from one page to another in UWP using react native?

I am new to react native with UWP, I installed react native windows and initialized a new project. The project contains the IOS, Android and windows folder. In the windows folder, it has a visual studio solution. When I run the App it opened me to a welcome screen. Now I want to create 2 page in UWP and navigate from one to another. I searched for it but I couldn't find any docs or tutorials. If someone knows where to find a tutorial on this plz help me.
I have tried to Develop the react-native app for Android,iOS and windows UWP also. I tried with react-navigation versions 3x and 4x. But its not working, because of react-native-gesture-handler. So i downgrade my react-navigation version as 2.18.3 in react-native version 0.59.10. Now its working fine for me. For react-navigation below 3x no need react-native-gesture-handler.
You can use the same navigation provided by React-Native official docs. Or else you can use react-navigation package.

React native layout not changing as expected after rotation orientation change on iOS

When I start a new React Native project on a Mac with the latest versions XCode and React Native as follows:
react-native init TestApp
cd TestApp
react-native run-iso
react-native --version
react-native-cli: 1.0.0
react-native: 0.32.0
the app launches correctly in the iOS simulator in portrait and looks as expected.
However, when rotating the orientation by selecting from the menu Hardware --> Rotate Left the text is no longer centered and is cut off.
I have tried a few other tests with flexbox and see similar behavior when rotating on iOS. I also tried resetting the iOS emulator contents and settings using Simulator --> Reset Contents and Settings but I still see the same issue.
I launched a new app using the same procedure on Mac for iOS on another machine running the previous version of React Native (0.31) and it works as expected and responds normally when the orientation is changed.
In both, 0.32 and 0.31 everything displays correctly on an Android app running in the simulator.
I am unclear if this is a misconfiguration on my desktop or if there is an issue in React Native 0.32.