Excel VBA - Extract Multiple Values from a Single Cell and Associate Values in Source Cell's Row - vba

To preface this, I have very little experience in Excel VBA, but have used some VBA in Access.
I have a file which may contain multiple values in a single cell that need to be extracted out onto individual rows, and then have the data in multiple columns from the source row re-associated with the extracted values.
The multiple values in the single cell that need to be extracted are always in a uniform format. The cell may contain any number of sets of (), but the value I need to extract is always between the 2nd : and the closing ). This is the 'Identifier'.
For example:
Would need to extract these values onto individual rows:
All remaining values from the Source Row the value was extracted from then need to be re-associated with the value.
For example, my file may look like this:
Original File Format
I then need the file to appear as follows, on a new tab:
New File Format
I believe that a module making use of a loop, or multiple loops, is likely what is needed, but I have no idea of how to go about doing this in Excel. I'm open to all solutions. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Without writing it for you, here are some pointers to get you started.
You'll need to loop through each cell in the column that contains the information you're looking for. For this, look into Worksheet.Range.
As you go through each cell, you'll need to examine the data that is actually entered into that cell. Using the Worksheet.Range.Value you can extract the contents of the cell.
Use excels string functions to parse the cell value into the values your looking for. Ex: InStr, InStrRev, etc... See this link for your options and usage for each function.
Finally you'll need to insert a row for each value that you find. Lookup Worksheet.Rows.Insert.
This should be the basic framework for what you need to do.

you may want to start with this code:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim cell As Range
Dim iRow As Long, nArr As Long
With Worksheets("batches").Range("A1").CurrentRegion '<--| change "batches" with your actual sheet name
For iRow = .Rows.Count To 2 Step -1 '<--|loop through data rows backwards, not to process rows multiple times
Set cell = .Cells(iRow, 3) '<--| 3rd column of current row is being processed
cell = Mid(cell, 2, Len(cell) - 2) '<--|get the cell value between first and last bracket
myArr = Split(cell, ")(") '<--|parse the resulting string with ")(" as delimiter and obtain and array
nArr = UBound(myArr) '<--| calculate the array size
If nArr > 0 Then '<--| if more than one element in array...
With .Rows(iRow) '<--|... then refer to entire current row
.Offset(1).Resize(nArr).Insert '<--| ...insert n-1 rows...
.Resize(nArr + 1).Value = .Value '<--|...duplicate current row into newly inserted ones
End With
cell.Resize(nArr + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(myArr) '<--|fill 3rd column of current and newly inserted rows with array elements
End If
Next iRow
For iRow = 2 To .Rows.Count '<--|loop through data rows
With .Cells(iRow, 3) '<--| 3rd column of current is being processed
.Value = Right(.Value, Len(.Value) - InStrRev(.Value, ":")) '<--| "finish" it
End With
Next iRow
End With
End Sub
As per your example, it assumes that your data start from cell "A1" and there's no blank row or column between it and the bottom-right cell of your data


VBA: filter data based on cell value and fill in to another sheet

enter image description hereI Have two Excel Sheets ("Record") & ("Register"), " Register" is the database. from this database I need to create Records of each employees based on their employee ID (cell value). i am searching for a VBA code that should give me the training Record a each employee once i have enter their ID in the cell and click "a command button". Attached the Excel screen short for reference.
Steps 1: Enter Employee ID in the "Record" sheet
Step 2: Click command button "Filter" in the Record sheet
Step 3: VBA code to run and filter data from "Register" and fill "Record".
IF i Type another Employee ID in the sheet "Record" , it should ClearContents of the previous query. and produce the data.
Please help me, i am not good in VBA .attached the Excel screen short for reference ( UPDATE on 29/07/2018-Question Solved : sharing the code below; thank you Mr.ComradeMicha for your valuable feedback)
Sub Button2_Click()
'Declare the variables
Dim RegisterSh As Worksheet
Dim RecordSh As Worksheet
Dim EmployeeRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim i As Long
'Set the variables
Set RegisterSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Register")
Set RecordSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Record")
'Clear old data Record Sheet
Set EmployeeRange = RegisterSh.Range(RegisterSh.Cells(6, 4), RegisterSh.Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp))
'I went from the cell row6/column4 (or D6) and go down until the last non empty cell
i = 7
For Each rCell In EmployeeRange 'loop through each cell in the range
If rCell = RecordSh.Cells(4, 2) Then 'check if the cell is equal to "Record"
i = i + 1 'Row number (+1 everytime I found another "Record")
RecordSh.Cells(i, 1) = i - 7 'S No.
RecordSh.Cells(i, 2) = rCell.Offset(0, 2) 'Training name
RecordSh.Cells(i, 3) = rCell.Offset(0, -2) 'End date
RecordSh.Cells(i, 4) = rCell.Offset(0, 6) 'Validity
RecordSh.Cells(i, 5) = rCell.Offset(0, 7) 'Remarks
RecordSh.Cells(i, 6) = rCell.Offset(0, 5) 'Minimal requirement
End If
Next rCell
End Sub
Your code is missing a few essential parts you may want to look into:
It seems to require the user to select a specific row before the macro is started, even though there is a command button to trigger the macro. If the layout stays the same, just use constants to store the row where certain input or lookup fields are located.
ra is used both on the input form and on the lookup sheet. That's asking for trouble... Again, use constants or at least "StartingRow=3" or something similar.
You are correcting your employee number to a format that doesn't fit the data provided in the screenshot. Hopefully just a dummy data issue, but in case you are wondering why you don't find anything ;)
You are typecasting all fields individually. If your layout is always the same, it's much easier to just use the "variant" type for all cell values and make sure you already formatted all columns correctly.
ru is never initialized? It's supposed to be "the next row", why not simply use "ra+1" then instead of ru? Also, TRNRow and RTRNRow are never initialized either.
When you "search" your records, you actually only copy the same row into your results, then "copy next row until employee number is wrong". So this only works for exactly one employee, and even then you only catch the first few trainings. Use the Find function on the employee number cell in the records sheet to find the next row with that id, then copy the row's contents and find next.
I think if you get yourself aquainted with the Find function, you will easily finish this macro on your own. Here's a good guide: https://excelmacromastery.com/excel-vba-find
Good luck!

Filter and copy certain rows from multiple excel sheets to another

I am using a workbook that has various sheets. I want to copy all the rows from the last 5 sheets that have the value "Pending" in their column "J". I want to create a new tab named "Pending week" and paste all these rows there. Any help would be really appreciated.
You can create this yourself very easily if you just break it down:
Add a new Sheet
Name the sheet to Pending Week
Find the five latest sheets.
Create some kind of loop that copy paste row if cells in column J contains the value "Pending"
You have not provided any code, so I'll give you a base to work from:
You add a new sheet & name it using:
ActiveSheet.Name = "Pending week"
Find the five latest sheets
To my knowledge, you can't find the latest sheets. Sheets doesn't contain the date and time of when they were created. But if we ignore that and expect the five latest sheets to be placed in the workbook to the far most right (Default position for newly created sheets). Then you need to figure out how many sheets you have and count backwards.
You can use: Worksheets.Count to count all the sheets. Use this number and count it backwards. My first thought would be to use a For Loop
Dim X As Integer
For X = (Worksheets.Count - 4) To Worksheets.Count
X would be the identifier to find our latest sheets. So you should incorporate that into our loop below. You want to place the loop within this For Block.
There are many ways to find a value in a sheet, but you need to figure out what the last row of your sheets are. Without it we don't know when the code should stop.
You can use a Do Until Loop if there is a value in all J cells. Then you can simply insert the entire row into Pending week
It would look something like:
Dim XLrow As Integer
XLrow = 1
Do Until Worksheets(1).Cells(XLrow, "J") = ""
If Worksheets(1).Cells(XLrow, "J") = "Pending" Then
Worksheets(1).Range(XLrow & ":" & XLrow) = Worksheets("Pending week").Cells(XLrow, "J").Value
End If
XLrow = XLrow + 1
You will need to change the Range to the length of the range you want to copy. Note: the value Pending is case sensitive, so keep that in mind.
Alright, this is what you need to create your code. Of course you need to change values to fit your own workbook, but this is the base.

Creating muliple ranges based on criteria in column

New to VBA, and I'm trying to create multiple ranges or arrays based on a criteria in a column, then place those in a separate worksheet. The issue is that this code has to work for several different data sets. So one data sat will look something like
this, but with far more data points ( around 10,000 for each data set).
So what I'm trying to do is, for each group of 1's in the state column, create a range/array, then move the corresponding time and data in a new worksheet. So for the example I have, there would be 3 new worksheets, with the first new worksheet containing range("A2:B5"), the second one containing range("A10:B12"). With each data set, the state column changes and the number of new worksheets can also vary.
I have looked through this site, and the closest I have found to my needs is Creating Dynamic Range based on cell value, but it has a known number of ranges. I quite honestly have no idea how to accomplish what I need. I've been trying to make a while loop inside of a if then loop inside of a for each loop, but can't make it work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Been banging my head for hours now.
this should help you:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim area As Range
With Sheets("myDataSheet") '<--| reference your sheet (change "myDataSheet") to your actual sheet name
With .Range("C1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) '<--| reference its columns A:C range form row 1 down to last column A not empty row
.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="1" '<--| filter referenced range on its 3rd column (i.e. "State") with 1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, .Resize(, 1)) > 1 Then '<--| if any filterd cells other than header
For Each area In .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 2).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Areas '<--| loop through filtered range (skipping header) 'Areas'
area.Copy Sheets.Add(Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Range("A1") '<--| copy current 'Area' into new sheet
Next area
End If
End With
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
End Sub

Faster Workflow

I have a table (Table 1) with a whole bunch of well data (versions, MD, HD, etc.) and I want to create another table (Table 2) that will only show the data for the well I am interested in.
I have it set up where you select the well using a drop down list. Then I want Table 2 to be populated with four values for each of the iterations that show up in Table 1....
I tried using vlookup but was having issues when a well had multiple versions. And I also tried using an advanced filter.
Screenshot of the spreadsheet
Let's solve this using a helper column. First, assume column A will be used to the left of your table, to show the row number which each one of these is found in.
A5 would have the following formula:
This shows us the row number that Well1 is first matched at. Then A6 and copied down would have the formula:
This uses OFFSET to create a new range, starting at the cell immediately below the previous match for Well1, and then uses MATCH to find what row that occurs.
So now, column A will always show the row number to pull data from. The rest is simply using the INDEX function to pull from your desired columns. For example, the data in column C pulls the iteration from column L, and can be pulled through formula like so, in cell C5 and copied to the right / down:
If your data is appropriately normalized, you might be better off with a Pivot Table. This would give you the option of filtering by Well ID.
To use a Advanced filter you will need to create a worksheet event. Place this in the code for the sheet on which you want the data.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2")) Is Nothing Then
Dim dataRng As Range
Dim critRng As Range
Dim CpyToRng As Range
Dim cpytoarr() As Variant
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set dataRng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
End With
With Me
.Range("CC1") = .Cells(1, 1).Value
.Range("CC2") = "'=" & .Cells(2, 1).Value
Set critRng = .Range("CC1:CC2")
Set CpyToRng = .Range(.Cells(6, 1), .Cells(6, 1).End(xlToRight))
End With
Debug.Print dataRng.Address
Debug.Print critRng.Address
Debug.Print CpyToRng.Address
dataRng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=critRng, CopyToRange:=CpyToRng, _
End If
End Sub
How this works. This assumes the data is on Sheet1 and starts in "A1" with no blanks in column A or the last row:
On Sheet2 set it up like this:
It is important that the header rows on sheet2 are name identical to the headers on sheet1.
Now every time that the value changes in A2 on sheet 2, your drop down, the requisite data will appear below row 6.

VBA - Copy Formatting of Range to Array

I'm creating a report with multiple columns. What I need is that the columns that show only whole numbers, no decimals, should be rounded to the whole number (so that it not only shows a rounded number, it actually equals a round number). The columns that show the numbers with two numbers after the decimal should not be rounded.
What I can do is:
If c.NumberFormat = "#,##0_);(#,##0)" Then
c.Formula = "=round(" & Right(strFormula, Len(strFormula) - 1) & ",0)"
End If
However, I have the entire report in an array, and I would like to just paste the whole array into the sheet rather than pasting one cell at a time. I would also rather not process and round each cell based on the cell formatting, rather I would like to copy the formatting of the range where the report will go into an array, and work from the array. I believe this will cut a few seconds off the process.
Is there a way to copy the formatting of a range into an array?
Is there a way to copy the formatting of a range into an array?
Focusing on the question as posed, yes, that can be done. Unfortunately, it can't done in a one-liner, in the way that a range's values can be assigned to an array with myArray = Range("A2:F25"), for example. (See, also, brettdj's comment.) Instead, you'd need something like:
Dim rng as Range
Dim formatArray() As String
Dim i as Long, j as Long
Set rng = Range(A2:F20) 'or whatever the range is
Redim formatArray(1 to rng.Rows.Count, 1 to rng.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 to rng.Rows.Count
For j = 1 to rng.Columns.Count
formatArray(i, j) = rng.Cells(i, j).NumberFormat
A couple of observations, though:
You actually only need to know the formatting for a single row of the range since, presumably, the number formatting in a column will not change mid-column.
That would simplify the code to:
Redim formatArray(1 to rng.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 to rng.Columns.Count
formatArray(i) = rng.Cells(1, i).NumberFormat
assuming, for sake of example, that row 1 of the range has the necessary number formats.
I am curious why you would want to modify a formula on the worksheet so that it will round, since you could presumably do the calculation in your code, with rounding, and then write the resulting value back to the sheet for your report.
If you need to apply number formats to the values you are writing to the worksheet (not just modify formulas so that they will produce whole numbers), that can be done to whole columns within the range at once, i.e.,
For i = 1 to rng.Columns.Count
rng.Columns(i).NumberFormat = formatArray(i)
If you need to convert the results of a cell's formula to a rounded value, you can do that with something like
rng.Cells(2, 5).Value = WorksheetFunction.Round(rng.Cells(2, 5).Value, 0)
to give an example for a single cell. This assumes, of course, that the data feeding into the formula are already in the sheet and that the formula has been recalculated.