Should we instantiate a map object in Java with explicit type? - type-inference

I was told by a friend that in practice/industry we should write:
Map<Class1, Class2> map = new HashMap<>();
instead of
Map<Class1, Class2> map = new HashMap<Class1, Class2>();
Is there any specific reason for this coding style?

Because the compiler will understand HashMap<> is a HashMap<Class1, Class2> and you don't need to repeat your self. Later if you want to change Class1, Class2 you will only need to change in a single place.
It's the same like some modern language like C#, Swift, Kotlin start to write var a = 5 instead of int a = 5


Create an object of random class in kotlin

I learned java and python in high school and I became very comfortable with python. I have recently started to learn kotlin, mainly for fun (the keyword for defining a function is fun so it has to be a fun language, right), but I have a little problem.
Let's suppose I have a hierarchy of classes for Chess pieces:
abstract class Piece {
class Rook : Piece() {
class Bishop : Piece() {
I am taking input from the user to generate the board, so if the user types r, I need to create a Rook object, if he types b, I need to create a Bishop etc.
In python, I'd probably use a dictionary that maps the input string to the corresponding class, so I can create an object of the correct type:
class Piece:
class Rook(Piece):
class Bishop(Piece):
input_map = {
'r': Rook,
'b': Bishop,
s = input_map[input()]() # use user input as key and create a piece of the correct type
I was really amazed by this pattern when I discovered it. In java, I had to use a switch case or a bunch of if else if to achieve the same result, which is not the end of the world, especially if I abstract it into a separate function, but it's not as nice as the python approach.
I want to do the same thing in kotlin, and I was wondering if there is a similar pattern for kotlin since it's a modern language like python (I know, I know, python isn't new, but I think it's very modern). I tried to look online, but it seems like I can't store a class (class, not an object) in a variable or a map like I can in python.
Am I wrong about it? Can I use a similar pattern in kotlin or do I have to fall back to the when statement (or expression)?
If I am not mistaken, a similar pattern could be achieved in java using reflection. I never got to learn reflection in java deeply, but I know it's a way to use classes dynamically, what I can do for free in python. I also heard that in java, reflection should be used as a last resort because it's inefficient and it's considered "black magic" if you understand my meaning. Does it mean that I need to use reflection to achieve that result in kotlin? And if so, is it recommended to use reflection in kotlin, and is it efficient?
I'd like to know how I can approach this problem, and I accept multiple answers and additional solutions I didn't come up with. Thanks in advance.
This can be done without reflection.
You can map the input characters to the constructors:
val pieceConstructorsByKeyChar = mapOf(
'r' to ::Rook,
'b' to ::Bishop,
// etc.
Getting values from a map gives you a nullable, since it's possible the key you supply isn't in the map. Maybe this is fine, if when you use this you might be passing a character the player typed that might not be supported. Then you would probably handle null by telling the player to try again:
val piece: Piece? = pieceConstructorsByKeyChar[keyPressed]?.invoke()
Or if you do the look-up after you've already checked that it's a valid key-stroke, you can use !! safely:
val piece: Piece = pieceConstructorsByKeyChar[keyPressed]!!()
Yes you can use similiar approach with Kotlin. Kotlin has many features and supports reflection. Let me write an example about your problem.
Firstly create your classes that will be generate by user input.
abstract class Piece
class Rook : Piece()
class Bishop : Piece()
Create your class map
val inputMap = mapOf(
"r" to,
"b" to
Create an instance what you want using newInstance function. If your input map doesn't contains key you gave then it will return null.
val rook = inputMap["r"]?.newInstance()
val bishop = inputMap["b"]?.newInstance()
// null
val king = inputMap["k"]?.newInstance()
Also you can write your custom extensions to create new objects.
fun <T> Map<String, Class<out T>>.newInstance(key: String) = this[key]?.newInstance()
// Create an instance with extension function

Instantiate Kotlin class from string

I have a list of classes:
val availableClasses = listOf<Whatever>(
I am randomly selecting an item from this list using:
private var selection: Whatever = availableClasses.random()
Unfortunately, I think this approach is instantiating every class included in the list when the list is loaded.
I am hoping to work around this by replacing the list of classes with a list of strings:
val availableClasses = listOf<String>(
Then once I have a selected string, instantiate only that one; something like:
private var selection: String = availableClasses.random()
// pseudo-code
val chosenClass = selection.toClass()
I can reference classes in Python using strings with the getattr function.
Is anything like this possible in Kotlin?
I'm also open to better approaches to this problem.
Instantiating classes by String name is more error-prone than using a constructor, because it relies on using a fully qualified, correctly spelled name, and the class having a specific constructor (either empty, or with specific arguments). So it can be done, but should be avoided when there are safer ways of doing it (ways where the compiler will give you an error if you're doing it wrong, instead of having an error occur only after you run the compiled program).
If I understand correctly, you want a list of classes that will only be instantiated one-at-a-time at random. One way to do this would be to make a list of class constructors.
val classConstructors = listOf<() -> Any>(
val randomInstantiatedClass = classConstructors.random()()

.add Method of MutableList<E> throws kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException

Please, just keep in mind that I'm ramping up on functional programming hehe.
I have defined a Mutable list like this:
var list: MutableList<E>? = null
So, when I try to use list!!.add(E()) this throws a
I understand that this is because I assign null to this list when I define it but a didn't get with a right solution thinking about on functional programming aspects how to solve this.
Can you suggest me some code or concepts to achieve this situation.
You need to initialize the variable with an instance of MutableList before calling any methods on it.
list = mutableListOf<E>() // creates an empty mutable list
If you initialize variable right at the declaration, you even don't need to declare it as nullable and var.
val list = mutableListOf<E>()
Here is the proper declaration List.
private var mList = mutableListOf<String>()//You can change the String class to your data model
You can add values like this:
mList.add(String)//you can assign your data model class

Jackson constructParametricType is deprecated, but constructParameterizedType doesn't work the same

Here is my code snippet, and the newer "constructParameterizedType" doesn't match my needs (unless I am missing something, which I assume I am). I have a genericized class called Result where T is any basic class that extends my "Inflatable" base class. represents the data records coming back from Salesforce REST API... so here is example of code that is working:
Class c = Class.forName("sfshare.UserRecord" );
JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(Result.class, c);
Result<T> res = mapper.readValue(rspData, type);
But if I use the newer (non-deprecated) "constructParameterizedType()" method, this same code will not compile because it isn't matching the parameters of constructParameterizedType. But constructParameterizedType isn't in use much yet and there are no examples to use... only the Javadoc - which doesn't make sense for my use-case.
If you look at arguments and specifically Javadocs, you will note that there is a new type: 2nd argument is the intended 'target' for parameters.
To give an example of meaning is that if you want to construct equivalent of:
what you want to pass as arguments are:
constructParameterizedType(ArrayList.class, List.class, String.class)
or, possibly, Collection.class for second argument.
Think of it as the underlying relevant type you are trying to provide parameters for.
The underlying reason for this change is somewhat complicated and has to do with handling of "add-on" interfaces like Iterable<T>: for those cases it is necessary to provide different classes.
But in most end-user use cases you will just need to pass the same class as first and second argument.
Try this:
Class c = Class.forName("sfshare.UserRecord");
TypeFactory typeFactory = mapper.getTypeFactory();
JavaType type = typeFactory.constructParametrizedType(Result.class, Result.class, c);
Result<T> res = mapper.readValue(rspData, type);
or if your Result<T> class implements an interface:
JavaType type = typeFactory.constructParametrizedType(Result.class, ResultInterface.class, c);

How to access properties dynamically / late-bound?

I'd like to implement a method which allows me to access a property of an unknown/anonymous object (-graph) in a late-bound / dynamic way (I don't even know how to correctly call it).
Here's an example of what I'd like to achieve:
// setup an anonymous object
var a = new { B = new { C = new { I = 33 } } };
// now get the value of a.B.C.I in a late-bound way
var i = Get(a, "B.C.I");
And here's a simple implementation using "classic" reflection:
public static object Get(object obj, string expression)
foreach (var name in expression.Split('.'))
var property = obj.GetType().GetProperty(name);
obj = property.GetValue(obj, null);
return obj;
What other options do I have with C# / .NET 4 to implement something similar as shown above, but maybe simpler, more performant, etc.?
Maybe there are ways to achieve the same thing, which would allow me to specify expression using a lambda expression instead of a string? Would expression trees be helpful in any way (e.g. as shown in this question)?
Update: the object and the expression are passed into my code via a web service call. That's why I used object and string in my Get() method.
Do you actually only have the expression as a string? Is it known at compile-time, just that the types themselves aren't known (or are hard to express)? If so:
dynamic d = a;
int i = d.B.C.I;
If you really only have it as a string (e.g. as user-entered data) that makes life a lot harder, and none of the C# 4 features really help you. You could potentially evaluate it as an IronPython script or something like that...
EDIT: Okay, after the update it sounds like you're in the latter situation - in which case, I don't know of a nicer way than using reflection. Some of the built-in property binding built for UIs may help, but I don't know of a clean way of accessing it.
If you want to use C# style, you could use the Mono compiler as a service from your application. I describe how to do this here:
Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS)
As an alternative approach, you could use reflection to put all of your object's properties into an ExpandoObject then use it like a dictionary (because ExpandoObject implements IDictionary). Alternatively, you could use JSON.NET and call JObject.FromObject, which will turn a regular object into a JObject which is accessible in a dictionary-like style (and as an added benefit has recursive graph support). Lastly, you could use the same approach to dump your object into a dictionary of dictionaries.