Regiser JacksonJsonProvider in Websphere liberty profile - jackson

I am trying to call a REST service from an EJB hoping to utilize Jackson's
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
The following does the trick in wlp v8.5.5.9
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient().register(JacksonJsonProvider.class);
The same code produces a NullPointerException in the wlp v16.0.0.2
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider.locateMapper(
at org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider.readFrom(
at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils.readFromMessageBodyReader(
at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl.doReadEntity(
... 98 more
I have found a discussions triggered by the same problems in v8.5.5.9, but I am not sure how it could help me. As I noted I have no troubles with the code in the v8.5.5.9
Another discussion was related to the Jackson v2.x. Initially I used Jackson v1.9.13, but I have tried to switch to the newest Jeckson 2.8.0 version and apply the offered solution. The same outcome: application works in wlp and produces the same error in v16.0.0.2.
Any ideas?
the problem could be avoided by extending the JacksonJsonProvider class and explicitly providing object mapper
public class MyJacksonJsonProvider extends JacksonJsonProvider {
public MyJacksonJsonProvider() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
and then registering it in the client
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient().register(MyJacksonJsonProvider.class);
However it would be nice to understand if it is a bug or a feature.


Quarkus СacheManager injection in integration test

I have a Quarkus application that makes use of caches for methods.
These methods and cache eviction got to be tested somehow preferably when Quarkus context is fully operational.
This is what I figured (PostgresContainer for reference):
class ScreeningRepositorySpec : PostgresContainer() {
private val cacheManager = CaffeineCacheSupplier().get()
init {
"test cache manager gets initialized" {
logger().info("Cache size: {}", cacheManager.size)
The problem arises when any kind of invocation happens for cacheManager: it fires NPE.
Downstream code as follows is
public List<CaffeineCache> get() {
CacheManager cacheManager = cacheManager();
which ultimately yields:
public static CacheManager cacheManager() {
return Arc.container().instance(CacheManager.class).get();
And here comes that Arc.container() is null somehow.
What else was tried:
#QuarkusIntegrationTest - no bean for injection, null for arc container
Explicit #Inject for CacheManager - yields "no bean matches injection point"
Explicit Cache definition with manual CacheManager instantiation - same issue with null arc container
Variations for #Inject for default bean injection - same things about missing injection point
Looks like CacheManager bean lifecycle issue that expects it way too early and never succeeds as a result.
I've dug into quarkus tests which have quite a workaround but still hope easier approach is available to avoid this much dependensies just to test cache properly.
Version of Quarkus is 2.7.0.
Sample project can be found here with simple type of direct injection.
Output as follows:
org.acme.GreetingResourceIT > test cache size FAILED
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException at GreetingResourceIT.kt:11
Caused by: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException at GreetingResourceIT.kt:11

How to add Custom Interceptor in Spring data rest (spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.3.0)

I am working on the spring data rest services & facing some issue in the custom interceptors. Earlier I used spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.2.0 & added interceptor in following way.
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping repositoryExporterHandlerMapping() {
RequestMappingHandlerMapping mapping = super
mapping.setInterceptors(new Object[] { new MyInterceptor() });
return mapping;
It worked perfectly fine for me. But when i upgraded to spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.3.0 version, I noticed that handlerMapping is hidden behind DelegatingHandlerMapping. Hence I tried to add interceptor in following way.
In one of my config class I have extended RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration class & override its method.
public class AppConfig extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
#Autowired ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public DelegatingHandlerMapping restHandlerMapping()
RepositoryRestHandlerMapping repositoryMapping = new RepositoryRestHandlerMapping(super.resourceMappings(), super.config());
repositoryMapping.setInterceptors(new Object[] { new MyInterceptor()});
BasePathAwareHandlerMapping basePathMapping = new BasePathAwareHandlerMapping(super.config());
List<HandlerMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<HandlerMapping>();
return new DelegatingHandlerMapping(mappings);
But after adding this some of my repository operations (findAll() operation on repository) start failing. If I removed this interceptors those operations worked fine. (In this interceptor I am just authenticate the user.)
Hence I am unable to understand problem here. Am I adding the interceptor in wrong way? Is there any other way to add the interceptor?
You should not use repositoryMapping.setInterceptors() - it destoys the internal interceptors Spring placed there, and that's probably the reason some methods stopped working.
I suggest you override jpaHelper() method and put your interceptors into the JpaHelper object in RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration. Spring will should them to the global interceptor list.
But, again, if all you need is authentication, why not use a Spring Security filter?
EDIT: the solution above works only for RepositoryRestHandlerMapping, not for BasePathAwareHandlerMapping.
I suggest you declare a custom MappedInterceptor bean somewhere:
public MappedInterceptor myMappedInterceptor() {
return new MappedInterceptor(new String[]{"/**"}, new MyInterceptor());
From my understanding of the source code Spring should automatically add this interceptor to all request handlers.

Swagger api listing is empty

Recently I have configure swagger with one of my project. Its using jersey2 and JAX-WS on tomcat for restful API. I have used following manual to configure
${basepath}/swagger.json response with following
Unfortounately it does not contain any api which is under my resource package.
I have tried with the answer of following question
swagger - empty listing with no API
But it didn't help either.
The above answer using com.wordnik.swagger.* package(s)
But with the manual I got io.swagger.* package(s), which doesn't have
JaxrsApiReader class
My assumption is swagger couldn't scan my api list from Resource package.
But could not figure out which configuration or which code snippet I have missed.
Any help?....
It looks like you forgot to mark the rest endpoints with #Api
I had the same issue, I used a different approach that worked for me, by adding information only in my Application class. In case you have one, that might help you:
public class MyApi extends Application {
public MyApi() {
BeanConfig beanConfig = new BeanConfig();
beanConfig.setSchemes(new String[]{"http", "https"});
//putting only the path to my api unblocked me, I removed "io.swagger.resources"
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> s = new HashSet<>();
//for swagger
return s;
Then, the links of classes with #API annotation appeared in swagger.json
Mostly done with the same manual you used:

#inject does not work with stateless EJB

Hi I have a very simple example. I created a resource in javaee 7 as follows:
public class GreetingsResource {
Sample s;
public JsonObject greetings(){
return Json.createObjectBuilder().add("first","1")
.add("helloworld", s.helloWorld())
Sample is the following simple EJB:
public class Sample {
public String helloWorld(){
return "Hello World";
Finally the resource Application class:
public class RestConfiguration extends Application {
I can access the URL: "localhost:8081/jasonandjaxrs/resources/greetings"
The problem is that #Inject gives the following error:
1. org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at Injectee(requiredType=sample,parent=GreetingsResource,qualifiers={}),position=-1,optional=false
But #EJB seems to work. I am trying to understand why #Inject does not work? Thank you.
You can't use CDI (means #Inject) with this setup. CDI only works with beans managed by the container which is not the case for JAX-RS resource classes (your GreetingsResource).
JAX-RS 2.0 does not support injection of EJBs into JAX-RS components
(providers, resources).
If you use #Inject in your case the injection is provided by the HK2 dependency injection framework which isn't aware of normal CDI beans. It even shouldn't work if you use #EJB, I don't know why it works, maybe this has to do with Java EE 7.
As it works for you there should be no problem in using #EJB here, but there are also some alternative approaches in my response to this question.
See also:
Inject a EJB into JAX-RS (RESTfull service)
JERSEY-2040 Add support for injection of EJBs into Jersey-managed providers and resources

Annotation JCacheResult is not working in Infinispan and Glassfish 3.1.1

I am trying to integrate JCache from Infinispan into my existing EJB project.
I have added Infinispan 5.0.1 CDI and Core packages to Maven pom.
Added Infinispan Interceptors in beans.xml and able to use the CacheResult annotation.
I am deploying the app in Glassfish 3.1.1. I have checked the Weld jar version, which is
Module : org.jboss.weld.osgi-bundle:1.1.1.Final
In the runtime, the CacheResult Method interceptor is not caching the method result and its always called.
My code looks like this,
public void cacheTest() {
EmbeddedCacheManager manager = createCacheConfig();
Set<String> cacheList = manager.getCacheNames(); // new
// DefaultCacheManager().getCacheNames();
for (String cache : cacheList) {
System.out.println("Cache name " + cache);
defaultCache = manager.getCache("test-cache");
defaultCache.put("aa", "AA");
String user = "User";
Set<String> keys = defaultCache.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
System.out.println("Key is -" + key + "Value is -"
+ defaultCache.get(key));
#CacheResult(cacheName = "test-cache")
public String greet(#CacheKeyParam String user) {
user += "Hello";
return user;
public EmbeddedCacheManager createCacheConfig() {
EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
manager.defineConfiguration("test-cache", conf);
return manager;
greet() method gets called but it will never add the method result to the test-cache. I feel am I missing some configuration or...I dont know. Please help me on this.
when I Inject the classes, they wont get constructed and they are null. The code is like this,
private static org.infinispan.Cache<String, String> defaultCache;
private static EmbeddedCacheManager defaultCacheManager;
These gets executed without any error, but they wont get initialized.
I have no clue...But I am able to inject other EJBs with in this class easily. By the way I am trying to add Jcache functionality in one of EJBs.
I would appreciate your help...
Raj S
Your greet method is in a CDI bean or in an EJB, right?
The cache defined in JCache annotations is looked up in the cache manager provided by Infinispan CDI. This cache manager contains the cache configured with CDI (for more information, see In your example the test-cache configuration will have no effect.
Another thing, if your cacheTest and greet methods are in the same class the greet method cannot be intercepted. If that's not the case maybe you're hitting GLASSFISH-17184.
For the Cache and EmbeddedCacheManager injections the problem is that you're doing a static injection, not supported by CDI. From CDI (JSR-299) specification
An injected field is a non-static, non-final field of a bean class, or of any Java EE component class supporting injection.
If your method result is not cached, I think it's because the CacheResultInterceptor is not called. I've just made the test with the Infinispan CDI quickstart. If the interceptors are in a lib they are not enabled. I think it's a bug in Glassfish.
Btw, you can see an example of code in the Infinispan CDI quickstart here.
Hope this help!