Create database view from SQL stored as string in Netezza - sql

I got a task to create a view based on 10 SQL queries, which are stored in one of the tables. In this table, there are two columns. First of them is Site, and the second is mentioned before SQL query.
Now, there whole deal is, that I would like to create a view, with two columns - first would be the name of the Site and the second one would be whatever ID mentioned query returns.
Can anyone please tell me how to execute this string as a query?
I have done something like this couple years ago on SQL Server (using procedure), non the less on Neteeza I can't figure how this should works; as a further complication, we are forbidden to use procedures an PROD.


How to pass a local access table as parameter to SQL server?

I am modifying an access 2010 application so that it uses SQL server to run its queries. The data has been transferred to the server some times ago, and used as linked tables, but that proves a bit slow and non-optimal. So I'm trying to put the queries on the server.
I have no problem for simple queries, views,... and I'm using stored functions when there is a need for simple parameters (dates, ids,...).
But now I have a process in that application that selects a bunch of ids in the database, stores them in a local table, does a bunch of actions on them (report with sub report, print preview, print, update of the original records with the date of print when the user confirms that everything printed OK), and empties the local table if all actions succeed.
I can't simply use an SQL server table to store the ids since many people use the application at the same time, and the same table is used in several processes; I can't use temporary tables since they disappear as soon as access goes to the next action; and I can't find a way to use a local table as a parameter to server stored procedures. Basically I'm stuck.
Can anyone help? Is there a way to do that (pass a bunch of values as a table to a server stored function)? Or another process that would achieve the same result (have a table on the server specific to the current user, or a general table and somehow identify the lines belonging to current user, or anything else)?
There are 2 methods that I use. Both work very well for multi-user apps. Here are the basics. You'll need to work out the details.
Create a table (tblSessions) in SQL Server with an identity column SessID (INT NOT NULL).
Create a function in Access to generate and retrieve a new SessID.
Create a second SS table tblWork with 2 columns SessID, YourID. Add appropriate indexes and keys. Link this table to your Access app. Then instead of inserting the IDs for your query into an Access temp table, insert them into tblWork along with a new SessID. You can now join tblWork to other SS tables/views to use as the datasource for you reports. Be sure to add the SessID that you generated to your where clause.
Create a stored procedure to generate the data for your reports. Include a parameter #YourIDList VARCHAR(MAX). Call the proc via a passthrough queryand pass the list of your IDs as a comma (or whatever you prefer) separated string to #YourIDList. In the proc, split #YourIDList into a temp table. SS2016+ has a STRING_SPLIT function. For older versions, roll your own. There are plenty of examples available. Then join the temp table to the other tables you need to generate your output. Use the PT query as your report datasource, or dump it into an Access temp table and use that as you report datasource.

IBM Netezza - tables used by a procedure

Does Netezza store table->procedure dependecy metadata?
I trying to compose a query that would return such data.
Technically, a procedure is dynamic. So it could build a list on the fly of the tables it wants to act upon. Which could be 10 tables one time, and 1000 different tables the next time. So trying to "parse the SP" would be (a) very, very hard and (b) not conclusive.
So likely you would be best running the procedure and using the query history database and see what tables are used there on a given run of the procedure

find table with most rows in entire sql 2016 instance

I was trying to solve this specific issue:
I needed a single query that will retrieve the table in the entire instance with most rows. (I would run it in 20 sql instances, all sql 2016.)
It would be run in production so; ideally, it should not be a resource-consuming SP…
All other solutions I saw were… either for sql 2005, or they just retrieved it for a single database.

SSAS Multidimensional - Table Value Function as a Query for Partition

#GregGalloway was able to answer the question I should have asked. I am adding a more concise question here, while maintaining the original lengthy text
How do I use a table valued function as the query for a partition, when the function is in separate database from my fact and referenced dimensions?
Overview: I am building a SSAS multidimensional cube that is built off of a single fact table in our application's data warehouse, and want to use the result set from a table valued function as my fact table's partition query. We are using SQL Server (and SSAS) 2014
Condition: For each environment (Dev,Tst,Prd) there are 2 separate databases on the same server, one for the application data warehouse [DW_App], the other for custom objects [DW_Custom]. I cannot create any objects in [DW_App], but have a lot of freedom in [DW_Custom]
Background info: I have not been able to find much information on using a TVF and partitions in this way. My thinking is that it will help streamline future development by giving me a single place to update the SQL if/when I modify the fact table.
So in testing out my crazy idea of using a TVF as the query for my partitions I have run into a bit of a conundrum. I am able to use my TVF when I explicitly state the Database in my FROM clause.
SELECT * FROM [DW_Custom].[dbo].[CubePartition](#StartDate, #EndDate)
However, that will not work, because the cube will be deployed in multiple environments before production, and it needs to point to different DBs for each. So I tried adding a new data source, setting my partition query to point to the new data source, and then remove the database name. IE:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[CubePartition](#StartDate, #EndDate)
I get an error that
The SQL syntax is not valid. The relational database returned the following error message: Deferred prepare could not be completed. Invalid object name 'dbo.CubePartition'
If I click through this error and the subsequent warnings about the cube not being able to process if I continue I am able to build and deploy the cube. However I cannot process it, because I get an error that one of my dimensions does not exist.
Looking into the query that was generated and it is clear that it is querying my dimensions as well as fact, which do not exist inside of '[DW_Custom]' which explains that error perfectly fine.
So I guess 2 questions:
Is it possible to query another DB (on the same server) from inside of an SSAS partition query?
If not, is there any way I can use a variable as the database name in the query, and update that variable based on the project configuration (Dev,Tst,Prd)
Bonus question: Is the reason that I can not find much about doing it this way because it is an obviously bad idea that I am overlooking, and if so why?
How about creating a second SSAS Data Source pointing to the DW_Custom database (or whatever it's called in the particular environment you're deploying to)? Then when you deploy from Dev to Prod, you need only change that connection string. When you create your partitions, then specify the DW_Custom data source and then specify the query without database name:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[CubePartition](#StartDate, #EndDate)
As long as the query plan for that table-valued function is efficient compared to a plain SELECT statement, then I don't see a problem with that.

How to query remote procedure or view

I have 2 server A and Server B(remote 3rd party) both SQL server 2012. We need to query the data from remote Server B, we are planning to use either view or stored procedure. The query contain multiple joins to fetch data from around 10 tables(minimum 10 tables is there in initial analysis may be more tables will be added in future).
If we are going to access the data through VIEW then we are going to write the below query
SELECT * FROM view-name WHERE Column1 ='abc'
My first question
Q1. I have a doubt whether this query will load all the data from table joined in the view and then the WHERE condition implement as in the VIEW definition we are not implementing the filter condition. If it is like that then this will be a performance issue, Please correct me if it is like this or not.
Q2. Which will has better performance a stored procedure or view.
Q3. How to call a remote stored procedure or View. linked server is not allowed.
Does the 4 part server.DB.Schema.SPorView name will work.
I had search and find about OPENROWSET/OPENQUERY does it works without linked server.
Please let me know if need further clarification