Moving Ranges in excel VBA - vba

I need to be able to tell if a certain range of 20 cells has content, if so then move to the next 20 cells directly in the range below. Example(Sue-do): If Range(A1-B10) has items, then move to range (A11-B20). There can only be a max of 20 ranges(so 400 cells). I have code that populates these cells, but it overwrites if more than 1 item is chose to collect data from.

I think you want something like that:
dim Emptiness as boolean
dim MyRange as range, Cell1 as range
dim i as integer, j as integer
set myrange=range("A1:B10")
for i=0 to 19
set myrange=myrange.offset(j,0)
for each cell1 in myrange
if isempty(cell1)=false then
exit for
next cell1
if emptiness=true then
'your code that populates
next i

you could try this
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim i As Long
With Worksheets("mySheet").Range("A1:B20") <--| change "MySheet" with your actual sheet name and "A1:B20" with your actual "initial" range
For i = 0 To 19
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Offset(i * 20)) = 0 Then
' code to populate
' remember that ".Offset(i * 20)" will return the found 20-rows-2-columns range with no data
Exit For
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub


VBA macro to fill in cell based on 2 different fields that match to a list of values

I have a Button I want to assign a macro to that, when clicked, enters in the number 1 into a specific cell on another sheet within the same workbook. This macro needs to a) match the value in cell B8 to a range of values in another sheet column (G11:G110) and also b) match the value in cell C4 to a range of values in another sheet rows (L4:FR4).
So if the value in B8 = 01234 it will do a vlookup type function on G11:G110. Once it finds its match, it then looks at the value in C4 = "Application" and finds it match in L4:FR4. I should note that there are no duplicate values in any field and the values in L4:FR4 are static, whereas the values in cells G11:G110 change upon refresh.
I have tried Select Case, If...And...Then... and the only thing I got to work was simply saying
If B8 = G11 Then blah blah L11
If B8 = G12 Then blah blah L12
Sub RectangleRoundedCorners1_Click()
Dim sourceSht As Worksheet: Set sourceSht = DataEntry
Dim destSht As Worksheet: Set destSht = Labels
Dim Selection As Range: Set Selection = DataEntry.Range("C5")' This is the # 1 I was talking about'
Dim Acct As Range: Set Acct = DataEntry.Range("B8")
Dim SpecErr As Range: Set SpecErr = DataEntry.Range("C4")
If (SpecErr.Value = Labels.Range("L4")) And (Acct.Value = Labels.Range("G11")) Then
Selection.Copy Destination:=Labels.Range("L11")
End If
If (SpecErr.Value = Labels.Range("M4")) And (Acct.Value = Labels.Range("G11")) Then
Selection.Copy Destination:=Labels.Range("M11")
End If
End Sub
I ran out of space in the code doing it like this, as I need to go from L4 to FR4, and then do this 100 times by adjusting G11 to G12 & L11 to L12 etc.
The sheet holding the main data and Button I called DataEntry, and the sheet that I need to lookup on and have the 1 entered on is called Labels.
I think this is what you need - you can just loop through all the columns (in your case, 12 to 175 represent L to FR), and then loop through rows 11 to 110. Once you get a match, the destination cell is the corresponding column and row to i and j:
Sub RectangleRoundedCorners1_Click()
Dim sourceSht As Worksheet: Set sourceSht = DataEntry
Dim destSht As Worksheet: Set destSht = Labels
Dim Selection As Range: Set Selection = DataEntry.Range("C5") ' This is the # 1 I was talking about'
Dim Acct As Range: Set Acct = DataEntry.Range("B8")
Dim SpecErr As Range: Set SpecErr = DataEntry.Range("C4")
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 12 To 175 'L to FR
For j = 11 To 110
If SpecErr.Value = Labels.Cells(4, i) And Acct.Value = Labels.Cells(j, 7) Then
Selection.Copy Destination:=Labels.Cells(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Does this have to be VBA? You could do this with a formula. In sheet 'Labels' cell L11, use this formula and copy over and down:
If it must be VBA, then this can be done basically as a one-liner:
Sub RectangleRoundedCorners1_Click()
On Error Resume Next 'Ignore errors if any fields are not filled out
Sheets("Labels").Cells(Evaluate("MATCH(DataEntry!$B$8,Labels!$G:$G,0)"), Evaluate("MATCH(DataEntry!$B$4,Labels!$4:$4,0)")).Value = Sheets("DataEntry").Range("B5").Value
On Error GoTo 0 'Clear "On Error Resume Next" condition
End Sub

Review my simple VBA script with built-in Excel function

Suppose that I have Excel file consists of four worksheets, lets name them as 1, 2, 3 and 4. I want to evaluate a sum of all values from the cells AK10, AK25, AK40 and so on till AK160 on the worksheet 4 and then place it in the cell G23 of worksheet 2.
Here is my macro that I assign to worksheet 2:
Sub sum_up()
Dim i As Integer, s As Integer
s = 0
For i = 0 To 10
s = WorksheetFunction.Sum(s, Worksheets("4").Range("AK(10 + 15 * i)"))
Next i
Range("G23").Value = "s"
End Sub
It ends up with 400 error. What am I doing wrong?
Sub sum_up()
Dim i As Long, s As Long
s = 0
For i = 0 To 10
s = s + Worksheets("4").Cells(10 + 15 * i, "AK").Value
Next i
Range("G23").Value = s
End Sub
I'll take a crack at this - I'd really use a lot more named ranged to pass data back and forth...:
Sub sum_up()
Dim i As Integer, s As Integer
s = 0
For i = 0 To 10
s = s + Worksheets("4").Range("AK" & (10 + 15 * i))
Next I
Range("G23").Value = s
End Sub
you did not say that the summation was to be done using VBA
put this in G23 on worksheet2 (actually, put this in any cell)
as far as what you are doing wrong with your code, that has partly been answered by #KenWhite
you are also putting the letter "s" into G23 of any worksheet that happens to be visible at the time your code runs
put in a reference to sheet 2, same as you referenced sheet 4 just two lines above
this code should work:
Sub sum_up()
Dim ws4 As Worksheet
Set ws4 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("4")
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ws4.Range("ak10") ' point to "ak10"
Dim total As Long
total = rng.Value
Do While True
Set rng = rng.Offset(15) ' move pointer down 15 rows
If rng.Row > 160 Then Exit Do ' moved past row 160 ?
total = total + rng.Value
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("2").Range("G23").Value = total
End Sub

Use Function on range

Following my previous question:
Background Color based on difference with cell
. I would now like to apply this function to a range of rows.
The function I'd like to apply is:
If Sheets("X").Range("E18") > Sheets("blocked(R)").Range("D18") Then
Sheets("X").Range("E18").Interior.ColorIndex = 10
The range I need to apply this function to is fixed: D18:E1200.
However, there will be an active filter on this range.
The Autofill code of course is not working and writing a line of code for each of 1200 rows would be crazy.
I have been searching and reading and I think it must be something like:
Dim rng As Range
Dim row As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:C2")
For Each row In rng.Rows
For Each cell in row.Cells
'Do Something
Next cell
Next row
But I don't seem to get it to work, I was hoping for some pointing into the right direction of the community.
Sub test()
Dim rngApply As Range
Set rngApply = Sheets("X").Range("D18:E1200")
Dim varIndex As Variant
For Each varIndex In rngApply
If varIndex.Value > Sheets("blocked(R)").Range("D18") Then
varIndex.Interior.ColorIndex = 10
End If
End Sub

How to find the last cell in a column which is supposed to be blank but has spaces?

So I have data with around 20,000 records. I want to set the range such that only data from Row 2 to 20,000 is checked in column A. However, cell 20,001 isn't blank, it could contain spaces as well.
(This data is imported prior to validation, so I cannot alter it)
When I use .End(xlUp) it ends up checking till some 50,000th row.
Any Help?
Column A
(2 spaces inserted)
I want to check for cells only till B(including it)
Managed to return the last required cell to the main sub
Private Sub last()
Dim rngX As Range
Set rngX = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").EntireColumn.Find(" ", lookat:=xlPart)
If Not rngX Is Nothing Then
/* return value
End If
End Sub
GD pnuts,
If you want to use VBA, you could contemplate checking for [space] character ? assuming the cell contains only spaces (or only one for that matter)
Something like:
Dim r as range
set r = range("B")
For each c in r.rows
if instr(1, c.value,chr(32)) > 0 then
'do something
end if
You could function a check of all characters in cell.value string to validate that they are only spaces ?
Does that help ?
I believe you will have to test each cell individually. To make the number of cells to check smaller, and to speed things up, I would first read the column to check into a Variant array, and then check that from bottom to top. I the spaces are truly a space, the test below will work. If the space is a NBSP, or a combination, then you will have to revise the check to ensure that is the only thing present.
e.g: to check column A:
Option Explicit
Sub foo()
Dim R As Range
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim V As Variant
Dim I As Long
Set WS = Worksheets("sheet2")
With WS
V = .Range("a1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
For I = UBound(V) To LBound(V) Step -1
'Revise this check line as needed
If Len(Trim(V(I, 1))) > 0 Then Exit For
Next I
Set R = .Cells(I, 1)
End With
Debug.Print R.Address
End Sub
You might want to add some error checking in case all of the cells are empty.

How to get the value of a range within a range

So I need to extract information from a sheet with only certain values. From about 550 rows down to 50 which are spread across the entire sheet.
So I used autofilter for that. Now I only see the rows which match to my criteria but how can I get the values of a specific range from?
This far I came:
I know that I have to use
to work with only the visible information.
It worked for getting the starting and last row
startRow = bulkbatchRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).row
endRow = startRow + bulkbatchRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).rows.Count
But now I need to get the value of a specific column, I want to use a For loop so I can loop through all visible rows.
So I tried to do
RangeINamed.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).range("U" & rowNumber).value
That didn't work it gave me nothing. Now I'm rather clueless so does someone maybe know how I get the value of that row in column U in RangeINamed?
Thank you
You can always retrieve the value in a specific cell like U10 with:
whether the row is hidden or not.
Here is a little example that loops down thru column A of an AutoFiltered table. It looks for the third visible row (not including the header row):
Sub GoDownFilter()
Dim rLook As Range, r As Range
Set rLook = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
K = 0
For Each r In rLook
If K = 3 Then
MsgBox "The third visible row has been selected"
Exit Sub
End If
K = K + 1
Next r
End Sub
I think you need to choose if you want to get a specific cell like:
Or a relative cell using something like
RangeINamed.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)(2,3).Address 'To see if you are getting it right
A complete code to Filter and Iterate.
Sub Filter()
Dim tableRange As Range, var, actualRow As Integer, lastRow As Integer
Set tableRange = Range("PUT_THE_TABLE_RANGE_HERE")
' Filter
With tableRange
Call .AutoFilter(5, "SPECIFIC_FILTER")
End With
Set f = tableRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
With tableRange
Call .AutoFilter(5)
End With
For Each var In f.Cells.Rows
actualRow = var.Row
If actualRow <> 1 Then
' Do something
End If
End Sub