SQL Server conditional query for a master detail query result - sql

I have this question. Let's see the query:
END AS State
Document D
DocumentVersion V ON D.IdDocument = V.IdDocumentVersion
This is a typical master-detail table (Document-DocumentVersion). A Document can have one or more DocumentVersions or none. A DocumentVersion state can be PUBLISHED or UNPUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED one DocumentVersion can exist just once for a Document (this is controlled by application), but there can exist many UNPUBLISHED, or all DocumentVersions are UNPUBLISHED. NOT PUBLISHED doesn't exist, it's just a word in the query result when there's no DocumentVersion record for a Document, that's the reason for the LEFT JOIN.
So my question is: how can I make the query accomplish the next rules?
If a DocumentVersion state is PUB, ignore the others, I mean don't show the UNP ones in the query result for this Document
If a DocumentVersion state is UNP (and here can be many UNP), then show only the one with the highest date of Unpublish (DocumentVersion table has a UnPublishDate column), this rule applies just when there's no PUB DocumentVersion for the document
I would appreciate any help you can give me, thanks guys.

select *
from Document D
left outer join
(select *,
row_number()over(partition by IdDocumentVersion order by state asc, UnPublishDate desc) as row
from DocumentVersion) V
on D.IdDocument = V.IdDocumentVersion
and V.row = 1
State asc is a bit of a hack by the way that just happens to work in this case. You might want to be more explicit with a 'case when' (see Gordon's answer).

This is a prioritization query. You can do it using row_number() or rank():
select d.*, dv.*
from d left join
(select dv.*,
row_number() over (partition by dv.IdDocument
order by (case when dv.state = 'PUB' then 1
when dv.state = 'UNP' then 2
else 3
) as seqnum
from documentversion dv
) dv
on dv.IdDocument = d.IdDocument and
seqnum = 1;
Note: I don't think the join condition is correct in your question.


SQL Most Recent Register FROM Second Table by Id

I have 2 tables (Opportunity and Stage). I need to get each opportunity with the most recent stage by StageTypeId.
Opportunity: Id, etc
Stage: Id, CreatedOn, OpportunityId, StageTypeId.
Let's suppose I have "opportunity1" and "opportunity2" each one with many Stages added.
By passing the StageTypeId I need to get the opportunity which has this StageTypeId as most recent.
I'm trying the following query but it´s replicating the same Stage for all the Opportunities.
It seems that it's ignoring this line: "AND {Stage}.[OpportunityId] = ID"
SELECT {Opportunity}.[Id] ID,
SELECT {Stage}.[StageTypeId]
FROM {Stage}
WHERE {Stage}.[StageTypeId] = #StageTypeId
AND {Stage}.[OpportunityId] = ID
ORDER BY {Stage}.[CreatedOn] DESC
WHERE ROWNUM = 1) AS StageTypeId
FROM {Opportunity}
LEFT JOIN {Contact}
ON {Opportunity}.[ContactId] = {Contact}.[Id]
Thank you
Most of DBMS support fetch first clause So, you can do :
select o.*
from Opportunity o
where o.StageTypeId = (select s.StageTypeId
from Stage s
where s.OpportunityId = o.id
order by s.CreatedOn desc
fetch first 1 rows only
you can try below way all dbms will support
select TT*. ,o*. from
select s1.OpportunityId,t.StageTypeId from Stage s1 inner join
(select StageTypeId,max(CreatedOn) as createdate Stage s
group by StageTypeId
) t
on s1.StageTypeId=t.StageTypeId and s1.CreatedOn=t.createdate
) as TT inner join Opportunity o on TT.OpportunityId=o.id

SQL Correlation error using OVER & PARTITION in SELECT statement

I am getting the following error when I am trying to execute my SQL SELECT statement
Could not execute statement.
Correllation name 'contact' not found
SQLCODE=-142, ODBC 3 State"42S02"
Line 1, Column 1
My code is as follows
Select forename, surname, email, quotedate
From ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tblQuote.contno ORDER BY quoteno DESC) AS rn
FROM dba.quotehdr as tblQuote left join dba.contact as tblContact on tblQuote.contno = tblContact.contno)q
where rn = 1 and quotedate <=today()-720 and emailbounced = 0 and email is not null and dba.contact.statusflag = 'A'
order by quotedate desc
This error only happended when I added in
dba.contact.statusflag = 'A'
I have tried this as
tblContact.statusflag = 'A'
and I get the same error!
Any suggestions?
(What about q.statusflag = 'A' , as it seems you are using q as an Alias.) This original answer is not correct, amended to:
#Shannon Severance is correct in his comment. You are trying to use the Where clause on the outer query - which does not contain any fields from the contact table. Let me tidy your query to help you see your subquery (q) - as:
, quotedate
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tblQuote.contno ORDER BY quoteno DESC) AS rn
FROM dba.quotehdr as tblQuote
left join dba.contact as tblContact on tblQuote.contno = tblContact.contno
) q
left join dba.contact as tblContact on q.contno = tblContact.contno
where rn = 1
and quotedate <=today()-720
and emailbounced = 0
and email is not null
and tblContact.statusflag = 'A' -- Now sourced from last left join
order by quotedate desc
You will need another LEFT JOIN on the dba.contact table to be able to access this field (ADDED NOW as an example).
Also, depending on your database engine - if your field is duplicated in both tables, the SELECT * in a subquery may eject those fields, or rename them, or throw an error. Run your inner subquery by itself and see what it produces, or use explicit field name instead of *
(I still really think your * in the subquery is causing the error and also the confusion. Remove it and replace with table.field names - this will help you understand what is going wrong ...Otherwise your query logic is pretty fine, and adding the extra left join that I suggest is overkill)

Providing Language FallBack In A SQL Select Statement

I have a table that represents an Object. It has many columns but also fields that require language support.
For simplicity let's say I have 3 tables:
MainObjectTable has a PK int called ID, and both LanguageDependantTables have a foreign key link back to the MainObjectTable along with a language code and the date they were added.
I've created a stored procedure that accepts the MainObjectTable ID and a Language. It will return a single row containing the most recent items from the language tables. The select statement looks like
(SELECT TOP 1 LanguageDependantField1.Description
FROM LanguageDependantField1
WHERE LanguageDependantField1.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND LanguageDependantField1.Language_ID = #language
LanguageDependantField1.[Default], LanguageDependantField1.CreatedDate DESC) LanguageDependantField1
(SELECT TOP 1 LanguageDependantField2.SomeOtherText
FROM LanguageDependantField2
WHERE LanguageDependantField2.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND LanguageDependantField2.Language_ID = #language
LanguageDependantField2.[Default] DESC, LanguageDependantField2.CreatedDate DESC) LanguageDependantField2
MainObjectTable.ID = #MainObjectTableID
What I want to add is the ability to fallback to a default language if a row isn't found in the specified language. Let's say we use "German" as the selected language. Is it possible to return an English row from LanguageDependantField1 if the German does not exist presuming we have #fallbackLanguageID
Also am I right to use OUTER APPLY in this scenario or should I be using JOIN?
Many thanks for your help.
Try this:
SELECT MainObjectTable.VariousColumns,
COALESCE(PrefLang.Description,Fallback.Description,'Not Found Desc')
as Description,
COALESCE(PrefLang.SomeOtherText,FallBack.SomeOtherText,'Not found')
as SomeOtherText
FROM MainObjectTable
(SELECT TOP 1 pl.Description,pl.SomeOtherText
FROM LanguageDependantField1 pl
WHERE pl.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND pl.Language_ID = #language
pl.[Default], pl.CreatedDate DESC)
PrefLang ON 1=1
(SELECT TOP 1 fb.Description,fb.SomeOtherText
FROM LanguageDependantField1 fb
WHERE fb.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND fb.Language_ID = #fallbackLanguageID
fb.[Default], fb.CreatedDate DESC)
Fallback ON 1=1
MainObjectTable.ID = #MainObjectTableID
Basically, make two queries, one to the preferred language and one to English (Default). Use the LEFT JOIN, so if the first one isn't found, the second query is used...
I don't have your actual tables, so there might be a syntax error in above, but hope it gives you the concept you want to try...
Yes, the use of Outer Apply is correct if you want to correlate the MainObjectTable table rows to the inner queries. You cannot use Joins with references in the derived table to the outer table. If you wanted to use Joins, you would need to include the joining column(s) and in this case pre-filter the results. Here is what that might look like:
With RankedLanguages As
Select LDF1.MainObjectTable_ID, LDF1.Language_ID, LDF1.Description, LDF1.SomeOtherText, ...
, Row_Number() Over ( Partition By LDF1.MainObjectTable_ID, LDF1.Language_ID
Order By LDF1.[Default] Desc, LDF1.CreatedDate Desc ) As Rnk
From LanguageDependantField1 As LDF1
Where LDF1.Language_ID In( #languageId, #defaultLanguageId )
Select M.VariousColumns
, Coalesce( SpecificLDF.Description, DefaultLDF.Description ) As Description
, Coalesce( SpecificLDF.SomeOtherText, DefaultLDF.SomeOtherText ) As SomeOtherText
, ...
From MainObjectTable As M
Left Join RankedLanguages As SpecificLDF
On SpecificLDF.MainObjectTable_ID = M.ID
And SpecifcLDF.Language_ID = #languageId
And SpecifcLDF.Rnk = 1
Left Join RankedLanguages As DefaultLDF
On DefaultLDF.MainObjectTable_ID = M.ID
And DefaultLDF.Language_ID = #defaultLanguageId
And DefaultLDF.Rnk = 1
Where M.ID = #MainObjectTableID

Eliminating "not in" for SQL command

I would like to take a sample of an Oracle table, but not include entries from another table. I have a query that currently works, but I'm pretty sure it will blow-up when the sub-select gets more than 1000 records.
select user_key from users sample(5)
where active_flag = 'Y'
and user_key not in (
select user_key from user_validation where validation_state <> 'expired'
How could this be re-written without the not in. I thought of using minus, but then my sample size would keep going down as new entries were added to the user_validation table.
You can do this with a left outer join:
select *
from (select u.user_key,
count(*) over () as numrecs
from users u left outer join
user_validation uv
on u.user_key = uv.user_key and
uv.validation_state <> 'expired'
where u.active_flag = 'Y' and uv.user_key is null
) t
where rownum <= numrecs * 0.05
You are using the sample clause. It is not clear if you just want the non-matches in the 5% you choose or if you want 5% of the data that is non-matches. This is the latter.
EDIT: Added example based on author's comment:
select user_key from (
select u.user_key, row_number() over (order by dbms_random.value) as randval
from users u
left outer join user_validation uv
on u.user_key = uv.user_key
and uv.validation_state <> 'expired'
where u.active_flag = 'Y'
and uv.user_key is null
) myrandomjoin where randval <=100;
select us.user_key
from users us -- sample(5)
where us.active_flag = 'Y'
from user_validation nx
where nx.user_key = us.user_key
AND nx.validation_state <> 'expired'
BTW: I commented-out the sample(5) because I don't know what it means. (I strongly believe that it is not relevant, though)
select u.user_key from users u, user_validation uv
where u.active_flag = 'Y'
and u.user_key=uv.user_key
uv.validation_state= 'expired';
This was a double negation query, x not in list of non expired ids, which is equivalent to x is in the list of expired IDs, which is what I did, in addition to changing the subquery to a join.

Join two tables, only use latest value of right table

I am trying to join 2 tables, but only join with the latest record in a group of records.
The left table:
The right table:
The revision number starts at "A" and increases.
I would like to join the 2 tables by PartNum, but only join with the latest record from right table. I have seen other examples on SO but an having a hard time putting it all together.
I found out the first revision number is "New", then it increments A,B,... It will never be more than one or two revisions, so I am not worried about going over the sequence. But how do I choose the latest one with 'New' being the first revision number?
If SQL Server 2005+
SELECT Partnum, Formula, RevisionNum,
CASE WHEN RevisionNum ='New' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END)
FROM dbo.Material
SELECT p.PartNum, m.Formula, m.RevisionNum
FROM dbo.Parts AS p
INNER JOIN m ON p.PartNum = m.PartNum
WHERE m.rn = 1;
Though curious, what do you do when there are more than 26 revisions (e.g. what comes after Z)?
A general SQL statement that would run this would be:
select P.PartNum, M.Formula, M.RevisionNum
from Parts P
join Material M on P.PartNum = M.PartNum
where M.RevisionNum = (select max(M2.RevisionNum) from Material M2
where M2.PartNum = P.PartNum);
Repeating the above caveats about what happens after Revision #26. The max(RevisionNum) may break depending upon what happens after #26.
If RevisionNum sequence always starts w/ NEW and then continues, A, B, C, etc., then the max() needs to be replaced w/ something more complicated (and messy):
select P.PartNum, M.RevisionNum
from Parts P
join Material M on P.PartNum = M.PartNum
where (
(select count(*) from Material M2
where M2.PartNum = P.PartNum) > 1
and M.RevisionNum = (select max(M3.RevisionNum) from Material M3
where M3.PartNum = P.PartNum and M3.RevisionNum <> 'NEW')
or (
(select count(*) from Material M4
where M4.PartNum = P.PartNum) = 1
and M.RevisionNum = 'NEW'
There must be a better way to do this. This works though -- will have to think about a faster solution.
SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/70c19/3
SQL Server 2005+ as well:
Updated to handle OPs changing requirements
FROM Material AS M
WHERE M.Partnum = P.PartNum
M.RevisionNum DESC
) AS M