How to react to SVG events in React Native? - react-native

Prelude to the Question:
I am planning to create a super simple SVG editor in React Native, with the following features:
add a new circle to the SVG
resize the circle
move the circle around
remove the circle.
What is not clear, how can I react to SVG events in React Native. (Is an SVG event the same as a DOM event (for React Native) ?)
I Googled "svg editor react native", "svg react native events" and I found:, it seems that it does not have support for events. , also, does not support events yet (has it as plan though).
The Question:
If the user taps or drags the circle in an SVG, how can I react to that event in React Native?
Further Googling indicates that SVG is not supported in React Native (yet).
Would it be easier to just use SVG + ReactJS + Cordova to accomplish this goal (i.e. write a simple SVG editor using React and deploy it to a mobile phone)?
After some more Googling, it seems that is the simplest way to go., it seems that it does not have support for events.
It sure does, e.g.
<Circle cx={10} cy={10} r={20} onPress={()=>{console.log('pressed')}}/>
Check the PanResponder example for more complex touch handling such as dragging.
After some more googling, it seems that is the simplest way to go.
But from what I can tell that isn't React-Native, right?


Liquid button animation in React Native

Is it possible to achieve this kind of animation for custom control in React Native using reanimated and SVG?
yes. you can achieve this with Lottie animation. this is the package for this. lottie-react-native. you can find some sample animation here. for ask your designer to design a custom animation like this.

Is there a way to use SVG animation based on SMIL in React Native?

I'm writing a mobile application using React Native, and we have a bunch of nice animations done in SVG, by using so-called SMIL commands inside this SVG(tags like "animate" etc).
I was trying to find a way to use those animations but to my knowledge none of the libraries that I was able to find(including react-native-svg, react-native-svg-animations) able to do that.
I also checked this link: which claim to transform SVG code to JSX, and it said that:
"/* SVGR has dropped some elements not supported by react-native-svg: style, animate */"
Is there anyone who was able to find efficient way to run these animations on React Native?
Thanks in advance!

How to implement Bubble Chart / Circle Packing in React Native?

I want to render a Bubble Chart (Circle Packing) dynamic with an data array as a prop in React Native using EXPO (no native code). I wonder which way I could go to implement this chart. Do I use d3? And if yes, does it work for React Native? Are there other ideas on how to implement this bubble chart? Does it work only with SVG? Or d3 including SVG?
I found also a react library that renders the Bubble Chart like in the picture below but the styles and other attributes from react aren't matching to React Native.
I have not yet found an answer to this problem. Does anyone in the community encounter this problem and solved it?
You can use react-native-chart-wrapper as it is providing bubble chart with a list of additional charts

OnTouchListener for React Native

I'm looking for a method in React Native in which I can move an object by simply listening to the events KEY_DOWN, KEY_UP and KEY_MOVE. And as I move my finger on the component (KEY_MOVE), the position of the component moves along the X axis as per the new X axis I have. In Android (Java), I just did that part by doing this.setX(motionEvent.getX())
Since I'm migrating from Native Android to React Native, I'm having a little trouble making this work. Any help is appreciated.
You can use the PanResponder to get the touch events and then you can use the Animated API to get do the animations to move the view.
See for a full example.

How to Add Polygon to MapView in React Native

In Objective-C, we can use MKPolygon to add a polygon to the mapview. How can I add polygons to map view using React Native? Is it possible? I think technically it is possible. I probably need to go the source code of react native.
It might be, but the MapView that comes with React Native is lacking for Android, and it seems crippled for iOS. I only saw the overlay property, which should work for polygons, and it even has a fillColor property, which would imply that you could. However, It's not clear from the docs what to do to tell the overlay that you want a polygon instead of a polyline.
I'd suggest this much more capable replacement MapView for React Native:
I'm halfway expecting the React Native maintainers to take notice of it, and integrate it if they find out about it.